Issue 17 - Free-Energy Devices

Issue 17 - Free-Energy Devices Issue 17 - Free-Energy Devices
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A detailed explanation of the avalanche process can be found in the work of L.Loeb and J.Meek’s The Mechanism of The Electric Spark’. Transient voltage can be employed to create avalanche. A transient voltage is developed when a switch is turned off. In this condition, the power is on the circuit and the switch is opened. Automotive type ignition coils are an excellent example of transient voltage spike. The conventional Kettering spark ignition system uses a coil which performs the dual function of energy storage and voltage step transformer. It is typically about 100:1 turns ratio. DC power is applied to the primary producing a current of about 5 amps through the 8 mH coil, storing 100 mJoule of energy. When the current is interrupted by the points opening [switch is turned off], the voltage rises to 300 – 400 volts, (L di/dt) which is stepped up to 30 – 40 kV (open circuit) in the secondary. This delivers the voltage spike necessary to ionize the air in the spark gap and cause avalanche. The dramatic increase in current developed in avalanche combined with the large voltage spike can produce a very powerful, short-duration pulse of power. This can be employed to produce high magnetic flux in the coil of the electromagnet for the repulsion of the permanent magnet and electromagnet at the optimum time for the optimum duration. In summary, there are two means by which an intense power pulse can be developed to provide high inductive kick that repells the electromagnet and permanent magnet of a permanent magnet, pulsed dc electromagnet motor-generator. The instantaneous discharge of a large capacitor and the combination of avalanche with the voltage spike of an ignition type transformer. It is my sincere hope that this information will clarify the technology necessary to create a power pulse for those involved in the R&D of permanent magnet / pulsed electromagnet motor-generator systems. Permanent Permanent Magnet, Magnet, Electromagnet Electromagnet Phase Phase Diagram Diagram Description Description Transition – The permanent magnet of the rotor is between electromagnets. The momentum of the rotor, [fly wheel], carries the permanent magnet to the electromagnet. Attraction – The permanent magnet is close enough to the electromagnet. No power is supplied to the electromagnet. The torque is supplied by the magnetic flux of the permanent magnet. Neutral – Brief alignment of the permanent magnet and electromagnet center. Repulsion – When the permanent magnet center is slightly past the electromagnet center, a pulse of power fires through the electromagnet causing the poles of the permanent magnet and electromagnet to repell each other. Back EMF – The permanent magnet is well past the electromagnet. The initial pulse of power creates a magnetic field. Upon the end of the power pulse, the electromagnetic field collapses creating a useful voltage which may be employed to recharge a secondary battery. Transition – The cycle is then repeated with each alignment of the permanent magnets and electromagnets. Power Power is is consumed consumed only only during during the the repulsion repulsion phase. phase. Here Here Here a a short short duration, duration, high high current, current, high high voltage voltage voltage pulse pulse at at the the the optimum optimum time time time provides provides torque torque to to the the rotor. rotor. An An equal equal amount amount of of torque torque is is provided provided provided by by the the attraction attraction phase phase where where the the magnetic magnetic flux flux of of of the the permanent permanent magnets magnets do do the the work. work. This This greatly greatly increases increases increases the the the efficiency efficiency of of the the the motor. motor. motor. 72 New Energy Technologies, Issue #3(18) 2004

OVER UNITY PROPULSION OF A ZERO POTENTIAL CASING ASYMMETRIC CAPACITOR SYSTEM Prof. Nassikas A.A. Technological Education Institute of Larissa 10, Ethnikis Antistaseos Str., 41335 Larissa E-mail: The author wishes to thank Prof. A. Maglaras for his classical methodology calculations according to the “Quick Field” programme and according to author’s desing. Purpose of this paper is to describe a system for developing a thrust by means of asymmetric capacitors which are created when a set of metallic elements are placed in a non-symmetric way inside a solid strong insulation dielectric means that in turn is placed inside metallic casing of zero potential. This thrust, when the system works without having corona effects, leads to over unity energy production; this can be explained within a physics theory, which is based on the claim for minimum contradictions. Introduction It is already known from existing patents that the asymmetric capacitors develop a nonregular (abnormal) thrust as a result of high voltage imposed between the positive and negative plates. Indicatively the patents [1-7] are mentioned. It is also mentioned A. Frolov’s asymmetric capacitor system which is described in [8,9]; in these papers a reference has been made to the experimental confirmation for the thrust development possibility in asymmetric capacitors having horizontal and vertical metallic plates. Recently the “lifter” device has been reported whose thrust is of the order of 2.5N [9,10]. In the above patents and papers there is not used an electrostatic arrangement with a solid strong insulating dielectric means, surrounded by a metallic casing of zero potential. A basic advantage of the system proposed is the fact that the mechanism described herein is externally electrically neutral. This fact constitutes an advantage concerning on the one hand the use and on the other hand the thrust force multiplication capability by New Energy Technologies, Issue #3 (18) 2004 placing similar devices in contact. Another advantage is that the strong solid insulator dielectric contributes to the performance of the system proposed due to its insulating capability, independently of its specific inductive capacity (dielectric constant). The use of a strong insulation material as dielectric means in combination with the geometry of the interposed metallic elements, as well as the connection way of the insulation dielectric means with the metallic elements and with the metallic casing provide the capability of a light construction and a very high thrust; e.g. system whose main weight is the one that would have a plastic plate of 5 mm thickness, can provide a thrust of 40 kp/m 2 . Ten parallel such systems of total thickness 50 mm can provide a thrust force of 400 kp/m 2 . When the system is working without having corona effects this means that the energy offered to the system is practically zero. Thus, when, according to calculations, the system is moving we have energy production of an over-unity effect. This effect can not be explained within a classical physics; it could be explained with a physics theory, which is based on the claim for minimum contradictions [11,12]. According to this theory space-time is matter itself and it has both massgravitational (g) and chargeelectromagnetic (em) components. The charge space-time is regarded as an imaginary gravitational space-time which coexists with the real one the two of them being interconnected. This point of view permits us to explain the thrust and the energy, of the system mentioned, since there is something material i.e. the gravitational space-time, which offers the momentum and the energy required. In a moving electrostatic system, where there 73

A detailed explanation of the avalanche process<br />

can be found in the work of L.Loeb and J.Meek’s<br />

The Mechanism of The Electric Spark’. Transient<br />

voltage can be employed to create avalanche. A<br />

transient voltage is developed when a switch is<br />

turned off. In this condition, the power is on the<br />

circuit and the switch is opened. Automotive type<br />

ignition coils are an excellent example of transient<br />

voltage spike. The conventional Kettering spark<br />

ignition system uses a coil which performs the dual<br />

function of energy storage and voltage step<br />

transformer. It is typically about 100:1 turns ratio.<br />

DC power is applied to the primary producing a<br />

current of about 5 amps through the 8 mH coil,<br />

storing 100 mJoule of energy. When the current<br />

is interrupted by the points opening [switch is<br />

turned off], the voltage rises to 300 – 400 volts,<br />

(L di/dt) which is stepped up to 30 – 40 kV (open<br />

circuit) in the secondary. This delivers the voltage<br />

spike necessary to ionize the air in the spark gap<br />

and cause avalanche. The dramatic increase in<br />

current developed in avalanche combined with the<br />

large voltage spike can produce a very powerful,<br />

short-duration pulse of power. This can be<br />

employed to produce high magnetic flux in the<br />

coil of the electromagnet for the repulsion of the<br />

permanent magnet and electromagnet at the<br />

optimum time for the optimum duration. In<br />

summary, there are two means by which an intense<br />

power pulse can be developed to provide high<br />

inductive kick that repells the electromagnet and<br />

permanent magnet of a permanent magnet, pulsed<br />

dc electromagnet motor-generator. The<br />

instantaneous discharge of a large capacitor and<br />

the combination of avalanche with the voltage<br />

spike of an ignition type transformer. It is my<br />

sincere hope that this information will clarify the<br />

technology necessary to create a power pulse for<br />

those involved in the R&D of permanent magnet<br />

/ pulsed electromagnet motor-generator systems.<br />

Permanent Permanent Magnet,<br />

Magnet,<br />

Electromagnet Electromagnet Phase<br />

Phase<br />

Diagram Diagram Description<br />

Description<br />

Transition – The permanent magnet of the<br />

rotor is between electromagnets. The<br />

momentum of the rotor, [fly wheel], carries the<br />

permanent magnet to the electromagnet.<br />

Attraction – The permanent magnet is close<br />

enough to the electromagnet. No power is<br />

supplied to the electromagnet. The torque is<br />

supplied by the magnetic flux of the permanent<br />

magnet.<br />

Neutral – Brief alignment of the permanent<br />

magnet and electromagnet center.<br />

Repulsion – When the permanent magnet<br />

center is slightly past the electromagnet center,<br />

a pulse of power fires through the electromagnet<br />

causing the poles of the permanent magnet and<br />

electromagnet to repell each other.<br />

Back EMF – The permanent magnet is well<br />

past the electromagnet. The initial pulse of<br />

power creates a magnetic field. Upon the end<br />

of the power pulse, the electromagnetic field<br />

collapses creating a useful voltage which may<br />

be employed to recharge a secondary battery.<br />

Transition – The cycle is then repeated with<br />

each alignment of the permanent magnets and<br />

electromagnets.<br />

Power Power is is consumed consumed only only during during the<br />

the<br />

repulsion repulsion phase. phase. Here Here Here a a short<br />

short<br />

duration, duration, high high current, current, high high voltage voltage<br />

voltage<br />

pulse pulse at at the the the optimum optimum time time time provides<br />

provides<br />

torque torque to to the the rotor. rotor. An An equal<br />

equal<br />

amount amount of of torque torque is is provided provided provided by by the<br />

the<br />

attraction attraction phase phase where where the<br />

the<br />

magnetic magnetic flux flux of of of the the permanent<br />

permanent<br />

magnets magnets do do the the work. work. This This greatly<br />

greatly<br />

increases increases increases the the the efficiency efficiency of of the the<br />

the<br />

motor. motor.<br />

motor.<br />

72 New <strong>Energy</strong> Technologies, <strong>Issue</strong> #3(18) 2004

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