Japan and the Japanese

Japan and the Japanese Japan and the Japanese


584 INDEX. Doeff, ITendrick, 447, 449, 451457, 484. Dogs, 405, 490. Dominicans in Japan, 113, 117, 120, 129. Draughts, game of, 469. Dragons, 303. Dress, 403, 417, 521, 52S, 530. Dutch Bast India Company, 132, 133, 162, 184, 216, 217, 387, 417, 484. Dutch intercourse and trade with Japan, 142, 153, 184, 193, 213, 222251, 384, 3S9, 446, 453, 459, 4S4, 506. Dutch Director, 246, 247, 249, 277, 326, 367, 370, 372, 377. 379, 311, 484, 488, 501. Dutch-Japanese children, 392, 459. Dutch language in Japan, 430, 486, 543. Earthquakes, 120, 297, 432, 542. Elephant, 458, 468. English trade and intercourse with Japan, 161, 163, 169, 177, 184, 186, 196, 205, 446 448, 454, 485. Fachnnan, Fuchiman, Fatzmari, or Hachiman (the Japanese Mars), 127, 302. Fans, 284. Facone, district of, 356, 407. Faxiba (afurwrards. Taiko-Sama), 9597, 104, 105, 108, 110, 112. See Taiko-Sama. Feije, or Feke, family of, 58, 551. Feast of Lanterns, 442. Festivals, 62, 173, 397, 442, 470. Ferreyra, Christopher, 190, 202. Ferries, 292. Fide Jon, 127, 129, 154, 176. Figfii, or Fisen, province of, 53, 264, 337, 338, 455. Figure-treading, 22S, 267, 397, 503. Firando, 73, 142, 153, Io3, 173, 177,180, 182. 180, 190, 194, 195, 201 ; prince of, 79, 103, 126, l.i'J, 144, 152, 1 :-j3, 163165, 177. Fire*, 68, 354, 355, 360, 361, 409, 431, 451, 541, 551. Firemen, 359. Fisscher, J. F. Van Overmeer, 459, 487. Fitch, Ralph, 206, 555. 556. Fire-places, 307, 527, 540. Flower-gardens, 305, 300,310. Flowers, SOS, 310. 407. Forest trees, 408, 410. Formosa, lsM), l'.)5, 210, 230. Foxes, 67, 334, 335. Foyne-Sama, 144, 152, 153, 163165, 177. Franciscan missions, IIS, 120, 123, 124, 129, 190. French intercourse with Japan, 204, 499, 571. Fro. i, lx.uis, 80, 81, 126, 130, u., 185, n., 195, 199, 331. Fruit tree--, 407. Fruits, 407, 421. Funeral ceremonies, 439 442. Furniture, 296. Fusi mountain, 345, 407, 492, 568. G.ilvano, Antonio, 21, 41, 52 ; his account of the discovery of Japan, 23. Cairo, Balthazar, 75,79. Games, 332. Gardens, 311. Gnecchi, Father, 82, 83, 97, 116, 123, 126, 129. 3i-jas (Ogosho-Saraa, and Gongen-Sama), founder of the reigning dynasty, 127 129, 137139, 143, 148, 156, 157, 168, 177. Ginseng, 390. Olobiiu, 452, 468, 486. Glynn, Captain, 500 floa, 20, 42, 46 IS, 76, 87, 105, 556. Gold, 203, 385, 531. Oolownin, 28, 36, 123, 421, 427, 451, 458, 401 483. Gordon, Captain, 4S5. Gowns, 417, 422. Grave-yards, 3t)5, 537. Guns, their introduction into Japan, 30, 413; 515. Guysl>ert, Robert, 187, 188, 267, 26S. GutslafT, 491. Hackluyt, 22, &9, 113, 119, 121, 136, 207. Haganaar, 1UO, 195, 196, 261. Hagendorp, 448. Hair, manner of wearinz, 412, 521, 522. Hakodade, 445, 460, 463. Hatch, Arthur, 183. Hay, collection of Japanese letters, 94, 119. 130, 159. Hawkins, Sir R., attempted voyage to Japan, 132. II. -ad-dresses and coverings, 273, 2S4, 413, 515. Ili-tuire General des Voyages, 154, 554. Horses, 167, 405. Horse-back riding, 280, 285. Houses, 258, 295, 296, 29J, 305, 341, 349, 360, 3HS, 538542. Iloutiimn, Cornelius, 132, 133. Msu (province), 359, 604, 564. mhoff, 384. nns, 146, 167, 305. nlermamages, 174, 197, 201, 2^0. nterpreters of Desiina, 231, 279, 280, 309, 328. rkutsk, professorship of Japanese at, 446. . ainabo, mountain priests, 66, 321. Jancigny, his work on Japan, 491, 500. Japan, discovered by Europeans, 22, 34, 35 ; preceding history, 58, 426 , exclusive policy of, 225, 385, 386, 445, 480, 495, 497, 501 ; characteristics of the inhabitants, 70, 220, 22H, 2S3, 333, 423, 562. Jebisu, or Yebis-san-ro (Japanese Neptune), 272. Jedo, 99, 129, 145, 169, 177, 204, 35 379, 417, 451, 486, 488, 525; bay of, 357, 4'J2, 495, 4J6, 504, 520, 534. Jeso, 100, 101, 203, 444, 401, 467. Jesuits in Japan, 84, 102, 103, 117, US, 121, 125, 140, 176, 178, 17l, 191. Joritom ., 58, 324, n., 325. Joscimon, king of Bungo, 82, 85, 98, 102, 103, 115, 110. Journal Asiatiqu?, 141, 385. Journal of Commerce, (New York), 520, 527. Jujumi (figure-treading), 228, 207, 347, 503. Justic-, administration of, 200, 268, 300. Kachi, see Tachitay-Kachi. Kambanpr, Dutch sale by, 245 249. Kami, 60, 62. Kampfer, Knsrelbert, IS, 32, 18S, 208, n., 210 213, n., 216382, 395, 400, 405, 407, 41* 424, 464. Kamissiino, 211, 419. Kanagawa, 358, 521, V2( Kango, 286. Kappa, 284. Kandarin, 29. Katti, or Catty, 29.

Has, 29. KU.HJ, 55. KIai.r-.tl., 62, 271, 295,352, 356,382,385,420, 426. 451, 562. Kokf, 54. Kokonota, 267. K,.nashir, 444, 460. Kubanp, 55, 209, 383, 532. Krusenstern, 449. Kubo, 54, 50, 420, 427, 431. Huge, 57, 427. Kuli, 229, 235, 389. Kurile Islands, 1UO, 203, 444, 445, 483. Kwambak, Kambakundono, 96, 220, 427. La Lande's astronomy in Japan, 452. Lacker and lackered ware, 68, 309, 521, 537, 559. Lancaster, voyages to the East Indies. 132, 139. Lamps, 332. Lattices, 369. Laxnian in Japan, 445, 468. Leonsiama, 471, 473. Lew Chew, 27, 30, 34, 100, 101, 141, 202, 325, 495, 522. Liampo, 21, 22, 25, 34, 35. Linshoten, 132, 555. London Missionary Society, 494, n. Lopo de Vega, 173. Loyala, Ignatius, 42, 43, 77. Macao, 21, 77, 86, 122, 124, 134, 186, 187, 192, 206, 207, 491. McDonald, prisoner in Japan, 503, 504. Jl'Kay, prisoner in Japan, 502, 503. Maffei, 22, 130. Magellan, Straights of, 131, 132, 134. Mahay, Jacques, 132. Maize, 538. Malela, 17. Malacca, 21, 24, 87, 142. Manilla, 109, 117, 120, 121, 126, 140,154,159, 184, 189, 207. Mansie (cakes), 375. Manufactures, 68, 337. 349, 350, 537, 559. Maps, Japanese, 221, 419, 489. Mariner, voyage of, 504. Marco Polo, 1417. Martnori, 431. Marsden, 16, 17. Mas, 29. Mats, 400, 416, 539. Marriages, 199, 432439, 469, 470. Martyrs, 123, 178181, 186, 190, 196. Matsmai, 101, 445, 465, 466. Matsuri, 270, 422. Matheson, Captain, 514. Maylan, O. F., 487. Meals, 51, 332, 357, 375, 378, 401, 462, 466, 470, 522. Merchants, 32, 54, 272, 406, 452, 483. Mercator, voyasre of the, 495. Medicines, 353, 410, 539, 540. .Mermaids, 342. Mexico, intercourse with Japan, 123, 155, 157159, 1S9. Mia (Kami temples), 61, 260, 301, 379382, 528. Miako, 53, 56, 72, 81, 98, 109, 123, 126, 129, 151, 154, 171, 349, 379, 404, 431. Mikado. See Dairi. INDEX. 585 Mirrors, 61, 402. Miseratsie (huuse ornaments), 307. Molucca*, 21, 23, 41, 52, 142, 153, 155, 162, 172, 183. Mougtil invasion of Japan, 14. Monsoons, 241. Montanus (.Memorable Embassies), 204, 209, 367. Morrison, voyage of the, 491 493. Mourning, 440443. Moxa, 411. Music and Musical Instruments, 165, 274, 536. Mythology, Japanese, 62, 65, 271, 272. Nagasaki, 82, 86, 101, 102, 114, 123, 125, 129, 178, ISO, 181, 218, 240, 247, 256, 202264, 277, 327, 454, 499504, 522. Nambu, 202. Namada, 261. Naugato, 72, 74, 77, 97. Nengo, 35. New Year's Day, 397, 470. Nipon, 13, 53, 101, 299, 327. Niponbas, 360. Nobunaii{.'a, 8183, 8fi, 95, 385 Norimon, described, 286. Nuyts, Pettr, 194, 195, 558. Oath, Japanese form ot, 227. Obani (a gold coin), 55. Offari (indulgence box), 318. Ogosho Sama. See (ii-jas. Oil, 332, 345, 395, 460. Oitz (lake), 352. Oiiuira, 80, 82, 86, 101, 102, 455. Ottona, 265, 266 of ; Desima, 223, 224, 226, 232, 233, 238, 239, 293, 249. Oxu, or .Muts, 158. Ozaka, 53, 97, 98, 123, 130, 153, 154, 168, 177, 289, 339. Painting, cosmetic, 337, 338, 392, 487. Paper, manufacture ot, 400. Paper hangings, 258. Parker, Lr., 491, 493. Paul, of the 11 ly Faith. See Angiro. Pearls, 15, 536. Pellew, Captain, 454, 455. Perouse, La, 444. Phaeton, visit to Japan, 454, 455. Philip II., of Spain, 87, 91, 94. Philippines, 52, 108, 113, 114, 118, 120, 121, n., 126, 131, 141, 144, 172, ISO, 207. Physicians, 407, 410, 412, 452, 4S8. Picul, 29. Pillows, 307. Pilgrims and Pilgrimages, 62, 318. PinkerUm, Collection of Voyages, 200, 205. Pinto, Fernam ilendez, 23, 24, 2734, 37 40, 72, 76, 78, 553. Plays, 165, 273, 422. Pocket-handkerchiefs, 408. Portraits, 36. Post-houses, 146, 167, C04. Portuguese trade and intercourse with Japan, 21, 27, 34, 76, 99, 105103, 110, 111, 1>1. 15J, 154, 186, 191, 192, 203. Presents, 379. Preble, visit to Japan, 500. Princes, 119, 197200, 277, 314318, 431 Pring, Martin, 183, 186. Printing, 418. Prisons, 464.

584 INDEX.<br />

Doeff, ITendrick, 447, 449, 451457, 484.<br />

Dogs, 405, 490.<br />

Dominicans in <strong>Japan</strong>, 113, 117, 120, 129.<br />

Draughts, game of, 469.<br />

Dragons, 303.<br />

Dress, 403, 417, 521, 52S, 530.<br />

Dutch Bast India Company, 132, 133, 162,<br />

184, 216, 217, 387, 417, 484.<br />

Dutch intercourse <strong>and</strong> trade with <strong>Japan</strong>, 142,<br />

153, 184, 193, 213, 222251, 384, 3S9, 446,<br />

453, 459, 4S4, 506.<br />

Dutch Director, 246, 247, 249, 277, 326, 367,<br />

370, 372, 377. 379, 311, 484, 488, 501.<br />

Dutch-<strong>Japan</strong>ese children, 392, 459.<br />

Dutch language in <strong>Japan</strong>, 430, 486, 543.<br />

Earthquakes, 120, 297, 432, 542.<br />

Elephant, 458, 468.<br />

English trade <strong>and</strong> intercourse with <strong>Japan</strong>,<br />

161, 163, 169, 177, 184, 186, 196, 205, 446<br />

448, 454, 485.<br />

Fachnnan, Fuchiman, Fatzmari, or Hachiman<br />

(<strong>the</strong> <strong>Japan</strong>ese Mars), 127, 302.<br />

Fans, 284.<br />

Facone, district of, 356, 407.<br />

Faxiba (afurwrards. Taiko-Sama), 9597, 104,<br />

105, 108, 110, 112. See Taiko-Sama.<br />

Feije, or Feke, family of, 58, 551.<br />

Feast of Lanterns, 442.<br />

Festivals, 62, 173, 397, 442, 470.<br />

Ferreyra, Christopher, 190, 202.<br />

Ferries, 292.<br />

Fide Jon, 127, 129, 154, 176.<br />

Figfii, or Fisen, province of, 53, 264, 337, 338,<br />

455.<br />

Figure-treading, 22S, 267, 397, 503.<br />

Fir<strong>and</strong>o, 73, 142, 153, Io3, 173, 177,180, 182.<br />

180, 190, 194, 195, 201 ; prince of, 79, 103,<br />

126, l.i'J, 144, 152, 1 :-j3, 163165, 177.<br />

Fire*, 68, 354, 355, 360, 361, 409, 431, 451, 541,<br />

551.<br />

Firemen, 359.<br />

Fisscher, J. F. Van Overmeer, 459, 487.<br />

Fitch, Ralph, 206, 555. 556.<br />

Fire-places, 307, 527, 540.<br />

Flower-gardens, 305, 300,310.<br />

Flowers, SOS, 310. 407.<br />

Forest trees, 408, 410.<br />

Formosa, lsM), l'.)5, 210, 230.<br />

Foxes, 67, 334, 335.<br />

Foyne-Sama, 144, 152, 153, 163165, 177.<br />

Franciscan missions, IIS, 120, 123, 124, 129,<br />

190.<br />

French intercourse with <strong>Japan</strong>, 204, 499, 571.<br />

Fro. i, lx.uis, 80, 81, 126, 130, u., 185, n., 195,<br />

199, 331.<br />

Fruit tree--, 407.<br />

Fruits, 407, 421.<br />

Funeral ceremonies, 439 442.<br />

Furniture, 296.<br />

Fusi mountain, 345, 407, 492, 568.<br />

G.ilvano, Antonio, 21, 41, 52 ; his account of<br />

<strong>the</strong> discovery of <strong>Japan</strong>, 23.<br />

Cairo, Balthazar, 75,79.<br />

Games, 332.<br />

Gardens, 311.<br />

Gnecchi, Fa<strong>the</strong>r, 82, 83, 97, 116, 123, 126, 129.<br />

3i-jas (Ogosho-Saraa, <strong>and</strong> Gongen-Sama),<br />

founder of <strong>the</strong> reigning dynasty, 127 129,<br />

137139, 143, 148, 156, 157, 168, 177.<br />

Ginseng, 390.<br />

Olobiiu, 452, 468, 486.<br />

Glynn, Captain, 500<br />

floa, 20, 42, 46 IS, 76, 87, 105, 556.<br />

Gold, 203, 385, 531.<br />

Oolownin, 28, 36, 123, 421, 427, 451, 458, 401<br />

483.<br />

Gordon, Captain, 4S5.<br />

Gowns, 417, 422.<br />

Grave-yards, 3t)5, 537.<br />

Guns, <strong>the</strong>ir introduction into <strong>Japan</strong>, 30, 413;<br />

515.<br />

Guysl>ert, Robert, 187, 188, 267, 26S.<br />

GutslafT, 491.<br />

Hackluyt, 22, &9, 113, 119, 121, 136, 207.<br />

Haganaar, 1UO, 195, 196, 261.<br />

Hagendorp, 448.<br />

Hair, manner of wearinz, 412, 521, 522.<br />

Hakodade, 445, 460, 463.<br />

Hatch, Arthur, 183.<br />

Hay, collection of <strong>Japan</strong>ese letters, 94, 119.<br />

130, 159.<br />

Hawkins, Sir R., attempted voyage to <strong>Japan</strong>,<br />

132.<br />

II. -ad-dresses <strong>and</strong> coverings, 273, 2S4, 413,<br />

515.<br />

Ili-tuire General des Voyages, 154, 554.<br />

Horses, 167, 405.<br />

Horse-back riding, 280, 285.<br />

Houses, 258, 295, 296, 29J, 305, 341, 349, 360,<br />

3HS, 538542.<br />

Iloutiimn, Cornelius, 132, 133.<br />

Msu (province), 359, 604, 564.<br />

mhoff, 384.<br />

nns, 146, 167, 305.<br />

nlermamages, 174, 197, 201, 2^0.<br />

nterpreters of Desiina, 231, 279, 280, 309,<br />

328.<br />

rkutsk, professorship of <strong>Japan</strong>ese at, 446.<br />

. ainabo, mountain priests, 66, 321.<br />

Jancigny, his work on <strong>Japan</strong>, 491, 500.<br />

<strong>Japan</strong>, discovered by Europeans, 22, 34, 35 ;<br />

preceding history, 58, 426 , exclusive policy<br />

of, 225, 385, 386, 445, 480, 495, 497,<br />

501 ; characteristics of <strong>the</strong> inhabitants, 70,<br />

220, 22H, 2S3, 333, 423, 562.<br />

Jebisu, or Yebis-san-ro (<strong>Japan</strong>ese Neptune),<br />

272.<br />

Jedo, 99, 129, 145, 169, 177, 204, 35 379,<br />

417, 451, 486, 488, 525; bay of, 357, 4'J2,<br />

495, 4J6, 504, 520, 534.<br />

Jeso, 100, 101, 203, 444, 401, 467.<br />

Jesuits in <strong>Japan</strong>, 84, 102, 103, 117, US, 121,<br />

125, 140, 176, 178, 17l, 191.<br />

Joritom ., 58, 324, n., 325.<br />

Joscimon, king of Bungo, 82, 85, 98, 102, 103,<br />

115, 110.<br />

Journal Asiatiqu?, 141, 385.<br />

Journal of Commerce, (New York), 520, 527.<br />

Jujumi (figure-treading), 228, 207, 347, 503.<br />

Justic-, administration of, 200, 268, 300.<br />

Kachi, see Tachitay-Kachi.<br />

Kambanpr, Dutch sale by, 245 249.<br />

Kami, 60, 62.<br />

Kampfer, Knsrelbert, IS, 32, 18S, 208, n., 210<br />

213, n., 216382, 395, 400, 405, 407, 41*<br />

424, 464.<br />

Kamissiino, 211, 419.<br />

Kanagawa, 358, 521, V2(<br />

Kango, 286.<br />

Kappa, 284.<br />

K<strong>and</strong>arin, 29.<br />

Katti, or Catty, 29.

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