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him. He satirized Husham and kept on referring to the Umayyads’ defects. He said, “He is nodding the head which has never been a master’s head. He has a crossed eye of manifest defects.” Diibil al‐Khuzai was surely the poet of the persecuted and the wronged ones. He declared the right and criticized the kings after they had exceeded in wronging and persecuting people. He satirized ar‐Rashid, al‐Amin, al‐Mamun, al‐Mutassim, and Ibrahim bin al‐Mahdi. The most influential and consonant poetry was that addressed at al‐Mutassim. He said, “Then came an unguided leader who lacked intellectuality and mind. The Abbasid kings are seven as it was predicted in the ancient books. No single book has referred to an eighth one. This is similar to the people of the cave, who were seven individuals. They were virtuous. Their eighth was their dog. I exalt their dog to you, because you are sinful while it was not.” This giant man used the notable religion and the belief that he embraced for antagonizing the unjust rulers, who wrung from this nation’s affairs, persecuted, and debasing people. None could declare the right word and defend the miserable and the deprived except Diibil and his faithful brothers who stood against the ferocious waves to declare God’s word in the most horrible and suffering circumstances. Women also had notable roles in the field of the moral courage. They contributed in supporting the right and conflicting the social injustice and oppression. Suwada bint Imara‐‐ the mistress of the Iraqi women‐ was the best example in this regard. As she was before Muawiya for complaining the injustice of the governor, the [*] These are names of the Umayyad kings. [**] Jahilites are the pre‐Islamic people. man realized her. He said, “It was you who said in the battle of Siffin[*], ‘O son of Imara! Fight like your father on the days of fighting and the meeting of opponents. Support Ali, al‐Hussein, and their party, and combat Hind[**] and her son degradingly. The Imam, who is the Prophet’s brother, is surely the sign of guidance and the minaret of believing. Lead the armies and walk under his pennon with your sharp sword and spear.’ You said these words, did not you?” She embarked upon Muawiya with highly firmness and said, “Yes, by God. It was I. I do never disdain the right and provide false excuses.” This answer surprised Muawiya who asked for the reason that incited her to say that wording. “It was the love of Ali and the pursuance of the right,” she replied. “But I do not notice the effects of that love,” said Muawiya. “The head was deceased and the tail was amputated. You had better leave remembering the forgotten and repeating the past,” she worded, and cited her problem of the injustice that her people and she had to encounter due to the oppression of their governor. She then expressed, “May the Lord bless that body in that grave in which the justice was buried. He allied nothing but the right; hence, he was Presented by &

him. He satirized Husham and kept on referring to the Umayyads’ defects. He said, “He is nodding<br />

the head which has never been a master’s head. He has a crossed eye of manifest defects.”<br />

Diibil al‐Khuzai was surely the poet of the persecuted and the wronged ones. He declared the right<br />

and criticized the kings after they had exceeded in wronging and persecuting people. He satirized<br />

ar‐Rashid, al‐Amin, al‐Mamun, al‐Mutassim, and Ibrahim bin al‐Mahdi. The most influential and<br />

consonant poetry was that addressed at al‐Mutassim. He said, “Then came an unguided leader<br />

who lacked intellectuality and mind. The Abbasid kings are seven as it was predicted in the ancient<br />

books. No single book has referred to an eighth one. This is similar to the people of the cave, who<br />

were seven individuals. They were virtuous. Their eighth was their dog. I exalt their dog to you,<br />

because you are sinful while it was not.”<br />

This giant man used the notable religion and the belief that he embraced for antagonizing the<br />

unjust rulers, who wrung from this nation’s affairs, persecuted, and debasing people. None could<br />

declare the right word and defend the miserable and the deprived except Diibil and his faithful<br />

brothers who stood against the ferocious waves to declare God’s word in the most horrible and<br />

suffering circumstances.<br />

Women also had notable roles in the field of the moral courage. They contributed in supporting<br />

the right and conflicting the social injustice and oppression.<br />

Suwada bint Imara‐‐ the mistress of the Iraqi women‐ was the best example in this regard. As she<br />

was before Muawiya for <strong>com</strong>plaining the injustice of the governor, the<br />

[*] These are names of the Umayyad kings.<br />

[**] Jahilites are the pre‐Islamic people.<br />

man realized her. He said, “It was you who said in the battle of Siffin[*], ‘O son of Imara! Fight like<br />

your father on the days of fighting and the meeting of opponents. Support Ali, al‐Hussein, and<br />

their party, and <strong>com</strong>bat Hind[**] and her son degradingly. The Imam, who is the Prophet’s<br />

brother, is surely the sign of guidance and the minaret of believing. Lead the armies and walk<br />

under his pennon with your sharp sword and spear.’ You said these words, did not you?”<br />

She embarked upon Muawiya with highly firmness and said, “Yes, by God. It was I. I do never<br />

disdain the right and provide false excuses.” This answer surprised Muawiya who asked for the<br />

reason that incited her to say that wording. “It was the love of Ali and the pursuance of the right,”<br />

she replied. “But I do not notice the effects of that love,” said Muawiya. “The head was deceased<br />

and the tail was amputated. You had better leave remembering the forgotten and repeating the<br />

past,” she worded, and cited her problem of the injustice that her people and she had to<br />

encounter due to the oppression of their governor. She then expressed, “May the Lord bless that<br />

body in that grave in which the justice was buried. He allied nothing but the right; hence, he was<br />

Presented by http://www.alhassanain.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.islamicblessings.<strong>com</strong>

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