Issue 17 - Free-Energy Devices

Issue 17 - Free-Energy Devices Issue 17 - Free-Energy Devices
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top part of the pipe, a row of holes 9 is made, intended for the sprinkling with cold water from the well of the power element 7, made of nitinol. For the water gathering the gutter 10, from which the water is poured into the standing next to it barrel 11, is intended. Operation When the weather is cool or in the morning, when the sun with its rays did not heat the air and the power element 7 made of nitinol yet, it has the shape of an ellipse, which’s bigger axis is horizontal (see picture 1). In this case the piston 5, positioned in the pumping unit 2 and connected to the power element 7 and the pole 6, will stay at the top position. The empty spaces of the pumping unit are filled with water. When the sun or warm summer air will heat up the elliptical power element 7 to the shape transforming temperature, it changes the shape quick, but its bigger axis becomes vertical (see picture 2). As the consequence of that, the pole 6 and the piston5, connected to it, move down in the pumping unit, at the same time to the empty space above the piston and the water from the well flows through especially intended hole in the unit’s wall. But water can not get from the empty space under the piston to the top empty space, so the valve 3 is shut. That’s why cold well water from the empty space under the piston during its downward motion through the opened valve 4 flows to the pipe 8, raises up through it and through the holes 9 sprinkles at the power element 7, cooling it down, and then the water is poured into the barrel 11.When it cools down to the shape changing temperature, the power element made of nitinol takes its original shape – ellipse, which’s bigger axis is horizontal, like on picture 1. In this case the pole 6 and the connected to it piston 5 raise upward. Thus the valve 4 closes and prevents water leaks from the pipe 8, and the valve 3 on the piston opens and supplies the water transfer from the empty space above the piston to the empty space under the piston. Thus, the entire system came to the original state of condition again. The sun or the environmental warm air heat the power element again up to the temperature of its shape change, at the same time the pump sends the next portion of water, which again is cooling the power element down, which, changing its own shape, raises the piston up. Such work of the solar pump is happening without any people participation and without of the electric energy wasting, but only due to the energy of sun rays or heat of the air. And there is more water needed for the watering, when the sun heats warmer and air is warmer, then, in that case, the solar pump with the nitinol power element works more efficiently, because its work cycles become more frequent. In this construction the power element of nitinol has a look of an ellipse. However, this element may possibly be of another shape too, for example, in a form of a spiral spring made of a nitinol wire of the corresponding diameter. In accordance with the temperature change this spring will modify its length and, consequently, move the device connected to it to action. The power element of nitinol, whatever shapes it takes, does not need a supplement of any other energy in addition to the sun’s heat, that’s why, it is ecologically clean. It can be used not only for the pump’s drive, but also for the other machinery and generators. The construction of a device with the power element of nitinol may be so that the power element, being heated up by the sun rays, is cooling by periodical shadowing with a curtain. And the power element of nitinol moves the curtain by itself for the duration of the transformation of its shape. A pump like this one or another one with a power element made of nitinol can find the use in many regions, precisely, where is no electric power supply, and the delivery of another kinds of energy resources is difficult, for example on the veils in the desert. 32 New Energy Technologies, Issue #3(18) 2004

The semiconductor transformator of environment heat to electric current energy The modern energetic’s problem is in the production of the electric energy, which is, being the source of material goods of the man, who happened to find himself in a mortal withstanding to his environment (which is the nature); and as a result of this, an ecological disaster is inescapable. The search and the discovery of alternative, ecologically clean means of the electric energy collection is the actual task of Humanity. One of the energy sources is the natural environment itself: the air of the atmosphere, the waters of the seas and oceans, which contain a huge quantity of the heat energy received from the sun. The method of transformation heat energy of the environment to the constant electrical current, which is based on contact phenomenon between a metal and semiconductors of different type of conduciveness (see Fig.1). Fig.1 The principle scheme of the alternator. Where: P – the semiconductor’s crystal (silicon of the n-type), p-n – the crossing with a contact electric field Ek, M1 – the metal contact with a parea (aluminum), M1 – the metal contact with n-area (aluminum), d- the depth of p-n crossing’s flight (not more than 10 mkm), Rh – the external load resistance. The alternator’s work principle is following. For example, the work on electron’s exit from the semiconductor of n-type makes 4.25 eV, of the ptype – 5.25 eV and of the aluminum – 4.25 eV. That’s why the contact M 2 with the semiconductor of n-type is omic and does not affect the alternator’s work, and the contact M 1 New Energy Technologies, Issue #3 (18) 2004 Anatoly N. Zernij Ukraine Email: with a semiconductor of the p-type is injecting one. Under the action of thermal movement powers and as a result of exit work’s difference, electrons from the metal contact M 1 will be injected to the p-area of the semiconductor. One part of the electrons recombinates with the p-area crystal holes, and the second part of the electrons will be overthrown by the electric field p-n of the E k crossing to the n-area of the crystal. At that the semiconductor’s crystal‘s n-area and the contact M 2 will be charged negatively, and contact M 1, because of the electron’s leave from it, positively, which will lead in the end to the appearance of difference of the electric potentials between M 1 and M 2 contacts. The electrons’ stream from M 1 and M 2 will be taking place, till the raising electrical field between the contacts creates an opposite stream of electrons from the n-area to the p-area of the crystal, because of the potential barrier of the p-n crossing decrease. When these currents of the electrons become leveled, an electrical and thermodynamic equilibrium will be established in the isolated crystal. Thus between the contacts M 1 and M 2 will be established a potentials difference, which will be equal the half of contact difference of potentials p-n crossing (in this case – 0.55V), which means a presence between them of Electro Motive Force. If we connect the contacts M 1 and M 2 with an external metallic conductor with a resistance Rh, then the electrical and thermo dynamical equilibrium of the semi conductive crystal will be broken and in the load chain the electric current IRh will flow. At this, the p-n crossing will be cooling down, because the energy of electrons, coming from the p-area to the n-area of the semiconductor will be raised at the inner (thermal) energy of the crystal’s structure of the semiconductor. For the support in the chain of a load of constant by its values current, to the crystal it is necessary to supply the heat from the environment. 33

top part of the pipe, a row of holes 9 is made,<br />

intended for the sprinkling with cold water from<br />

the well of the power element 7, made of nitinol.<br />

For the water gathering the gutter 10, from<br />

which the water is poured into the standing<br />

next to it barrel 11, is intended.<br />

Operation<br />

When the weather is cool or in the morning,<br />

when the sun with its rays did not heat the air<br />

and the power element 7 made of nitinol yet, it<br />

has the shape of an ellipse, which’s bigger axis<br />

is horizontal (see picture 1).<br />

In this case the piston 5, positioned in the<br />

pumping unit 2 and connected to the power<br />

element 7 and the pole 6, will stay at the top<br />

position. The empty spaces of the pumping unit<br />

are filled with water.<br />

When the sun or warm summer air will heat up<br />

the elliptical power element 7 to the shape<br />

transforming temperature, it changes the shape<br />

quick, but its bigger axis becomes vertical (see<br />

picture 2).<br />

As the consequence of that, the pole 6 and the<br />

piston5, connected to it, move down in the<br />

pumping unit, at the same time to the empty<br />

space above the piston and the water from the<br />

well flows through especially intended hole in<br />

the unit’s wall. But water can not get from the<br />

empty space under the piston to the top empty<br />

space, so the valve 3 is shut. That’s why cold<br />

well water from the empty space under the<br />

piston during its downward motion through the<br />

opened valve 4 flows to the pipe 8, raises up<br />

through it and through the holes 9 sprinkles at<br />

the power element 7, cooling it down, and then<br />

the water is poured into the barrel 11.When it<br />

cools down to the shape changing temperature,<br />

the power element made of nitinol takes its<br />

original shape – ellipse, which’s bigger axis is<br />

horizontal, like on picture 1. In this case the pole<br />

6 and the connected to it piston 5 raise upward.<br />

Thus the valve 4 closes and prevents water leaks<br />

from the pipe 8, and the valve 3 on the piston<br />

opens and supplies the water transfer from the<br />

empty space above the piston to the empty space<br />

under the piston.<br />

Thus, the entire system came to the original<br />

state of condition again. The sun or the<br />

environmental warm air heat the power element<br />

again up to the temperature of its shape change,<br />

at the same time the pump sends the next<br />

portion of water, which again is cooling the<br />

power element down, which, changing its own<br />

shape, raises the piston up.<br />

Such work of the solar pump is happening<br />

without any people participation and without<br />

of the electric energy wasting, but only due to<br />

the energy of sun rays or heat of the air. And<br />

there is more water needed for the watering,<br />

when the sun heats warmer and air is warmer,<br />

then, in that case, the solar pump with the<br />

nitinol power element works more efficiently,<br />

because its work cycles become more frequent.<br />

In this construction the power element of<br />

nitinol has a look of an ellipse.<br />

However, this element may possibly be of<br />

another shape too, for example, in a form of a<br />

spiral spring made of a nitinol wire of the<br />

corresponding diameter. In accordance with the<br />

temperature change this spring will modify its<br />

length and, consequently, move the device<br />

connected to it to action.<br />

The power element of nitinol, whatever shapes<br />

it takes, does not need a supplement of any other<br />

energy in addition to the sun’s heat, that’s why,<br />

it is ecologically clean. It can be used not only<br />

for the pump’s drive, but also for the other<br />

machinery and generators.<br />

The construction of a device with the power<br />

element of nitinol may be so that the power<br />

element, being heated up by the sun rays, is<br />

cooling by periodical shadowing with a curtain.<br />

And the power element of nitinol moves the<br />

curtain by itself for the duration of the<br />

transformation of its shape.<br />

A pump like this one or another one<br />

with a power element made of nitinol<br />

can find the use in many regions,<br />

precisely, where is no electric power<br />

supply, and the delivery of another<br />

kinds of energy resources is difficult,<br />

for example on the veils in the desert.<br />

32 New <strong>Energy</strong> Technologies, <strong>Issue</strong> #3(18) 2004

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