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ote learning<br />

to independent learning<br />

individual learning<br />

inward looking schools to outward looking schools<br />

to group learning<br />

then<br />

and<br />

now<br />

discipline through fear/discipline through engagement<br />

greater understanding<br />

of how children learn<br />

resPect exPected<br />

resPect to be<br />

earned<br />

qualifications<br />

and degrees no<br />

guarantee to<br />

employment<br />

inward looking<br />

schools to<br />

outward<br />

looking schools<br />

sustainability<br />

business at<br />

arm’s length<br />

business<br />

embraced<br />

virtual<br />

idiosyncratic teaching<br />

to systems, testing and<br />

national curriculum<br />

more risk aversion<br />

but more flexibility<br />

in work and lifestyles<br />

transformational technology ‘bottom table’ virtual<br />

25 years globalisation<br />

society more diverse<br />

jobs for life/jobs for the best<br />

out with the old jobs/in with the new<br />

more risk aversion but more flexibility in work and lifestyles<br />

career mobility<br />

student<br />

voice<br />

vocational v academic to integrated learning<br />

competition to<br />

collaboration<br />

narrow view of education<br />

adhd to whole education<br />

freedom/ benchmarking<br />

red taPe<br />

industrial<br />

economy<br />

dyslexia<br />

blackboard to<br />

whiteboard<br />

university<br />

for all<br />

aspiration<br />

parochial to<br />

international<br />

testing, testing, testing<br />

university for the elite<br />

FroM ManageMent to leadership homework to wor<br />

paperwork Mountain<br />

weather<br />

climate change<br />

Meetings to social Media<br />

acquaintances to networks<br />

student<br />

voice<br />

aspiration<br />

Personalisation<br />

9-5 to<br />

24/7<br />

25<br />

years<br />



king from home<br />

Heads, TeacHers and IndusTry (<strong>HTI</strong>)<br />

25 Years of InspIrIng success<br />

reGIsTered cHarITy nuMBer: 1003627

inspiring teachers who inspire their students | inspirational leaders develop inspiring teachers who inspire their students<br />

inspirational leaders develop inspiring teachers who inspire their students | inspirational leaders develop inspiring teachers who inspire their students | inspirational leaders develop<br />

1986 - 2011<br />

25 years of inspiring world-class...<br />

...Leadership for better employability<br />

...Leadership for better attainment<br />

...Leadership for better life chances<br />

Connecting Education, Business and Government for 25 years<br />

inspirational leaders develop inspiring teachers who inspire their students | inspirational leaders develop inspiring teachers who inspire their students | inspirational leaders develop<br />

inspiring teachers who inspire their students | inspirational leaders develop inspiring teachers who inspire their students |

We believe<br />

We are unique<br />

that every child will have increased life chances if there is a close working<br />

relationship between education, business, government and public services.<br />

relevant skills to inspire and prepare every child for future life and work.<br />

We lead the way in building these partnerships, so that school leaders are equipped with<br />

in providing brilliant brokerage between leaders of business and schools to<br />

share understanding, knowledge and skills.<br />

We are pioneers in developing and delivering school leadership development programmes<br />

Our impact<br />

that stretch thinking, skills and capacity.<br />

will be measured by innovatively led schools, where strong community,<br />

public service and business links, combined with teaching for life, not the<br />

test, give every child the opportunity to Go4it.<br />

Ms Anne Evans OBE<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Heads, Teachers & Industry Ltd<br />

Herald Court<br />

University of Warwick Science Park<br />

Coventry<br />

CV4 7EZ<br />

I would like to congratulate to <strong>HTI</strong> reaching on its 25TH Anniversary<br />

over the last quarter of a century.<br />

Since it was founded in 1986, <strong>HTI</strong> has contributed a great deal to improving standards in schools up an<br />

the country. <strong>HTI</strong>’s model, of business leaders supporting school leaders to raise aspirations and of teachers<br />

spending time working in the private sector in order to learn about its ways of working, has proved very<br />

successful and I know that the experiences that senior staff have had of the business world through <strong>HTI</strong>’s<br />

programmes have radically changed their mindset and their approaches to leadership. When they have returned<br />

to their schools, they have been more strategic, more focused, and more able to deliver the education that<br />

young people deserve. Many have gone on to lead important innovations in education, such as setting up the<br />

first City Technology Colleges and Specialist schools. By working with 21,200 school leaders over 25 years, the<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> has potentially impacted on 9,500,000 young people, a wide-reaching contribution to our education system.<br />

What is most important about the vision of <strong>HTI</strong>, however, is that it remains as relevant today as it was in 1986.<br />

Developing school leadership is fundamental to our drive to improve standards and the contribution of <strong>HTI</strong> wil<br />

be valuable in achieving this aim. <strong>HTI</strong> unfailingly approaches any challenge with energy and enthusiasm and I<br />

particularly value the fresh, independent perspective that it brings to important policy questions. I know too<br />

my Ministerial colleagues have enjoyed participating in Strategic Forum events and have found it very helpfu<br />

discuss education issues with school and business leaders.<br />

I would like once again to congratulate all those working for <strong>HTI</strong>, and all those who have done so since 198<br />

their achievements and I wish you all well for the next 25 years!<br />


I would like to congratulate to <strong>HTI</strong> reaching on its 25TH Anniversary and for all the fantastic work it has done<br />

over the last quarter of a century.<br />

Since it was founded in 1986, <strong>HTI</strong> has contributed a great deal to improving standards in schools up and down<br />

the country. <strong>HTI</strong>’s model, of business leaders supporting school leaders to raise aspirations and of teachers<br />

spending time working in the private sector in order to learn about its ways of working, has proved very<br />

successful and I know that the experiences that senior staff have had of the business world through <strong>HTI</strong>’s<br />

programmes have radically changed their mindset and their approaches to leadership. When they have returned<br />

to their schools, they have been more strategic, more focused, and more able to deliver the education that<br />

young people deserve. Many have gone on to lead important innovations in education, such as setting up the<br />

first City Technology Colleges and Specialist schools. By working with 21,200 school leaders over 25 years, the<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> has potentially impacted on 9,500,000 young people, a wide-reaching contribution to our education system.<br />

What is most important about the vision of <strong>HTI</strong>, however, is that it remains as relevant today as it was in 1986.<br />

Developing school leadership is fundamental to our drive to improve standards and the contribution of <strong>HTI</strong> will<br />

be valuable in achieving this aim. <strong>HTI</strong> unfailingly approaches any challenge with energy and enthusiasm and I<br />

particularly value the fresh, independent perspective that it brings to important policy questions. I know too that<br />

my Ministerial colleagues have enjoyed participating in Strategic Forum events and have found it very helpful to<br />

discuss education issues with school and business leaders.<br />

I would like once again to congratulate all those working for <strong>HTI</strong>, and all those who have done so since 1986, on<br />

their achievements and I wish you all well for the next 25 years!<br />


July 2011

eflections from the<br />

chaIrman &<br />

chIef executIve<br />

for 25 years, through three<br />

governments, changing political<br />

agendas and economic turbulence,<br />

we have retained an unstinting focus<br />

on developing outstanding education<br />

leaders to inspire young people and<br />

improve their life chances.<br />

Our mission has been all about inspiring success - for<br />

education leaders, teachers and young people - and this is the<br />

focus of our 25th anniversary celebrations.<br />

If you turned the clock back 25 years you would recognise<br />

many of the challenges we face today: raising standards and<br />

attainment; improving employability skills; enhancing relations<br />

between education and business. One big difference was the<br />

near absence of any form of professional development for<br />

school leaders.<br />

Industry Year 1986 was the catalyst for change, with <strong>HTI</strong><br />

emerging out of a pioneering alliance between education,<br />

business and government. Its aim was to give school leaders<br />

stretching opportunities to develop their skills, understand<br />

employability issues and build bridges with business. Our<br />

secondment programme for school leaders to spend up to a<br />

year working in business was unique and life-changing – not<br />

just for the school leader, but for teachers and their pupils.<br />

Ten years later we became the UK’s first education leadership<br />

centre and have been at the forefront of education leadership<br />

Noorzaman Rashid, Chairman, <strong>HTI</strong><br />

development ever since: influencing policy, brokering ideas<br />

and talent exchanges across the sectors and drawing on best<br />

leadership practice from within and outside education to<br />

create distinctive programmes which challenge education<br />

leaders to think and act differently.<br />

Our 25th anniversary comes at a time of radical change for<br />

education. The expansion of academies, introduction of free<br />

schools, increased emphasis on collaboration and move away<br />

from centralised and local authority control all carry significant<br />

implications for school leadership and governance. Greater<br />

freedom and autonomy may be welcome, but they bring<br />

their own challenges. At the same time, employers urgently<br />

need to tackle skills shortages and young people face record<br />

competition for university places and jobs.<br />

With fewer centrally-driven national programmes we are<br />

focusing on designing and delivering on our own and in<br />

partnership with others. Structured around leadership, school<br />

and student development, our programmes are uniquely<br />

enriched by our exceptional cross-sector network. They aim<br />

to raise attainment and the quality of teaching, but also give<br />

a global perspective, promote employability and a can-do<br />

spirit in young people and stimulate culture change. Go4it, our<br />

awards scheme for schools with a risk and innovation positive<br />

culture, is a fantastic example of the broader dimension we<br />

are able to give to school leadership.<br />

Like the government and the 50 leaders interviewed for our<br />

25th anniversary book Lessons for Life, we believe nothing<br />

matters more to the aspirations of young people than<br />

inspirational teaching. But it is outstanding leaders who inspire<br />

teachers and developing outstanding leaders is our business.<br />

Anne Evans OBE, Chief Executive, <strong>HTI</strong><br />

6 hti | review of twenty eleven

aalborg accra adelaide badajoz baltimore bangalore<br />

banjul barcelona barrie beja bergen birmingham<br />

bracebridge bridgetown brussels cáceres calabria<br />

over 3000 LeaDers<br />

cambridgeshire camden cape town Chesterfield<br />

DeveLopeD BY htI dhaka dudley durban essex<br />

fauske guang thIs Year:<br />

lev helsingborg helsingør<br />

herefordshire hertfordshire hillerod houston hradec<br />

králové hudson LocaLLY kenora kent kingston<br />

kingstown kitui kolding leeuwarden lincolnshire malmo<br />

Masindi regIonaLLYan<br />

milan Minneapolis mirandola<br />

Montego bay niagara falls nijmegen njoro norfolk<br />

north bay north natIonaLLY odense olsztyn ottawa<br />

ribe riga roseau salzburg sandviken sandwell sant<br />

Joan despí sault anDMarie<br />

shanghai shropshire sibiu<br />

sicily singapore skjern solihull staffordshire stoke on<br />

trent InternatIonaLLY rey tallinn tasmania telford<br />

and wrekin terceira thunder bay toronto tuscany<br />

utrecht walsall warwickshire washington dc wigan<br />

wolverhampton worcestershire york ystad Zürich

LeaDer<br />

develOpMenT<br />

We provide a wide range of training and<br />

development opportunities to school leaders at all<br />

levels, as a lead provider for the National College,<br />

through our own programmes and bespoke<br />

solutions to specific development issues. We also<br />

provide interim assignments for senior teachers<br />

to work within business through our pioneering<br />

‘Stretch’ programme, which gives hands-on<br />

experience of leadership and management in<br />

another sector, as well as a deeper understanding<br />

of the employability skills young people need.<br />

Inspirational leaders develOp<br />

Inspiring TeacHers wHO Inspire THeIr sTudenTs<br />

schooL<br />

IMprOveMenT<br />

We offer a suite of programmes and services<br />

providing support on a more operational level<br />

to improve the development and performance<br />

of the whole school or college. These include<br />

management, finance, Academy strategy<br />

support, governor training, marketing, reputation<br />

management and HR. We also give teachers<br />

opportunities to broaden their international<br />

perspective through study visits, shadowing and<br />

exchanges in other countries.<br />

stuDent<br />

develOpMenT<br />

Our work is about improving the life chances of<br />

young people. We have a range of programmes<br />

designed to support this aim, including Go4it, the<br />

only national awards scheme in the UK for schools<br />

which demonstrate a culture of creativity and<br />

innovation and a positive attitude towards risk,<br />

so that students are excited and inspired by their<br />

learning. Our new peer mentoring programme,<br />

Inspire, aims to raise the aspirations of challenged<br />

or disaffected students by matching them with<br />

young people who have overcome similar<br />

challenges.<br />

highly skilled leaders Effective & efficient schools motivated & engaged students<br />

10 hti | review of twenty eleven<br />

the htI<br />

neTwOrk<br />

Our vast network across education, business and<br />

government ensures that we are at the heart<br />

of debate surrounding leadership, education<br />

and employability and that our developmental<br />

programmes are referencing best practice and<br />

need.<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 11

leader<br />

development<br />

Developing inspirational, world-class school and college leaders has been our business<br />

for 25 years. Great leaders inspire great teachers to give children and young people the<br />

education they need to thrive in life and work.<br />

The landscape for school leadership development is changing. Education leaders face diverse challenges,<br />

but they also have more freedom and autonomy than ever before to give young people a better education.<br />

We have responded by refocusing and revitalising our leadership development programmes. Our new<br />

portfolio has clear relevance to leaders at all levels and across all types of schools and colleges, both state<br />

and independent, as well clusters, federations and local authorities.<br />

12 hti | review of twenty eleven<br />

25 years of leadingedge<br />

leadership<br />

development<br />

Our redefined and redesigned programmes reflect everything<br />

that makes <strong>HTI</strong> unique as a national provider of leadership<br />

development:<br />

• access to the latest thinking and techniques from both<br />

within and outside education<br />

• strong connections at leadership level across business<br />

and other public services<br />

• strong partnerships with respected creators of<br />

innovative leadership development programmes<br />

• the credibility that comes with a 25-year track record<br />

for quality, impact and results.<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 13

Leading for Results<br />

We have many years, experience of developing the skills of<br />

middle leaders, who play a vital role in raising the quality of<br />

teaching, learning and student attainment in our schools and<br />

colleges.<br />

This year we worked with the Centre for Educational<br />

Leadership, University of Manchester and the Hay Group to<br />

develop and launch our own bespoke programme, Leading for<br />

Results.<br />

This personalised, practical and powerful programme helps<br />

middle leaders to become more effective as individuals and<br />

more skilled in empowering their teams to improve standards.<br />

Leading for Results, fully subscribed in its first year, is part of<br />

a suite of complementary programmes designed for those<br />

just setting out on their leadership journey to become deputy,<br />

assistant and aspiring headteachers.<br />

Bespoke Solutions<br />

greater autonomy and changing roles have increased<br />

demand for bespoke development programmes from schools,<br />

colleges and local authorities.<br />

The Children’s Services team in Walsall wanted to develop<br />

a new integrated working programme, which would enable<br />

multiple agencies to deliver high quality, seamless support to<br />

vulnerable children and families in the area. Project manager<br />

Craig Scriven was looking for a programme partner who would<br />

deliver an exceptional solution, on time and in budget.<br />

“<strong>HTI</strong> took on board the fact that we were looking to develop<br />

and deliver something which had never been done before. We<br />

worked in partnership to develop Leading Integration in the<br />

Children’s Workforce, which has now been delivered to middle<br />

managers across seven different sectors, with senior level buyin.<br />

We were so impressed by the professionalism and success<br />

of the programme that <strong>HTI</strong> went on to develop a fantastic<br />

succession planning and talent management programme,<br />

which has been delivered to over 70 managers across the<br />

West Midlands.”<br />

development programme seals head’s<br />

decision to take academy route...<br />

and hti supports the process<br />

“The best professional development<br />

experience as a headteacher.”<br />

That is how executive primary headteacher Diana Owen<br />

described a week coordinated by <strong>HTI</strong> on behalf of the National<br />

College for School Leadership to develop the leadership skills<br />

of National Leaders of Education (NLE).<br />

Diana joined 23 NLEs to work on a major national educational<br />

challenge, with expert input from leaders across a range of<br />

different sectors. The experience not only broadened her<br />

leadership perspective, but also crystallized her decision to<br />

convert three Nottingham primary schools – including her own<br />

– to academy status from September.<br />

“I may not have made this decision had I not attended that<br />

programme, but it accentuated my desire to make a difference<br />

to more children’s lives. I certainly wouldn’t be able to take<br />

things forward with so much confidence were it not for the<br />

expertise and support I’m now receiving through <strong>HTI</strong>.”<br />

Diana will be leading the newly-formed academy trust.<br />

Already other schools from within and outside the region have<br />

expressed interest in joining.<br />

“<br />

We’re moving into uncharted<br />

territory and it looks as though<br />

the momentum is going to grow<br />

quickly. Having access to a national<br />

perspective and expertise in crucial<br />

areas such as marketing, finance and<br />

planning support services has been<br />

invaluable.<br />

14 hti | review of twenty eleven <strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 15<br />

diana owen

hti is For liFe...<br />

1993 | Out of the comfort zone:<br />

Annette was seconded as a senior teacher to National Grid for<br />

a year, where she managed a major project on senior manager<br />

competencies for the 21st century.<br />

“My secondment was the best professional development I<br />

have ever had and as a direct result I moved straight into a<br />

vice-principal position.”<br />

Her secondment influenced curriculum development,<br />

human resources strategy, crisis management and customer<br />

focus, as well as enhancing work experience links and her<br />

understanding of employability.<br />

2001 | Onwards and upwards:<br />

Annette took up her first headship at Heart of England<br />

Secondary School – a promotion she directly attributes to<br />

her secondment. Amongst her many achievements, she<br />

led the school to Business & Enterprise specialist status<br />

and spearheaded its local and regional reputation for<br />

collaboration.<br />

2005 | ‘Stretching’ staff:<br />

Spurred by her own secondment experience, Annette gave two<br />

senior managers secondment opportunities: one to influence<br />

CPD practice nationally through the DfES; the other to<br />

research cross-sector best practice in creativity and innovation.<br />

Their learning strengthened the school’s training school bid,<br />

inspired innovation and was the impetus for the redesign of<br />

the sixth form centre.<br />

Promotion: Appointed headteacher of Chipping Campden<br />

School, where her experiences through <strong>HTI</strong> are reflected in her<br />

forward-looking leadership.<br />

Inspiration beyond our shores: An enterprise-themed study<br />

trip to Ontario, organised by <strong>HTI</strong>, inspired several enterpriserelated<br />

projects, boosted employer and governor engagement<br />

and informed vocational developments.<br />

2006 | Embracing the digital age:<br />

Annette was one of 13 consultants recruited by Becta through<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> to champion the government’s e-strategy, enhancing her<br />

understanding of the role of e-learning in improving student<br />

attainment.<br />

2007 | Extending influence:<br />

Annette shared her experience of new technologies with<br />

participants at a conference jointly hosted by the e-learning<br />

foundation and <strong>HTI</strong>.<br />

2008 | Leading Edge Partnership School:<br />

Chipping Campden School became a Leading Edge Partnership<br />

School, working collaboratively across four schools and two<br />

LAs to improve outcomes for students more widely and<br />

enhance staff development.<br />

2009 | Wider influence:<br />

Annette was designated a National Leader of Education and<br />

Chipping Campden became a National Support School.<br />

2010 | Digital Xpert:<br />

Annette contributed to the BectaX conference, exploring what<br />

it means to be a 21st century school in a connected world.<br />

Go4it culture: The school earned <strong>HTI</strong> Go4it status for its<br />

endeavours to give students an inspiring education and<br />

received its award from former <strong>HTI</strong> President Digby, Lord Jones<br />

of Birmingham.<br />

2011 | Sharing learning:<br />

the school organised and hosted the i-share conference for<br />

300 staff with 37 workshops and two keynote speakers as part<br />

of is Leading Edge work.<br />

Lessons for Life: Annette shared some of the ‘lessons’ she has<br />

learned about education, many activated by <strong>HTI</strong> development<br />

experiences, in <strong>HTI</strong>’s 25th anniversary book Lessons for Life.<br />

“<br />

hti provides a range of models<br />

for leadership development<br />

which, even in the cashstrapped<br />

future that we face, will<br />

provide enriching and relevant<br />

opportunities...No sector has<br />

all the answers and the strength<br />

of hti’s programmes lies in the<br />

cross-fertilisation of ideas.<br />

”<br />

Annette France<br />

1 headteacher<br />

10,600 students<br />

Annette France, Headteacher,<br />

Chipping Campden School<br />

4 schools<br />

690 teachers<br />

every year<br />

we train More than<br />

3000 education proFessionals<br />

to becoMe better leaders

500+<br />

More business and employabilitysavvy<br />

school leaders<br />

25<br />

25 years of successful<br />

experience and impact<br />

Stretching horizons<br />

1<br />

The pioneer of<br />

cross-sector secondments<br />

Stretch, our secondment programme for<br />

education professionals to work in business<br />

and public sector organisations, has changed<br />

the lives of hundreds of school leaders.<br />

In turn, they have helped to make education more<br />

relevant to thousands of young people by giving<br />

them a better understanding of employability and the<br />

workplace.<br />

Twenty-five years ago secondments were breaking<br />

new ground in leadership development. Over the years<br />

the programme has evolved and adapted to changing<br />

priorities. Business is now far more hands-on with<br />

education, but the value of secondments is as relevant as<br />

ever to current challenges for education, society and the<br />

economy.<br />

enduring impact<br />

Richard Hunter came full circle, as he had always intended,<br />

following his secondment to the HSBC Education Trust in 2002.<br />

His experiences from that year, and along the way, are now<br />

impacting and informing his leadership of Robin Hood Junior<br />

and Infant School. During his 12-month secondment, Richard<br />

worked with schools all over the country, contributed to national<br />

projects and advised government ministers and policy makers.<br />

“I learned so much from being exposed to such a variety of<br />

situations, schools, influential people and switching from a<br />

localised to a national setting.”<br />

When he returned to school he realised that he (and his staff)<br />

had grown personally and professionally and it was time to<br />

move on to the next challenge. He returned to the Trust and<br />

later moved to the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, but<br />

his love of school leadership never left him. In 2010 he<br />

returned to headship.<br />

“My experiences on secondment made me realise that there<br />

is no better place to work than in a school - and with such a<br />

powerful network at my fingertips I know I can give my new<br />

school fantastic opportunities that would not otherwise have<br />

been possible.”<br />

melanie warnes, Headteacher of The Castle School<br />

in Bristol and a successful National Leader of Education,<br />

wanted to broaden her repertoire of experience and<br />

strengthen the whole school leadership team.<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> brought the two together through a two-term Stretch secondment.<br />

PwC is a long-term supporter of Stretch. PwC Northern Ireland has benefited from a succession of 13 teacher<br />

secondments since 2004, but this was the first secondment on the UK mainland.<br />

During her secondment Melanie worked on a wide variety of revenue-generating projects, including the development of a<br />

school improvement benchmarking tool.<br />

The impact on Melanie and her team...<br />

• The importance of responding to new challenges<br />

with confidence, flexibility and agility – skills she<br />

resolved to develop in her students<br />

• Deeper insights into political change<br />

• Hands-on involvement with policy change<br />

• New ideas on team building, performance<br />

management and project management<br />

• The confidence to fulfil a long-standing ambition to<br />

set up a school improvement company<br />

• New leadership skills for her senior team, giving her<br />

more time to focus on strategic issues<br />

• An expanded network of contacts.<br />

“Before I went to PwC I’d had<br />

thoughts of setting up a company<br />

attached to the school. Now I know<br />

I can do it and I’ve got the contacts<br />

at PwC to help me to do it.”<br />

a win-win secondment at<br />

pricewaterhousecoopers<br />

Chris Kirk, Education and Enterprise Partner at<br />

pricewaterhousecoopers (pwc) was looking for a<br />

headteacher and subject matter specialist who could<br />

support his team and clients through changing roles and<br />

new challenges.<br />

The impact on Chris and his team...<br />

• Access to deep specialist knowledge and expertise in<br />

school improvement and special educational needs<br />

• A reminder of the importance of PwC’s work to<br />

young people and communities<br />

• An empathic, motivational and challenging coach<br />

• Valuable input to revenue-generating projects<br />

• An excellent ambassador for PwC with schools, local<br />

authorities, government and business.<br />

“Melanie had deep expertise in<br />

two areas of particular interest to<br />

our clients. As a NLE, her ability<br />

to leverage advice through her<br />

extensive networks was invaluable.”<br />

18 hti | review of twenty eleven <strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 19

20<br />

school<br />

improvement<br />

The massive expansion of the academies programme, introduction of free schools and move<br />

away from centralised and local authority control have given school and college leaders more<br />

autonomy and freedom. But they are also more accountable for raising teaching standards,<br />

student aspirations and attainment and global rankings.<br />

Our school and college development programmes help leaders to tackle the operational<br />

challenges associated with wider responsibilities and greater accountability.<br />

hti | review of twenty eleven<br />

Supporting a more<br />

businesslike approach<br />

Academies (primary and secondary) and free schools need<br />

robust operational structures to support changing roles and<br />

new management responsibilities.<br />

We are helping to achieve this through the creation of a<br />

new suite of e-learning programmes for business managers<br />

and school administrators, developed in partnership with<br />

Manchester Metropolitan University.<br />

The first four programmes, to be released in September, will<br />

focus on the crucial areas of finance and risk management,<br />

law, marketing and human resources management.<br />

Programmes for later release will cover business and<br />

enterprise development, quality management, creative<br />

business management, safer cultures and facilities<br />

management.<br />

Each of these accredited courses is designed to be accessible,<br />

user-friendly and cost-effective so that school leaders have<br />

the in-house business and administrative expertise which is so<br />

necessary to school improvement.<br />

Marketing focus<br />

The challenge of attracting students and staff to schools, as<br />

well as business and community involvement, is focusing<br />

attention on reputation management and marketing.<br />

Thorpe Hall School in Essex was one of the first clients to use<br />

our new marketing consultancy and support service to review<br />

the effectiveness of its marketing and develop a strategy for<br />

the future.<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 21

secondment leads to<br />

outstanding team award<br />

Jeremy Taylor, headteacher of Fleming Fulton Special School in Northern Ireland, is<br />

in no doubt that his hti secondment to pricewaterhousecoopers (pwc) was directly<br />

linked to winning the outstanding team of the year National Teaching Award in 2010.<br />

The problem: Faced with an exodus of special educational needs (SEN) pupils into<br />

mainstream education, Jeremy knew he had to take radical action.<br />

The ‘aha’ moment: While he was working at PwC, helping to shape and inform<br />

education policy, he realised that educators don’t have to be passive recipients of<br />

someone else’s decisions. They can be shapers too.<br />

The action: With lottery funding Jeremy set up a specialist team to help mainstream<br />

schools give the best possible to SEN pupils. By the time the team received their<br />

award, they had increased the participation of more than 100 young people with<br />

physical disabilities in 70 mainstream schools.<br />

The judges said: “What we have seen is a truly unique team who will influence policy<br />

on the education of children with physical disabilities in the future.”<br />

Take5<br />

Take5 is the mirror image of Stretch. It gives business<br />

employees the opportunity to help schools develop specialist<br />

management skills which are vital to new roles, wide<br />

responsibilities and school improvement.<br />

BT is one of a growing number of companies which recognise<br />

that encouraging their employees to volunteer is good for the<br />

personal and professional growth of the individual, good for<br />

the community and good for the business.<br />

Through Take5, <strong>HTI</strong> is one of three national providers of<br />

employee volunteering opportunities to BT.<br />

When we asked our network of schools to submit potential<br />

projects we received an outstanding response. Not surprisingly<br />

in the current climate of change, support for marketing<br />

projects was top of the wish list, but there was also strong<br />

demand for help with creating outdoor learning spaces,<br />

strategic planning, IT and finance.<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> staff would like to thank BT for its generous volunteering support for team training.<br />

Supporting new governance models<br />

Strong governance is another key issue for<br />

academies and free schools.<br />

High quality training is essential to ensure that governing<br />

bodies have the right structure and skills to drive up teaching<br />

standards, school improvement and accountability as well as<br />

manage resources prudently and creatively.<br />

Drawing on our extensive experience in this area, we have<br />

helped the management teams of two free schools to develop<br />

their governance structures, identify essential skills and<br />

understand their responsibilities to parents as well as other<br />

key stakeholders.<br />

22 hti | review of twenty eleven <strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 23

specialised<br />

educational needs<br />

thinking<br />

skills<br />

netherlands<br />

challenging<br />

circuMstances<br />

Jamaica<br />

Belgium<br />

creativity<br />

a bigger, better, broader programme...<br />

our school leaders are amongst<br />

the best in the world, yet we are<br />

slipping behind some countries in<br />

international rankings.<br />

24<br />

A vital part of creating a world-class education system is<br />

understanding how other nations are tackling education<br />

challenges and learning from their experiences.<br />

Over the past three years, we have given almost 2000<br />

teachers that opportunity through the Teacher International<br />

Professional Development Programme (TIPD).<br />

This year groups have studied a diverse range of themes in<br />

developed and developing nations right across the world:<br />

thinking skills in the Netherlands; innovation in Shanghai;<br />

creativity in Denmark; Special Educational Needs in Belgium;<br />

behaviour management in Sweden; challenging circumstances<br />

in Jamaica; coping with very limited resources in Uganda.<br />

These visits inspire, give insight, change practice, develop<br />

networks and boost morale.<br />

Denmark<br />

behaviour<br />

ManageMent<br />

sweden<br />

innovation<br />

shanghai<br />

optiMising<br />

resources<br />

uganda<br />

...for learning from and with the best in the world<br />

Expansion of international learning<br />

When funding for TIPD was withdrawn earlier this year, we<br />

seized the opportunity to use our experience and contacts to<br />

develop a broader, more flexible programme and extend it to<br />

teachers overseas, as well as in the UK.<br />

International Professional Development in Education<br />

(IPDE) will give educationalists opportunities to:<br />

• Study how other countries are tackling a wide range of<br />

issues from curriculum and leadership to innovation and<br />

sen<br />

• Swap roles through short and long-term exchanges and<br />

learn from peers through job shadowing<br />

• Shape their own international learning experiences for<br />

groups from their own schools, federations, academy<br />

chains, clusters or Local Authorities.<br />

Supporting education development and<br />

improvement overseas<br />

We are also building our international profile by applying<br />

our expertise to education development and improvement<br />

projects in other countries. For example, we successfully<br />

bid to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of education<br />

development projects in Jamaica.<br />

“After 20 years in the profession<br />

I had forgotten why I became a<br />

teacher. This visit reminded me of<br />

why I think it’s the most important<br />

job in the world. Thank you.”<br />


“That it has continued for twenty-five years is testimony to <strong>HTI</strong>’s inherent ability to<br />

adapt to meet the needs of those working in both sectors.”<br />

Dr Roy Millington, founding father of <strong>HTI</strong><br />

“One of the recurring themes about business secondments is the incredible boost to<br />

teachers’ personal confidence and their professional development.”<br />

Lord Puttnam at a BITC conference in February 2001<br />

“It was the best year of my life. I learned so much. My mentor, a great bloke,<br />

said at the end that I’d made the transition from education into industry<br />

really easily, but he doubted whether his leaders could make the<br />

transition into leadership in schools.<br />

That’s very good for your self-esteem isn’t it?”<br />

Annette France, Headteacher, Chipping Campden School on her secondment to National Grid<br />

“Breaking down the barriers between education and<br />

business, building shared understanding, helping<br />

teachers to equip young people for life after school<br />

are at the heart of what <strong>HTI</strong> does.”<br />

Sir Digby Jones, Director General, Confederation of British Industry<br />

“business cannot solve all the big challenges<br />

education currently faces, but it can help to make<br />

a difference. <strong>HTI</strong> strives to act as both a catalyst<br />

and a conduit within this overall ambition.”<br />

Sir John Bond, Chairman, HSBC Group and former President of <strong>HTI</strong><br />

“business has an interest and a responsibility<br />

both to shape employment policies in a<br />

constructive way, and to engage directly in the<br />

process of helping young people into the world of<br />

work. <strong>HTI</strong> can help businesses to do just this.”<br />

Richard Lambert, Director General, CBI<br />

“UK’s prosperity depends on our business success.<br />

That success is dependent on raising our skills level and<br />

applying those abilities to business situations. Therefore<br />

business and education working closely together -<br />

and <strong>HTI</strong>’s role as independent broker in facilitating<br />

this - is fundamental to the UK.”<br />

Years of<br />

Inspiring Success<br />

2525<br />

Miles Templeman, Director General, IoD<br />

“I welcome the opportunity to influence policy, opinion and education<br />

reform through <strong>HTI</strong>’s Strategic Forum. We need to make science, engineering<br />

and technology skills an educational priority and a<br />

profession of choice for young people.”<br />

Steve Holliday, Chief Executive, National Grid<br />

“In my view it’s crucial to gain a different perspective on issues and to share views on<br />

pragmatic ways to achieve business outcomes. Our partnership with <strong>HTI</strong> provides a<br />

platform for Rolls-Royce to do just that.”<br />

Tom Brown, Director - Human Resources, Rolls-Royce<br />

“<strong>HTI</strong>’s ability to broker senior business leader meetings for me was excellent.<br />

They helped me to step back and apply business models to scaling up the<br />

Outwood Grange vision. The entire community will benefit.”<br />

Michael Wilkins, Chief Executive & Academy Principal, Outwood Grange Academies Trust<br />

“As an entrepreneur, I know that it is vital to learn how to deal and live with risk, learn<br />

from mistakes and failure. I feel sorry for kids growing up in a cotton wool culture. And<br />

I feel sorry for teachers. Children who are exposed to managed risk benefit in terms of<br />

their education, their employability and as better members of society.”<br />

Simon Woodroffe, founder of the Yotel Hotel brand<br />

“go4it is about the bigger picture and that’s what our country<br />

lacks. Employers are saying young people don’t have the work<br />

ethic and lack imagination and Go4it encourages all of that.”<br />

Jonathan Weeden, Deputy Head, Carter’s Primary, Lancashire<br />

“Go4it has had an amazing impact on the quality of<br />

our provision and on the attitudes of the whole school<br />

community. We believe that the Go4it philosophy<br />

has helped us to raise our children’s achievements.<br />

Our key stage 2 SATs results for 2010 were above<br />

the national average and our<br />

best results in 10 years.”<br />

Johnette Barrett, Headteacher, Sellincourt Primary, Wandsworth<br />

“Our future economic success – nationally<br />

and in the global arena – depends on creative,<br />

enterprising and highly-skilled risk takers. These<br />

are the qualities which business seeks and<br />

schools should be nurturing in young people.<br />

I welcome <strong>HTI</strong>’s work in bringing together leaders<br />

of business and education to ensure that the UK<br />

develops the best possible attitudes and skills for<br />

our future employees.”<br />

Gordon Brown, former Prime Minister<br />

“It’s difficult to overstate <strong>HTI</strong>’s achievements over the<br />

past 25 years. It has stayed true to its root concept of<br />

partnership between education and business – a very tough<br />

call 25 years ago – and stood the test of time. Thousands of<br />

school and business leaders now benefit from these partnerships<br />

without fully realising what a debt of gratitude they owe to <strong>HTI</strong>.”<br />

Baroness Morris of Yardley, former Education Secretary<br />

“By working with 21,200 school leaders over 25 years, <strong>HTI</strong> has<br />

potentially impacted on 9,500,000 young people, a wide-reaching contribution<br />

to our education system. What is most important about the vision of <strong>HTI</strong> is that<br />

it remains as relevant today as it was in 1986. Developing school leadership is<br />

fundamental to our drive to improve standards and the contribution<br />

of <strong>HTI</strong> will be valuable in achieving this aim.<br />

I wish you all well for the next 25 years!”<br />

rt hon michael gove mP, secretary of state

For 25 years,<br />

through three governments,<br />

changing political agendas<br />

and economic turbulence,<br />

we have retained an<br />

unstinting focus to inspire<br />

and improve the life chances<br />

of young people.<br />

Sir Michael Colman (far right), first President of <strong>HTI</strong> and Group Chairman of<br />

Reckitt and Colman, Dr Bill Walsh (second from left), <strong>HTI</strong>’s founding Chairman,<br />

also of Reckitt and Colman, with newly appointed Director of <strong>HTI</strong>, David<br />

Coulson (second from right).<br />

inspirational leaders develop inspiring teachers who inspire their students | inspirational leaders develop inspiring teachers who inspire their students | inspirational leaders develop inspiring teachers who inspire their students | inspirational leaders develop inspiring teachers who inspire their students<br />

HRH Prince Charles meets <strong>HTI</strong> Director, David Coulson at Hungerhill School.<br />

500+<br />

secondments into<br />

business since 1986<br />

1986 1991<br />


Gillian Shepherd MP, Secretary of State for Education, 1996<br />

David Blunkett MP,<br />

Secretary of State for Education, 1997<br />

estelle morris mP,<br />

Secretary of State for Education, 2001<br />

Sir Digby Jones becomes <strong>HTI</strong>’s new<br />

President in October 2005<br />

8000<br />

leaders<br />

developed by<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> in 25 years<br />

Dr Noorzman Rashid becomes <strong>HTI</strong>’s new<br />

Chairman in October 2009<br />

2001 2006 2011<br />


michael gove mP,<br />

Secretary of State for Education, 2010<br />

9,500,000<br />

young people have experienced<br />

the <strong>HTI</strong> impact

Everything we do is about improving the life chances of young people.<br />

Every young person should be inspired by an education which speaks to their interests, talents and aspirations and<br />

develops the courage, tenacity and skills to pursue them.<br />

32<br />

student<br />

development<br />

No child should be written off, left to fail or overlooked.<br />

Our student development programmes help young people to believe in their potential teachers to teach more<br />

innovatively and leaders to transform cultures and attainment.<br />

hti | review of twenty eleven<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> ‘Ground force team’ transforms<br />

Oak Cottage Primary School garden<br />

and play areas<br />

Growing numbers of schools recognise that learning can take place in<br />

all sorts of settings beyond the classroom.<br />

School grounds are an excellent starting point, but many schools do<br />

not have the resources or time to transform them from playtime to<br />

learning spaces. Our Greener Communities scheme makes this possible<br />

by importing volunteers from local businesses to create vibrant, safe<br />

outdoor learning environments.<br />

For the 4th consecutive year our staff devoted an entire team-building<br />

day in June to giving Solihull’s Oak Cottage Primary School a complete<br />

Greener Communities makeover. The transformation included creating<br />

an environmental area with bird nesting boxes, bird tables and mini<br />

beast houses. Young members of the new weekly ‘gardening club’ will<br />

also be growing plants and vegetables in the new raised beds.<br />

“<br />

“i’m overwhelmed... I love the<br />

little arbour; I love the fact the little<br />

creatures can now swim in the pond<br />

because it was so clogged up and<br />

I love all the little toadstool seats<br />

everywhere... it’s just brilliant.<br />

Thank you!”<br />

Karen O’Keefe, Headteacher<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 33

Why inspire?<br />

• More than 1,000,000 16-24 year olds<br />

are classified as NEET<br />

• School leavers with no qualifications<br />

are the most at risk of dropping out of<br />

education and work<br />

• 5% of long-term NEET young people<br />

are reported to die within a decade of<br />

falling out of the system.<br />

Why INSPIRE ?<br />

<strong>HTI</strong>’S PEER MENTORING SCHEME<br />

• Significant improvements in scores for<br />

behaviour, motivation, punctuality and<br />

homework<br />

• Significant reduction in disruptive behaviour,<br />

referrals and exclusions<br />

• Marked improvement in academic attainment.<br />

Who inspired?<br />

• 22 young mentors (sixth form students,<br />

undergraduates, apprentices and other local<br />

community members), inspired...<br />

• 31 disengaged young people, at...<br />

• 6 schools, over...<br />

• 10 one hour sessions.<br />

34<br />


<strong>HTI</strong>’S PEER MENTORING SCHEME<br />

“they aren’t probleM kids; they Just have a lot to deal with”<br />

every child can achieve, given the right<br />

support. Without it, some children –<br />

particularly those ‘with a lot to deal with’<br />

– can become the disruptive influence;<br />

the underachiever; the disengaged.<br />

Ultimately, they can drop out of education,<br />

employment and training altogether.<br />

Often, just having the opportunity to talk<br />

problems through with someone who<br />

understands can help.<br />

this year, with the generous support<br />

of <strong>HTI</strong> patron Tim Melville-Ross, we have<br />

conducted a small-scale pilot of our new<br />

peer mentoring programme, Inspire.<br />

Inspire matches students who are underachieving<br />

because of poor behaviour, attitude, motivation and<br />

confidence with young people who have overcome<br />

similar challenges to fulfil their aspirations.<br />

The results have been remarkable, prompting one<br />

teacher to comment that the impact had been<br />

“worth a million pounds”.<br />

Drawing on their own experiences and showing friendship and<br />

empathy, the mentors established enough trust and rapport<br />

over just ten hours to achieve a significant impact...<br />

…on mentees<br />

Working towards targets and achieving ‘small successes’ has<br />

built up self-esteem, confidence, aspiration and the realisation<br />

that taking responsibility for their learning could help them to<br />

take control of their future.<br />

…on mentors<br />

The opportunity to give something back and see they were<br />

making a difference to a young person’s life also increased<br />

mentors’ confidence, self-belief and aspirations. They<br />

developed their communication, negotiating and problemsolving<br />

skills, as well as learning tolerance, patience and the<br />

difference between behaviour and the person.<br />

…on schools<br />

All schools reported marked improvements in behaviour,<br />

attitude and motivation. Referrals were reduced – dramatically<br />

in some instances – and there were no exclusions.<br />

… on teachers<br />

Teachers were better able to focus on teaching, rather than<br />

managing disruptive behaviour, to the benefit of the whole<br />

class.<br />

What next for Inspire?<br />

The Inspire model works, but we have looked at how we can<br />

differentiate it from other mentoring schemes and take it<br />

to thousands of young people, rather than tens. We believe<br />

there is huge potential for Inspire as an extension to the<br />

government’s national apprenticeship programme.<br />

• Young apprentices and disengaged youngsters are likely to<br />

find common ground<br />

• An association with apprenticeships resonates with our<br />

focus on employability and skills<br />

• There are 85,000 employers offering apprenticeships<br />

across 130,000 locations.<br />

We would like to see every young apprentice working as an<br />

Inspire mentor and are working towards this aspiration in<br />

partnership with our powerful network across education,<br />

business and government.<br />

“These young pupils may come from homes where<br />

there is no ambition, no forward-looking goals,<br />

problems with authority and apathy towards the<br />

child’s education. It takes time to build trust and<br />

rapport, but both are better achieved through<br />

contact with young role models with whom these<br />

children can identify, rather than a stream of people<br />

from external agencies.”<br />

hti | review of twenty eleven <strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 35

Go4it, <strong>HTI</strong>’s award for schools which dare to do things<br />

differently, inspirationally and with a sense of adventure, has<br />

had a record-breaking year - and the impact is spreading...<br />

• A record number of schools - 51 - celebrated Go4it status in our 25th anniversary<br />

year, at not one, but two award ceremonies.<br />

• A record number of primary schools collected Go4it awards.<br />

• We presented the first Go4it partnership award to 13 schools in Winsford,<br />

Cheshire.<br />

• The appeal of Go4it is extending beyond schools to a broader range of educational<br />

institutions like Hospital Outreach Education in Northampton and Coventry<br />

Performing Arts Service.<br />

• Tangible evidence is emerging of the transformational impact of Go4it on school<br />

ethos and attainment.<br />

• We signed up our first Further Education college – Southgate in Enfield – part of<br />

phase 3 of the Enfield Education Business Partnership Go4it collaboration.<br />

“we believe that the go4it philosophy has helped<br />

us to raise our children’s achievements. Our key<br />

stage 2 SATs results for 2010 were above the<br />

national average and our best results in 10 years.”<br />

Johnette Barrett, Headteacher, Sellincourt Primary School<br />

“Go4it not only offered accreditation for the work we were<br />

already doing, but also gave us the licence to take more<br />

risks with the range of activities we offer.”<br />

Charlie Brown, Hospital and Outreach Education Coordinator<br />

“‘What attracted Southgate to Go4it was the opportunity<br />

it gives for institutions to gain recognition for fostering a<br />

creative, innovative and businesslike atmosphere, where<br />

qualifications are not the only aim for our learners.”<br />

Val Naylor, Director of Community Cohesion and<br />

Safeguarding, Southgate College<br />

breaks records and<br />

transForMs schools<br />

Inspirational Go4it schools<br />

• Students at Oaklands Special School treated guests to a preview of their<br />

programme for the Bangor International Choral Festival. They then went on<br />

to achieve joint first place in their category and performed alongside top<br />

international choirs at the Gala Festival Concert.<br />

• wandsworth children have created their own micro-society in the classroom,<br />

setting up all the organisations required for it to function, from government, civil<br />

service and a legal system to businesses and an economy.<br />

• children in ledbury ran their own market stall in Ledbury market, working with<br />

local artists to create and sell arts and crafts and developing their customer<br />

relationship skills in the process.<br />

• Cockshut Hill Technology College helped to create an 80ft mural in the local<br />

shopping centre as part of a graffiti-reducing community initiative.<br />

“Go4it gets a big thumbs-up from<br />

me as one of the best initiatives out<br />

there for students. I have got where<br />

I am today by taking educated risks,<br />

pushing the boundaries, and i’m a<br />

firm believer that young people need<br />

to have the confidence to do the<br />

same! Life starts when you’re on the<br />

edge of your comfort zone and we<br />

need to encourage our younger<br />

generation to believe in<br />

themselves and see everything<br />

as an opportunity.”<br />

Claire Young, Businesswoman,<br />

motivational speaker and finalist in<br />

BBC 1’s hit show The Apprentice<br />

36 37

Go4it boosts school improvement and attainment<br />

There can be few things more demoralising than being publicly labelled the worst school in the UK.<br />

But deputy head Joel Marshall had already used Go4it to transform his previous school and was pinning his hopes on it<br />

achieving a similar transformation at St Mary’s Primary School in Kidderminster.<br />

Before Go4it...<br />

• The school was in special measures and had made<br />

the headlines as ‘one of the worst schools in the<br />

country’<br />

• Only 7% of Year 6 pupils achieved national<br />

expectations<br />

• 75% of parents were unemployed, many of<br />

them long-term<br />

• Pupils had high levels of special needs<br />

• Mobility rates were high<br />

• Behaviour was poor; permanent exclusion<br />

rates were high<br />

• There were low standards of teaching attainment<br />

and progress, matched by low staff morale<br />

• Leadership was failing .<br />

“When I told colleagues about my<br />

new job there was usually a sharp<br />

intake of breath, but having used<br />

Go4it in my previous school I knew<br />

you don’t get anywhere without<br />

taking a risk.”<br />

... and after Go4it<br />

• The school rocketed out of special measures;<br />

attainment levels have soared to 64% - 71% in Maths<br />

• The senior leadership team used Go4it as a<br />

‘licence’ to take risks; they rewrote the curriculum<br />

and employed the best teachers despite financial<br />

constraints<br />

• Quality of teaching is now no less than good and<br />

outstanding in many instances<br />

• ‘Do Something Different’, which gives children<br />

activities which develop employability skills, has<br />

galvanised the whole community behind the school.<br />

• Children are more confident, resilient, motivated,<br />

responsible and better behaved; the benefits ripple<br />

out to harder-to-reach children<br />

• The school has been shortlisted for the 2011 TES<br />

Outstanding Senior Leadership Team Award.<br />

“Now other schools come to us<br />

to share our expertise. Without<br />

Go4it St Mary’s would never have<br />

emerged out of special measures as<br />

it did.”<br />

Strategies for boosting attainment<br />

In partnership with internationally recognised authority<br />

Geoff Hannan, <strong>HTI</strong> has added three new programmes to its<br />

student development portfolio designed to boost student<br />

attainment, regardless of background, ability or gender.<br />

Geoff’s system has been developed over many years to impact<br />

quickly and effectively in improving teaching and learning.<br />

During a number of sell-out sessions, he took middle leaders<br />

through a range of teaching and learning strategies that<br />

help deliver outstanding performance, linking them to the<br />

development needs of the participants’ own departments<br />

and a system for performance evaluation and monitoring.<br />

“<br />

”<br />

it was so good that we tried to<br />

book Geoff for our next INSET<br />

day. Unfortunately he was already<br />

booked!<br />

Jo Slough, Headteacher,<br />

St Alphege CE Federation<br />

38 hti | review of twenty eleven <strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 39

We have spent 25 years developing our vast network across education, business and government.<br />

40<br />

the hti<br />

network<br />

Our network is what makes <strong>HTI</strong> unique. It gives us a uniquely broad perspective on education challenges and a<br />

uniquely powerful resource for influencing change, sharing ideas, shaping solutions and spreading best practice.<br />

hti | review of twenty eleven<br />

Headteacher Ann Battersby and her pupils from North Kidlington School put their creative skills to<br />

the test when they created a magnificent replica plane with Tim Godwin from Thrift.<br />

Is education killing creativity?<br />

<strong>HTI</strong>’s 25th anniversary celebrations got off to a thought-provoking start when<br />

international creativity guru and <strong>HTI</strong> patron Sir Ken Robinson gave a rousing polemic<br />

to 150 education leaders on how the education system is stifling young people’s<br />

creative impulses and potential.<br />

“When people get to discover things they enjoy and love to do, they tend to get better<br />

at everything because their confidence rises with it,” he said.<br />

A group of youngsters from the Sheffield Academy of Young Leaders in Sport,<br />

introduced by Professor Mick Waters, proved the power of allowing young people to<br />

shine in their own realm of talent. As well as expertly facilitating group discussions<br />

after Sir Ken’s talk, they explained how the Academy had helped them to become<br />

more confident, mature and develop their communication skills.<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 41

“UK’s prosperity depends on our business success. That success<br />

is dependent on raising our skills level and applying those<br />

abilities to business situations. Therefore business and education<br />

working closely together - and <strong>HTI</strong>’s role as independent broker in<br />

facilitating this - is fundamental to the UK.”<br />

Miles Templeman<br />

“business has an interest and a responsibility both to shape<br />

employment policies in a constructive way and to engage directly in<br />

the process of helping young people into the world of work. <strong>HTI</strong> can<br />

help businesses to do just this.”<br />

Richard Lambert<br />

“Success demands the role that <strong>HTI</strong> plays in bringing education<br />

and employers together, both to ensure employers offer<br />

apprenticeships and other employment for young people, and<br />

also to ensure that young people in school and college are given<br />

the necessary exposure to, and knowledge of, employment.”<br />

Ian Ferguson<br />

how business sees our role<br />

“<br />

“An important factor in creating the right<br />

climate for high-level debate at our Strategic<br />

Forum dinners is the wonderfully generous<br />

hospitality provided by our hosts. It adds to<br />

impact, quality and exclusivity, which are so<br />

vital to attracting the leaders who can really<br />

make culture change in education happen.”<br />

anne evans<br />

”<br />

.<br />

Chief Executive, <strong>HTI</strong> .<br />

“<strong>HTI</strong> brings together key players from<br />

education, policy and business to have frank and<br />

informative discussions about what works, what doesn’t<br />

work and how to make things better for the benefit of<br />

our young people. As the new national body dedicated<br />

to championing young people’s learning, we’re delighted<br />

to be a key partner with <strong>HTI</strong>.”<br />

Rob Wye<br />

“i’m delighted you’ve chosen to celebrate your silver<br />

anniversary year by promoting the importance of<br />

raising aspiration among teachers and young people.<br />

One of the things I admire so much about <strong>HTI</strong> is a<br />

willingness to grasp the nettle when it comes to<br />

difficult subjects.”<br />

Tim Loughton MP

Lessons for Life from Britain’s top leaders<br />

No matter what our experience of education, most of us<br />

can remember at least one teacher who inspired us.<br />

This was certainly true of the 25 education leaders and 25<br />

leaders from business and the public sector interviewed for<br />

a new book to mark our 25th anniversary.<br />

Lessons for Life, written by former government adviser<br />

Conor Ryan, asked the 50 leaders what they believe young<br />

people need from schools, how their own school experience<br />

affected these beliefs and how leaders across the sectors<br />

can help to make education a more relevant, inspiring<br />

experience.<br />

The interviewees, who included Michael Gove and three<br />

former Education Secretaries, singled out aspiration as the<br />

key ingredient to school-leavers’ success.<br />

They confirmed that no matter how much the world<br />

might change, an inspirational teacher can be<br />

the determining influence on a young<br />

person’s life.<br />

There was a lot of consensus amongst<br />

interviewees on key themes such as...<br />

• The qualities of inspirational leaders and teachers<br />

• The value of business links<br />

• The need for schools to develop ‘skills for life’<br />

– but how should they be taught?<br />

• The importance of literacy, communication and<br />

numeracy and the right curriculum choice.<br />

There were also inevitable differences of opinion, but one<br />

thing was clear: everyone has strong views on education,<br />

because education matters hugely to the individual,<br />

communities, business and the economy.<br />

“My own life experience showed me...<br />

it is never possible to know which kids are going to make<br />

it and which are not going to make it, so it is necessary<br />

to invest in all of the children.”<br />

Sir William Atkinson, Executive Headteacher,<br />

Phoenix Canberra Schools Federation<br />

“The more I see schools up and down the country, the<br />

more I believe that all students should have an element<br />

of vocational education in their curriculum...”<br />

Christine Gilbert, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Ofsted<br />

“....Dance, music, theatre reside in everybody. Children love<br />

to create plays, dramas, stories, to paint – and yet schools<br />

don’t encourage [their] formation.”<br />

dr anthony seldon, master of wellington college<br />

“(Young people) do need to have that bit extra in terms<br />

of things like discipline and respect, and also sacrifice...<br />

no one is going to come to your door and give you<br />

anything for free.”<br />

Sir Alex Ferguson, Manchester United Manager<br />

“”In America kids are born believing they will succeed;<br />

in the UK this has to be taught. Everyone should back<br />

the teachers that inspire our kids to say ‘what now?’<br />

rather than ‘whatever’?”<br />

Simon Woodroffe, founder of the Yotel Hotel brand<br />

44 45

46<br />

Living our Values<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> Go Pink for Breast Cancer Campaign!!<br />

The <strong>HTI</strong> team were all kitted out in pink to support Breast Cancer awareness in<br />

October. They also made donations to the cause by taking part in the<br />

‘What’s In the Pink Wardrobe’ game.<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> gives away £1000 worth of<br />

free CPD at the Education Show 2011<br />

We celebrated our 25th anniversary by giving away £1000 of Continuing<br />

Professional Development at the Education Show in March and the Seizing<br />

Success conference in June.<br />

‘Eggciting’ surprise for children<br />

Children at a residential care home and a children’s centre in Coventry had an<br />

‘eggciting’ surprise in April when <strong>HTI</strong> staff delivered lots of chocolate Easter eggs<br />

they had donated. It’s an annual ‘eggstravaganza’!<br />

Parent Support Awards 2011<br />

Active support for and from parents is vital to children’s learning and<br />

engagement, so <strong>HTI</strong> was delighted to sponsor two categories of the Parent<br />

Support Awards in June. Our evaluation of the impact of PSA, on behalf of TDA<br />

West Midlands, showed that many families benefited from its support.<br />

10 year certificate awarded to<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> for Investors in People<br />

Our business is about developing the talents and skills of education leaders.<br />

We are equally committed to developing the talents and skills of our own<br />

people.<br />

This commitment is made explicit through a decade of being an Investor in<br />

People – a milestone celebrated by a special certificate presented by IIP’s<br />

Director for Operations.<br />

Anne Evans awarded prestigious<br />

Mary Lou Carrington award<br />

The tireless work of our chief executive, Anne Evans, in bringing education<br />

and business closer together over the past 15 years was recognised by the<br />

prestigious Mary Lou Carrington award for ‘Inspirational Educators’ conferred by<br />

the Company of Educators.<br />

London2012: The Last Bus<br />

We gave 10 school leaders the opportunity of a pre-Olympics bus tour of the<br />

magnificent Olympic Park complex, with the proviso that they shared their<br />

experience with pupils on their return to school.<br />

hti | review of twenty eleven <strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 47

our<br />

patrons<br />

Dr Geraldine Kenney-Wallace<br />

is Chair of Chi 3 Photonics, a<br />

strategy consultant and Liveryman<br />

of The World Traders. She<br />

was formerly Group Director and<br />

founder of the successful e-business<br />

for the City & Guilds Group, following<br />

4 years as a Managing Director at<br />

BAE SYSTEMS plc.<br />

john allwood<br />

is a Non-Executive Director of<br />

TalkTalk plc and The Carphone<br />

Warehouse Group plc. He has over<br />

30 years, experience in the Media<br />

and Telecoms sector, having been<br />

Chief Executive of both Orange<br />

UK and Mirror Group plc. He is<br />

a governor of exeter university<br />

and advisor to a number of small<br />

businesses.<br />

mary chapman<br />

chairs the Institute of Customer<br />

Service and is a Council Member<br />

for Brunel University. She was<br />

Chief Executive of the Chartered<br />

Management Institute. She is a<br />

Non-Executive director with the<br />

Royal Mint, the National Lottery<br />

Commission, the GDST and The<br />

Archbishops’ Council of the Church of<br />

England.<br />

Digby, Lord Jones of<br />

Birmingham Kt.<br />

wrote ‘Cotton Wool Kids’ for <strong>HTI</strong><br />

which resulted in the Go4it award.<br />

He is Chairman of the International<br />

Business Advisory Boards at HSBC<br />

and British Airways and Chairman of<br />

Triumph Motorcycles. In addition he<br />

advises a number of Boards including<br />

Jaguar and JCB. Digby is a Non-<br />

Executive Director of Leicester<br />

Tigers plc.<br />

bob gilbert<br />

is a retired corporate lawyer. He<br />

is Chairman of the Government’s<br />

Intellectual Property Office and of<br />

the Paintbox Group of Companies.<br />

Tony Mackay<br />

is a founding member of the National<br />

College’s Governing Council. He is<br />

CEO of the Melbourne-based Centre<br />

for Strategic Education, Australia and<br />

Honorary Fellow in the Graduate<br />

School of Education at The University<br />

of Melbourne. Tony specialises in the<br />

areas of school and system leadership,<br />

improvement and innovation.<br />

Norman Askew<br />

is Chairman of IMI plc.<br />

Previous positions include<br />

Chairman of Taylor Wimpey<br />

plc, Kiddle plc and Manchester<br />

university board of governors as<br />

well as Chief Executive of British<br />

Nuclear Fuels plc.<br />

dame julia cleverdon,<br />

dcvo, cbe<br />

is Vice President of Business in the<br />

Community (BITC) and a Special<br />

Adviser to the Prince’s Charities<br />

on responsible business practice.<br />

She was Chief Executive of BITC<br />

from 1992-2008. Dame Julia is also<br />

Chair of Teach First.<br />

ian ferguson cbe<br />

is Chairman of Trustees of<br />

metaswitch networks, which is<br />

consistently in the top 10 of the<br />

Sunday Times 100 Best Companies<br />

to Work for and recipient of the<br />

Queen’s Award for Innovation in<br />

2010. He is on the Board of the<br />

Young People’s Learning Agency,<br />

UK Skills and the Apprenticeship<br />

Ambassadors Network.<br />

sir paul judge<br />

is President of the cim and the<br />

Association of MBAs, Chairman of<br />

Enterprise Education Trust, Digital<br />

Links International, St Dunstan’s<br />

College and Schroder Income<br />

Growth Fund plc and Director<br />

of the UK Accreditation Service,<br />

ENRC plc, Standard Bank Group Ltd<br />

of Johannesburg, Tempur-Pedic<br />

International Inc of Kentucky and<br />

Abraaj Capital of Dubai.<br />

Tim Melville-Ross CBE<br />

is Chairman of The Higher<br />

Education Funding Council for<br />

england, dtZ, manganese bronze<br />

and Royal London Insurance.<br />

He was previously Chairman of<br />

Bovis Homes, Chief Executive of<br />

Nationwide Building Society and<br />

Director General of the Institute of<br />

Directors.<br />

sir john banham<br />

is chairman of Spacelabs Inc. He<br />

is also the senior Independent<br />

Director of AMVESCAP plc and<br />

Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc, as<br />

well as a Non-Executive Director<br />

of Merchants Trust plc. Previously<br />

he was Chairman of John Matthey<br />

plc and Whitbread plc and Director<br />

General of the CBI.<br />

sir michael colman<br />

was Chairman of Reckitt and<br />

Colman from 1985 - 1995 and<br />

<strong>HTI</strong>’s first president. Now retired<br />

from corporate life, Sir Michael has<br />

started at the bottom again, building<br />

a peppermint-growing business<br />

from scratch on his farm, which<br />

has launched the ‘Summerdown’<br />

products range into the speciality<br />

food trade.<br />

jane frost cbe<br />

is Director at HMRC. She has led<br />

brands as diverse as Persil, Shell<br />

and the BBC. Of her 150 awards<br />

for marketing, she prizes the<br />

double platinum disc for the BBC’s<br />

“Perfect Day” campaign. Jane is a<br />

trustee of the Lowry Arts Centre<br />

and a Non-Executive Director of<br />

Children in Need.<br />

Baroness Morris of Yardley<br />

was the Secretary of State for Education<br />

and Skills in 2001, then a Minister at<br />

the Department of Culture Media and<br />

Sport, and left Parliament in 2005.<br />

She is a Trustee of the Paul Hamlyn<br />

Foundation, The Roundhouse and Chair<br />

of the National Coal Mining Museum.<br />

She now works at the Institute of<br />

Effective Education at the University<br />

of York which aims to transform the<br />

relationship between education research<br />

and practice.<br />

48 hti | review of twenty eleven <strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 49

jim oatridge obe<br />

is Chairman of Wolverhampton City<br />

PCT, a Non-Executive Director at the<br />

Northern Ireland Authority for Utility<br />

Regulation and Animal Health and<br />

Veterinary Laboratories Agency. He is<br />

Chairman of the Chartered Institution<br />

of Water and Environmental<br />

Management. To 2005 he was Group<br />

services director with severn trent Plc<br />

and Chair of <strong>HTI</strong> from 1996 to 2008.<br />

ian powell<br />

is Chairman and Senior Partner of<br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Ian<br />

is also a member of the five-man<br />

Network Leadership team which<br />

leads the international network of<br />

PwC firms. He leads the ‘Central<br />

Cluster’ of the PwC Network, which<br />

spans 97 countries and accounts for<br />

half of PwC’s worldwide revenues.<br />

Robert Walker<br />

is currently Chairman of Travis<br />

Perkins PLC and Americana<br />

International Holdings Limited. He<br />

is also a Non-Executive Director of<br />

Tate & Lyle PLC. He was previously<br />

Chairman of WH Smith PLC, William<br />

LEA and BCA Europe and has served<br />

on a number of FTSE 100/250<br />

boards.<br />

Jackie Orme<br />

has been Chief Executive of the<br />

Chartered Institute of Personnel and<br />

Development since 2008. The Institute<br />

is the professional leading body for the<br />

HR profession. Leading thought and<br />

setting standards, it boasts 135,000<br />

members. Jackie previously spent 12<br />

years working for PepsiCo, including<br />

7 years leading the UK and Ireland HR<br />

function and sitting on the UK Executive<br />

Board of PepsiCo International.<br />

Heather Rabbatts CBE<br />

is a Non-Executive Director for<br />

Arts Alliance (a major film/digital<br />

investment fund) and for the Royal<br />

Opera House. She was a senior<br />

Executive with Channel 4 and<br />

was Chair of Shed Media. She is<br />

currently advising a number of UK<br />

production companies.<br />

sir ken robinson<br />

is an internationally recognised<br />

leader in the development of<br />

creativity, innovation and human<br />

resources. He has worked with<br />

governments in Europe, Asia<br />

and the USA, with international<br />

agencies, Fortune 500 companies<br />

and not-for-profit corporations.<br />

Sir Martin Sorrell<br />

is CEO of WPP, the world’s<br />

largest global advertising and<br />

marketing services group. Through<br />

the group’s 100+ operating<br />

companies (including renowned<br />

internationally-respected agencies<br />

such as JWT, Ogilvy and Y&R), WPP<br />

provides communications services<br />

to national, multinational and<br />

global clients.<br />

dr bill walsh<br />

is the Founder of <strong>HTI</strong> and was<br />

<strong>HTI</strong>’s founding Chairman from<br />

1986-1996. He was a former<br />

Director of Reckitt & Colman and<br />

has led education and business<br />

links in Hull. He has continued<br />

to be Chairman of Connexions<br />

Humber and of the Advisory Board<br />

of Hull University Business School.<br />

michael osbaldeston obe<br />

was Director of Cranfield School<br />

of Management from 2003-2009.<br />

Prior to this he was Head of Global<br />

Learning at Shell International and<br />

was Chief Executive of Ashridge<br />

Business School from 1990-1999.<br />

Sir Mike Rake<br />

is Chairman of BT Group plc. He is<br />

Chairman of the UK Commission<br />

for Employment and Skills,<br />

Chairman at EasyJet plc, as well<br />

as a director of barclays Plc,<br />

mcgraw hill inc and the financial<br />

Reporting Council. From May 2002<br />

to September 2007 Sir Michael<br />

Rake was Chairman of KPMG<br />

International.<br />

dame marjorie scardino<br />

is Chief Executive of Pearson plc, the<br />

international media group whose<br />

primary business operations include<br />

Pearson Education, the Financial<br />

Times Group and Penguin Group.<br />

Formerly Chief Executive of The<br />

Economist Group, she holds various<br />

Non-Executive directorships and is a<br />

member of a number of charitable<br />

and advisory boards.<br />

Mark Taylor<br />

is the Dean of Warwick Business<br />

School and Professor of Finance.<br />

He is a leading international<br />

authority in open economy<br />

macroeconomics and international<br />

finance. Previously a Fellow of<br />

university college, oxford, he has<br />

also held chairs at city university<br />

Business School and at Liverpool<br />

and Dundee Universities.<br />

Mick Waters<br />

is Professor of Education at<br />

Wolverhampton University and<br />

President of the Curriculum<br />

Foundation. Previously he was<br />

Director of curriculum at QCA,<br />

helping schools to rethink their<br />

approach to curruiculum design. He<br />

works nationally and internationally<br />

advising schools and governments.<br />

Elizabeth Reid<br />

is Chief Executive of SSAT. The<br />

Trust has over 5,700 member<br />

schools and educational<br />

organisations. She serves on the<br />

board of the University of Arts<br />

london, city and islington college,<br />

the Enterprise Education Trust,<br />

the Fashion Retail Academy and<br />

the Qualifications and Curriculum<br />

Development Agency.<br />

Neil Sherlock<br />

is Public and Regulatory Affairs Partner<br />

at KPMG. He is a former adviser to<br />

Paddy ashdown and sir menzies<br />

Campbell and now advises Nick<br />

Clegg. Neil is Chairman of Working<br />

Families, Vice-Chairman of the KPMG<br />

Foundation, a member of the Board of<br />

the think tank CentreForum, a Trustee<br />

of the think tank Demos and is on<br />

the Leadership Board of the Refugee<br />

Council.<br />

miles templeman<br />

is director general of the iod and<br />

previously Chair of <strong>HTI</strong> Patrons.<br />

he was managing director of the<br />

Whitbread Beer Company and<br />

Non-Executive Chairman of<br />

YO! Sushi. He was Marketing<br />

Executive for Daz, Ribena,<br />

Lucozade and Levi’s jeans.<br />

Simon Woodroffe OBE<br />

is <strong>HTI</strong>’s Go4it Patron. Simon<br />

opened YO! Sushi in 1997.<br />

Today, the group has 60 sites<br />

around the world, serving 3 million<br />

customers per year. Simon opened<br />

YOTEL in 2007, a hotel concept<br />

offering luxury in a very small<br />

space.<br />

50 hti | review of twenty eleven <strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 51

our<br />

governance<br />

david armstrong<br />

Partner – Consulting,<br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP<br />

richard hall<br />

Learning Manager – Finance<br />

& Governance, Lloyds<br />

Banking Group<br />

tony richardson<br />

Chief Education Adviser,<br />

Nexus Associates & Chair,<br />

university of warwick,<br />

Institute of Education<br />

advisory board<br />

Dr Noorzaman Rashid<br />

Director, Board and Leadership Services, Harvey Nash<br />

Chair of <strong>HTI</strong> Trustees<br />

kevin boyle<br />

headteacher,<br />

oaklands school<br />

Terry Hewett<br />

managing director,<br />

thinkZest<br />

fiona timothy<br />

Chairman, Cashfac<br />

valerie dias<br />

Executive Vice President, Chief<br />

Risk and Compliance Officer,<br />

Visa Europe<br />

lucinda hunt<br />

Head, Notting Hill & Ealing<br />

high school, gdst<br />

jo upward<br />

Group Director,<br />

Customer Experience, BT<br />

helen glennie<br />

director<br />

hmg associates ltd<br />

Chair of <strong>HTI</strong> Audit, Risk and<br />

Compliance Committee<br />

Mike Orton<br />

HR Director, Ince & Co<br />

Chair of <strong>HTI</strong> Remuneration<br />

Committee<br />

Martin Ward<br />

Deputy General Secretary,<br />

Association of School and<br />

college leaders<br />

52 hti | review of twenty eleven <strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 53

Financial<br />

overview<br />

The financial accounts for the year to 31 March 2011 show another positive result.<br />

In a year when education budgets were very tight, <strong>HTI</strong> managed to maintain turnover at 92% of<br />

the level achieved in the previous year and also to return a surplus after expensing the costs of<br />

realigning the company for the new landscape.<br />

National interest in the work of <strong>HTI</strong> continues to be at record levels and Trustees are confident that <strong>HTI</strong> has a huge<br />

part to play in the evolving education landscape.<br />

54<br />

hti | review of twenty eleven<br />

£1.5 Million<br />

giFted to education<br />

via hti charity since 1996<br />

unrestricted<br />

funds<br />

restricted<br />

funds<br />

total funds<br />

12 months ended<br />

31 March 2011<br />

total funds<br />

12 months ended<br />

31 March 2010<br />

incoming funds £ £ £ £<br />

Incoming resources from generated funds<br />

Voluntary income 329 329 44,080<br />

Trading activities 198,879 198,879 261,722<br />

Incoming resources from charitable activities 5,344,792 78,942 5,423,734 5,838,986<br />

total incoming resources 5,544,000 78,942 5,622,942 6,144,788<br />

resources expended<br />

Costs of generating funds<br />

Costs of generating voluntary income 8,064<br />

Costs of trading activities 427,747 427,747 344,955<br />

Charitable activities 5,032,200 92,139 5,124,339 5,512,699<br />

governance costs 23,560 23,560 22,842<br />

total resources expended 5,483,506 92,139 5,575,645 5,888,560<br />

Net movement in resources before transfers 60,494 (13,197) 47,297 256,228<br />

Transfers between funds (42,984) 42,984<br />

Net movement in resources 17,510 29,787 47,297 256,228<br />

Fund Balances brought forward 645,076 23,595 668,671 412,443<br />

Fund Balances carried forward 662,586 53,382 715,968 668,671<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> | www.hti.org.uk 55

Head Office:<br />

<strong>HTI</strong>, Herald Court<br />

university of warwick science Park<br />

Coventry CV4 7EZ<br />

Tel: 024 7641 0104<br />

Fax: 024 7641 5984<br />

Email: enquiries@hti.org.uk<br />

Website: www.hti.org.uk<br />

Heads, Teachers and Industry Ltd<br />

Registered Company No. 2308265<br />

Registered Charity No. 1003627<br />

<strong>HTI</strong> Leadership Centre Ltd<br />

Registered Company No. 3325746<br />

ISO 9001<br />

Registered Firm<br />

heads, teachers and Industry Ltd<br />

(htI): the national charity dedicated<br />

to giving back to schools, their students<br />

and their communities.<br />

Registered Charity No.<br />

1003627<br />

International ISO 14001<br />

Accreditation Registered Firm Board<br />

Certificate No. GB2000313 Certificate Registration No. No. SP240094 0044/1 Certificate Registration No. No. SP240338 0044/1<br />

Copyright September 2011<br />

ISO International 27001:2005<br />

Accreditation Registered Firm Board<br />

Edited by: Sue Langmead<br />

Designed by: Harpal Singh Sembi<br />

International<br />

Accreditation Board<br />

Registration No. 0044/1<br />

“htI Has THe creDIBILItY<br />

THaT cOMes wIth a 25<br />

Year Track recorD<br />

FOr quaLItY, Impact<br />

and resuLts”

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