Study of Technology for Detecting Pre-Ignition Conditions of ... - NIST

Study of Technology for Detecting Pre-Ignition Conditions of ... - NIST

Study of Technology for Detecting Pre-Ignition Conditions of ... - NIST


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Department <strong>of</strong> Energy, Washington. DC.<br />

Report No: KIQT-390<br />

NTIS Accession Number DE91006906LXAB<br />

Dec 90 49p<br />

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OkayamA Y.; HandZ T.; Fnkay~ H.; Mmnyam~ T.; Endo, K.<br />

Carbon Monoxide Sensor Element Made <strong>of</strong> Sn02-Sb203-Pt Semiconductor.<br />

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[ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH] Report <strong>of</strong> electric resistance characteristics in CO dense gas sensor elemett~ This uses gas adsorption<br />

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Process Gas Chromatography Detector <strong>for</strong> Hydrocarbons Bassedon Catalytic Cracking (Final rept)<br />

National Inst. <strong>of</strong> Standards and <strong>Technology</strong> (CSTL), Boulder, CO. Thermophysics Div.<br />

Gss Research Irsst, Chicago, IL.<br />

NTIS Accession Number PB95-141099<br />

Process Control and Quality 2, P357-369 1992.<br />

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Plog, C. ; Maunz, W. ; Obermeier, E. ; Seheibe, C. Domier G.m.b.H., Deutsche Aerospace AG., Friedrichshafen (Germany).<br />

Einsatzmoeglichkeit selektiver chemischer Sensomr znr Ueberwaehnng von KW/CKW - Emissionen sowie Prozesssteuemng. (Possibilities <strong>of</strong><br />

aPPlic~on <strong>of</strong> selective chemic~ senso~ to m:nkor emissions <strong>of</strong> hydroc~ons and chl<strong>of</strong>ie hydrocarbons and process control)<br />

NTIS Accession Number TIB/A95-03403XXf3<br />

Dec 94 117p<br />

German<br />

Germany<br />

Stedman, D. H. ; Bishop, G. A. ; Petemo% J. E. ; Guenther, P. L. ; McVey, I. F.<br />

On-Road carbon Monoxide and Hydrocarbon Remote Sensing in the Chicago Area (Final rept)<br />

Denver Univ., CO. Dept. <strong>of</strong> Chemistry.<br />

Illinois Dept. <strong>of</strong> Energy and Natural Resource> Sprin~leld. ~lce <strong>of</strong> Research and Phumirsg.<br />

Report No.: ILJ’ENR/RE/AQ-91/14<br />

NTIS Accession Number PB92- 121490XAB<br />

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Stone, H. W. ; Ohm, T. R.<br />

Emergency Response Mobile Robot <strong>for</strong> operations in Combustible Atmospheres (Patent Application)<br />

National Aeronautics snd Space Administration Pssade@ CA. Pasadena Ofi%e.<br />

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NTIS Accession Numbec N94-29420/4/XAB<br />

Filed 15 Nov 93 21P<br />

Torrmier, GUY, PljolaL Christopher;Lalanze, Rene; Patissier, Brnno<br />

Selective detection <strong>of</strong> CO and CHI14with gas sensors using SnO1/2 doped with palladium<br />

Ecole Nationale Superismredes Mines de St.-Etienrse,Saint-Etierme, Fr<br />

Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the EUROSENSORS VIII Conference. Pat 1 Toulonse, Fr<br />

Air France; Air InteGCentreNational de laRecherche Scientifique; Commission <strong>of</strong> the European Commrmitie> InternationalSciences Foundation<br />

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Chemische Sensoren in Duemrschicht Techrsologie. Abschhwsbericht (Chemical sensorx based on thin tilms. Final report)<br />

NTIS Accession Number TIlYA9S-01643iXAB<br />

9 Dec 91 41p<br />

German<br />

Germany, Federal Republic <strong>of</strong><br />

Zellers, E. T.<br />

Selective Real-Tree Detection <strong>of</strong> Olefm Gases and Vapors (Final rept)<br />

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