Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

Stratospheric Ozone Depletion


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Environmental Chemistry<br />

Part 2 Atmospheric Chemistry<br />

2.6 <strong>Stratospheric</strong> <strong>Ozone</strong> <strong>Depletion</strong>

<strong>Ozone</strong> in the atmosphere

The ozone layer

Ultraviolet protection by ozone<br />

<strong>Ozone</strong> absorbs UV light in the solar irradiation that is<br />

harmful to life

Ultraviolet protection by ozone<br />

The overlap of ground level radiation with the sunburn<br />

sensitivity curve would be much greater without the filtering<br />

effects of the ozone layer.

Express ozone abundance<br />

• Total column ozone is the total amount of ozone<br />

integrated from the surface to the top of the<br />

atmosphere.<br />

• Dobson Units (DU) is used to express the total column<br />

ozone, named after G.M.B. Dobson, a scientist who<br />

conducted pioneering measurements of the<br />

stratosphere in the 1920s and 1930s.<br />

• One DU is the thickness, measured in units of<br />

hundredths of a millimeter (0.01 mm), that the ozone<br />

column would occupy at standard temperature and<br />

pressure (273 K and 1 atm)

Typical ozone column values<br />

• Total ozone column value ranges from 290 to<br />

310 DU over the globe.<br />

• If all the atmosphere's ozone were brought<br />

down to the earth's surface at standard<br />

pressure and temperature, it would produce a<br />

layer of about 3mm thick.<br />

• <strong>Ozone</strong> depletion: when sum of ozone over<br />

height is lower than 2/3 of the normal value,<br />

we say "ozone depletion" occurs.

What is ozone?<br />

<strong>Ozone</strong> is a stable molecule<br />

composed of three oxygen atoms. O<br />

While stable, it is highly reactive. The Greek word ozein<br />

means “to smell” and O 3 has a strong pungent odor.<br />

Electric discharges in air often produce significant<br />

quantities of O 3 and you may have smelled O 3 near these<br />

sources.<br />

O<br />


<strong>Ozone</strong> formation and destruction in the<br />


Chapman Theory<br />

a) O 2 + hv ( 2O<br />

b) O+O 2 +M -> O 3 +M<br />

c) O 3 + hv (

Prediction by Chapman theory vs. Observation<br />

Using Chapman theory

There must be other O 3 destruction pathways<br />

Catalytic ozone destruction<br />

Net reaction<br />

X + O 3 = XO + O 2<br />

XO + O = X + O 2<br />

O + O 3 = 2 O 2<br />

X is a regenerated in the process – act as a catalyst.<br />

The chain reaction continues until X is removed by some<br />

side reaction.

The important catalysts for stratospheric<br />

O 3 destruction<br />

• Hydroxy radical (OH)<br />

. .<br />

OH + O3 = HO2 + O2<br />

HO 2<br />

. + O = . OH + O2<br />

Net: O + O 3 = 2O 2<br />

• Chlorine and bromine (Cl and Br)<br />

Cl . + O 3 = ClO . + O 2<br />

ClO . + O = Cl . + O 2<br />

Net: O + O 3 = 2O 2<br />

• Nitric oxide (NO)<br />

NO + O 3 = NO 2 + O 2<br />

NO 2 + O = NO + O 2<br />

Net: O + O 3 = 2 O 2<br />

HOx cycle<br />

ClOx cycle<br />

NOx cycle

Hydroxy radical<br />

• Accounts for nearly one-half of the total ozone<br />

destruction in the lower stratosphere (16-20 km).<br />

• Sources<br />

O3 + hv (

Chlorine atom<br />

Sources:<br />

Photolysis of Cl-containing compounds in the stratosphere.<br />

CFCl3 + hv (185-210nm) CFCl .<br />

2 + Cl .<br />

CF2 Cl2 + hv (185-210nm) CF2 Cl . + Cl .<br />

Subsequent reactions of CFCl2 and CF2 Cl more Cl atoms<br />

The principal Cl-containing species are:<br />

CF2 Cl2 , CFCl3 , CFCl2 , CF2 Cl, CCl4 , CH3 CCl3 , CF2 HCl, CH3 Cl<br />

Sources for Cl-containing compounds (need to be long-<br />

lived in the troposphere)<br />

•Man-made: e.g. CFCs<br />

•Natural: e.g. methyl chloride from biomass burning.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)<br />

• CFCs is the abbreviated form of ChloroFluoroCarbons, a<br />

collective name given to a series of compounds<br />

containing chlorine, fluorine and carbon atoms.<br />

Examples: CFCl 3 , CF 2 Cl 2 , and CF 2 ClCFCl 2 .<br />

• Related names<br />

– HCFCs: Hydrochloroflorocarbons, halocarbons<br />

containing hydrogen atoms in addition to chlorine,<br />

fluorine and carbon atoms.<br />

– HFCs: hydroflorocarbons, halocarbons containing<br />

atoms of hydrogen in addition to fluorine and carbon<br />

atoms.<br />

– Perhalocarbons: halocarbons in which every available<br />

carbon bond contains a haloatoms.<br />

– Halons: bromine-containing halocarbons, especially<br />

used as fire extinguishing agents.

Chlorine atom (Continued)<br />

Termination reactions for Cl<br />

Cl . + CH 4 <br />

ClO . + NO 2 + M<br />

Reservoir species<br />

CH 3 . + HCl<br />

Stable in the stratosphere<br />

Removed from air by precipitation<br />

when it migrates to the troposphere<br />

ClONO 2 + M<br />

Relatively unreactive but can regenerate<br />

reactive species upon suitable conditions<br />

ClONO 2 + hvClO + NO 2<br />

ClONO 2 + hvCl + NO 3

Nitric oxide<br />

• NO is produced abundantly in the troposphere,<br />

but all of it is converted into NO2 HNO3 (removed through precipitation)<br />

• NO in the stratosphere produced from nitrous<br />

oxide (N2 O), which is much less reactive than NO.<br />

N2 O + hv N2 + O (90%)<br />

N2 O + O 2 NO (~10%)<br />

• Removal processes:<br />

NO2 + . OH HNO3 ClO . + NO2 ClONO2 Inhibit the HOx<br />

and ClOx cycles

The two-sided effect of NOx<br />

• NOx provides a catalytic chain mechanism for<br />

O 3 destruction.<br />

• NOx inhibit the HOx and ClOx cycles for O 3<br />

destruction by removing radical species in the<br />

two cycles.<br />

• The relative magnitude of the two effects is<br />

altitude dependent.<br />

– >25 km, the net effect is to destruct O 3 .<br />

– (NOx accounts for >50% of total ozone destruction<br />

in the middle and upper troposphere.)<br />

– In the lower stratosphere, the net effect is to protect<br />

O 3 from destruction.

The catalytic destruction reactions described so far,<br />

together with the Chapman cycle, account for the<br />

observed average levels of stratospheric ozone, they<br />

are unable to account for the ozone hole over<br />

Antarctica.<br />

The ozone depletion in the Antarctica is limited both<br />

regionally and seasonally. The depletion is too great<br />

and too sudden. These observations can not be<br />

explained by catalytic O 3 destruction by ClOx alone.

Numbering system for CFCs and HCFCs<br />

CFC-XYZ<br />

1) Z = number of fluorine atoms.<br />

2) Y =1 + number of hydrogen atoms.<br />

3) X = number of carbon atoms -1<br />

When X=0 (i.e., only one carbon compound), it is omitted.<br />

4) The number of chlorine atoms in the compound is found by<br />

subtracting the sum of fluorine and hydrogen atoms from the<br />

total number of atoms that can be connected to the carbon<br />

atoms.<br />

5) Examples:<br />

CCl2F2 (CFC-12, refrigerant)<br />

CCl3F (CFC-11, blowing agent)<br />

CHClF2 (CFC-22, refrigerant, blowing agent)<br />

C2Cl2F4 (CFC-114)

The <strong>Ozone</strong> Hole

The discovery of the ozone hole<br />

• The British Antarctic Survey has been monitoring, for<br />

many years, the total column ozone levels at its base<br />

at Halley Bay in the Antarctica.<br />

• Monitoring data indicate that column ozone levels<br />

have been decreasing since 1977.<br />

• This observation was later confirmed by satellite data<br />

(TOMS-Total <strong>Ozone</strong> Mapping Spectrometer)<br />

– Initially satellite data were assumed to be wrong<br />

with values lower than 190DU

October ozone hole over Antarctic

Features of the ozone hole<br />

• <strong>Ozone</strong> depletion occurs at altitudes between 10<br />

and 20 km<br />

– If O3 depletion resulted from the ClOx cycle, the<br />

depletion would occur at middle and lower latitude<br />

and altitudes between 35 and 45 km.<br />

– The ClOx cycle requires O atom, but in the polar<br />

stratosphere, the low sun elevation results in<br />

essentially no photodissociation of O2 .<br />

– The above observation could not be explained by<br />

the ClOx destruction mechanism alone.<br />

• <strong>Depletion</strong> occurs in the Antarctic spring

Special Features of Polar Meteorology<br />

• During the winter polar night, sunlight does not reach the<br />

south pole.<br />

• A strong circumpolar wind develops in the middle to lower<br />

stratosphere; These strong winds are known as the 'polar<br />

vortex'.<br />

• In the winter and early spring, the polar vortex is<br />

extremely stable, sealing off air in the vortex from that<br />

outside.<br />

• The exceptional stability of the vortex in Antarctic is the<br />

result of the almost symmetric distribution of ocean<br />

around Antarctica.<br />

• The air within the polar vortex can get very cold.<br />

• Once the air temperature gets to below about -80C (193K),<br />

Polar <strong>Stratospheric</strong> Clouds (or PSCs for short) are formed.

Polar vortex<br />

• The polar vortex is a persistent large-scale<br />

cyclonic circulation pattern in the middle and<br />

upper troposphere and the stratosphere,<br />

centered generally in the polar regions of<br />

each hemisphere.<br />

• The polar vortex is not a surface pattern. It<br />

tends to be well expressed at upper levels of<br />

the atmosphere (> 5 km).

Polar <strong>Stratospheric</strong> Clouds (PSCs)<br />

• PSCs first form as nitric acid trihydrate (HNO 3 . 3H2 O)<br />

once temperature drops to 195K.<br />

• As the temperature gets colder, larger droplets of<br />

water-ice with nitric acid dissolved in them can form.<br />

• PSCs occur at heights of 15-20km.

Why do PSCs occur at heights of 15-20 km?<br />

• The long polar night produces temperature as<br />

low as 183 k (-90oC) at heights of 15 to 20<br />

km.<br />

• The stratosphere contains a natural aerosol<br />

layer at altitudes of 12 to 30 km.

PSCs promote the conversion of inorganic Cl<br />

and Cl reservoir species to active Cl<br />

Pathway 1 : HCl(g) Cl2 (g)<br />

• Absorption of gaseous HCl by PSCs occurs very<br />

efficiently<br />

HCl(g) HCl(s)<br />

• Heterogeneous reaction of gaseous ClONO2 with HCl<br />

on the PSC particles<br />

HCl(s) + ClONO2 HNO3 (s) + Cl2 where s denotes the PSC surface<br />

Note: The gas phase reaction between HCl and ClONO 2 is<br />

extremely slow.

PSCs promote the conversion of inorganic Cl<br />

and Cl reservoir species to active Cl<br />

(Continued)<br />

• Pathway 2: HCl(g)ClNO2 (g) in the presence of<br />

N2 O5 HCl(g) HCl(s)<br />

HCl(s) + N 2 O 5 <br />

ClNO 2 + HNO 3 (s)<br />

• Pathway 3: ClONO 2 (g)HOCl (g)<br />

ClONO 2 + H 2 O (s) <br />

HOCl + HNO 3 (s)<br />

The gas phase reactions between HCl and N 2 O 5 ,<br />

between ClONO 2 and H 2 O are too slow to be important.

Why PSCs promote the conversion of inorganic<br />

Cl and Cl reservoir species to active Cl?<br />

1. PSCs concentrate the reactant molecules.<br />

2. Formation of HNO3 is assisted by hydrogen bonding<br />

to the water molecules in the PSC particles.

Active Cl species can rapidly yield Cl<br />

atoms when light is available<br />

• Active Cl species include Cl2 , HOCl, and ClNO2 • Active Cl species readily photolyze to yield Cl atoms<br />

when daylight returns in the springtime.<br />

Cl2 + hv 2Cl<br />

HOCl + hv HO + Cl<br />

ClNO2 + hv Cl + NO2

Polar ClOx cycle to remove O 3<br />

• Polar regions: lack of O atom because of low sun<br />

elevation The ordinary ClOx cycle is not operative<br />

since it requires the presence of O atom.<br />

• Under polar atmospheric conditions, the reaction<br />

sequence to remove O3 is as follows<br />

Cl + O3 ClO + O2 ClO + ClO ClO-OCl<br />

ClO-OCl + hv ClOO + Cl<br />

ClOO + hv Cl + O2 2 [Cl + O3 ClO + O2 ]<br />

Net of the last FOUR reactions: 2O3 + hv <br />

3O 2

How does the polar ClOx cycle stop?<br />

• The chain reaction is stopped when the ice particles<br />

melt, releasing adsorbed HNO3 .<br />

– HNO3 + hv <br />

.<br />

OH + NO2<br />

• NO2 sequesters ClO . , which shuts down the polar<br />

ClOx chain reaction<br />

– NO2 + . ClO <br />


Evidence linking ClO generation and O 3 loss<br />

ClO mixing ratios in the high-latitude stratosphere are<br />

several orders of magnitude higher than those in the mid-<br />

latitude stratosphere.

Denitrification by PSCs enhances polar<br />

ClOx cycle<br />

• PSCs removes gaseous N species (denitrification)<br />

– Major process: formation of nitric acid trihydrate (NAT)<br />

PSCs<br />

– Minor process: Formation of HNO3 from gaseous N<br />

species (e.g. ClONO2 and N2 O5 ) and subsequent<br />

retention of HNO3 (s).<br />

– As PSCs particles grow larger over the winter, they sink<br />

to lower altitudes, falling out of the stratosphere.

Denitrification by PSCs enhances polar<br />

ClOx cycle (Continued)<br />

• If HNO3 is not removed from the stratosphere, it<br />

releases NO2 back to the stratosphere upon<br />

photolysis.<br />

HNO3 + hv OH + NO2 • The consequence of released NO2 is to tie up active<br />

chlorine as ClONO2 and make the ClOx polar cycle<br />

less efficient.<br />

ClO + NO2 <br />


Summary of the roles played by PSCs<br />

• Provide surface for the conversion of inactive<br />

Cl species into active species<br />

• Provide the media for removal of gaseous N<br />


Reaction sequence responsible for Antarctic ozone<br />


Schematic of photochemical and dynamical features of<br />

polar ozone depletion

Summary: Ingredients for the Antarctica<br />

ozone hole formation<br />

• Cold temperatures; cold enough for the<br />

formation of Polar <strong>Stratospheric</strong> Clouds.<br />

– Polar winter leading to the formation of the polar<br />

vortex which isolates the air within it.<br />

– As the vortex air is isolated, the cold<br />

temperatures persist.<br />

– This allows the growth of PSCs and subsequent<br />

sink to lower altitude, therefore removal of<br />

gaseous N species.<br />

• Sunlight (to initiate O 3 depletion reaction<br />


Does ozone hole occur in the north pole<br />

(Arctic)?<br />

• The Arctic winter stratosphere is generally<br />

warmer than the Antarctic by ~10k.<br />

– Caused by the water mass covering the Arctic.<br />

• The warmer temperature results in less PSCs<br />

and shorter presence time.<br />

• The less abundant and less persistent PSCs<br />

dramatically reduce the extent of denitrification.<br />

– PSCs in the Arctic does not have sufficient time<br />

to settle out of the stratosphere.<br />

– PSCs releases their HNO 3 back to the stratosphere,<br />

making ClOx polar cycle less efficient.<br />

• Conclusion: <strong>Ozone</strong> depletion is less dramatic in<br />

the Arctic compared with the Antarctic.

Summary on ozone hole<br />

• Massive ozone loss requires both very cold temperature<br />

(to form PSCs) and sunlight (to photolyze reactive<br />

chlorine to produce Cl atoms).<br />

• Denitrification is required to prevent reformation of<br />

reservoir species once photolysis ensures.<br />

• Denitrification occurs when PSCs containing HNO 3<br />

settling out of the stratosphere.<br />

• The massive springtime loss of ozone in the Antarctic<br />

stratosphere (the <strong>Ozone</strong> hole) is conclusively linked to<br />

anthropogenic halogens.<br />

• Virtually all inorganic chlorine is converted into active<br />

chlorine every winter in both the Antarctic and Arctic<br />

stratosphere as a result of heterogeneous reactions of<br />

reservoir species on polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs).

Summary on ozone hole (Continued)<br />

• The most important difference between the<br />

Antarctic and the Arctic stratosphere is the<br />

extent of denitrification that occurs.<br />

• Because of generally warmer temperatures in<br />

the Arctic, PSCs tend not persist until the onset<br />

of sunlight, releasing their nitric acid back into<br />

the vapor phase.<br />

• As a result, ozone depletion is generally less<br />

dramatic in the Arctic than the Antarctic.

<strong>Ozone</strong> depletion potential (ODP)<br />

• ODP is used to facilitate comparison of harmfulness<br />

to the ozone layer by different chemicals.<br />

• ODP of a compound is defined as the total steadyozone<br />

destruction that results from per unit mass of<br />

species i emitted per year relative to that for a unit<br />

mass emission of CFC-11<br />

ODP i<br />

<br />

O<br />

O<br />

3<br />

3<br />

i<br />

CFC 11

What influences ODP?<br />

• Lifetime in the troposphere<br />

– The more effective the tropospheric removal processes,<br />

the less of the compound that will survive to reach the<br />

stratosphere.<br />

• Altitude at which a compound is broken down in the<br />

stratosphere<br />

– <strong>Ozone</strong> is more abundant in the lower stratosphere<br />

– Substitution of F atoms for Cl atoms makes a compound<br />

break down at higher altitude <br />

less efficient in<br />

destroying O 3 .<br />

• Distribution of halogen atoms, Cl, Br, and F, contained<br />

within the molecule<br />

– Molecule for molecule, F

What controls a compound’s lifetime in the<br />

troposphere?<br />

Reaction with OH radical<br />

Lifetime in the troposphere<br />

i <br />

k OH<br />

1<br />

[ OH<br />

k OH reaction constant<br />

[OH] tropospheric average<br />

OH concentration<br />


ODPs of Selected Compounds<br />

Compound ODP<br />

CFC-11 (CFCl 3 ) 1.0<br />

CFC-113 (CCl 2 FClF 2 ) 0.8<br />

CCl 4<br />

CFBr 3<br />

1.20<br />

12<br />

CH3 CCl3 0.12<br />

HCFC-22 (CF2 HCl) 0.055<br />

CH 3 Cl 0.02<br />

CH 3 Br 0.64

CFC substitutes<br />

• The main strategy has been to explore the suitability<br />

of hydrochlorofluorocarbons<br />

– The Cl and/or F substituents lend HCFCs some of the<br />

desirable properties of CFCs (e.g. low reactivity, fire<br />

suppression, good insulating and solvent<br />

characteristics, boiling point suitable for use in<br />

refrigerator cycles)<br />

– The presence of C-H bond reduces the tropospheric<br />

lifetime significantly<br />

• HCFCs are only transitional CFC substitutes

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