Issue 22 - July 2012 (PDF) - Chipping Norton Times

Issue 22 - July 2012 (PDF) - Chipping Norton Times

Issue 22 - July 2012 (PDF) - Chipping Norton Times


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Having published our winning short story last month, we are pleased to share the short stories from both our Runners Up this<br />

month, with comments from Rona Laycock MA, PhD, our judge and a published short story writer and poet<br />

From Rona Laycock: “I would like to thank everyone who entered the competton and for giving me the opportunity to read their<br />

work. Anyone who has tried to write a short story will understand how difficult it is to hit the right note. James Joyce called his<br />

stories ‘epiphanies’, which is the right word for that moment of understanding that a good short story can bring.<br />

A Blissful Farewell appealed to me because of its strong evocaton of place. Anyone who knows the area and Bliss Mill in<br />

partcular will understand why Jack chooses to risk life and limb to dispose of his grandfather’s ashes in such an unusual place.<br />

A Place in the Heart also looked at how an event in the past, in this case an affair between an American GI and a local girl,<br />

has repercussions. Told mostly in the form of a dialogue between two men, this story slowly revealed a tragic event and the change<br />

of atmosphere at the end was very well handled.<br />

8<br />

“Buttercups and daises spread their colourful<br />

blanket over the sleeping folds of the valley and, rising<br />

from the depths, emerged a distinguished ageing monster,<br />

with its high majestic chimney and multitude of eyes<br />

staring out over the town above. Jack sauntered towards<br />

the old mill, his thoughts clouded by memories of long<br />

ago, when this building represented the heartbeat of his<br />

small hometown, known locally as "Chippy". The haunting<br />

hooter no longer called townsfolk to their toil and that<br />

imposing chimney, once sending comforting clouds of<br />

smoke up to the heights of heaven and out into eternity,<br />

breathed no more.<br />

Today, as light began to peep shyly over the<br />

horizon, Jack had an important job to do. For the whole of<br />

his working life, his grandfather Seth had been responsible<br />

for building maintenance at Bliss Tweed Mill. He had<br />

scaled the heights of its commanding chimney on several<br />

occasions and was renowned for his courageous<br />

endeavours. With no safety harness in those days, just<br />

the possession of bold, or possibly foolhardy, pride he had<br />

often spoken of the overwhelming satisfaction of the feat<br />

and the significance of this place in his heart.<br />

Last week, on 1st June 1987, at the magnificent<br />

age of ninety nine, old Seth had drawn his final breath<br />

and, battling with deep sorrow in his loss, Jack's thoughts<br />

turned to the pact he and his grandfather had conspired<br />

to construct. There was no doubt his mission must be<br />

fulfilled but how to execute it was a challenge beyond<br />

belief. What promised to be an ordinary summer's day,<br />

was about to become the most memorable of Jack's life.<br />

Waiting patiently for renovation and conversion<br />

into luxury flats, the grand old mill stood as proud as ever,<br />

although its eyes were dimmed and its heart had faltered.<br />

A whispering breeze seemed to summon support as a<br />

solitary white dove, perching on a branch nearby,<br />

appeared to utter a consoling coo of consent. With a<br />

miraculous rush of valour, Jack began to climb the narrow<br />

rungs of the chimney ladder, heeding his grandfather's<br />

advice never to look back and to focus persistently on his<br />

task. As he reached the central point, he paused to readjust<br />

the pack he carried on his back. Ringing in his ears<br />

A Blissful Farewell : by Pauline Nolan<br />

were the wise words "don't look down" but one simple<br />

glance was a temptation too great.<br />

"Whoah!" he screamed, as every inch of his body<br />

shook and his head felt like it was spinning out of control.<br />

With all the power he could muster, Jack clung to the bars<br />

of his only salvation and with his eyes firmly closed, he<br />

took long, deep breaths in an attempt to regain<br />

composure. For several fearful moments he remained<br />

frozen in a state of limbo, mindful of the danger he faced.<br />

All he could think of was, not the fear of falling, but the<br />

fear of failing, knowing how much this meant to his<br />

precious grandfather. As a single ray of golden light<br />

pierced his body, he spotted the reassuring image of a<br />

ghost-like bird hovering above his head and, seized by a<br />

sudden surge of strength, continued his upward journey<br />

with renewed vigour.<br />

Nearing the summit and gasping for breath, Jack<br />

surveyed the vast treasures of nature that surrounded him<br />

in panoramic splendour, juxtaposed with arguable beauty<br />

of architecture old and new that housed the very soul of<br />

his slumbering town. Unhooking his back-pack and<br />

removing the box within, he said a little prayer as he<br />

disposed of its contents in the gaping mouth of the<br />

chimney. Suddenly the sky erupted with the full glory of a<br />

new dawn and Jack's heart almost burst with pride. His<br />

grandfather was right, this was such a unique feeling,<br />

made even more special by the promise he had fulfilled.<br />

Knowing old Seth's ashes were finally laid to rest in his<br />

beloved chimney made the downward journey a time for<br />

solemn reflection, as he become one with the spirit of his<br />

hero.<br />

Once on solid ground, Jack wandered back over<br />

the common with a contented glow and, as he turned to<br />

wave a final farewell, joyous puffs of white smoke<br />

emerged from the chimney, gently kissing the atmosphere<br />

as they ascended. Then, in an act of glorious love, every<br />

murky window sparkled as bursts of sunlight opened their<br />

eyes to the world. A lone dove cooed in harmony with<br />

morning's sweet chorus and the hearts of both Jack and<br />

Seth began to sing again! “

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