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Shiite leaders also possessed such huge amount of bravery and audacity. They did not submit to<br />

the persecution and severity of the unjust ruling authorities. They pushed forwardly for exalting<br />

God’s word and renouncing corruption and evil. Abdullah bin Afif al‐Azdi, the acquaintance of<br />

Imam Ali, revolted against Ubeidullah bin Ziad, the tyrant murderer, when the latter addressed a<br />

speech after the killing of Imam al‐Hussein, the Prophet’s grandson. Before Ubeidullah had<br />

finished his speech, the man answered him with words sharper than new swords. He said, “The<br />

liar is most surely you and your father, and that who appointed you and his father. O, you slave of<br />

the barbarous! You killed the sons of the prophets, and ascended on the Muslims’ pulpits. Where<br />

are the sons of Muhajirs and Ansar to revenge you and your tyrant chief‐‐ the cursed and son of<br />

the cursed? –He refers to Yazid and Muawiya whom were cursed by the Prophet (s)‐”<br />

Al‐Kumeit bin Ziad, the poet, was another example of the revolution against the wrongdoers. He<br />

satirized roughly the Umayyad kings and praised the Alawids. He said:<br />

“They –the Alawids‐ are chiefs unlike those who see no difference between leading people and<br />

leading sheep. They are unlike Abdul‐Melik, al‐Walid, Suleiman<br />

[1] Refer to Social justice: 211.<br />

and Husham[*].”<br />

He also satirized Husham the tyrant as well as the Umayyad kings. He said, “His words are the<br />

prophets’, while his deeds are the Jahilites’[**].” “Tell the Umayyads wherever they were, though<br />

you fear swords: May God starve those whom you feed, and saturate those whom you starved<br />

due to your injustice.”<br />

Those kings exceeded in persecuting and oppressing our poet, but he was exceeding in adhering<br />

to his belief and principals.<br />

On the theatre of Shism, another poet emerged. He was al‐Farazdaq, who criticized and<br />

reprimanded the Umayyads and upheld the Prophet’s progeny ‐‐the real people of the Islamic<br />

right and justice. The most remarkable situation of this poet was praising Imam Zeinul abidin and<br />

denigrating Husham bin Abdul‐Melik, the Umayyad king, who pretended he had not known the<br />

Imam. Al‐Farazdaq said, “This is the one whose steps are realized even by the deserts. The holy<br />

House, the legality, and the precincts realize him, too. This is the son of the best of God’s servants.<br />

This is the pious, the pure, the sanitary, and the master. Your asking about his personality does by<br />

no means prejudice him. The Arabs and the non‐Arabs know him.”<br />

The poet went on praising the Imam in such an unprecedented wording. Consequently, he had to<br />

encounter the Umayyads’ irritation and punishment. Nevertheless, this persecution did not stop<br />

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