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A DRAMATIC CRITIC and the best of his sort worked was of genuine gold, though as thin, perhaps, as the petal of the cotton blossoin, or that the negro minstrel drolleries sometiines had a contagious jollity and a rich unction which were all their own. This was the period, also, of the first prevalence of the "variety show;" the Howard Athenaeum, which had had an experience of more variety than any other piece of inasonry in the city of Boston, being appropriately dedicated to the new programme. This " show " was the foun- tain head — or rather, the beginning — of all that kind of theatrical entertainment which now goes by the trebly absurd and grossly misdescriptive name of " vaude- ville." Indeed, there is neither distinction nor difference between the entertainments with the two titles. " Vaudeville " is only " variety " " writ large " and grown fashion- able. The later show has merely a bigger [ i8 ]

THE STAGE FIFTY YEARS AGO bill of fare, chiefly through its use of the contrivances of modern science. To the vocal and instrumental solo, the dance, the song and dance, the stump speech or monologue, the one-act drama, sentimental or comic, the dialogue, generally in dia- lect, of the two funny men, feats of acro- bats and jugglers, and the deeds of per- forming dogs — all of which were of the old regime — are now added the wonders of the kinetoscope and the biograph. And this congeries furnishes the amusement which at present about equally divides with the regular theatre the public patron- age, counting its daily spectators in Bos- ton by double thousands. It is good to be able to believe that the public's morals are not jeoparded by the prevailing taste, and good to be assured that the overtaxed public's mind and overwrought public's nerves are rested and soothed by " the vaudeville." Also, it is to be hoped that [ 19 ]


bill of fare, chiefly through its use of the<br />

contrivances of modern science. To the<br />

vocal and instrumental solo, the dance,<br />

the song and dance, the stump speech or<br />

monologue, the one-act drama, sentimental<br />

or comic, the dialogue, generally in dia-<br />

lect, of the two funny men, feats of acro-<br />

bats and jugglers, and the deeds of per-<br />

forming dogs — all of which were of the<br />

old regime — are now added the wonders<br />

of the kinetoscope and the biograph. And<br />

this congeries furnishes the amusement<br />

which at present about equally divides<br />

with the regular theatre the public patron-<br />

age, counting its daily spectators in Bos-<br />

ton by double thousands. It is good to be<br />

able to believe that the public's morals are<br />

not jeoparded by the prevailing taste, and<br />

good to be assured that the overtaxed<br />

public's mind and overwrought public's<br />

nerves are rested and soothed by " the<br />

vaudeville." Also, it is to be hoped that<br />

[ 19 ]

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