Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland

Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland

Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland


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French, S. & W,, grocers, tea, wine, and spirit merchants, 61<br />

Green<br />

French, Wm. (<strong>of</strong> S. & W. F.), 31 Charlotte street<br />

Friends, Society <strong>of</strong>, Meeting House, 13 Diamond street<br />

Frost, Miss A. S., bookseller, 112 King street<br />

Fry, James, wood-carver, 74, h 119 Gallowgate<br />

Fullerton, Alex., quantity surveyor (Matthews & Mackenzie),<br />

and clerk <strong>of</strong> works for the University buildings, h<br />

7 Beechgrove avenue<br />

Fullerton, Alex., cashier (W. Sim), 123^ Union st., h 67 Rose st.<br />

Fullerton, Alex., 96 Union grove<br />

Fullerton, John, com. trav. (Milne & Pledge), 19 Braemar pi.<br />

Fullerton, Mrs, tea and provision merchant, 22 Hanover st.<br />

Fullerton, Mrs, merchant, 36 and 38 Cotton street<br />

Fullerton, Misses, 7 Polmuir road<br />

Fyfe & Co., wholesale and retail hatters and hosiers, 2, 4, and<br />

6 St. Nicholas street<br />

Fyfe & Florence, coal, lime, cement, and fireclay goods agents,<br />

204 Union grove<br />

Fyfe, George, grocer, 51 Shiprow, h 134 King street<br />

Fyfe, J. & S., painters, glaziers, and paperhangers, 5 Dee st. ;<br />

workshop, 79^ Windmill brae<br />

Fyfe, James (<strong>of</strong> F., J., T., & Co.), 38 Thomson street<br />

Fyfe, James (<strong>of</strong> F. & F.), 204 Union grove<br />

Fyfe, James (<strong>of</strong> J. & S. Fyfe), 5 Thistle place<br />

Fyfe, James, jun. (<strong>of</strong> J. & S. Fyfe), 15 Rose street<br />

Fyfe, Jamieson, Thomson, & Co., clothiers and drapers 19 and<br />

21 Queen street<br />

Fyfe, Rev. John, M.A., Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Moral Philosophy (<strong>Aberdeen</strong><br />

University), 7 Rubislaw terrace<br />

Fyfe, John, stone merchant. Provost Blackie's quay (Telephone<br />

31); h Beechgrove, Mile-end (Telephone<br />

No. 32. Quarries, grey granite, Keninay, Toms,<br />

Forest, and Cove ; red, Corrennie<br />

Fyfe, John, & Son, brush manufacturers (to the Queen), 66,<br />

steam factory, 66^ Netherkirkgate, h 16 Bon-Accord<br />

terrace<br />

Fyfe, Leslie, draper, 210, h 212 George street<br />

Fyfe, Robert, com. trav. (L. Smith & Son), 179 Union grove<br />

Fyfe, Wm., M.A., teacher (Ashley Road Public School), 25<br />

Thomson street<br />

Fyfe, Mrs Wm., Gleniffer Cottage, King street road<br />

Fyfe, Mrs, 128 Crown street<br />

Fyfe, Mrs, 391 Great Western road<br />

Fyvie, Alex. C, com. traveller (C. Davidson & Sons, Lim.), 27<br />

Beaconsfield place<br />

Fyvie, Mrs, 347 Holburn street

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