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A DRAMATIC CRITIC in giving with the North Teutonic gut- tural. In his early childhood he was taken to France, where he grew up, and, after dabbling for a short time in the clay of the sculptor, studied for the stage, and at the age of twenty appeared successfully, in Le Mari de la Veuve, at the Theatre Fran9ais, of whose company he afterwards became jeune -premier. In Paris he at- tained a great reputation, though he was often censured for his audacious disregard of the conventions of the classic drama. He had had a polyglot education, and early acquired a good knowledge of Eng- lish, which he taught himself to speak flu- ently and with a generally correct accent, though it was impossible for him quite to master the intonations of the language. In i860, with characteristic boldness, he assailed London, playing Ruy Bias in English at the Princess's Theatre. His success was signal, and for ten years as a star he made England his firmament, also [ "4 ]

CHARLES FECHTER holding the lease of the Lyceum Thea- tre from 1862 to 1867. He was sped on his transatlantic way by the praise of most of the critical journals of the great me- tropolis, and by the warm eulogium of his friend Charles Dickens. His complete abandonment of England for this country tends to prove that he had outworn the best of his favor in the British Isles. In New York Fechter's interpretation of Hamlet was greeted with a chorus of disapproval, broken by emphatic praise from several high sources, and his innova- tions upon received traditions as to the outer particulars of the performance were the subject of much disparagement. The public, however, were keenly interested in all his work, especially in his assump- tions of Ruy Bias, Claude Melnotte, and other romantic characters. I thought, and think, that most of the vexed questions of detail alluded to were matters of leather and prunello. Fechter's reasoning — de- [ 1^5 ]


in giving with the North Teutonic gut-<br />

tural. In his early childhood he was taken<br />

to France, where he grew up, and, after<br />

dabbling for a short time in the clay of<br />

the sculptor, studied for the stage, and at<br />

the age of twenty appeared successfully,<br />

in Le Mari de la Veuve, at the Theatre<br />

Fran9ais, of whose company he afterwards<br />

became jeune -premier. In Paris he at-<br />

tained a great reputation, though he was<br />

often censured for his audacious disregard<br />

of the conventions of the classic drama.<br />

He had had a polyglot education, and<br />

early acquired a good knowledge of Eng-<br />

lish, which he taught himself to speak flu-<br />

ently and with a generally correct accent,<br />

though it was impossible for him quite to<br />

master the intonations of the language.<br />

In i860, with characteristic boldness, he<br />

assailed London, playing Ruy Bias in<br />

English at the Princess's Theatre. His<br />

success was signal, and for ten years as a<br />

star he made England his firmament, also<br />

[ "4 ]

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