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1.<br />

Monday, 3rd January 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Wells<br />

and Ridley present .<br />

Mr. McAra reported that the Treasury had given formal<br />

consent to the proposed increase in capital by Brown & William-<br />

son Tobacco Corporation and a capitalisation issue by Pakistan<br />

Tobacco Company. The Pakistan proposals are, of course,<br />

subject also to the Pakistan Government's consent .<br />

2. Mr. Ridley reported that Mr . Wade of B. & W. had<br />

telephoned to say that they did not want to take delivery of<br />

the 5 Hauni machines due for shipment on the 5th January, as<br />

the Hauni machines they already had had not worked satisfactorily .<br />

The shipment of these machines has accordingly been stopped .<br />

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1 .

Tuesday, 4th January 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Wells<br />

and Ridley present.<br />

1. Additional expenditure of Re .158,400 by Pakistan Tobacco<br />

Company to complete the Fouzdarhat Factory was approved. This<br />

represents increased cost over and above the original estimate<br />

of Rs .24,74,254 which was approved by this Committee on the<br />

21st October 1953.<br />

2. Letter was read from Mr . Cavendish-Bentinck about the<br />

Anglo-German Association, to which this Company and other<br />

Companies have made a donation of £100 for each, of the past two<br />

years. If the Association is to continue and to do better work,<br />

it will be necessary to employ an Organising Secretary and for<br />

this reason the Companies are asked to make similar donation s<br />

for 1955 . It was recommended that B .A.T. should make a donation<br />

of £100 this year.<br />


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Wednesday, 5th January 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Wells and<br />

Ridley present .<br />

It was reported that under the Sun Life Scheme No .3<br />

(Top Hat Scheme) it has hitherto been the practice to limit<br />

relinquishments of salary to £50 or multiples of £50. The<br />

Committee agreed that in future relinquishments could be made<br />

of £10 or multiples of £10 .<br />

2. It was agreed that Mr . Misselbrook should receive<br />

the Directors' Cable List .<br />

Particulars of appointments to the permanent staff<br />

between the 1st September and 31st December 1954 were submitted<br />

and approved .<br />

It was agreed that in future the Personnel Department<br />

should be asked to show on these returns the total number of<br />

permanent and temporary staff as compared with the previous return .<br />

4. Mr. Ridley explained to the Committee the steps which<br />

,,ad been taken to assist members of the staff to get to the<br />

office in the event of a strike and he will submit a further<br />

report in due course .<br />

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7th January 1955<br />


In the event of a Railway strike, arrangements will<br />

be put into force to assist as many members of the staff as<br />

possible to reach Westminster House by means of private cars<br />

or hired motor coaches . Some members of the staff, however,<br />

will have to depend on whatever public transport is available.<br />

Each member of the staff will be advised by Heads of<br />

tepartments before the office closes on Friday, 7th January,<br />

what form this assistance will take, if any, in each individual<br />

case . The staff will be given this information so that if a<br />

final decision to strike is not made until after 5 .15 p.m . on<br />

Friday, the 7th, they will know what action they must take<br />

to reach Westminster House on Monday morning, the 10th January .<br />

Abnormal travelling expenses unavoidably incurred by<br />

any members of the staff during the strike can be presented<br />

for consideration as necessity arises. Any members of the<br />

staff eventually requesting such consideration, however, will<br />

readily appreciate that the amount of the individual's usual<br />

travelling expenses will be taken into account in considering<br />

such expenses .<br />

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Where members of the staff make use of the coach<br />

services which will be provided, it will be the Company's<br />

intention to make a charge of not more than the daily average<br />

rate which each person would pay for normal means of travelling .<br />

If holders of Railway season tickets do not receive compensation<br />

from the Railways, either in cash or by an extension ,<br />

the matter can be reconsidered in that light .

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Thursday, 6th January 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Gough, Sargent, MoAra,<br />

Wells and Ridley present.<br />

1. Memorandum by Mr . Geldart dated 5th January 1955 was<br />

read, containing the following recommendations :-<br />

1. That Mr . R .J.E . Price and Mr . F.R.L . Carey should le<br />

reimbursed by H .A .T. (Hong Kong) the under-mentioned<br />

expenditure incurred by them on behalf of Yee Tsoong<br />

Tobacco Co.Ltd ., for which Y.T .T . could not reimburse<br />

them at the time : -<br />

Mr. Price £2,700 on account of entertaining expenses<br />

between May 1951 and May 1954 .<br />

£115 - advances to an employee of Y.T .T .<br />

for medical expenses .<br />

Mr. Care HK, 15,000 on account of entertaining expenses<br />

during 1951 and 1952.<br />

2. That H .A.T. (Hong Kong) should make a gratuitous payment<br />

of the equivalent of £500 sterling to Mr. Mihailoff and that<br />

it should be agreed to forgo the balance of a loan of<br />

Hx,%10,459 .01 owing by Mr . Mihailoff.<br />

3. That if Mr. H.W. Chen (former senior employee of Y .T .T .)<br />

should ever leave China and make any approach to us, H .A.T .<br />

(Hong Kong) should make him a gift of Z9,000, being the<br />

equivalent of one year's salary not drawn by him for political<br />

reasons whilst in Y .T.T's employ, and an additional two years'<br />

salary .<br />

4 . That no claims which may be made by Mr . W. Fielden<br />

should be considered .<br />

These recommendations were approved .<br />

2. It was reported that the arrangement, made with Sir Harry<br />

Greenfield on the Est January 1952, to act as adviser on tobacco<br />

taxation at a fee of £1,500 p .a ., had now expired and it wa s<br />

recommended that the arrangement should be renewed for a further<br />

period of three years at a fee of £2,500 p .a .<br />

3. Mr . McAra reported that the cash forecast for Rift Valley<br />

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Cigarette Company for the period January/March 1955 showed

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additional cash requirements of approximately £15,000, whic h<br />

would bring the total investment in that Comuany at the 31st Parch<br />

up to approximately £603,000, which is in excess of the original<br />

estimate. It was agreed to defer any decision on the futur e<br />

of this Company until Mr . Gelsthorp had had an opportunity of<br />

examining the matter on the spot .<br />

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Monday, 10th January 1955.<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra, Wells<br />

and Ridley present .<br />

11 Mr . Sargent read a letter from Gallaher saying that,<br />

with effect from the 1st November last, the fixed charge for<br />

TORCHLIGHT which they manufacture for us will be r<strong>edu</strong>ced from<br />

12/6d . to 12/3d. per thousand.<br />

as<br />

2. Mr . Ridley said that/our South African Company would<br />

now be getting 50,000 lbs U.S. tobacco and more Rhodesian<br />

tobacco the question had been raised whether they might now<br />

manufacture CAPSTAN locally. Mr. Ridley said that a palatable<br />

blend could be made up for approximately 20,000,000 CAPSTAN<br />

cigarettes a year . It was felt that this would not be<br />

sufficient if the brand were a success and that, therefore ,<br />

the suggestion to manufacture CAPSTAN should not be made to<br />

The United Tobacco Companies (South) at this moment . In the<br />

meantime, however, Mr . Ridley will arrange for experiments to<br />

be carried out on blends .<br />

3. It was agreed that Mr. McCormick should visit the<br />

United States and Canada, leaving on the 17th April . He will<br />

spend approximately three weeks in the States and one week in<br />

Canada .<br />

4. Particulars of a retirement for which calculations<br />

had been agreed on the normal basis between 25th November and<br />

28th December were submitted for information .<br />

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2.<br />

Tuesday, 11th January 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Saraart, McAra, Wells<br />

and Ridley present .<br />

The under-mentioned additional capital expenditure,<br />

particulars of which were set out in a memorandum by Mr .<br />

Stewart dated 11th January, was approved :-<br />

East African Tobacco Co .Ltd .<br />

(a) Nairobi Factory Project £187,977<br />

Staff House £ 7,000<br />

(b) East African Leaf Development ,<br />

Fixed Assets for Jinja and<br />

Sundry Expenses E.A.Sh .1,585,05 0<br />

Pioneer Tobacco Co.Ltd.<br />

Takoradi Factory Project £ 16,29 3<br />

It was agreed, as shareholders, to approve certain<br />

appointments to the Boards of our associated companies in<br />

Indonesia, as set out in a memorandum by Mr. Gelsthorp dated<br />

10th January 1955 . 0<br />

Wednesday, 12th January 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Wells<br />

and Ridley present .<br />

The Chairman referred to the Intermediate Management<br />

Course which was held at Oxford last year and it was agreed that<br />

a similar Course should be included in the Personnel Department's<br />

programme for this year.<br />

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Thursdays 13th January 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargar.t, McAra, '-Wells<br />

and Ridley present .<br />

1. Mr . 1 Ara referred to the proposal (contained in Note No .5<br />

of lst September 1955 and previous notes) to purchase land at Prai<br />

(Penang) and Seaport (Kuala Lumpur) . It now appears that the name<br />

and address of the true owner of land in Malaya has to be divulged<br />

to the Taxation Authorities and since it is particularly desired<br />

not to disclose B.A.T's interest in the purchase, it was agreed<br />

that the two pieces of land should be purchased respectively by<br />

Weston Investment Co.Ltd . and Terrain Investment Co.Ltd . and that<br />

the registered addresses of these two Companies should be changed<br />

from Westminster House to 10 Smith Square and 2, Dean 6tanley Street,<br />

respectively.<br />

2 . Letter was read from Sir Jocelyn Lucas about the 3mpire War<br />

Memorial Fund, to which in 1952 B .A .^ . gave £100 and undertook to<br />

guarantee a further £LtOO if it were needed . The Fund is within<br />

£1,000 of its target and B .A.T's contingent liability under the<br />

guarantee is now approximately £lfi0 . Sir Jocelyn has asked whether<br />

B.A .T . would like to give £16'0 and wash out any further liability,<br />

but admits that it would probably pay the Company to wait . It was<br />

agreed that the matter should be left as it is .<br />

3. It was reported that, as from Friday, 14th January, the<br />

lifts at Millbank Entrance would be closed until further notice and<br />

that because of the extra traffic which will be carried by the Dean<br />

Start ey Street and Smith Square lifts it will be necessary to<br />

restrict their use to passengers who wish to travel up a minimum of<br />

two floors or down a minimum of four . As from Friday the Reception<br />

Room will be at Dean Stanley Street !"ntrance and the chauffeurs will<br />

move to the present Reception Room. Notice to this effect will be<br />

published to the staff .<br />


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Friday, 14th January 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Wells<br />

and Ridley present .<br />

Letter was read from Malayan Tobacco Distributors about<br />

an appeal for a building fund which has been launched by th e<br />

Alice Smith Schools Association in Kuala Lumpur . The Association<br />

provides <strong>edu</strong>cation facilities for European children and other<br />

European firms in Malaya are responding to the appeal, either by<br />

way of donation or by subscribing debentures . A recommendation<br />

that M .T.D . should make a donation of Straits ,$ 1,000 to the<br />

fund was approved .<br />

2. Mr. Ridley suggested that Mr . Crolard might be asked to<br />

visit the United States at the end of his tour in Brazil in<br />

October next, to study the manufacture of reconstituted tobacco<br />

sheet . This was agreed to, subject to satisfactory terms being<br />

fixed with Mr . Crolard and, if it is arranged, Air . Ridley will<br />

visit the States at the same time .<br />

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Monday, 17th January 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Wells and<br />

Ridley present .<br />

1. The Chairman read a letter from Mr . Bruton explaining<br />

the background to Mr . Wester's resignation from Cis Noblez a<br />

de Tabacos. It was agreed, in the circumstances of his case,<br />

that Mr . Wester should receive a sterling pension .<br />

2. Mr . Sargant referred to the interest free loan of £800<br />

granted to Mr. L.R . Daines in respect of the furniture which he<br />

lost in Belgium during the war . The loan was granted on the<br />

terms that it would not be called in except to the extent that<br />

Mr . Dairies received compensation from the Belgian Government or<br />

otherwise. Mr . Daines has received approximately £300 from the<br />

Belgian Government but it was agreed not to ask Mr . Daines to<br />

refund this amount to the Company .<br />

In the event of Mr. Daines' death, the Company will<br />

give consideration to washing out the loan altogether, in the<br />

light of the circumstances then existing .<br />

3. With reference to note No .1 of the 18th June 1954, Mr .<br />

Ridley reported that the plans for Ardath's Welwyn Factory w ere<br />

now complete and that they were ready to go to tender. It was<br />

agreed that Ardath should proceed with these plans .<br />

4. Letter was read from The United Tobacco Cos . (South) Ltd .<br />

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about certain annual payments due from International Tobacco Co .<br />

of South Africa Ltd. to Jacoby & Co . (PLy) Ltd . In respect of<br />

special discount and to Mr . C.J. Jacoby in respect of advisory<br />

fee. Mr . Jacoby has asked that these payments should be<br />

commuted for a lump sum - namely, £25,000 in respect of special<br />

discount and £15,000 in respect of the advisory fee . The United<br />

Tobacco Cos . (South) Ltd. propose to offer £20,000 in respect of<br />

the discount, but suggest that the advisory fee should be allowed<br />

to continue . It was decided to recommend to South Africa that

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they should give further consideration to commuting the advisory<br />

fee, so as to clear the matter up altogether .<br />

5. Memorandum by Mr. Stewart dated the 7th January was read<br />

in respect of the modernisation of the Indian Factories . The<br />

total expensiture involved is £353,377 and this was approved .<br />

6. Memorandum by Mr . Gelsthorp was read concerning the 21<br />

acres of land on the Seaport Estate, Kuala Lumpur . In view of<br />

the uncertainty about the value of this land, it was agreed to<br />

authorise the Hongkong & 6harghai Bank (Malaya) Trustee Limited<br />

to open negotiations for the purchase of this land at £100 an<br />

acre, but with authority, if necessary, to go up to £300 an acre .<br />


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Tuesday, 18th January 195 5<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Wells<br />

and Ridley present .<br />

1. Letter was read from Mr . Brand about the Y .W.C .A .<br />

to which the Company has given £50 p .a. for several years.<br />

This is the Centenary Year of the Y .W.C .A. and, as a result,<br />

they are making a special appeal . It was recommended that the<br />

Company should give £100 this year .<br />

2. Letter was read from Mr . Bennett, Indonesia, to Mr .<br />

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Gelsthorp, referring to the precarious housing position of<br />

Koiff's Offset. Koiff's have a staff of 7 to house and onl y<br />

have three houses. They have now been offered three houses<br />

(in an unfinished state) at Kebajoran for approximatel y<br />

one million Rupiahs and the option expires on the 19th January .<br />

Messrs. Wilkie, Bennett and Bone have considered the matter and<br />

recommend acceptance of the offer. As shareholders, it was<br />

agreed that the offer should be accepted .

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Messrs. Sargant, Gough, McAra, Wells and<br />

Ridley present .<br />

The meeting considered the copy of a letlE r which Mr .<br />

Norman Jones, Australia, has received from the Colonial Secretary<br />

in Fiji in reply to the joint proposal of H.A.T. and B.T. Co.<br />

(Australia) to establish manufacture in Fiji . The Colonial<br />

Secretary's letter gives no definite assurance about the rates of<br />

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(3 .<br />

import duty and excise duty or of their maintenance over a definite<br />

period. It was agreed that Mr. Sargant should cable Mr . Jones,<br />

pointing out that this is fundamental to the whole project and<br />

that, in the absence of a satisfactory assurance on these points,<br />

we feel that it would be unwise to make any definite commitments<br />

with regard to the land or factory . A draft letter from Mr .<br />

Langford to Mr. Jones on the subject of Crown Leases was approved .<br />

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Friday, 21st January 1955.<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra, Wells<br />

and Ridley present .<br />

1. Mr . Oppenheim read a letter from the President of<br />

2 .<br />

the Board of Trade, inviting him (Mr . Oppenheim) to join<br />

an informal advisory group of leading people in industry<br />

and commerce, which discusses with the President export<br />

policy and problems . The group normally meets once a<br />

month and it was agreed that Mr . Oppenheim should accept<br />

this invitation .<br />

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It was reported that Mr. Brain would be retiring at<br />

the end of this year. Mr . Brain was engaged at age 31 ,<br />

as a solicitor's managing clerk with outside experience . It<br />

was agreed, in these circumstances, that Mr . Brain should have<br />

the benefit of specialist adjustment .<br />

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Monday, 24th January 1955 ,<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Wells<br />

and Ridley present .<br />

It was reported that J . Wix & Sons Ltd . (the proprietors<br />

of KENSITAS) wanted to register the trade mark "Eight Bells"<br />

in respect of cigarettes and had applied to The I.T. Co . and<br />

B.A.T. for their consent, in view of our existing registration<br />

of "Three Bells" trade mark .<br />

The T .T . Co . are not prepared to give consent in view of<br />

the importance to them of the "Three Bells" trade mark and of the<br />

fact that the name "Bell" is associated with the "Three Nuns"<br />

brand .<br />

It was agreed that we should also refuse consent for the<br />

same reasons as The I .T . Co .<br />

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Tuesday, 25th January 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Wells and<br />

Ridley present .<br />

1. It was reported that, with the consent of the Company,<br />

four employees were retiring early this year before attaining<br />

age 63. As these are early retirements under the new scheme,<br />

the retirement benefits will not be fully covered under the<br />

provisions of the revised Pension Fund Rules and Sun Life Scheme .<br />

It was agreed in principle that, in the case of such<br />

early retirements, that part of the benefit not already covered<br />

(excluding any portion which the individual may wish to commute<br />

for a lump sum) should be secured by the purchase of an additional<br />

annuity under the No .5 Scheme . This would nct apply where the<br />

employee is in a state of health which would make the purchas e<br />

of an annuity an uneconomic proposition .<br />

2. In the past it has been the practice for Mr . McCormick,<br />

as Secretary of B.A .T ., to send direct to associated companies<br />

in certain of the Louisville supervised territories notification<br />

of changes in the B.A.T. Board and other official communications,<br />

such as copies of the Report and Accounts. Louisville feel<br />

that it would be better if such communications were sent direct<br />

from Louisville to territories supervised from there, and this<br />

was agreed to .<br />

3 . It was reported that Vander Elet had recently registered<br />

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the word "Micro" for tobacco products in Belgium . Lorillard<br />

have an earlier registration in Belgiumcf "Micronite" for filters<br />

for cigarettes . It was agreed that Mr . Langford should write to<br />

Mr . Perkins, Attorney for Lorillard, suggesting that they should<br />

make application to cancel Vander Elst's registration of "Micro" .<br />


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Wednesday . 26th January 1255-<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Wells and<br />

Ridley present.<br />

1. Memorandum by Mr . Ridley dated 7th January 1955 was<br />

read, setting out fully plans for a research and development<br />

establishment for the B.A.T. Group, which it is suggested shoul d<br />

be set up on an undeveloped plot of land belonging to the<br />

Company's Southampton Branch, but to be independent of it .<br />

Models of the proposed buildings were also examined . The<br />

capital cost is estimated to be approximately £500,000, of which<br />

the greater part could be written off in five years . The yearly<br />

running costs are estimated to be £80,000 to £120,000 .<br />

The Meeting approved the plans and Mr . Ridley will<br />

keep the Meeting informed of subsequent developments .<br />

2 . It was reported that the New Zealand Company was<br />

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putting out cigarette paper booklets under the name "Pickwick" .<br />

This mark is registered in New Zealand in B .A .T's name and it<br />

was agreed that it should be assigned to Imperial Tobacco Co .<br />

of New Zealand for a nominal consideration .<br />


Friday, 28th January 1955 .<br />

Masers, Oppenhe im, Sargant, McAra, Wells<br />

and Ridley present .<br />

It was reported that the 'first loss' insurance<br />

policy covering all claims up to £1,000,000 in respect of<br />

lose of duty drawback and loss of duty was due for renewal<br />

on the 28th January. The premium for renewal for 1955 will<br />

be £13,500. As the total amount at risk is likely to b e<br />

at least £120,000,000, it was agreed that the Company should<br />

be adequately covered and that the policy should be renewed<br />

for a further year. ; o Wt "Yi.'`j-<br />

Monday, 31st January 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent, McArb, Wells and<br />

Ridley present .<br />

1. Mr . Sargent reported that the Colonial Office had<br />

appointed a Research Worker to prepare a paper on African<br />

productivity which will be read at a Conference in August of the<br />

Commission for Technical Co-operation in Africa . The Colonial<br />

Office have asked Mr . Hyde-Clarke of the Overseas Employers'<br />

Federation to suggest factories which might be-visited by this<br />

Research Worker in preparing her paper, and Mr . Hyde-Clarke would<br />

like to suggest, among others, the Jinja Factory . It was agreed<br />

there was no objection.<br />

2. With reference to Note No .2 of the 11th November 1954,<br />

Mr. Ridley reported that a comprehensive report had been received<br />

from Mr. J.C . Jaring on standard plant for refrigeration and<br />

cold storing of tobacco . This is within the time prescribed by<br />

the Company for preparing the report .<br />

3. Expenditure of £107,896 by W.D. & H.O . Wills (New<br />

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Zealand) Ltd . in respect of the "G" Factory at Petone was<br />

approved in accordance with memorandum submitted .<br />

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Tuesday, let February 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Wells and<br />

Ridley present .<br />

A proposal that Mr . R.J.E. Price should be transferred<br />

to the staff of M.T.D. with effect from the 3s t February 1955 ,<br />

as Resident Director at Kuala Lumpur, was approved. It was<br />

recommended that his salary from M.T.D . should be Straits $3,500<br />

per month and his pension grading £3,500 per annum. It was<br />

further recommended that B .A.T . should pay Mr . Price an additional<br />

salary at the rate of £7u0 p .a ., payable in Hong Kong, in respect<br />

of the services he will render to B .A.T . and its associated<br />

companies in the Far East .<br />

A letter from Mr. Moore was read about securing a<br />

house in Kuala Lumpur in view of Mr . Price's posting. It is<br />

impossible to rent a house in Kuala Lumpur but a suitable house<br />

is likely to come on the market at Straits 980,000 freehold .<br />

It was agreed that Mr. Moore should arrange for a valuation and<br />

survey of this house .<br />

2. It was reported that the Company had arranged for Mr .<br />

Roughton to receive certain medical treatment . Mr. Roughton has<br />

covered a part of the cost from his own personal insurance and it<br />

was agreed that the Company would bear the balance of £35 .16. 4 .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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Wednesday, 2nd February 1955 .<br />

Mr . Oppenheim and Mr. McAra present .<br />

1 . The Chairman submitted an organisational chart showing<br />

the Directors and Senior Members of the staff of the Company<br />

and an outline of their duties. This was approved . It was<br />

agreed that the Chairman should send a copy of the chart to<br />

heads of territories n their personal capacity (except Jordan,<br />

Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopiahand Israel) . A supply would also be sent<br />

to Mr. Yeaman for despatch at Louisvil3e 'a discretion to Louisville<br />

supervised territories. The chart will also be circulated t o<br />

the heads of departments at head office and to the U .K. Factories.<br />

2. It was reported that Mr . H. Shuttleworth, a temporary<br />

payroll employee at Liverpool, had died on the 6th January 1955 .<br />

Mr . Shuttleworth joined the Company as a temporary employee in<br />

19141 at a time when no employees were being taken on to the<br />

permanent payroll . In 1947, when transfers to the permanent<br />

payroll were being considered, Mr . Shuttleworth was excluded because<br />

he was over 50 years of age . If he had been transferred to the<br />

permanent staff and included in the Pensions Fund, his widow would<br />

have received a pension of 25/- a week, and it was agreed in the<br />

circumstances that the Company should grant Mrs . Shuttleworth an<br />

allowance at the rate of 25/- a week, with effect from the 7th<br />

January 1955,<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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Thursday, 3rd February 1955<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra present.<br />

1. A draft circular letter summarising the points to<br />

remember and the pitfalls to be avoided when corresponding<br />

with B.A.T's associated companies, or with third parties<br />

about those companies, was submitted and approved. It was<br />

agreed that the letter should be sent to Directors and<br />

Heads of Departments at head office .<br />

2. Particulars of retirements for which calculations<br />

have been made on the normal basis between 29th December 195)4<br />

and 31st January 1955 were submitted and approved.<br />


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Friday. 4th February 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

The Chairman referred to the appeal from the Outward<br />

Bound Trust for contributions to its Central Fund for capital<br />

costs in building schools in Malaya (at Lumut) and in Kenya .<br />

Mr . Moore (Malaya) considers that Straits 93,000 would be an<br />

appropriate amount for M.T.D . to give . It was recommended that<br />

we should give to the Central Fund here -<br />

on behalf of M.T.D. £350 (approximately the<br />

equivalent of Straits<br />

93,000 )<br />

and on behalf of East African<br />

Tobacco Co.Ltd. (subject<br />

to Mr . Rogers' approval) £650<br />

making a total contribution or £1,000<br />

2 . Letter was read from the London Municipal Society,<br />

appealing for funds in view of the forthcoming L.C .C Elections.<br />

The Company has given 100 guineas to this Society at intervals<br />

since 1927 and it was recommended that we should give 100 guineas<br />

now.<br />

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Monday, 7th February 1955 .<br />

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Messrs . Sargent, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1. Mr. Ridley reported to the meeting on the result of<br />

his visit to Holland .<br />

2. The case of Mrs. Harran was considered. Mrs. Harran is<br />

the widow of Mr . C .R . Harran, an employee of Yee Taoong Tobacco<br />

Company who died in 1943 during internment by the . Japanese .<br />

Mrs . Harran is in poor, health and has applied to the Company<br />

for assistance . She now la s no funds of her own and is receiving<br />

£3 .15. 0. per week from the Public Assistance Board. As any ex<br />

gratia payment which the Company might make to her in excess of<br />

10/6d . .per week would in fact result in a pro rata r<strong>edu</strong>ction in<br />

the amount she receives from Public Assistance, it was recommended<br />

ir )<br />

that 44w--should make Mrs . Harran a compassionate grant of<br />

10/6d . per week .<br />

3. Memcr andum was read concerning the proposed secondment<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

of T .A .H. Slack from Nigeria to B .A. T. Mr. Slack is entitled<br />

to home leave which expires on the 17th March. It was recommend-<br />

ed that Nigerian Tobacco Company should pay Mr . Slack his home<br />

leave salary and allaffances up to and including 17th March and<br />

that he should be seconded to B .A.T . with effect from the 18th<br />

March, at his present salary of £2,500 per annum and pension<br />

grading of £2,273 per annum. As Mr. Slack will in fact be<br />

working for B.A .T . from the 11th January to the 17th March, it<br />

was agreed that he should be paid a daily allorance for this<br />

period at the rate of 94 .10.0. per day .<br />


9<br />

1.<br />

Tuesday . 8th February 1955.<br />

Messrs. Sargent, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

Expenditure not exceeding Rs-3,50,000 by The<br />

Imperial Tobacco Company of India on housing at Madras was<br />

approved . The proposal is to acquire one acre of ground in<br />

the Adyar Estate, Madras, and to build a house on this plot<br />

and to build a further house on a plot already owned by<br />

Imperial of India in the Adyar Estate .<br />

Wednesday, 9th February 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Sargant, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

It was reported that our associated company in<br />

Indonesia had purchased a plot of land at Bandung, to which<br />

reference was made in Note No .1 of the 9th December 1954 .<br />

A'proposal that the Indonesian Company should erect two semi-<br />

detached houses on this site at an expenditure not exceeding<br />

one million Rupiahs was approved .<br />

2. Memorandum was read concerning the power supply<br />

Re-dryin g<br />

for the Chirala and Anaparti/Factories . The present plant<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

has been in operation for twenty years and can no longer be<br />

maintained at the required standard. It is proposed to<br />

discontinue power producing at both re-drying factories and to<br />

purchase A.C . current from the Government System, the supply<br />

of which is now assured . The conversion will be spread over<br />

a period of three years and is estimated to cost a total of<br />

Rs.6,48,800 . This expenditure was approved .

11<br />

Thursday, 10th February 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

1. Mr . Sargent referred to Mr . C .W .C . Hughes, who was<br />

formerly employed in China and who has just completed a<br />

visit to study certain African markets . As it will not be<br />

possible to continue placing Mr . Hughes suitably, it was agreed<br />

that a settlement should be made with him on the same terms as<br />

for other employees for whom we could not find suitable employ-<br />

ment when they came out of China .<br />

2. A proposal that Mr. D.F . Godwin, who is Ardath's Factory<br />

Manager at Worship Street, should be transferred to B .A.T. on<br />

the manufacturing side, with effect from the let March 1955, at<br />

a salary at the rate of £1, 875 per annum, w as approved for<br />

submission to the Board. It is proposed that Mr. Godwin<br />

should spend approximately six months at Liverpool Factory<br />

studying our methods of manufacture and that during this period<br />

he should be paid appropriate living expenses . On the satis-<br />

factory conclusion of this period he would be appointed Assistant<br />

Factory Manager at Southampton .<br />


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Friday, 11th February 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

1. It was recommended that the proc<strong>edu</strong>re for authorising<br />

the appointment or the transfer of employees to the permanent<br />

staff, or the permanent factory payroll of the Company, should<br />

be amended as follows :-<br />

1 . Salaries up to £599 per annum to be approved<br />

by the Personnel Manager or the Personnel<br />

Adviser .<br />

2. Salaries from £600 to £1,249 per annum to be<br />

approved by the Personnel Adviser or a Deputy<br />

Chairman .<br />

3. Salaries of £1,250 per annum and upwards to be<br />

approved by the Board .<br />

2 . Memorandum was read concerning the suggested new<br />

pension arrangements for overseas covenanted staff and Messrs .<br />

Misselbrook, Barnett and Sayers were asked to a ttend the meeting .<br />

In the main, these proposals would bring the pension benefits<br />

for overseas covenanted staff on to the same basis as for home<br />

staff; i.e . three-quarters of pensionable salary for a full<br />

period of service, with a right to commute up to 25% of the<br />

pension . Leaving gratuities would cease and there would be<br />

pension benefits for widows and children on a similar basis to<br />

home staff.<br />

Retirement dates would also be revised as follows :-<br />

Short service - 54 years, 4 months<br />

Medium service - 57 years<br />

Long service - 63 years .<br />

The cost of funding these ben!fits in respect of back<br />

service would be approximately £2,000,000 .<br />

The above proposals were agreed in principle and a<br />

letter will be sent to territories overseas for their conaidera-<br />

tion .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


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Tuesday, 15th February 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

1. A list was submitted, showing the total refunds due to<br />

certain employees, representing relinquishments of salary<br />

under Sun Life Schemes Nod . 3 and 4 which now have to be<br />

refunded to the employees as a result of the new pension<br />

arrangements. Refunds will be made to the employees by such<br />

instalments as may be agreed between the Company and the<br />

employee concerned and, in the event of the death of an employee<br />

before the total amount has been refunded, the balance due will<br />

be paid to his estate .<br />

The list was initialled and signed by the Chairman for<br />

identification.<br />

r<br />

2. Additional capital expenditure by East African Tobacc o<br />

Company, as detailed in a memorandum dated 8th February 1955,<br />

amounting to E.A.Sh.562,660, was approved .<br />

3. A proposal by Imperial of India to erect a building on<br />

4.<br />

5 .<br />

land behind the Chowringhee office, comprising garages and<br />

bicycle shed on the ground floor and a canteen on the first<br />

floor, at a total estimated .expenditure of Rs .130,000, was<br />

approved .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

It was agreed that, in future, requests from Thrissell<br />

Engineering Company for permission to quote for IV B Stemming<br />

Machines should be decided by the Manufacturing Department and<br />

the territorial director concerned. Only in the event of any<br />

doubt should the matter be referred to this meeting .<br />

It was reported that in a few cases it would be of<br />

benefit to members of the female staff to remain under the old<br />

pension arrangements, rather than to come under the new arrange-<br />

ments . It was agreed that those who elect to stay under the<br />

old arrangements should be permitted to commute up to one-quarte<br />

of the total pension and permanent allowance,but not the<br />

temporary allowance, for a lump sum payment .<br />


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Wednesday, 16th February 195x .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

Mr . Sargant referred to a suggestion that Mr . D.O .<br />

Seymour, Sales Manager in Holland, might be transferred to<br />

Malta to replace Mr . Pattison, who is taking up duties with<br />

the Research and Development Centre here later this year .<br />

The proposal is that Mr . Seymour should be transferred about<br />

two months before Mr . Pattison leaves and that his pension<br />

grading on transfer should remain at £2,181 for the time being .<br />

This proposal was approved in principle .<br />

Thursday, 17th February 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Gough, Sargent and McAra present .<br />

Memorandum was read concerning a Canadian Type<br />

Cleaning and Classifying Plant which it is proposed to instal<br />

in Southampton Branch at a net cost of F37,850 . The Cleaning<br />

and Classifying Plant developed by the Vokes-Cardwell Company<br />

and B .A .T. is already installed in the Liverpool Factory and the<br />

intention is to have the Canadian Type of Plant at Southampton<br />

so that a comparison can then be made between the two different<br />

Plants at Liverpool and Southampton in respect of performance<br />

and quality of product . This expenditure was approved.<br />

Following Mr . Crolard's visit to India, a proposal<br />

has been made that Tribeni Tissues Ltd . should acquire four<br />

additional refiners at a cost of £10,890, to put them in a<br />

position to increase their production from the present level of<br />

200 tons of paper per month to 260 tons per month. This<br />

proposal was approved.<br />

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It was reported that Mr . T.L . Pike, who is assistant<br />

factory manager (Personnel) at Liverpool Factory, attains 56<br />

years of age this year and a recommendation that Mr . Pike should<br />

retire at 31st December 1955 was approved .

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4.<br />

It was reported that the grant of £2,500 which was<br />

made to the Personnel Department in December 1952, to be used<br />

for Staff Amenities and Sporting Activities at Head Office and<br />

the Factories, had now been expended, and details of how the<br />

money had been used were submitted . It was agreed that a<br />

further grant of £2,500 should be made to the Personnel Depart-<br />

ment to be used for similar purposes .<br />

Friday, 18th February 1955 ,<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent and McAra present .<br />

Mr. Sargent submitted a proof of Capstan 25s<br />

laube box for Ships' Stores and naval trade . T>Qadesign,which<br />

follows that of the 50s box, was approved and will be submitted<br />

to Imperial for their comments .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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Monday, 21st February 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent and LicAra present .<br />

1. The Chairman referred to the possibility of acquiring<br />

a suitable country house for use as a residential training<br />

centre for pupil courses and other courses organised by the<br />

Company, and a memorandum by Mr. Lewison giving a rough estimate<br />

of the possible cost was read . The proposal was agreed in<br />

principle and Personnel Department were authorised to look for<br />

a suitable property, when a more definite estimate of the cost<br />

will be submitted .<br />

2. Mr. McAra reported that Deloittes had asked that their<br />

fee for auditing B .A.T . 'a accounts for the year to September<br />

1955 should be increased from 5,000 guineas to 6,000 guineas .<br />

This was agreed to.<br />

3. Memorandum was read about the additional power supply<br />

which is required by Eastern Company, and Mr. Bristow was asked<br />

to attend the meeting . The additional power is required in view<br />

of increased local Virginia manufacture and the purchase by<br />

Eastern Company of additional equipment to increase the generating<br />

capacity, at an estimated cost of £65,000, was approved.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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Wednesday . 23rd February 1955 .<br />


Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent and McAra present.<br />

1. A print of the proposed offer for sale in Ceylon by B .A.T .<br />

of 200,000 shares of Rs .lO each in Ceylon Tobacco Company was<br />

submitted and approved, subject to a small alteration of the<br />

wording under the heading "Prospects" . It was agreed that the<br />

shares should be offered at the price of Ra .ll per share, B.A .T .<br />

paying all expenses of the offer.<br />

2. It was agreed that Mr. T .E . Davies should be appointed an<br />

Assistant Secretary of the Company .<br />

3. Mr. Sargent referred to the Government Decree in Holland<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

under which the salaries and pensions of Government servants<br />

have been increased by 6%. All commercial concerns have<br />

followed suit and Mr. Boerma is anxious that the pensions of<br />

former employees of B .A.T. (Holland) should be increased by<br />

this amount. It was agreed that Mr . Gelathorp should examine<br />

this matter in conjunction with Mr. Barnett .<br />

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Thursday, 214th February 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

1. With reference to note No .3 of the 23rd February, it<br />

was agreed, as shareholders, to accept Mr. Boerma's recommenda-<br />

tion that pensions of former employees of B .A.T. (Holland)<br />

should be increased by 6%. The cost will be approximately<br />

F1 .4,000 per annum .<br />

2. Mr . Sargent read a letter from Mr . Norman Jones to Mr .<br />

Hunt about the Fiji project . A letter has now been received<br />

from the Colonial Secretary, setting out the Government's pro-<br />

posals for rates of excise and customs duty concessions, which<br />

will be placed before the Legislative Council . The propose d<br />

rates of duty would be guaranteed for a period of three years .<br />

It was agreed that this letter could be accepted as sufficient<br />

assurance of the Government's intention and that, accordingly,<br />

the Fiji project should be proceeded with .<br />

Friday, 25th February 1955 .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Gough, Sargent and McAra present .<br />

With reference to note of the 16th February concerning<br />

the proposed transfer of Mr. D.O . Seymour to Malta Tobacco<br />

Company later in the year, it was agreed that Mr . Seymour<br />

should make a short visit to Malta at an early data to make<br />

arrangements in connection with his proposed transfer.<br />

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Monday. 28th February 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent and MoAra present .<br />

The Meeting considered whether the Company should<br />

revive the pre-war practice of sending to stockholders a<br />

reprint of the Chairman's Speech at,the Annual General .Meeting .<br />

As there has been no request from stoekholdera .for this to be<br />

done and a full report of the Speech already appears in "The<br />

Times" and "The Financial Times", it was decided not to resum e<br />

the practice for the time being .<br />

Tuesday, let March 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent and McAra present .<br />

1 . Mr. Sargant reported that Gallaher had notified us<br />

that, under the "escalator" clause, the following changes in<br />

prices in respect of their manufacture for us would be effective<br />

from is t January 1955 : -<br />

SENIOR SERVICE - increased from 15/6d .to 15/9d .<br />

per thousand<br />

TORCHLIGHT - r<strong>edu</strong>ced from 12/3d. to 12/per<br />

thousand .<br />

2. It was recommended that Mr . R.P . Dobson's salary<br />

3.<br />

4 .<br />

should be at the rate of £3,500 p.a., effective from the date<br />

he takes up his appointment with B .A.T . at head office .<br />

A list of machinery which. is urgently required in Fiji<br />

for the new factory project there was submitted and a total<br />

expenditure of £37,500 in respect of this was approved .<br />

A letter was read from Mr . Yeaman reporting that the<br />

question of royalty on RALEIGH and KOOL cigarettes manufactured<br />

by "La Moderna" had recently been the subject of conversations<br />

between Messrs. Bruton, Prince and Bowers (of "La Moderna"<br />

Company) . As a result of these discussions, it was recommended<br />

33<br />

that the royalty which has previously been at the rate of 2 cents<br />

per thousand should be increased to at the rate of 10 cents per<br />

thousand on K00 . cigarettes and on RALEIGH Plain, Cork Tipped and<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Filter Tipped cigarettes . This recommendation was agreed to .

Wednesday . 2nd March 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent and McAra present .<br />

1. Memorandum by Mr. Ridley dated 1st March was read,<br />

referring to the plane for the proposed Research and Development<br />

Centre which were approved on the 26th January 1955 . It now<br />

appears that additional space will be required in the bonded<br />

Development Hall to use and operate satisfactorily an M.'1 . S.<br />

Sheet making machine and ancillary equipment . In order to<br />

provide for this the plans have been redesigned and this will<br />

entail giving up the Leaf Store in that block. The revised<br />

plans were approved .<br />

2. A request from Mr. I .H . Mason for a loan from the<br />

Company of £1,200 to assist him in meeting certain expenses which<br />

have arisen since his transfer to the United Kingdom, including<br />

the purchase of a house, Was considered and Mr . Clarke was asked<br />

to attend the meeting . It was recommended that the Company<br />

should grant Mr. Mason a loan of £1,200, to be repayable at 21%<br />

interest in monthly instalments, ending at his earliest retirement<br />

date.<br />

3. It was reported that during the war the German Company<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

had made an agreement with Mr . Petrak for the use of certain<br />

patents invented by him andthat under the agreement the Company<br />

had'paid him a lump sum of M.30,000 in respect of the use o f<br />

the patents in Germany. The German Company now propose to pay<br />

Mr. Petrak DM.10,000 in settlement of all claims for use of<br />

these patent rights outside Germany . (Mr. Bodde was then asked<br />

to attend the meeting ) . After discussion, it was agreed that<br />

the German Company should make this payment to Mr . Petrak in<br />

settlement of all claims, provided it is made quite clear that<br />

all patent rights are vested in the German Company. It wa s<br />

also agreed that in future it should be made clear to Mr . Petrak<br />

and other employees in Germany that any inventions which they<br />

may make in the course of their employment are the property of

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1 .<br />

2.<br />

the Company .<br />

Particulars of retirements for which calculations<br />

have been made on the normal basis between let February and<br />

28th February 1955were submitted and approved .<br />

Thursday, 3rd March 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent and McAra present .<br />

Mr. Oppenheim read a letter from Sir Geoffrey<br />

Shakespeare, asking the Company to subscribe to the Industrial<br />

Co-partnership Association, to which a number of le ading Companies<br />

(including I .C.I . and Imperial) already belong . Imperial say<br />

that they have found the Association useful,in several ways an d<br />

a.<br />

it was recommended that the Company should subscribe £100 tb.a<br />

year. .ti,. F1(:., "-Cl<br />

A list of newspapers in which it is proposed to<br />

advertise the Chairman's Speech at the Annual General Meeting<br />

was approved on the same basis as for last year .<br />

3. With reverence to Note No .6 of the 17th January 1955,<br />

it was reported that the offer of Straits $750 per acre, which<br />

was made through the Hongkong & Shanghai Bank for the Seaport<br />

site at Kuala Lumpur, had been rejected and that the Bank say<br />

that to secure the property it may be necessary to offer between<br />

Straits ,3,500 and 4,000 per acre . It was agreed to authorise<br />

the Bank to offer up to Straits $2,500 per acre as our final<br />

offer .<br />

LI. Mr . Ridley reported that the weight carrying capacity<br />

of the floors of the Bee Mills property at Liverpool, for which<br />

the Company had made an offer of £27,000, was now found to be<br />

unsatisfactory and a very large sum would be required to remedy<br />

the position . In the circumstances, it was agreed that our<br />

offer should be withdrawn .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

N<br />

Ca<br />

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5. Memorandum concerning Mr. R.C . Lee (Cash Office)<br />

was read. Mr. Lee has been absent on sick leave since 2nd<br />

June 2954, suffering from tuberculosis . A recommendation that<br />

sick leave should be extended for a further period of three<br />

months from the 2nd March,on full salary, was approved for<br />

submission to the Board .<br />


Friday, 4th March 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra and Ridley<br />

present.<br />

1. The existing designation of territories as Long,<br />

Medium and Short for the purpose of the Q .P.F. was considered,<br />

and it was agreed that Mauritius and East Africa, which are at<br />

present Short Service territories, should be re-designated as<br />

Medium Service territories. It was also agreed that Louisville<br />

should be asked to consider whether any of the territories which<br />

they supervise should be re-designated .<br />

2. Mr. Sargent mentioned that a number of members of the<br />

staff at Head Office with quite long service had never seen a<br />

cigarette factory and that it had been suggested that arrangement s<br />

might be made for them to visit a factory for a day. It was<br />

agreed there was no ob$5ction to this in principle and Mr . Potter<br />

will be asked to prepare a scheme for consideration .<br />

3. Memorandum dated 3rd March by Mr . Ridley was read,<br />

concerning the proposed sale by Tobacco Leaf Development Co .<br />

(Jamaica) Ltd. of the Colbeck Estate . On the advice of Mr.<br />

Girling, Imperial considered that Machado's offer of £25,000 fo r<br />

the Estate was too low and they have suggested that T .L .D. should<br />

accept £35,000 for the whole Estate,or a near figure, and that<br />

failing such offer being made the Estate should be put up for<br />

sale by auction at the beginning of April . It was agreed to<br />

suggest to Mr . Prince that Machado should offer £30,000 net for<br />

the whole Estate and that, if the offer is not accepted, it should<br />

be put up for auction on the lst April .<br />

1+. Mr . Ridley read a letter from Mr . Bruton, suggesting<br />

that Mr. Tankersley, who is in charge of the Brazilian Companies'<br />

leaf organisation, should visit England and perhaps the Continent<br />

in June of this year . This was agreed to and Mr . Ridley will<br />

arrange for Mr. Tankersley to accompany him on his visit to<br />

Turkey in June .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

I<br />


Monday, 7th March 19 45 5.<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, 8argant, MoAra and Ridley<br />

present ,<br />

1. Mr . McAra reported that, following the increase in the<br />

Bank Rate, he tad arranged with Imperial that the interest on<br />

the money we have advanced to them on call (at present £5,000,000)<br />

should be 1% below Bank Rate with a minimum of 3%, this arrange-<br />

ment to continue as long as the Bank Rate is not ]a as than 3% .<br />

2. Reference was made to the financial situation of Maspero<br />

Israel. As the expected loan to the tobacco trade from the<br />

Government to finance leaf purchases has been cut down, Maspero<br />

urgently requires further assistance . It was agreed to arrange<br />

for a loan to be made to Maspero through Samuel Montagu of the<br />

equivalent in Israeli Z . of £60,000 Sterling, interest free .<br />

3. Mr. Sargant read to the meeting some lettera from<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Machado about the possibility of certain cigars manufactured<br />

by Temple Hall and shipped to Lambert & Butler being infested<br />

with weevil, which may entail their examination at this end .

0<br />

Tuesday, 8th March 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

1. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Geldart, quoting<br />

an extract from the report of the Taxation Enquiry Committee<br />

in India . The Committee recommends that an expert enquiry<br />

should be held at an early date into the possibility of setting<br />

up fiscal monopolies in certain commodities with a view to<br />

increasing revenue, and tobacco is mentioned amongst these<br />

commodities.<br />

As this is a problem which may have to be faced not<br />

only in India but elsewhere, it was agreed that we should<br />

arrange for a fully documented brief to be prepared, showing<br />

the advantages of private enterprise as against monopoly in the<br />

tobacco industry, and that Sir Harry Greenfield should be asked<br />

to undertake this work .<br />

2 List of retirements due to take place during the<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

ensuing year was submitted and approved .

Wednesday, 9th March 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppeni.eim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1. It was reported that a letter addressed to Westminster<br />

Tobacco Company Limited, which is a member or the Anglo-Israel<br />

Chamber of Comne rce, had been received from Mr . Van den Bergh of<br />

Unilever, who asked for a donation towards the expenses of a<br />

concert to be given by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra at the<br />

Royal Festival Hall in June 1955. Mr . Bristow was asked to<br />

attend the meeting and it was agreed that, as it did not appear<br />

that the Company would derive any benefit from making such a<br />

donation, the Secretary of Westminster Tobacco Company Limited<br />

should reply that the Company did not feel justified in making a<br />

donation.<br />

2. Letter from the Imperial was read, stating that the<br />

Southern Rhodesia Marketing Board would again like the T .A.C.<br />

to show an exhibit of representative samples suitable for the<br />

U.K. on the auction floors and at the Salisbury Agricultural<br />

Show. Imperial suggested that the cost of the exhibit should<br />

be divided on the same basis as last year, viz : Imperial pay one<br />

half and the other half is divided equally between B .A.T.,<br />

GodfrW Phillips, Carreras and Gallaher . This suggestion was<br />

agreed .<br />

3. Doctor's certificate relating to Mr . Wells was read and<br />

it was agreed that Mr . Wells should take leave of absence until<br />

after the Whitsun holiday.<br />


0<br />

Thursda 10th March 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

1 . The Chairman submitted a memorandum showing our<br />

durations of Rhodesian leaf. It was agreed to authorise the<br />

Leaf Department to negotiate an agreement on similar terms to<br />

A r,<br />

last year for the purchase on behalf of Gallaher of 2,000,000 The<br />

dry weight .<br />

2. Letter was read from Robert Anspach, enclosing a letter<br />

he had received from a firm called BACCARA in France, requesting<br />

permission to produce silk squares bearing a reproduction of<br />

"Player's" and "Gold Flake" packings. They already have<br />

permission to do this for Regis brands . It was agreed there<br />

was no objection to this provided the prints are first submitted<br />

to us for our approval and that they bear a complete and accurate<br />

reproduction of the packings concerned .<br />


0<br />

Friday, 11th March 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

1. It was agreed that the Company should continue its<br />

membership of the China Association at the r<strong>edu</strong>ced subscription<br />

of fifty guineas per annum and that Mr . Loudon should represent<br />

the Company on the Committee.<br />

2. Letter was read from Dr. Buch about the claim against<br />

Achenbach Sbhne for approximately £13,000, representing payment<br />

in advance for machinery shortly before the outbreak of war, the<br />

contract being frustrated before the machinery was delivered.<br />

The lawyers for Achenbach S8hne still maintain their contention<br />

that the .claim is payable in German currency as devalued, which<br />

in effect means that the claim is limited to 10% of the origina l<br />

payment .<br />


Monday. 14th March 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

1. Letter to Mr .-Oppenheim from the Industrial Managemen t<br />

Research Association was read about the Association's desire t o<br />

enlarge its Executive to include one representative from each<br />

of its member firms ; that is, a total of about 30. It was<br />

agreed to suggest Mr. Loudon as B .A.l''s representative on the<br />

Executive .<br />

2. It was reported that Mr . Daniels had been away sick<br />

for five weeks. Arising out of this case, it was agreed that<br />

pensioners who are employed on a temporary basis should, i t<br />

10 they are away sick, receive full pay for a period of two months<br />

4 3<br />

and that the matter should then go to the Board for consideration .<br />

3. The case of Mr. W. Warner, who was formerly employed in<br />

4 .<br />

China, was considered. Mr. Warner resigned in 1947 and on the<br />

termination of his a mployment received the equivalent of one<br />

year's salary. He is now ill and his wife has asked the Company<br />

to grant him a pension. The matter has been referred to Mr .<br />

Tiencken, who knows of no special circumstances in this case .<br />

Mr . Warner resigned before pensionable age, and it was agreed<br />

that there was no occasion to do anything more in this case .<br />

Memorandum was read concerning a proposed extension to<br />

the No .2 Factory at Giza. The proposal is to extend the<br />

factory to provide o er the next four years a capacity of<br />

500 million a month. The cost of the initial phase, including<br />

the cost of building, will be £E111,050, and additional equipment<br />

will be ordered in two phases . Phase 1, costing £E73,580 ,<br />

will extend to 1957, and Phase 2, costing £E79,320, will be<br />

completed in 1958/59. The total cost will therefore be<br />

£E263,950 and this was approved.<br />


5. A further memorandum about additional storage space<br />

required by Eastern Company was read . The existing storage<br />

consists of three modern warehouses at El Zomor and one old type<br />

Sarkissian warehouse . It is proposed to sell the Sarkissian<br />

property and to build a new double storey building at El Zomor<br />

at a total cost of £E35,000. This expenditure was approved.<br />

6 . Letter was read from the Office Management Association,<br />

to which the Company pays an annual subscription of 15 guineas .<br />

The Association has a Development Fund to which a number of the<br />

leading companies contribute £100 a year . Personnel Department<br />

say that we have found this Association of considerable use in<br />

the matter of office mechanisation and it was agreed that the<br />

Company should make a contribution to the Development Fund of<br />

£100 this year, the matter to be reviewed annually .<br />

Tuesday, 15th March 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Gough, Sargant, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

It was agreed that Mr . Loudon should attend the<br />

Conference organised by the International Chamber of ComrWrce<br />

in Tokyo next May and that he should take the opportunity o f<br />

bringing himself up to date on the Far East countries during<br />

his return journey .<br />


0<br />

Thursday, 17th March 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

Z. Mr . McAra reported that Rift Valley Cigarette<br />

Company is estimated to require further funds amounting<br />

approximately to £30,000 up to the end of the June quarter .<br />

This is additional to the £15,000 authorised on the 6th<br />

January 1955. It w as agreed that these funds should be<br />

made available and the matter would be discussed with Mr .<br />

Gelsthorp on his return.<br />

2. Mr . Sargent reported that Reemtsma is causing trouble<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

lf ~r<br />

over the DTJBEC brand of van Kerckhof which H.A.T . (Deutschland)<br />

is manufacturing in Germany under agreement with van Kerekhof .<br />

Mr. von Reitzenstein is coming over next Tuesday to discuss<br />

this and other matters relating to Reemtsma .

a<br />

Tuesday, 22nd March 1955 .<br />

caaud- 4-j~<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

1. It was reported that it had been agreed with Mr . Cecil<br />

Mason :-<br />

1 . That SENIOR SERVICE for export should be 70 mm<br />

mm<br />

x 251/x, 26 to the oz ., this giving a better<br />

filled cigarette than the present one of 254 mm<br />

circumference. Mr. Mason stated that the home<br />

market cigarette is now 70 mm x 25.82 mm, 25 to the<br />

oz *<br />

2. That the blend would be the same as the improve d<br />

home blend but without Oriental for the time being .<br />

3. That it would be investigated whether Guernsey could<br />

manufacture from imported cut rag to the exact size<br />

and weight of the home cigarette, in which case<br />

Jersey would manufacture up to the new size and<br />

weight .<br />

2. Mr. Sargant reported that B .A .T . Co .Ltd. (Extension Suisse),<br />

which is already putting out LIi cigarettes, also wanted to pu t<br />

S out LIFE tobacco in pouch packing . Before agreeing to this, it<br />

was decided that Mr . Sargant should write to Louisville for their<br />

views .<br />


0<br />

0<br />

Wednesday, 23rd March 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

Mr. Sargant read a letter from Mr . Moore, Singapore,<br />

about the house which it is proposed M .T .D . should build at<br />

Kuala Lumpur . Two possible sites are available at 50 cents<br />

per square foot . It was agreed that site No-107 was preferable,<br />

comprising 48,000 square feet, the total cost of the site being<br />

approximately £2,700 . It was agreed to cable Mr . Moore to<br />

purchase this site and that the plans of the proposed house<br />

should be referred to the Project Department for its consideration .<br />

Thursday, 24th March 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Gough, Sargent, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

Memorandum dated 13th March 1955 was submitted,<br />

covering proposed capital expenditure by Cie Congolaise de s<br />

Tabacs amounting to Belgian Frs .759,000 in respect of Stanleyville<br />

Factory Phase 2, Housing and other Fixed Assets. This expenditure<br />

was approved.<br />


1 .<br />

Friday . 25th March 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

Mr. McAra explained that there was a possibility that<br />

Durham Investment Company Limited might be able to dispose of<br />

its shares in Zentralbad and Kuranstalt G .m .b.H., which own s<br />

the Vienna Baths property . It was agreed that it was desirable<br />

.to dispose of these shares if it could be done on reasonable<br />

terms and Mr . McAra will investigate the matter further and<br />

report to the meeting .<br />

2. Letters were read from the Industrial Management<br />

Research Association and the Trade Marks, Patents & Design s<br />

10 Federation . It was agreed to recommend to the Board that we<br />

0<br />

should make the following contributions to these associations<br />

for the current year :-<br />

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I.M.R.A. £250<br />

Trade Marks,<br />

Patents & Designs<br />

Federation 150 guineas .<br />


E<br />

Monday, 28th March 195 5<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra and Ridley<br />

pre sent .<br />

1. Letter from Mr. Prince to Mr . Oppenheim was read, saying<br />

that he had recommended that our associated companies in the<br />

West Indies should make the following contributions to the<br />

Princess Alice Appeal for the University College of the West<br />

Indies and its Teaching Hospita<br />

. & J.B. Machado Tobacc o<br />

l B<br />

Co. Ltd., Jamaica. £6,000 over 7 years<br />

Demerara Tobacco Co.Ltd . ,<br />

British Guiana. £500 over 2 years<br />

B.A.T . Co. (Barbados) Ltd., £500<br />

Barbados .<br />

The West Indian Tobacco Co .Ltd. ,<br />

Trinidad. £1,000.<br />

It was agreed to recommend to the Board that B .A.T .<br />

should give £500 in view of its export business to the West<br />

Indies .<br />

It was agreed that Mr . Schreiber should retire on the<br />

31st December 1956, by which time he will have attained 63<br />

years. Mr. Schreiber has received a tentative offer from<br />

10 Papeteries Bollore to act after his retirement as part time<br />

technical adviser to Bollore. This would permit Mr . Schreiber<br />

to live in a warmer climate on his retirement, which he as been<br />

advised to do . It was agreed there was no objection to his<br />

accepting this offer.<br />

3. Mr . MoAra submitted particulars of proposed increases in<br />

salary to certain Directors of Imperial Tobacco Company of<br />

Canada Ltd., which were considered to be reasonable .<br />

4. Memorandum was read concerning Mr . G.G . Dumbill, formerly<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

employed by MIC, Saigon, and now at Southampton Factory. Mr .<br />

Dumbill has been away sick since let October 1954, suffering<br />

from tuberculosis, but it is hoped that he will be fit again in<br />

R9gRg0107<br />


0<br />

two months' time. It was recommended that his sick leave<br />

should be extended on full pay for a further three months ,<br />

or until his earlier return to work .<br />

Tuesday. 29th VeM . 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, MoAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

1. Mr. Sargant referred to M . T.D's need of additional<br />

housing in place of rented accommodation and plans were<br />

submitted, showing possible phases of development of th e<br />

land owned by M.T.D . at Nassim Road and Dalvey Road, Singapore .<br />

It was agreed to recommend to M .W .D . that they should adopt<br />

phases 1 (A) and 2 (A) .<br />

2. It was agreed to suggest to B.A.T. (Hong Kong) that<br />

they should give consideration to liquidating Alliance Tobacco<br />

Company (China) Ltd ., Mural Brothers & Co.Ltd. and Mustard &<br />

Co.Ltd., as these Companies now fulfil no useful purpose .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


0<br />

0<br />

2.<br />

1.<br />

Thursday, 3lst March 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, McAre and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

Mr. Ridley referred to the Research and Development<br />

Project and explained the steps which were being taken t o<br />

find a suitable person to act as Head of Research and Development .<br />

He thought a Dr . B. Raistrick, who is at present employed by<br />

I .C .I ., would prove to be very suitable and Dr . Raistrick is<br />

being interviewed again next Thursday .<br />

In connection with this project, it was also agreed<br />

on the advice of the Architects and the Contractors to order<br />

up to £10,000 worth of steel .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Letter was read from Reuters about Reuters' City<br />

Ticker, for which at present we pay a rent of £300, plus £19<br />

line fee . Owing to the greatly increased costs, they now<br />

feel obliged to increase the charge to £450 p.a., inclusive .<br />

It was agreed to accept this increased charge .

0<br />

Monday . 14th April, 1955 ,<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, MoAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

1. Mr . Sargent referred to B .A.'T's contribution to<br />

Ardath's expenditure on STATE EXPRESS 555 home advertising .<br />

The basis of our contribution for 1954/55 had been agreed at 1/-<br />

per mille plus £5,000, which, on the estimated sales of 160<br />

million for 1954/55, would have amounted to a total of £13,000 .<br />

The sales in fact will be considerably less and Ardath have<br />

asked whether B.A.T. would make up the short-fall for 1954/5 5<br />

to £13,000 . It was agreed that we should offer to pay half the<br />

short-fall. It was also agreed that for 1955/56 we should<br />

offer to contribute 2/- per mille with no additional payment.<br />

2. Letter was read from George Dobie & Sons, saying that<br />

they were surprised to find that importers in Nigeria would not<br />

handle the Dobie brands because they are confined by their agree-<br />

ments with us to handling B .A.T . brands only. They added that<br />

they could not understand why B .A.T . should insist on importers<br />

retailing only B.A.T. brands. It was agreed that this raised an<br />

important point which needed serious consideration on the spot ,<br />

S and the matter will be referred to Mr. Gelsthorp. In the mean-<br />

time, Dobie & Sons will be told that the matter has been taken<br />

up with Nigeria .<br />

3. The following particulars of capital expenditure by<br />

the under-mentioned Companies were submitted and approved :-<br />

Nigerian Tobacco Company Limited £10,91 3<br />

Cie Congolaise de Tabacs B .Fre .579,053.<br />

4. Particulars of appointments to the temporary and<br />

permanent staff between lst January and 31st March 1955 were<br />

submitted, together with comparative figures with the total<br />

number of staff.<br />


Tueadw , 5th April 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1 . Letter was read from the South Georgia Survey 1955/56,<br />

asking for a donation towards the cost of the third and last<br />

survey expedition to South Georgia . It was considered that<br />

the Company was not sufficiently interested to justify a<br />

donation but it was agreed that the Company should give the<br />

Expedition - which consists of eight men - 100 The of tobacco<br />

and 10,000 cigarettes, free .<br />

2. A proposal that Pioneer Tobacco Company should build a<br />

leaf store/re-drying plant at Kumasi at an e atimated cost of<br />

£50,000 was approved. This is in place of the proposed leaf<br />

store estimated to cost £20,000 for which approval was sought<br />

in May, 1953.<br />

3. It was reported that the proxy which we hold from Imperial<br />

was now out of date and that Imperial had suggested .a new one<br />

might be given in favour of Sir Robert Sinclair, Mr . Oppenheim,<br />

Mr. Sargent and Mr. McAra . This was agreed to .<br />

44 Letter was read from the British Swedish Chamber of<br />

Commerce in Sweden, suggesting the Company might apply for<br />

membership at the cost of 10 guineas. It was considered the<br />

Company did not do sufficient business with Sweden to justify<br />

membership .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Fj<br />


Thursday, 7th April 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1. The meeting considered a request received from the<br />

factories for an increase from £100,000 to £150,000 in the<br />

Customs Bond covering delivery from warehouse of tobacco<br />

samples without payment of duty. This request has now been<br />

withdrawn and it was agreed that the factories should be<br />

instructed by the Director in charge of U .K . factories that,<br />

in future, the proc<strong>edu</strong>re for sampling should be as follow<br />

received and will not retain the samples beyond the minimum<br />

period of three months allowed by the Customs, which will<br />

thereby entitle us to the minimum allowance, duty free, of<br />

4oz for each 4 lbs sample .<br />

2. Particulars of retirements for which calculation s<br />

have been made on the normal basis between let and 31st March<br />

1955 were submitted and approved .<br />

3. Memorandum was submitted requesting approval for additional<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

expenditure by Nigerian Tobacco Company on the Zaria Re-drying<br />

Plant, amounting to £24,387 . The sum of £193,133 has already<br />

been authorised and this makes a total of £217,520 .<br />

s<br />

s We will sample up to 10 per cent of leaf package

Tuesday, 1 th April 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra and Ridley<br />

present.<br />

1. With reference to Note No.2 of the 4th April, Mr .<br />

Sargant reported that it had now been confirmed by our<br />

associated company in Nigeria that there was no restriction<br />

on distributors handling Dobie's brands or any opposition<br />

brands for retail, and Dobie's were being informed accordingly.<br />

2. Mr. Ridley reported the result of a further interview<br />

3.<br />

4 .<br />

with Dr. Raistrick, who has now been offered employment by us<br />

as head of the Research and Development Department. Dr.<br />

Raistrick is somewhat concerned at the expenses which he will<br />

incur as a result of moving his residence from Edinburgh to<br />

Southampton and it was agreed that Mr . Ridley should communicate<br />

with Dr . Raistrick in the following terms :-<br />

"At the interview we had with you on Thursday<br />

you explained that if you accepted employment with<br />

us you would have to incur considerable removal and<br />

refitting expenses . In the circumstances if you<br />

decide to accept our offer of employment the Company<br />

would, after the move has been completed, be prepared<br />

to reimburse to you your removal and refitting<br />

expenses, etc ., up to a maximum total reimbursement<br />

of £1,000 . It would be understood that you would<br />

submit to us an account of such expenses . "<br />

Mr. Ridley reported that a request had been received<br />

for photographs of Southampton Factory to be included in the<br />

official handbook on Southampton which is issued by th e<br />

Southampton Corporation . It was agreed there was no ob ction .<br />

It was reported that Mr. J.W. Anthony, head of Export<br />

(Shipping Bills) Department, Southampton, was still unfit to<br />

return to work. Mr. Anthony has been suffering from tubercu-<br />

losis since April 1954, and it was recommended that he should be<br />

given leave of absence on full pay for a further period of three<br />

months until the 22nd July .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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Thursday, 114th Aoril 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, MoAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

I. It was agreed that Mr . K.C . Bryant should explore with a<br />

responsible ofricial of P.C . Rettig & Co ., Helsinki, the<br />

possibilities of that Company being interested in acquiring<br />

Brown & Williamson (Export)la brand NORTH STATE and such other<br />

assets as 53uomen Tupakka may have available for sale .<br />

Should Rettig & Co. show any interest, then alternative<br />

bases on which such a deal might be made will be examined and<br />

further discussed with them .<br />

2 . Consideration was given to the Memorandum of 23rd March,<br />

1955 prepared by Mr . T .E . Davies in which he set forth the<br />

demands of the minority shareholders of K .D . & S. Ltd. for<br />

distribution of that Company's assets outside Israel .<br />

Having in mind possible developments in Israel it was<br />

agreed that, on the lines of the timetable suggested in para-<br />

graph (a) of the Memorandum, the following action should be<br />

taken : -<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

1 . Lend the minority shareholders one-half of<br />

the amount shown in the last column of the<br />

statement attached to the Memorandum as<br />

r<strong>edu</strong>ced by the interest element .<br />

2. Release the share certificates held against<br />

existing loans early in 1956 .<br />

3 . Lend remaining one-half referred to in 1 above<br />

during 1956 .<br />

4 . The funds necessary to effect action under<br />

paragraphs 1 and 3 to be remitted by Near<br />

Eastern Holdings Ltd . against appropriate form

E<br />

0<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

5.<br />

of letter from each shareholder .<br />

The suggestion contained in Mr. T.E . Davies'<br />

Memorandum of ]a t April, 1955 to be adopted<br />

regarding action under 2 above .

Friday, 15th April 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

1. The Chairman reported that Mr . Cecil Mason had<br />

telephoned to say that, in the event of our being able to mak e<br />

a<br />

a deal with ear. Abe Wier for the acquisition of the Benson & Hedges<br />

and Peter Jackson (Overseas) businesses, Gallaher would be<br />

prepared to pay £100,000 for Benson & Hedges home business . Mr .<br />

Mason also understands that Gallaher would have to pay a propor-<br />

tion of the cost of the shares in Benson & Hedges Ltd . which are<br />

held by Benson & Hedges (Overseas) Ltd . and Peter Jackson (Over-<br />

seas) Ltd.<br />

2 In view of the newspaper strike, which may delay publica-<br />

3.<br />

L4 .<br />

tion of the Chairman's speech in the national newspapers for some<br />

time, it was agreed that a printed copy of the speech should be<br />

circuIlated to all stockholders and those on the mailing list for<br />

balance sheets .<br />

Letter w as read from Aims of Industry asking for this<br />

Company's continued support . The Company has subscribed £500 a<br />

year since 1951 and it was agreed to make a similar subscription<br />

this year .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Letter was read from The United Tobacco Companies (South)<br />

about a proposal to form a Company under the name of W.A . & H.O .<br />

Wills (Pty) Ltd. It was agreed that there was no objection to<br />

this, provided the Company handles Wills brands only, and tha t<br />

it was a matter for The U .T . Cos (South) to decide whether the<br />

Company should be merely a selling company for Willa brands or<br />

whether the Wills goodwill should be transferred to the Company .

Wednesday, 20th April 1955 .<br />

`"7<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra end Ridley and Bruton<br />

present.<br />

The Chairman reported the result of discussions between<br />

the leading tobacco manufacturers who are members of the T .A.C.<br />

i .e . The Imperial Tobacco Co. (of G .B . & I .) Ltd ., B.A .T.,<br />

Gallaher Ltd., Godfrey Phillips Ltd . and Carreras Ltd., about the<br />

i'uture of Sir Alexander Maxwell, the Chairman of the T .A.C .<br />

The suggestion is that the Companies mentioned should between<br />

them pay Sir Alexander Maxwell £5,000 a year and arrange a<br />

pension for him of approximately two-thirds of this amount payable,<br />

say, at age 65 . It is believed such a pension could be insured<br />

at a premium of approximately £6,500 p .a., making a total annual<br />

payment until retirement of £11,500 . Of this sum the Imperial<br />

is prepared to contribute £7,500 p .a. ; if the other Companies<br />

mentioned will each contribute £1,000. It was recommended that<br />

B .A.T. should agree to contribute £1,000 p .a . for this purpose .<br />

2. Memorandum by Mr . Ridley dated l9th April concerning the<br />

Research & Development Staff was read. It was agreed that<br />

under the person who is eventually appointed head of the Research<br />

& Development Project Dr . Evers should become head of the Research<br />

Laboratories and that Mr . S .A . Grew should become the Engineer in<br />

charge of Engineering Development and that in this capacity Mr .<br />

Grew should be invited to become a member of the Senior Mess .<br />

It w as_further agreed to recommend to the Board that the salaries<br />

of Dr. Evers and Mr. Grew should be increased to at the rate of<br />

£3,000 p . a . with eft ct from the let May, 1955 .<br />

3. As it now seems probable that a deal will be made with<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Mr . Abe Wix for the acquisition of the Benson & Hedges and Peter<br />

Jackson businesses, it was agreed. that a Committee should be<br />

formed of representatives of the departments concerned to examine<br />

all the detailed points which will arise if the deal is made .<br />


I Thursday. 21st April 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Gough, Sargant, McAra, Ridley<br />

and Bruton present .<br />

1. Mr. Sargant said that he had been asked by Carreras<br />

whether we could help them in respect of their supplies of<br />

CRAVEN A to France . On this barter business they have to<br />

accept payment as to 459 in cigarette paper and owing to the<br />

fall in their business they cannot take any more paper. It was<br />

agreed in principle that we should help them, if we could do so<br />

without prejudice to ourselves, and Mr . Sargant will examine<br />

this matter further.<br />

0 2. The following expenditure by the under-mentione d<br />

40<br />

Companies was submitted and approved :-<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Pioneer Tobacco Co. Ltd. £1,750 in respect of a guest chalet<br />

at Wumasi .<br />

Nigerian Tobacco Co . Ltd. £623 for gumming units and conditioning<br />

equipment at<br />


N. B. The fact that B .A .T. is<br />

negotiating for the acquisition of the<br />

Benson & Hedges and Peter Jackson<br />

businesses is highly confidential and<br />

must not be passed beyond the Directors .<br />

If the deal goes through it will be done<br />

probably in the name of a Company called<br />

Gallaher (Export) Ltd . and B .A.T'B<br />

interest will be completely hidden .<br />


Friday. 22nd April 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra, Ridley<br />

and Bruton present .<br />

1. The Chairman reported that at a meeting with Mr . Wix<br />

yesterday, Mr. Wix accepted in principle the offer contained in<br />

the Chairman's letter of the 18th April for the purchase of the<br />

whole of the issued share capital of Benson & Hedges (Overseas)<br />

Ltd . and Peter Jackson (Overseas) Ltd . and a majority of the<br />

shares in Benson & Hedges Ltd ., subject to certain minor details<br />

which remained to be worked out .<br />

As regards the Maspero business in Israel, Mr. Wix felt<br />

that this needed further investigation. It was proposed that<br />

Mr. Hitchcock should be asked to come here next week and Mr . Wix<br />

will probably return with Mr . Hitchcock to Israel to examine the<br />

position on the spot .<br />

The Chairman reported that Mr . Cecil Mason had been asked<br />

by Mr. Pollock for an introduction to R.J. Reynolds Tobacco<br />

Company. Mr . Pollock has it in mind to establish an agency<br />

for the "Winston" brand and perhaps "Camel" cigarettes in South<br />

Africa. Mr . Mason said that he Would not give the introduction<br />

if'we objected . It was agreed that we should not offer any<br />

I& objection .<br />

3 . Letter was read from Mr . J.B . Yeamans, Jnr ., who was<br />

formerly employed in China and retired in September 1952, asking<br />

permission to take employment with a Pakistani firm now in process<br />

of organising a cigarette manufacturing business in Pakistan .<br />

Mr . Geldart was asked to attend the meeting . After discussion,<br />

it was agreed to reply that, although we would not normally give<br />

consent to a former employee who was in receipt of a voluntary<br />

allowance from the Company to join a direct competitor, in the<br />

particular circumstances of Mr . Yeamans' case, B .A .T . (Hong Kong)<br />

would not object .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

N<br />

C)<br />

O<br />

Co<br />

c1<br />

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Monday . 25th April 1955.<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent, MoAra and Bruton<br />

present .<br />

Mr. Bruton said that Louisville had considered<br />

forming another Company in Panama to take over the Canal Zon e<br />

and Ships' Stores business in Panama . For tax and other reasons<br />

they had now come to the conclusion that it would be better not<br />

to form another Company but to charge Tabacalera Istmena list<br />

price for "Lucky Strike" cigarettes instead of the existing 'cost<br />

plus' basis. The meeting felt that to avoid Istmena making a<br />

loss on this business it would be better to charge list price<br />

less 5 or 109 to cover expenses.<br />

Tuesday, 26th April 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Ridley and<br />

Bruton present .<br />

1. Mr . McAra read a memorandum by Mr. Stewart concerning<br />

machinery recently ordered by Mr . A.W.F . Hobson for the Argentine .<br />

A difficulty has arisen over the terms of payment for the<br />

machinery ordered in England from Molina and Legg . The purchase<br />

is being handled through the Dutch firm P .M.B. and to obtain the<br />

Dutch Government's consent to the transaction they are suggesting<br />

that payment should not be made to the English suppliers until<br />

remittances are actually received from the Argentine . Legg are<br />

not prepared to agree unless B .A .T . will give a guarantee in<br />

respect of the payment . It was agreed we should adhere to our<br />

principles In this matter and that we should not give such an<br />

assurance .<br />

2. Memorandum by Mr. Hunt was read recommending that our<br />

chief buyers, particularly those in A, B and C sections, should<br />

pay rather more visits to some of our suppliers . It was felt that<br />

this would give our buyers greater experience and a wider under-<br />

standing of suppliers' problems, and the proposal was agreed in<br />

principle .<br />


0<br />

is<br />

Wednesday, 27th April 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Ridley<br />

and Bruton present.<br />

1. Mr . Ridley said that Export Leaf wished to make additions<br />

to their Re-drying Plant and Leaf Warehouse at South Boston, Va .<br />

at an estimated cost of ,863,000 . This was agreed to .<br />

2. It was reported that tar . E.P . Lancaster had asked Export<br />

3 .<br />

Leaf for 69,120 lbs of tobacco to be sold by Universal Leaf<br />

Tobacco Company to Mr . Lancaster's customer in India, The<br />

National Tobacco Company of India. It was agreed there was no<br />

objection to Export Leaf fulfilling this order .<br />

Memorandum by Mr. Bristow dated 25th April about a<br />

proposed factory in the Sudan was read. L'r . Bristow was asked<br />

to a ttend the meeting . It was agreed in principle toe stablish<br />

a factory in the Sudan and Eastern Company will be asked t o<br />

63<br />

make investigations and recommendations regarding the site for<br />

the new factory, which it is proposed should be about 2 acres .<br />

Detailed estimates of the cost of the project will be submitted'<br />

later in the usual way .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


40<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

Thursday, 28th April 1959 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, LcAra, Ridley and Bruton<br />

present .<br />

With ref erenc a to note No . 2 of the ]2 th April, 14r .<br />

Ridley reported that Dr . Raistrick had now decided not to<br />

accept our offer of employment as head of the Research and<br />

Development Project.<br />

br. Ridley reported the arrangements which had been<br />

made to assist staff in getting to the office in the event of<br />

a railway strike .<br />


Friday, 29th April 1955 ,<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra, Ridley and Bruton<br />

present .<br />

1. Mr . Bruton read a report from Messrs. Featherston<br />

and Lamar giving the latest developments in Peru arising out of<br />

the possible changeover from a Government Tobacco Monopoly t o<br />

private enterprise . The approach so far made by Messrs .<br />

Featherston and Lamar was considered to be satisfactory and i t<br />

66-<br />

was agreed that arrangements should be made for Sir Harry Greenfield<br />

to pay a visit to Peru as soon as possible in his capacity as<br />

adviser on tobacco taxation to B.A.T .<br />

It was also agreed that Quintana, the President of the<br />

Tobacco Monopoly, who has been helpful in the negotiations, should<br />

be paid an advisory fee of $1,000 a month while the negotiations<br />

continue and if we ultimately decide to form a Company in Peru<br />

consideration will be given to employing Quintana .<br />

2. It was agreed that Mr. P.S. Thatcher, who is now aged<br />

74, should be asked to resign as a Director of The Jersey Tobacc o<br />

40 Company Limited with effect, say, from 30th June next, and to<br />

Mr.<br />

recommend that Mr. G.W. Johnston and/M.E . Hewlett should be<br />

elected to the Board of that Company.<br />

It was also agreed that Mr. K.H. Ching, who is an<br />

employee of J .J . Le Sueur, but who has devoted all his time to the<br />

work of The Jersey Tobacco Company Limited under the terms of an<br />

agreement between that Company and Le Sueur dated loth December,<br />

1932, should now be brought on to the payroll of The Jersey Tobacco<br />

Company Limited and become a member of the O.P .F . upon the terms<br />

set out in a memorandum by Mr. Hunt dated 25th April, 1955 .<br />


0<br />

Monday. 2nd May 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra, Ridley<br />

and Bruton present .<br />

Specimen of GALVESTON 20s cigarette label put out<br />

by the Piccardo Company in the Argentine was submitted .<br />

The label follows closely the get-up of SENIOR SERVICE label .<br />

It was agreed that Pattreiouex (Overseas) should object to<br />

this GALVESTON label and that Mr. Yeaman and Dr . Magnanini<br />

should be so informed.<br />

Tuesday, 3rd May 1255 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra, Ridley<br />

and Bruton present.<br />

Mr . McAra referred to note No.1 of the 17th March ,<br />

whereby additional finance up to £30,000 was approved for Rift<br />

Valley Cigarette Company for the period up to the end of June .<br />

This amount has already been expended and it was agreed to<br />

authorise a further £30,000 to cover the position for the months<br />

of May, June and July.<br />

Mr. Gelathorp will be discussing the whole question<br />

of the Rift Valley Cigarette Company with Mr . Geogehan next week .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Wednesday, 4th May 1.955_ 9<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1. Memorandum by Mr. Hunt dated 3rd May was read concerning<br />

the Packaging and Allied Trades Research Association. At<br />

present we pay the full subscription of £100 to the Packaging<br />

Division and one-half the full subscription (namely £200) to<br />

the Printing Division . PATRA is now proposing to increase<br />

its subscriptions by 50% with effect from the lst April 1955 .<br />

Mr . Hunt recommends that, in view of our substantial interest<br />

in printing overseas and of the help and advice which we<br />

4 7<br />

receive from PATRA we should now voluntarily offer to pay the<br />

full subscription to the Printing Division ; i .e. we should<br />

pay £600 subscription to the Packaging Division and £600<br />

to the Printing Division. This was agreed to .<br />

It was also agreed that Mr . Davis should accept PATRA's<br />

invitation to offer himself for re-election as a member of<br />

the Council .<br />

2. Particulars of retirements for which calculations have<br />

been made on the normal basis between 1st April and 28th April<br />

1955 were submitted and approved .<br />


0<br />

Thursday, 5th May 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim and McAra present .<br />

It was reported that an appeal had been received from<br />

the Order of St . John of Jerusalem on behalf of an Ophthalmic<br />

Research Centre which they propose to build and equip at an<br />

estimated cost of £100,000 in Arab Jerusalem, for research o n<br />

eye diseases in the Middle East . The appeal has been addressed<br />

to a number of companies with interests in the Middle East and<br />

after consultation with certain of these companies it was recom-<br />

mended that B.A .T. should make a donation of £1,000 .<br />

Friday . 6th May 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra, Ridley and<br />

Bruton present .<br />

1. Mr. Sargant tabled a note of the discussions which he<br />

and Mr . Bruton had with Mr. Rueff in Paris on the 4th May.<br />

2. Mr . Sargant submitted for information specimens of a<br />

new Player's Mild tipped cigarette which Imperial are proposing<br />

to put out in Eire at 1/- for 10, which is the equivalent of<br />

the 3/- price category here . The get-up of the packet follows<br />

very closely the Canadian Company's Player's Mild packing .<br />






6th May, 1955.<br />

In the morning of 3rd May Rueff telephoned<br />

reporting that he had been offered 40,000 shares at a price<br />

of P.92 each, subject to prompt reply. He had tried to<br />

obtain an option for 8 days but this was not agreed to by<br />

the sellers . After discussion here with Oppenheim and<br />

McAra it was felt that he should not accept this offer<br />

without further investigation, and it was felt that Rueff<br />

should try and visit Mexico himself in order to get the<br />

background and judge the possibilities for himself . Also<br />

it was felt that for security reasons it might be an<br />

advantage if Rueff went into El Buen Tono without any<br />

B .A .T . participation at all .<br />

We put these points to him in Paris but he felt<br />

that if he were to go there and carry out any investigation,<br />

however discreetly, it could only put the price of the<br />

shares up and perhaps make the buying of a large block<br />

still more difficult . Also he made it clear that his idea<br />

was for M.I .C . money to be used to make this deal .<br />

After consultation with London by telephone it was<br />

agreed that this offer of 40,000 at P .92 .- per share should<br />

be accepted, and that in due course payment would be made<br />

from M.I .C . funds . In order to maintain as much secrecy<br />

as possible it was agreed that Rueff would consult his<br />

Lawyer to find out the best way for M.I .C . to form a holding<br />

company in order to conceal, as far as possible, the real<br />

owners . Rueff felt that possibly this holding company<br />

should be registered in Casablanca as this might save taxes .<br />

He will advise London further after seeing his Lawyer .<br />

Rueff agreed that it would be unwise to approach<br />

Signoret in any way, even though he is now residing in<br />

Paris, and it is hoped that if he is still a seller his<br />

shares can be acquired in Mexico by the same bank as will b e<br />

making the purchase of the present offer of 40,000 shares,<br />

it may have to be done by them through Bustamente .<br />

El Buen Tono shares are quoted from time to time<br />

on the Paris stock market, and the nominal quotation at the<br />

time of our visit was Frs .2650. If the bid for the<br />

40,000 shares is not too late, and the Spanish Bank in<br />

Mexico are able to buy them, then Rueff proposes to try and<br />

pick up El Buen Tono shares in small lots in France to a<br />

total of about 10,000 . This may be very difficult as they<br />

are probably widely held in small lots .<br />

As the present General Manager, Duprat, holds only<br />

40,000 shares he relies on Signoret's holding of 30,000 to<br />

give him voting control, so if we can buy the Signoret<br />

shares it should make our position sufficiently strong for<br />

Rueff to go to Mexico and to discuss the future of the<br />

company with Duprat .<br />


Rueff has conducted his contact with the Spanish<br />

Bank in Mexico (Mexicans do Credito, Manager Antonio<br />

Sacristan) through a private banking firm in Paris, by<br />

name of Worms & Co . Rueff stressed that we can rely<br />

completely on their utmost discretion and that their<br />

knowledge of Rueff's interest in M.I,C . would not be<br />

passed on to their Mexican correspondents .<br />

If we are successful in buying say 75,000-80,000<br />

shares and Rueff is successful in making a friendly<br />

approach to Duprat, and is able to persuade him to let the<br />

holders of this mew group place an experienced cigarette<br />

man in his organisation in Mexico, then we have the problem<br />

of the security issue as well as finding the right man for<br />

the job . Rueff at once suggested Le Bas . If he were not<br />

available he mentioned Signes, who is an ex-employee of<br />

Globe in Algeria and who has done useful work for us in the<br />

M.I .C . factory in Cholon . However, Rueff would not be<br />

happy to put Signes there as he is a man who has risen from<br />

the ranks and Rueff is doubtful if he would be sufficiently<br />

tactful to get on with Duprat who is said to be a very<br />

difficult man indeed. In addition Signes is a<br />

manufacturer and leaf man, not a salesman. On the other<br />

hand if quality of manufacture were in question Signes<br />

might be very helpful as he is a specialist on black<br />

cigarettes .<br />

Other than Le Bas and Signes Rueff has no one in<br />

mind at the moment . It is felt, however, that the<br />

decision as to what type of man would be required, to help<br />

El Buen Tono to become more progressive, can best be left<br />

until after Rueff has been to Mexico and seen the<br />

situation for himself .<br />

London,<br />

6th May, 1955.<br />


Monday, 9th May 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra, Ridley a nd<br />

Bruton present .<br />

1. Mr. Ridley referred to the recent Earthquake at Volos<br />

in Greece. B.A.T. contributed £400 to the Greek earthquake<br />

Fund in November 1953 and it was recommended that B .A.T. should<br />

make a contribution of £250 in respect of the Volos earthquake .<br />

2. The Chairman referred to discussions which have taken<br />

place with Mr. Ghanem of the Jordan Tobacco Company, as a result<br />

of which it has been agreed to recommend to National Tobacco and<br />

Cigarette Company of Transjordan that they should amend the<br />

terms of their agreement with Jordan Tobacco Company to provide<br />

that the National Tobacco Company's target as its share of the<br />

market should be r<strong>edu</strong>ced from 50% to 40% .<br />

3. Mr . Bodde was then asked to attend the meeting and he<br />

read a letter which the German Company has received from Mr .<br />

Reemtsma, stipulating certain conditions for the German Company' s<br />

use of van Kerckhof's "DUBEC" mark. Some of these conditions<br />

can be regarded as implied in the original terms of consent given<br />

by Reemtsma and to that extent it was agreed that Mr . Bodde should<br />

recommend the German Company to accept them . With regard to<br />

certain new conditions, Mr . Bodde will discuss them with Dr . Buch<br />

to make sure, before acceptance, that they do not prejudice the<br />

German Company's use of the mark .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


0<br />

Wednesda;y, llth May 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra, Ridley and<br />

Bruton present .<br />

1 . The best method of carrying out management development<br />

in the territories supervised from Louisville was discussed<br />

and the attached memorandum on the subject was agreed .<br />

2. The question of establishing the Research and Develop-<br />

ment Centre in Southampton was discussed and, : after having the<br />

plans and models of the Centre explained by the Committee set<br />

up to consider this matter, the following recommendations were<br />

made :-<br />

1. The project should be proceeded with on the<br />

basis of the plans demonstrated, covering Scientific<br />

Laboratories, Technical Development Halls, Adminis-<br />

tration Offices and Amenities Buildings, estimated<br />

to cost £510,000 in capital investment .<br />

Irwas also noted that the operating costs of the<br />

project would be likely to expand over the next few<br />

years to, perhaps, at the rate of £100,000 a year .<br />

2. Having failed to obtain a suitable Manager of the<br />

R . & D. Centre with scientific qualifications, it was<br />

decided to transfer Mr. D.S.F . Hobson to this post<br />

with, working under him, Dr . Evers as Head of the<br />

Scientific and Laboratory side, S .A . Grew as Head of<br />

the Technical Development side and D.R . Pattison as<br />

Head of the Administration Department .<br />

3 . It was recommended that the employment of a<br />

Scientific Adviser such as Sir Charles Ellis, Sir<br />

Bernard Keen or Professor Newitt should be further<br />

examined .<br />

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4. It was recommended that ?r. Ridley should giv e<br />

immediate attention to the transfer to London of a

suitable manufacturer to take the place vacated by<br />

Mr. Hobson.<br />

3. The Chairman read a memorandum concerning the 1955 leaf<br />

crops and it was agreed that we should apply to the Board of<br />

Trade for 20,989,720 The U.S.A . leaf and 2,562,500 The Canadian<br />

leaf which, at 72 cents per lb for U.S. leaf and 65 cents per lb .<br />

for Canadian leaf, represents U .S.$15,112,600 and Canadian<br />

$1,665,600 .<br />

It was also agreed that we should relinquish to The<br />

United Tobacco Companies (South) Ltd . from our existing stocks<br />

1,000,000 lbs Rhodesian flue-cured and 480,000 lbs of Orinoco<br />

at book value plus the normal charges .<br />

4. Mr . Ridley reported that the prices of Italian leaf<br />

had been so substantially r<strong>edu</strong>ced as to become of interest to<br />

us . It was agreed that we should purchase 1,250,000 lbs<br />

of Italian flue-cured tobacco ex the 1955 crop, as this might<br />

be helpful in securing orders from the Italian Tobacco Monopoly .<br />

5 . Mr . Bruton referred to the situation in the West Indies<br />

with particular reference to restrictive covenants which bind<br />

companies operating thette to their respective territories .<br />

It was agreed that a letter should be written to B . & J .A .<br />

Machado in Jamaica consenting to that Company selling cigarettes<br />

and tobaccos under their own brands outside Jamaica subject, of<br />

course, to such sales not infringing anyone else's trade mark<br />

rights, the consent to be terminable on three months' notice .<br />

6 . A summary of proposed new pension arrangements for<br />

local staff of B .A.T . (Extension Suisse) was submitted and<br />

armed in principle . The proposals follow closely the<br />

revised pension arrangements recently introduced for staff in<br />

the U.K.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

7<br />

I<br />


JMMO_RAa1)gX , pith any, 1913 .<br />

It has alrert1y been AcreeA theft it is ondenirnble<br />

to duplicate the range of eativitien prrformncl by I onion<br />

Pernonnel Department by netting nr nn entirely neparrte u"xport<br />

Personnel Department in t .aulnville ooverinr all t no* ft,netions<br />

performed by the Personnel Advinnr o ;ni the "oreo~nel ;)epnrtm*nt<br />

in<br />

London.<br />

In the letter of the 16th December 19514 it was<br />

suggested that the exn~-t i>>no! lone ^n' scope of the 'xport<br />

Personnel Department in Lo ►► inville unler Townes ahoull be<br />

dieaunee4 during ter. Aruton'e visit to xon.ion in the Spring of<br />

1955 .<br />

With his letter of tt:e 2lnt January, Mr. Bruton<br />

enclooed a memorandum ee'.tirig out t-`1e functions of the Export<br />

Personnel Department In ).ouievillm .<br />

The main pointa govrtrning policy in this .otter are 1-<br />

1. It follow* from thn :ipeinicm retfetrrrd to above that<br />

major personnel rnttera runt be do~nlt with by the Pernonnel<br />

Adviser, eeninted by the t on'!en Pprnor.rrl Or;,nr*^"rt or f. ►; ..<br />

Louirvilie Export ► 'err_or.nnl 7,.! nrt^ent, ' me,y he nprro-<br />

priate.<br />

2. The London personnel Department htin'seen 1lsnctionina<br />

over a wide area for A nu-hrr of y-l±rre and hue in it<br />

several well trained ^nl thoro'irhl y as nn rienced officers<br />

who are ndequntely ti'tei for d^rlinfi with such mnttern no<br />

iaanaper"nnt devalopme*rt, trolning, con of living surveys,<br />

end no on. Officprn of eir ► llnr calibre could b* trained<br />

in Louisville but that wotili not be in conrornity with the<br />

fundamental t1ec1n1 ;m referred to above .<br />

3. Louisville Ia not a eerarate organisation but a pert<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

of one oraoniention . The Directors In Louisville are<br />

entitled to and should nnk^ use of all the technical

facilities available in 1 .on!on wlt*tout ahro"eting in<br />

any way their ultimate 9nthoritv Aa territorial dirr*etors .<br />

Directors In 7ouinviIle by nctinsT through the<br />

Personnel Advlter are perforraina their fanetionO in the<br />

morns way an their coiler"s use are performing t!selr<br />

functiems towards tI*^ir r+~epmotive arena of authority .<br />

5. Louisville c►<br />

are short stsffal in the his_rher enpervisory graders and<br />

do not, so far, srr any iere4iate solution to this problem .<br />

It is essential, therefor', that they should be relieved<br />

of work that enr.be lone more conveniently from tonvon ,<br />

so that senior emplmyeta like ?atun can give more time<br />

to other aspects of supervision.<br />

Taking due note of these points, it is now suggested<br />

that the territories supervised from Louisville should be divi,1'd<br />

into three groups, as follows r-<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Orour 2 Arve-tine<br />

Chile<br />

Brnril<br />

Group 2 Herbaloe<br />

Trinidad<br />

Demerara<br />

Surinam<br />

Jamaic a<br />

Group 3 Costa Rion<br />

3mlvattor<br />

Guatemala<br />

Honduras<br />

Kiere+rague<br />

Pan amw<br />

vbneeuel a<br />

tsexioo<br />

and that Louisville Export Personnel Deportment should have some-<br />

what wider functions in respect of Group 3 (which is mainly<br />

staffed by Ameriosno not normally transferable to territories<br />

supervised from London) sari more limited functions in respect of

(1)<br />

M 3-<br />

Groups 1 and 2 (whom* toralan at,%tT arm main1v British and,<br />

therefore, transferable to othor territuriss) .<br />

The following hee, theretorn, been A~ I-<br />

cmaemed with lbe 00A, of 11<br />

Groups 1 and 2 from London (Hargrove )<br />

Group 3 Prom Louiaville, with<br />

oc n ^+i cir 1 wits .from<br />

1,ondon (VTara;rova or<br />

i ape1brook) .<br />

Reports on auah visits to Groupa 1 Rni 2 to he or-it to Louisville.<br />

Chnngoe in remuneration to be ngreel Frith Loui rvil le, the yard-<br />

sticks and allowenoes to be wor',.el out in London and sent to<br />

Louisville to be forwarded to the aar..o^intnd ao*pony ooreerne1 .<br />

(2) DMIRMAI<br />

Personnel Adviaear to correspond with kssars . Bruton<br />

a" Prin e, particularly on the ;;,entio ► of transfers between<br />

Groups 1 and 2 anal other aasocintel conpenles supervised from<br />

London.<br />

.e) ee.e st .at<br />

(4) miss ( 91l groups)<br />

Groups 1 and 2 Apart from the recruitment of<br />

local nationals, recruitment<br />

ahof,LA be b. London.<br />

Group 3 Reoruitment by Toolarville.<br />

All senage nt pupils Wien they Are recruited by<br />

the aseooiated company or in Louisville will attend the T'upils'<br />

Course in London at an approprirte time .<br />

ftnaigan ( ell gimps )<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Individual pension anvor a11ownnne calculations

to be sent by Lot2ieville to revndirma tt,pnrtn^nt here .<br />

The hntiir or any revision of pension schemes-t-, be<br />

discusesel with Louisville nnd, after agreenment& a drei't for m<br />

of notii'ioetion to nRaaci«tAl aompan i n to be preps-Ad In T .ondon<br />

by Pensions Depertreent end sent to touteville Personnel Depart-<br />

went .<br />

in order to feailltet their err-n'"-,ants, the<br />

following proc<strong>edu</strong>re will 1,P nclopted in respect of c11 froups t-<br />

Records of all menaqeer+e^nt Rrnde stuff to he kept in<br />

Louisville Personnel Depnrt'nt with dunlionte records in Lon lon,<br />

as at present .<br />

Rotiflaestlona or chsnreec to be nent to Louieville in<br />

duplicate, 2.onisvtlle to torwotri the de!piionte to London forthwith,<br />

8teeff reports similarly to be sent in dupliente and<br />

the duplicate to be forw+'arded to Lontton forthwith, with comments .<br />

jsigrv Incresaees<br />

Recoe end>%tiems to be epnt to Louisville and forwarded<br />

to London by Personnel Department, as now.<br />

Agreement or comments to be Went from London to<br />

Louisvil lee who will inform the territory concerned of they final<br />

decisions taken .<br />

L<br />

Personnel Department.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

To be sent direct to Louisville and to London .<br />

Any comments by Lou: tan to be male to Louisville<br />

General infortn+ation shoat labour trends to be sent<br />

direct to the saeoainted eormeny, with a copy to Louisville

Personnel Depcrtmnt,<br />

The and= (referred to above) setting out the<br />

functions of the Louisville ? c? ort personnel ibpertmc ;nt can<br />

stem[, Subject to the tollowlur a and nta t.-<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Pare apps 2 of 12 to be ccantine :i to Group 3.<br />

Peregruph 3.3 le aab, eot to the paragraph ebo .e<br />

beaded "Trrainiing" .<br />

~:n 1 C . . . .J.A . .J .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Friday . 13th May 1 255 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, Mc-4a and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

1. Mr . McAra referred to the proposed arrangements with<br />

Godfrey Phillips concerning Ceylon, involving the termination<br />

of the Pool Agreement as at 31st March 1955 and the transfer to<br />

Godfrey Phillips of certain shares in Ceylon Tobacco Company .<br />

7 21<br />

Godfrey Phillips have pointed out that the change in the<br />

source of income will involve them in additional taxation and<br />

have suggested that to compensate them for this B .A .T. should<br />

agree to their receiving the final dividend for the year to 31st<br />

March 1955 on the shares which they will acquire in Ceylon<br />

Tobacco Company .<br />

It was agreed to accept this suggestion .<br />

2. Mr. Ridley suggested that Mr . Cocks, Head of the Leaf<br />

Department, should become the nominal correspondent with Tobacco<br />

Leaf Development Company (Zamaica) Ltd . in place of Mr. Ridley .<br />

This was agreed to .<br />

3. Additional capital expenditure by Cie Congolaise des<br />

Tabacs was approved, as follows :-<br />

Stanleyville Factory, Phase 2 : BFrs . 3,815,000<br />

Housing " 60,000<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Total BFrs. 3,875,000

Monday, 16th May 1959 ,<br />

rvv-~ -~ 3<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1. Mr. McAra read a memorandum by Mr . Barnett on the<br />

proposed revision of the Q .P .F. and explained the difficulties<br />

which arise in certain territories as regards remittances for<br />

back a ervice and in respect of taxation .<br />

The proposal is to amend the Rules of the existing<br />

O .P.F . by creating a new class "C" who would receive scales of<br />

benefits substantially similar to the revised pension arrangements<br />

for Home Staff. It may in certain territories be necessary<br />

later on to inaugurate a small O .P.F . No .2 for those territories<br />

whose employees could not become Class "C" contributors .<br />

The proposals were approved in principle subject to<br />

further enquiry as to whether more satisfactory arrangements could<br />

be made in India and Pakistan through an Insurance Company or<br />

otherwise .<br />

2. Memorandum was read concerning overtime for office staf f<br />

at Head Office and U .K. Factories and the following recommendatio n<br />

was approved :-<br />

As a general rule, there should be noLovertime but i f<br />

the Head of a Department considers that it is necessary through<br />

no fault of the staff, the following reward should be mad e<br />

After office hours during tile working week (if at least one hour<br />

is worked)<br />

Payment(to those earning less then M,000 p .a.) at<br />

time rate with a meal provid&-d or 2/6d . in lieu if this cannot<br />

be arranged.<br />

Saturdays. Sundays and Bank holiday s<br />

Payment (to those earning less than el,000 p .a.) at<br />

time rate plus equivalent time off later .<br />

In addition, 3'6d . for lunch (2/6d . at factories) and<br />

1/6d . for tea if these meals are not provided and if work<br />

continues beyond the time at which these meals would normally be<br />

taken .<br />


0<br />

S<br />

3<br />

7 f<br />

When payment is nee to those earning under £1,000 p.s .<br />

those earning £1,000 and over should be able to claim. out-of-<br />

pocket expenses.<br />

Letter was read from The Royal Institute of Inter-<br />

national Affairs asking the Company to renew its subscriptio n<br />

for the current year. Our subscription for the last three years<br />

has been at the rate of £750 p .a. and it was agreed to recommend<br />

to the Board that this subscription should be renewed this year .<br />


I*<br />

Wednesday, 18th May 19 5 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent $ L c.Ara and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

1. Mr. Sargent reported that Reynolds Tobacco Company were<br />

selling WINSTON cigarettes to the French Regie and that Mr .<br />

Bryant thought it important that Brown A Williamson should get the<br />

Regie to take VICEROY cigarettes if a barter arrangement could be<br />

made. Mr. Honeycutt says that B. & W. would be prepared to take<br />

up to A200,000 of Jugoslav and Greek leaf in equal proportions<br />

against VICEROY but it is believed that the Regie will not have<br />

the leaf available until the beginning of next year . In vie w<br />

of the importance of having VICEROY on the market in France, it<br />

was recommended that B . & W. should take a risk and attempt to<br />

make a barter deal on the above basis .<br />

2 . Memorandum was read concerning the Overseas Employers<br />

Federation which provides useful information for Companies with<br />

overseas interests and has in fact already provided such informa-<br />

tion for the Personnel Department . It was agreed that the<br />

Company should join this Federation and pay a subscription of E50<br />

in respect of the year to 31=t July, 1955 .<br />

3. Letter was read from the Westminster Chamber of Commerce<br />

requesting this Company to join the Chamber . Other large<br />

Companies in Westminster are already members and it was recommend-<br />

ed that the Company should Join at a subscription of Four Guineas .<br />


Friday, 20th May 1956i .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

1. Letter was real from B.A.T. (Hong -Kong) reporting that<br />

Philip Morris' MARLBORO cigarettes have recently been introduced<br />

on the Hong Kong market by :";. Ott & Co., the importers of PHILIP<br />

MORRIS cigarettes. B.A.T. (Hong Kong) has the MARLBORO mark<br />

registered but has made no sales of the brand . It was agreed<br />

that no action should be taken in this case .<br />

2. Mr . Bristow and Mr . Mason were then asked to attend the<br />

meeting to discuss the projected reorganisation of the tobacco<br />

industry in Iraq as a Government Monopoly. Consideration was<br />

given to the question whether B .A.T . should offer its services in<br />

running the Monopoly. After discussion, it was felt that as a<br />

matter of policy it would be unwise for B .A.T ., which is a private<br />

enterprise concern, to help secure the efficient running of a<br />

monopoly as this might encourage similar ideas in neighbouring<br />

countries. In order to preserve friendly relations with the Iraq<br />

Government, Mr. Mason will visit Iraq to explain the position to<br />

them.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

r1<br />


0<br />

Monday . 23rd May 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

1. The meeting considered the position of pensioners who<br />

retired before the revised U .K. pension arrangements were intro-<br />

duced (i.e . 1st January 1955) and of those who will have retired<br />

from associated companies overseas before corresponding arrange-<br />

ments are introduced for such employees (i .e. lst July 1955) .<br />

The following recommendations were approved :-<br />

1 . That the pensions of male staff employees who retired<br />

in the case of the U.K. after the Is t January 1954 and in<br />

the case of overseas after the 1st July 1954 should be<br />

adjusted so far as possible to the revised arrangements,<br />

account being taken of any lump sum gratuity they may have<br />

received on retirement .<br />

2 . That the pensions of male staff employees who retired<br />

in the case of the U.K. before the 3s t January 1954 and in<br />

the case of overseas before the 1st July 1954 should be<br />

increased by the amount of pension (if any) which the employee<br />

may have surrendered to secure a pension for his widow and<br />

that they should not be subject to d<strong>edu</strong>ction of the Government<br />

pension . In addition, it was recommended that such pensions<br />

should be increased by 5% .<br />

2 . The meeting considered the compressed tobacco condition-<br />

ing process which Mr . Rowell has developed in Canada. As this<br />

process is similar to a process which Reemtsma is developin g<br />

in Germany, it was agreed that Canada should be asked not to<br />

proceed with applications for patents in respect of this process<br />

until Mr . Grew had had an opportunity to discuss the matter with<br />

them on his forthcoming visit .<br />


Wednesday . 25th May 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Sargant and McAra present .<br />

It was reported that Mr. Horton-Smith is one of three<br />

persons whose names have been put forward for election as<br />

Captain of the Great Britain Rifle Team which is' going to<br />

Canada in the Summer of 1956 . The team is expected to be<br />

away for approximately five weeks and it was agreed that Mr .<br />

Horton-Smith should be granted three weeks special leave in<br />

addition to his annual holiday of three weeks to permit him to<br />

visit Canada as a member of the team .<br />

Thursday . 26th May 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

Mr. Sargant produced specimens of the Wills Star i n<br />

various sizes in the form which has been agreed as standard<br />

with Imperial Tobacco Company. It was agreed that these<br />

should be circulated to Companies overseas through "Information"<br />

and that Mr. Sargant should write a personal letter to the<br />

No, l's in the various territories explaining confidentially<br />

that they are in the form agreed with Imperial.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Tuesday, 31st May 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

1. New production form concerning Mitchell's "Admiral"<br />

Bright Virginia Shag, a new brand to be introduced by the<br />

Dutch Company, was submitted and noted .<br />

2. It was reported that Mr . Hartnett had been asked to<br />

become President of the Campbell Tobacco Company, Louisville ,<br />

a small company manufacturing and exporting about 2,000,000 lbs<br />

a year of black fat tobacco, mainly to West Africa. The<br />

Campbell family, Holts of Liverpool and a French Company CAFO<br />

each own a third interest in the Company. It was agreed to<br />

recommend B . & W. not to raise any objection to Mr . Hartnett<br />

accepting the office of President .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Wednesday, let June 1995.<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent and McAra present .<br />

1. The Chairman read a letter from Mr . Prince, setting out<br />

the following arrangements which have been made by our associated<br />

companies in the West Indies for contributions to the Princess<br />

Alice Appeal on behalf of the University College of the West<br />

Indies and Its Teaching Hospital :-<br />

West Indian Tobacco Co,Ltd u Trinida d<br />

WI$4.,800 in three annual instalments of WI91,600 each<br />

under Deed of Covenant - to the general funds .<br />

B. & J.B. Machado Tobacco Co,Ltd., Jamaic a<br />

£6,000 in seven annual payments under Deed of Covenant<br />

for the establishment of a scholarship .<br />

Demerara Tobacco Co.Ltd. . British Guiana<br />

£ 500 in two annual payments under Deed of Covenant -<br />

to the general funds .<br />

British-American Tobacco Co. (Barbados) Ltd . . Barbados<br />

£ 500 in three annual instalments under Deed of Covenant -<br />

to the general funds .<br />

2. Memorandum by Mr . Stewart was read, setting out plans<br />

for the further development and modernisation of Southampton<br />

Factory, and Mr . Stewart was asked to attend the meeting. The<br />

proposals, which include the provision of additional leaf<br />

storage and are estimated to cost approximately £280,000, were<br />

approved in principle .<br />


Thursday . 2nd June 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Gough, Sargant and MoAra<br />

present .<br />

1. Particulars were submitted of conflicts which have<br />

occurred in a number of countries with Rothmans in respec t<br />

of the PALL MALL trade mark . Our position has in some cases<br />

been prejudiced through the difficulty of making user sales .<br />

It was agreed that the Legal Department should consult further<br />

with Mr. Potter to ensure as far as possible that such sales are<br />

made and that, if necessary, we might have to consider making<br />

small quantities of PALL MALL in Liverpool if, for exchange or<br />

other reasons, supplies cannot be trade from the States .<br />

2. It was reported that Mr . C .T. Woodruff was retiring from<br />

the service of H .A.T. on the 30th June 1955 . It was recommended<br />

that he should receive on retirement a total pension and allowance<br />

of £845.19. 0. P .a.<br />

3. The following transfers of staff were approved im<br />

principle :-<br />

1. That Mr. Maslen should become an assistant i n<br />

0 the Manufacturing Department in place of Mr .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

99 '<br />

Hobson, who is going to Research and Development .<br />

2. That Mr. Slack should return to Nigerian Tobacco<br />

Co . Ltd. as No .1 in Nigeria, in place of Mr . Maslen .<br />

3. That Mr. Cathrew should join the Continental<br />

Department as assistant to Mr. Bryant, with effect<br />

from the let July .<br />

4. That Mr . P. Burton-Roberts should be transferred<br />

from Cia Congolaise des Tabacs to the staff of<br />

B .A .T ., with effect from let June 1955, for duties<br />

in connection with exports to French, Portuguese<br />

and Spanish Central Africa, at a salary at the<br />

rate of £2,600 p .a .

0 2 .<br />

11<br />

Friday, 3rd June l9 5 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent and McAra present .<br />

1. Mr. Sargant read a letter from Gallaher Ltd . suggesting<br />

the following provisional prices for SENIOR SERVICE 25s and 50s<br />

packings for export :-<br />

25s flat boxes 19/3d.<br />

50s it 18/9d .<br />

50s flat tins 21/9d.<br />

50s A/T tins 19/6d.<br />

These prices will be subject to revision after Gallaher have had<br />

a run of a few months and have got a clearer picture of the costs .<br />

basis .<br />

It was agreed to accept these suggested prices on that<br />

Memorandum by Mr. Gelsthorp dated 2nd June was read and<br />

as shareholders the following recommendations were approved :-<br />

1. That Mr. R .A.L. Mazery should be appointed Manufac-<br />

turing Director of Cia Congolaise des Tabacs .<br />

2. That Mr . T.A .H. Slack should be appointed to the<br />

Board of Nigerian Tobacco Co . Ltd.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

3. That Mr . T.A .H . Slack and Mr . T .T . Hodgson should be<br />

appointed to the Board of Gold Coast Tobacco Co .Ltd .

Monday, 6th June_ 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent and McAra present .<br />

Particulars of retirements for which calculations<br />

have been made on the normal basis between 29th April and 2nd<br />

June 1955 were submitted and approved .<br />

Tuesday . 7th June 1255 ,<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

1. A proposal that Sir Charles Ellis, F .R.S., should be<br />

offered appointment as Scientific Adviser to the Board at a fee<br />

at the rate of £3,500 p.a . was approved. The appointment would<br />

be for five years,, subject to termination at any time by either<br />

side on three months' notice .<br />

2. It was agreed that the Chairman should send to Mr .<br />

Bruton each month carbon copies of notes of the Chairman's<br />

Meeting, with a request that they should be treated as highly<br />

confidential and returned by Mr . Bruton after they have been read<br />

by him and Mr. Prince .<br />

Letter was read from Mr . Bryant, Denmark, about a<br />

proposal to build a new selling depot at Aarhus, the existing<br />

depot being in very bad condition . It was agreed, as share-<br />

holders, to approve the following steps being taken :-<br />

(a) To negotiate with the Aarhus Municipality for<br />

the acquisition of the site .<br />

(b) To arrange for the Architect to prepare draft drawings,<br />

these drawings to be submitted to the Projects Department<br />

here .<br />

(c) To request the Architect to obtain a more accurate estimate<br />

of the cost .<br />

4. It was agreed that Mr . R .J . Ogle should be invited to<br />

join the Senior Mesa .<br />

5. It was agreed that Mr . J.H. Kneale, who is aged 38 and<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

has had previous experience in personnel work in the Sudan,<br />

q<br />


should be offered employment in the Personnel Department in<br />

place of Mr . Daniel, at a salary at the rate of £1,500 p.a.,<br />

the salary to be reviewed after approximately ne year .<br />

Wednesday. 8th June 1955.<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent and MoAra present .<br />

1. Mr . Sargent referred to Note No .1 of the 4th April 1955,<br />

under which it was agreed that B.A.T . would make a contribution<br />

to Ardath's cost of advertising of 2,/- per mille on sales of<br />

~+. V. K .<br />

STATE EXPRESS 555ffor the year from let July 1955 to 30th June<br />

1956, with no additional contribution. On reconsideration, it<br />

was agreed that B .A.T . should make a flat contribution of £13,000<br />

to Ardath for the year to 30th June 1956 .<br />

2. Memorandum by Mr. Bartett was read, referring to the recent<br />

decision to increase by 5% pension allay ances paid to male staff<br />

pensioners, following upon the 7$$ increase in salaries which was<br />

granted as from let July 1954. In order to avoid current and<br />

future retirements being treated less favourably, it was agreed<br />

that in calculating pensionable salaries for both males and<br />

females, salary prior to the 1st July 1954 should be notionally<br />

increased by 5%-<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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Thursday, 9th June 1955 .<br />

co-slsc~ .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Gough, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

It was agreed that, in future, any recommendation<br />

for the transfer from one territory to another of a director<br />

or member of the senior staff of a subsidiary company should,<br />

before any approach is made to the subsidiary companies<br />

concerned, first be submitted to the Chairman's Committee for<br />

approval through the medium of a memorandum submitted by the<br />

Personnel Department .<br />

Friday, 10th June 19 5 5<br />

0 Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant and ;%:cAra present .<br />

1. Mr . Sargent read a memorandum dated 8th June by Mr .<br />

E.J. Hunter, suggesting the terms on which he might acqu ire and<br />

run a new car in his capacity as Ships' Stores Manager. The<br />

proposals contained in the memorandum were approved .<br />

2. Design Project Form No .42 in respect of GOLD FLAKE<br />

King Size Filter 20s cup packing for South Africa was submitted<br />

and approved .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Mr. Sargant will be referring the matter to Imperial .<br />

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Monday, 13th June 195 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant and Clarke present .<br />

1 . The question of donations by Suomen Tupakka was<br />

considered . It was agreed as shareholders to inform Mr . Shaw<br />

that the Board of Suomen Tupakka is authorised to make<br />

individual subscriptions or donations up to F .M .20,000,<br />

provided they did not exceed a maximum of F .M .150,000 in any<br />

one year .<br />

2. An extension of the modernization programme of the<br />

factories of our Associated Companies in India estimated to<br />

cost Rs .14,04,828 (approximately £105,000) was submitted and<br />

approved . The programme is designed to meet an expected<br />

increase in sales and will be carried out in three phases over<br />

the next three years .<br />

3 . A draft of a letter which B .A.T . (C .E.) is proposing<br />

to write to Mr . Reemtsma concerning the "Dubec" mark in<br />

Germany was submitted and approved.<br />


9<br />

Wednesday, 15th June, 1955 ,<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant and Clarke present .<br />

1. The terms of the settlement which it is proposed<br />

should be made with Mr . Wells on his retirement from the<br />

service of the Company on the 31st May, 1955, were submitted<br />

and approved as follows<br />

The capitalised value of the pension he<br />

would have received on retirement at his<br />

normal retirement age on the basis of<br />

his present pensionable salary and<br />

his actual service discounted to his<br />

date of retirement<br />

Less gross refunds of his contributions<br />

to Staff and Supplementary Funds<br />

Add outstanding relinquishments under the<br />

No-3 scheme<br />

. . . £41,768<br />

. .<br />

2,831<br />

£38,937<br />

2,916<br />

£41,853<br />

Amount to be paid as lump su m<br />

(as to £3,592.15 .0 . from the Sun<br />

Life Scheme No .2, and<br />

as to £6,407. 5 .0 . by commutation<br />

of £407 .13.0 . of Company Allowance) . . . 10,000<br />

Leaving a balance of<br />

to be paid in the form of an<br />

annuity of £2,026 .13 .0 . made<br />

up as follows :-<br />

£31,853<br />

0. P. F. £30 .14 . 0. p .a .<br />

O .I.P.F. 78 . 0 . 0 .<br />

Company Allowance £2,325 .12.0 .<br />

Less commuted 407.13.0. 1,917 .19 . 0 . "<br />

Thus Mr. Wells will receive :-<br />

(a) £10,000 in a lump sum ;<br />

(b) an annuity of £2,026 .13 .0 .<br />

£2,026 .13 . 0. "<br />

(c) £2,831 refunds of his own contributions<br />

to the Staff and Supplementary funds .<br />

A letter from the Chairman to Mr . Wells notifying him<br />

of these proposals was approved .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


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2.<br />

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5 .<br />

A memorandum by Mr. Stewart was read concerning<br />

the drainage and sewerage situation at Monghyr, aaa ►d Dr.<br />

Bartleman reported that this was very unsatisfactory and<br />

dangerous to health, and a recommendation that the whole system<br />

should be replaced by the Indian Company at a cost of<br />

Rs .4,00,000 was approved .<br />

A memorandum by Mr. Gelsthorp was read concerning a<br />

day school which the Council of Accra Ridge Church is proposing<br />

to establish in Accra . The Council is appealing for funds for<br />

this purpose and as shareholders it was agreed that Gold Coast<br />

Tobacco Company should make a donation of £250, which is in<br />

line with donations being made by companies with comparable<br />

interests in the Gold Coast.<br />

A proposal that Cromptona (Stubbins) Limited should<br />

build a new Beater House for the No .4 paper making machin e<br />

at an estimated cost of £100,000 was submitted and approved .<br />

The Beater House is required to improve the general efficiency<br />

of the Mill and to make Cromptons (Stubbins) ful)p competitive<br />

with other more modern Mills .<br />

Allowances granted to former employees and certain<br />

dependants of deceased employees were submitted for annual<br />

review, and it was recommended that these allowances should be<br />

continued at their present rate .<br />


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Thursday, 16th June, 1955.<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, Gough and Clarke present .<br />

A letter from The British Travel and Holidays<br />

Association was read asking whether we would make a donation<br />

of £15C as we have done each year since 1950 . It was agreed<br />

to reccrrend to the Board that we should make a donation of<br />

£150 this year but that we might r<strong>edu</strong>ce the donation in<br />

subsequent years .<br />


Monday, 20th June 1955 ,<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent and Clarke present .<br />

1. The Chairman referred to discussions with Mr . Bond<br />

2 .<br />

about the affairs of The United Tobacco Companies (South) Ltd .<br />

and the following recommendations were approved :-<br />

1. That Mr . Hockly should retire on pension<br />

at the let October next, by which date he will<br />

have attained 56 years of age and will be eligible<br />

for retirement on pension . under the proposed new<br />

pension arrangements.<br />

2. That Mr. Dearth and Mr. Bouchier should resign<br />

from the service of the Company and receive the<br />

equivalent of three years' salary as compensation<br />

for loss of office, plus the return of their Pension<br />

Fund contributions .<br />

It was reported that Mr . Wells was resigning from the<br />

Board of Cromptons (Stubbins) Ltd . and it was agreed to<br />

recommend that Mr. Geldart should be elected a Director of<br />

Cromptons (Stubbins) Ltd . in place of Mr . Wells .<br />

3. Letter was read from the Board of Trade, stating that<br />

they had decided to allot to R .A.T . the following amounts for<br />

10 the purchase of tobacco (other than cigar leaf) in Nort h<br />

America for the year 1955/1956 :-<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

U.S., 15,002,400 Canadian $ 1,749,500 .<br />

This is in total $2,200 more than we applied for .

Tuesday, 21st June 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent and Clarke present .<br />

1. In view of the development of the Export Branch of<br />

Gallaher and the increased responsibility of Mr . Grose, it<br />

was recommended that blr . Grose's salary should be increased<br />

from at the rate of £2,800 p. a. to a t the rate of £3,000 p . a. ,<br />

with effect from the let July 1955, and that the target salary<br />

for this job should be £4,000 p .a .<br />

2. It was agreed that Mr. G.E .H . Beavis, formerly Branch<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Accountant at Liverpool, should be offered temporary employment<br />

in an advisory capacity on accounting and general administration<br />

with Gallaher's Export Branch at a salary at the rate of £1,000<br />

p .a. and that, in addition, he should receive expenses at the<br />

rate of £2 per day while he is away from Liverpool on duty.<br />

It was expected that this appointment would be for a period<br />

of not less than six months and possibly as long as a year .

0 3.<br />

Thursday . 2-4th June 1955.<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant and Clarke present .<br />

I . Memorandum was read concerning housing occupied by<br />

Malta Tobacco Company's staff in Malta . A part of the Manager's<br />

house and the whole of one flat are not furnished by the Company<br />

and it was agreed to recommend to Malta Tobacco Company that<br />

they should take measures to complete the furnishing of these<br />

premises .<br />

2. Memorandum by Mr. Gelsthorp was read concerning a hotel<br />

which Messrs . Contain (West Africa) Ltd . are planning to erect in<br />

Lagos . The capital required is estimated at £1,000,000 divided<br />

into 800,000 preference shares and 200,000 ordinary shares .<br />

The project is supported by the Government, who are understood<br />

to be subscribing 600,000 of the preference shares, and other<br />

Companies operating in Nigeria are subscribing for ordinary<br />

shares . It was agreed to recommend that Nigerian Tobacco Company<br />

should subscribe for £15,000 of the ordinary shares provided it<br />

is quite clear that the balance of the total capital required<br />

will be forthcoming from other sources .<br />

Mr. Clarke referred to B .A .T's special contribution to<br />

the O .P.F . in respect of back service under the amended Rules<br />

which, if paid over a ten year period, would amount to £11,62 0<br />

per annum, w<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Mr . Barnett has advised that this liability could be met<br />

by an immediate payment of £100,000, of which £10,OCO would<br />

represent B .A .T's contribution at the 1st July 1955 and the<br />

balance of £90,000 would be an interest free loan r<strong>edu</strong>cible by<br />

£10,000 on the 1st July 1956 and on each subsequent 1st July<br />

until 1964 . It was agreed to adopt this course, as it is at<br />

present a favourable time for investment .<br />

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Mondgy, 27th J e 1 255 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra and<br />

present .<br />

1. The Chairman reported that Mr . E.M. Hunt had a<br />

alight T.B. infection of the lungs and it was agreed to<br />

recommend to the Board that, after the normal three months '<br />

period, sick leave should be extended for a further period of<br />

three months.<br />

2. The meeting considered the position of Rift Valley<br />

Cigarette Company and allied matters and the following recom-<br />

mendations were made :-<br />

l . That the Rift Valley Company should cease<br />

operations but in a way which would avoid the risk of<br />

East African Tobacco Company appearing to swallow it .<br />

The possibility of Ardath taking over the business and<br />

brands of Rift Valley Cigarette Company to be explored<br />

further .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

2. That Mr. S.A. Monnas be informed that E .A.T .<br />

Co. are not interested in purchasing the assets of<br />

Kenya Tobacco Company . Ardath will communicate a<br />

similar decision to him when they are next approached .<br />

3. That E .A .T. should open a pilot factory in<br />

Tanganyika, probably at Morogoro, as soon as practicable,<br />

using machinery from Nakuru and such buildings as can<br />

economically be transferred . A plot of sufficient size<br />

for future development to be purchased .<br />

4. That the possibility of introducing local capital<br />

into E .A.T . should be explored right away. Both the<br />

Kenya settlers and the Indians could be interested and<br />

prove useful associates .<br />


2 . The following capital expenditure by the under-<br />

mentioned Companies was submitted and approved : -<br />


1. Nairobi African Housing Scheme £ 35,000<br />

2. Nairobi Storage facilities (two godowns) 50,000<br />

3 Additional machinery 100,000<br />


£185,000<br />

Housing scheme at 8, Dalvey Road ,<br />

Singapore Straits A4,00 0<br />


0 Ibadan Factory - additional machinery £ 67,000.<br />

0<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Tuesday . 28th June 1955. ,/ .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra and<br />

present .<br />

1. A proposal that B .A .T . (Holland) should erect a new<br />

storage building with a floor space of 780 square metres<br />

in the compound of the Aaterweg Factory, at an estimated<br />

cost of approximately F1 .160,000 (£16,000) was submitted and<br />

approved.<br />

2. Additional capital expenditure amounting to £E.7,207<br />

by Sudan Tobacco Company, in respect of staff houses at<br />

Khartoum, was submitted and approved . This is in addition<br />

to the sum of £E.1i9,015 already authorised .<br />

Wednesday, 29th June 1955 .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra and C,} rke<br />

present .<br />

Memorandum was read concerning Mr . T.B . Hawley, Factory<br />

Manager of B.A .T . (Extension Suisse). Mr. Hawley has been<br />

with the Swiss Company since June 1936 and his associations<br />

are now almost entirely with Swiss nationals and it is his<br />

intention to retire in Switzerland . In the special circum-<br />

stances of his case, it was agreed that Mr . Hawley should be<br />

treated for pension purposes as if he were a local employee<br />

and that he should be transferred from the Q .P.F. to the Swiss<br />

Pensions Scheme . Accordingly, the conditions which apply<br />

to locally employed Swiss will be applied to him and he will<br />

not be entitled to leave in the U .K.

Friday, let July 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant and MoAra present .<br />

I. Mr . Sargant referred to a proposal to supply the<br />

Italian Tobacco Monopoly with Player's Navy Cut Medium 20s .<br />

It was agreed that these should be supplied at 30/- per Mille<br />

c.i.f ., Verona, which is the same as the price for Craven 'A' .<br />

2. It was reported that Mr. Shaw, Finland, had applied to<br />

become a Class C contributor under the revised Rules of the<br />

O .P.F. It is impossible for Suomen to remit contribution s<br />

and it was agreed that B .A.T. should pay the £5,500 required to<br />

cover the back service contribution in respect of Mr . Shaw .<br />

3 . Mr. Bristow was then asked to attend the meeting .<br />

Draft of a letter which he is proposing to write to Mr .<br />

Bailey, Jordan, in the light of the news that a competitive<br />

tobacco company is about to be formed in Jordan by a number of<br />

wealthy merchants, was submitted and approved .<br />

Mr. Bristow's letter recommends that all steps should<br />

be taken by the National Tobacco Company and Jordan Tobacco<br />

Company to implement the terms of their joint agreement and that<br />

both Companies should plan to improve the presentation of their<br />

products by adopting cup packings . It further recommends that<br />

the Board of National Tobacco Company should be strengthene d<br />

at the earliest possible moment by the introduction of influential<br />

Jordanian Moslems . A suggestion that Near Eastern Holdings<br />

might make an offer for certain of the shares of the minority<br />

shareholders was not approved .<br />


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Monday, 4th July 1955.<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, bcAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

During the absence of Air . E .M. Hunt it was agreed -<br />

(1) That Mr . Sargant will deal with correspondence<br />

with Australia and New Zealand .<br />

4,7<br />

(2) That Mr. Bodde will supervise the Channel Islands<br />

(with Mr. Wickes assisting) and the Printing and<br />

Purchasing Departments .<br />

(3) Mr. Stewart will supervise Traffic Department .<br />

It was agreed to recommend to the Board of Guernsey<br />

Tobacco Company Limited that Mr . Bodde and kr. Wickes should be<br />

elected to the Board in place of Mr . Wells and Mr.,Collett.<br />


0<br />

Tuesday, 5th July 195:<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, 1cAra and Ridley<br />

Present.<br />

It was reported that Mr. Usher had been asked to<br />

become a Justice of the Peace for the County of Middlesex .<br />

It was agreed there was no objection to Mr . Usher accepting the<br />

appointment .<br />

2. Mr. Sargent read a letter from Mr . Bond reporting that<br />

Rembrandt Tobacco Company is arranging for the United States Tobacco<br />

Company to manufacture the VAN RIJN brand for sale on the United<br />

States market.<br />


0<br />

Wednesday. 6th July 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, McAra and Ridley<br />

present.<br />

1 . As shareholders, it was agreed to approve a recommenda-<br />

tion that Mr. J.K. Hill should be elected to the Board of The<br />

Imperial Tobacco Company of India Ltd ., in place of Mr . Allbright .<br />

2 . It was reported that Oadens Branch of The Imperial Tobacco<br />

Co. had enquired whether we could let them have a Molins Coupon<br />

Feed . We have eleven of them lying inactive at Roberts Street<br />

and it was agreed there was no objection to releasing one to<br />

the Imperial .<br />

3. Appointments to the temporary staff during the months<br />

of April, May and June were submitted and approved, together<br />

with comparative figures showing the total number of permanent<br />

and temporary employees at the beginning and end of that period .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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Thursday, 7th July 1955.<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, Mon-Ara and Ridley<br />

present.<br />

1. Mr . Sargant reported that Tabacofina were understood<br />

to have purchased a factory in Canada far,6370,000 as from the<br />

lst July. The name of the Company which they have acquired is<br />

Central Tobacco Manufacturing Company Limited, Montreal .<br />

2. It was reported that South Africa had asked for our<br />

views on the following two suggestions, and Mr . Geldart was asked<br />

to attend the meeting :-<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

1 . That they should put out a new brand called<br />

"400's De Luxe" under the Wills name .<br />

As the brand is to be a high-class one, it was<br />

considered that there was no objection to this .<br />

2. That they should form a B . & W. Company in South<br />

Africa to market a new brand under the name "Paul<br />

Revere" . This would enable them to give the brand<br />

an American background and would avoid the necessity<br />

of having the United's address on the packet .<br />

It was agreed that there was no objection to this,<br />

if they wished to do it, but that it would entail<br />

the B. & W. trade marks which are at present owned<br />

by United being transferred to the new company .

Friday, 8th July 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

1 . List of subscriptions to be authorised by the Secretary<br />

in the year ending 30th June 1956 was submitted and, subject<br />

to further consideration of the usefulness of the Allied<br />

Circle and the Anglo-Argentine Society, was approved .<br />

2. Mr . McAra outlined proposals which had been suggested<br />

for meeting the capital requirements of the La Moderna and<br />

Vazir Sultan Companies.<br />

3. Mr. Sargent reported that t he standard print on CAPSTAN<br />

cigarettes was black but that on cigarettes manufactured in<br />

our home factories a blue black ink was used which, when<br />

lightly applied, produced a blue print. Mr. Carter of the<br />

Wills' Branch of Imperial had drawn our attention tot his and<br />

said that Wills very much liked the blue print. It was<br />

agreed that the blue print looked better than the black and<br />

that discussions should be held with Imperial with a view to<br />

adopting the blue print as standard.<br />

4. The Chairman reported that Sir Robert Sinclair proposed<br />

visiting Louisville on the 27th and 28th October, followe d<br />

(0 1<br />

by a visit to Petersburg, and that he would be visiting Canada<br />

in November.<br />


Monday. 11th July 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, Ridley and Clarke<br />

present .<br />

1. With reference to note No .1 of the 8th July, it was<br />

reported that Colonel Andersen has found the Allied Circle most<br />

useful and has put up for temporary membership a number of the<br />

(o~-<br />

younger employees, both English and of other nationality, who are<br />

on leave or on visits to this country. Int he circumstances,<br />

it was recommended that we should continue our subscription to<br />

the Allied Circle .<br />

It was also agreed to continue the subscription to the<br />

Anglo-Argentine Society.<br />

2. Memorandum was read concerning Mr . W.C . Harrison,<br />

Chauffeur . Harrison has two children and his present flat at<br />

Sunn,ingdale is too small for his needs . He has the opportunity<br />

of purchasing a house in Staines for 21500 of which he expects to<br />

be able to raise £1050 through a building society . He has a<br />

small capital sum of his own and it was recommended that, to<br />

enable him to meet the balance of the purchase price, the Company<br />

should grant him a loan of £300, repayable at the latest in 20<br />

years.<br />


Tuesda.y . 12th July 121;5 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, Ridley and Clarke<br />

present .<br />

1. Mr . Sargant referred to Mr . R.J. Condie, who is bein g<br />

brought from Gibraltar to this country temporarily. Mr .<br />

l0"3<br />

Condie is married and it was agreed in the special circumstances<br />

of his case that he should be given some allowance to assist him<br />

in meeting his living expenses whilst he is here, the amount of<br />

the allowance to be decided later .<br />

2. Memorandum was read concerning Miss Latham, a retired<br />

forewoman at Southampton Factory. It was recommended that<br />

Miss Latham's retirement allowance should be increased by the<br />

sum of £14.8.11 . 0., being approximately equivalent to the long<br />

service allowance .<br />

0 3. It was agreed in principle that B .A .T. should pay to La<br />

Baloise Scheme the appropriate amount to cover back service of<br />

Mr. Bernasconi arising out of the revision of the La Baloise<br />

Scheme .<br />

4. Letter from Mr . Bond to Sir. Geldart was read, recommending<br />

that Mr. Hockly should retire on the 31st December 1955 instead<br />

of on the 30th September 1955, as previously suggested, and that<br />

he should receive two months' salary in lieu of leave. As<br />

shareholders, it was agreed to approve this recommendation .<br />

Mr . Hockly had asked that he should receive, in addition, some<br />

compensation for loss of office, and it was considered there was<br />

S no justification for this.<br />

5 . Letter was read from Mr . Yeaman, referring to a discussion<br />

which they have had in Louisville with Dr. Magnanini concerning<br />

the position of the former Imperial marks in the Argentine. A<br />

suggestion that Dr . Magnanini should come here for further dis-<br />

cussion on this subject was approved .<br />

6. Particulars of retirement calculations made on the usual<br />

basis between 3rd June and 8th July 1955 were submitted and<br />

approved .<br />


0<br />

a<br />

Wednesday, 13th July 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sar-ant, Ridley and Clarke<br />

present .<br />

Mr. Sargent referred to the objectionswhich ?r . V'W"hite,<br />

of The American Tobacco Company, has made from time to time to<br />

LUCKY STRIKE of B.A.T's manufacture being supplied to ships in<br />

Italian and Swedish ports sailing to U .S.A.<br />

It was agreed that Mr. Sargent should write to Louisville<br />

suggesting that Mr . Butler should see Mr . White and propose that<br />

the same arrangement be made for supplies of LUCKY STRITZ to<br />

ships in Italian and Swedish ports sailing for U .S.A . as was<br />

recently made in respect of ships in French ports clearing t o<br />

U. S .A.<br />

Thursday, 114th July 19F5 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent and Clarke present .<br />

With reference to note No. 2 of 23rd March 1954, whereby<br />

it was agreed that the Company would increase its subscription<br />

to the British National Committee of the International Chamber<br />

of Commerce from £500 to £1,000 a year, provided the Chamber<br />

was able to obtain similar Increases from other sources to make<br />

up the £5,000 a year which they considered was necessary to put<br />

the British National Committee on a sound financial basis, the<br />

Chairman reported that he had been informed that the necessary<br />

sum was now forthcoming from other sources . Accordingly, it<br />

was recommended that the Company should give an additional £500<br />

this year and that its subscription should be £1,000 a year in<br />

future years .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Monday, 18th July 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant, Ridley and Clarke<br />

present .<br />

1 . A memorandum dated 14th July, setting out the proposed<br />

revision of overpay and classification rates of bur male and<br />

female factory employees was submitted and approved .<br />

2. An appeal on behalf of the National Association of<br />

Boys' Clubs was considered. It was recommended that the<br />

Company should make a contribution at the rate of £100 p .a.<br />

for seven years under covenant .<br />

3 . It was agreed that the purchase of Chelwood Vachery<br />

should be conditional upon our obtaining consent to the change<br />

of user and subject to our receiving planning permission to<br />

erect the necessary buildings.<br />


a<br />

Tuesday, 19th July-1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sar .ant, Ridley and Clarke<br />

present .<br />

Memorandum by Mr. Barnett, summarising the proposed<br />

revised pension plan for employees in the United States, was<br />

submitted and approved. This will bring the pension arrange-<br />

tar<br />

ments in the United States substantially in line with our revised<br />

schemes here .<br />

A revised classification of territories supervised by<br />

Louisville for the purpose of the O .P.F. was also approved .<br />

This revision introduces a new classification described as "medium-<br />

long" in which the retiring age will be 60 .<br />


Wednesday, 20th July 19 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, Ridley and Clarke<br />

present .<br />

1. It was agreed that 1..r. R.G . Davies, who is being<br />

engaged as an assistant to 114r . Songhurst in the Advertising<br />

Department, should be treated as a specialist. 1r . Davies<br />

holds the diploma of the Advertising Association and has had<br />

ten years experience with an outside advertising firm oi' a<br />

kind whiwh the Company requires .<br />

2. Draft Agreements revising the existing Agreements<br />

with Cia Nobleza de Tabacos covering the use of Player's,<br />

Hignett's, Smith and Wills' brands in the Argentine were<br />

submitted and approved . These revised Agreements have been<br />

settled in consultation with Dr . Magnanini .<br />


Thursday, 21st July 1955.<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, Ridley and Clarke<br />

present .<br />

1. Memorandum by Colonel Andersen was read, referring to<br />

the difficulty of obtaining hotel accommodation in London .<br />

The Charing Cross Hotel would be prepared to allocate to the<br />

Company the following accommodation on a permanent basi s<br />

(a) From 1st November to 30th Anril .<br />

1 twin bedded room with bath ;<br />

2 single rooms with bath;<br />

(b) From 1st May to 31st October<br />

2 twin bedded rooms with bath;<br />

3 single rooms with bath ;<br />

at a cost of 80/- per night for the double rooms and/- pe r<br />

night for the single rooms, including breakfast .<br />

In the event of the rooms not being required by the<br />

Company the Hotel would, if notified before 10 a .m. on the<br />

day in question, endeavour to let the rooms for that night .<br />

It was agreed to give this arrangement a trial for one<br />

year with effect from the let October 1955, the scheme to be<br />

reviewed in July of next year .<br />

2. Additional expenditure by Nigerian Tobacco Co .Ltd.,<br />

amounting to £84,000, in respect of housing for staff at the<br />

Port Harcourt Factory was submitted and approved .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

16 f

Friday, 22nd July 1955 .<br />

PwrV0411<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant, Ridley and Clarke<br />

present .<br />

Z. It was reported that previous advances made to Rift<br />

Valley Cigarette Company, which total £453,000, would be<br />

exhausted at the end of this month. It was agreed to<br />

make a further advance of £27,000 to cover the next three<br />

months, by which time it is hoped that the revised plans<br />

for the Company will be in operation.<br />

2. The question of the manufacture of "du Maurier" and<br />

3.<br />

"Benson & Hedges" brands for export was considered. Mr.<br />

Ridley suggested that we should arrange for Gallaher to<br />

handle the manufacture of "du Laurier" for export and that<br />

(C~<br />

temporary arrangements might be made with Mr . Wiz to continue<br />

the manufacture of "Benson & Hedges" brands for export .<br />

This was considered to be the most satisfactory solution and<br />

the matter will be discussed with Mr. Wix on his return from<br />

the United States .<br />

It was agreed that as from Monday next the Chairman's<br />

Committee would sit at 9 .15 instead of at 10 o'clock a s<br />

previously.<br />


Monday, 25th July 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, IcAra and Ridley<br />

present.<br />

(10<br />

It was reported that Sir Harry Greenfield had been<br />

asked by the International Chamber of Commerce to accent the<br />

Chairmanship of the British National Committee on Administrative<br />

Formalities, It was not expected to take up much of his time<br />

and it was agreed there was no objection to Sir Harry accepting<br />

the Chairmanship .<br />

Tuesday, 26th July 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent, 'V:cAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

1 . Memorandum was read concerning pension funds for local<br />

staff in Malaya. M.T .D. recommend that the Company's contri-<br />

bution both to the Pension Scheme and Provident Fund B should be<br />

increased from 10% to 15%, with effect from the 1st July 1955 .<br />

This recommendation was ccnsidered to be reasonable, bearing in<br />

mind that the Company's contribution to the O.P .P. is now 271`<br />

for short service territories .<br />

2. Additional expenditure of Pakistan Rs .275,000 by<br />

Pakistan Tobacco Company on flats at 11, Clifton Road, Karachi,<br />

Was approved .<br />


wednesdav. 27th July 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent, ;"c~ra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

I. Mr. Ridley referred to the case of 7.1r . D .N. Campbell,<br />

2 .<br />

3 .<br />

Turkish Leaf staff. Mr. Cam'bell was originally enrared in<br />

1931 and left owing to r<strong>edu</strong>ndancy in 1935 . He was subsequently<br />

re-engaged in 1938. It was agreed that the four rears from<br />

1931 to 1935 should, notwithstendin : the break in his service,<br />

be treated as service for the purpose of calculating his pension<br />

on retirement .<br />

A proposed revision of the scale of overseas allowances<br />

at present paid to staff in Turkel, and Greece was approved in<br />

accordance with the terms of two memoranda dated 25th July 1955,<br />

to take effect from the 1st July 1955 .<br />

Memorandum by Mr. Lewison dated 21st July was read,<br />

suggesting in broad outline what might be the division of<br />

functions between the Training Officer and the Warden of the<br />

proposed new residential training, establishment at Chelwood<br />

Vachery. These suggestions were approved in principle subject<br />

to any adjustments that might be found necessary in the light of<br />

experience .<br />


Thursday, 28th July 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargar.t, Kckra and "Ridley<br />

present .<br />

Memorandam setting out the suggested proc<strong>edu</strong>re for<br />

the purchase of the shares of Benson d Hedges (Overseas) Ltd.<br />

and Peter Jackson (Overseas) Ltd . was read. Oakland Tobacco<br />

Company Limited, a dormant and wholly owned subsidiary of<br />

B .A .T ., would purchase the shares, which would be registered<br />

in the name of Lloyds Bank City Office Nominees Limited as<br />

nominees for Oakland .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

The proposals set out in the memorandum were approved.

Tuesday. 2nd August 1955.<br />

:),4 adolt<br />

Messrs . Sargant, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

Memorandum by Mr . D.R. Clarke suggesting that the<br />

pension of C.B. A,rffmann, a former employee of the Danish<br />

Company who retired on the 31st December 1950, should be<br />

increased on compassionate grounds from Kr .4,363 p.a. to<br />

Er .9,500 p .a. was read. It was agreed to recommend to the<br />

Danish Company that the proposal contained in Mr . Clarke's<br />

memorandum be adopted but that the increase in Mr . Arffwann+s<br />

pension should not be used as a precedent for reviewing the<br />

pensions of other pensioners prior to any general review of<br />

pensions which might be found to be desirable .<br />

V e da t 1959,<br />

Messrs . Sargent, McAra and Ridley present.<br />

) It was reported that Mr. V.H. Fault er, a former American<br />

employee of the Leaf Company in China who retired on pension in<br />

1950, had asked whether there was any objection to him working in<br />

an independent tobacco redrying plant in the States during the<br />

coming leaf season. It was agreed that there was no objection<br />

to this.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

11 3<br />


Thursday. 4th August . 1955 .<br />

e o L<br />

Messrs . Sargant, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1. Further to Note No.1 of 20th June 1955, memorandum which<br />

bad previously been circulated concerning the proposed revision<br />

of pension arrangements of The United Tobacco Companies (South)<br />

Limited was considered . The new benefits would be similar to<br />

those recently adopted for U.K. staff and the additional cost<br />

to the South African Company is estimated at £12,000 per annum .<br />

It was agreed to recommend to the South African Company that,<br />

subject to the points raised in the memorandum, the proposed<br />

new arrangements should be adopted .<br />

2 . It was reported that the question of forming a British<br />

Chamber of Commerce in Holland was being considered, and the<br />

Federation of British Industries bad asked whether we would be<br />

prepared to support the Chamber of Commerce for a period of three<br />

years at an annual membership fee of ten guineas . If sufficient<br />

support were forthcoming the F .B.I . would actively assist in the<br />

formation of the Chamber . It was agreed that we should repl y<br />

to the F .B .I . stating that B .A .T .(Holland) would be prepared<br />

to join the Chamber at an annual fee of ten guineas .<br />

3 . It was reported that under the auspices of the Government<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

in Nigeria a Nigerian College of Arts, Science and Technology<br />

had been established for the training of African artisans, and<br />

that the Nigerian Tobacco Company had been asked to provide a<br />

scholarship at an annual cost of £240 . The recommendation that<br />

Nigerian Tobacco Company Limited should endow a scholarship for<br />

six years at an annual cost of £240 was approved .<br />


Friday, 5th August 1955 .<br />

-) C<br />

Messrs . Sargent, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

A suggestion that the Bramtoco Horticultural Association<br />

should send letters of invitation to its Autumn Show to all<br />

Pensioners and that arrangements should be made for them to be<br />

given lunch in the canteen in the same way as last year was<br />

approved .<br />

Monday, 8th August 1955 ,<br />

;j _4-at<br />

_TC-_<br />

Messrs . Sargant, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1 . Memorandum we had received from the Imperial about<br />

Kachalola Limited was considered . The memorandum concerned a<br />

proposed five-year plan for the development of the variou s<br />

African newspapers owned by Kachalola Limited involving additional<br />

capital expenditure and other expenditure of £183,000, of which<br />

B.A.T .'s share would be £22,875 over five years . Draft of a<br />

letter which Imperial proposed to write to Mr . K .G .Y . Browne<br />

agreeing to the suggestion that an independent business man<br />

should make a report on the five-year plan and pointing out that<br />

they hoped that our joint investment in Kachalola Limited would<br />

show a small profit as soon as possible was approved .<br />

2. Letter from Gallaher was read asking us to confirm that<br />

it had now been agreed that Gallaher would not be under any<br />

obligation to manufacture Benson & Hedges' brands required for<br />

sale by Benson & Hedges (Overseas) Limited under the Overseas<br />

Agreement . It was agreed that we should confirm our agreement<br />

to this change .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


3. It was reported that Oscar Legg Limited had failed<br />

to repay the first instalment of capital amounting to £250<br />

due on the 30th June 1955 under the Debenture for £10,000<br />

Which B .A .T. had lent it . It was agreed that this repayment<br />

should be postponed until the end of the year .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

/i6<br />

N<br />

O<br />


Tuesda th Au s 1955 ,<br />

_-?6,4~ aL<br />

Messrs . Sargant, McAra and Ridley present.<br />

1 . Memorandum concerning a proposal that The Imperial<br />

Tobacco Company of India Limited should make an offer to<br />

purchase a block of ten flats in Calcutta known as East Block ,<br />

Fountain Court, for Rs .9,00,000 was submitted. Additional<br />

initial expenditure was estimated at Rs .57,500, and it was<br />

agreed to recommend that the Indian Company should proceed wit h<br />

the proposal.<br />

2. It was reported that the Dramatic Society had asked<br />

permission to use the lounge at Westminster House on one or two<br />

occasions during the next six months from 5 .30 P.M. to approx-<br />

imately 7.30 P .M. in order to present a play . The audience<br />

would be confined to members of the staff and there would be<br />

no charge for admission . There was nothing in the lease to<br />

prevent the lounge being used for this purpose and it was agreed<br />

that permission should be given .<br />

3. It was reported that if the o .p .F . were to be approved<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

in East Africa for tax purposes, the Commissioner would require<br />

each contributor employed by East African Tobacco Company<br />

Limited to authorise the Committee to withhold the appropriate<br />

East African Income Tax on the relevant part of his pension<br />

after retirement . The tax would not have to be withheld, however,<br />

if the contributor after retirement lived in East Africa or the<br />

United Kingdom or in any other country with which East Afric a<br />

had a double taxation treaty. In order that contributors'<br />

contributions and the Company's contributions, including its<br />

back service contributions of approxizpately £188,000, should be<br />

allowed for tax, it was agreed to recommend that the Commiss-<br />

ioner's requirements should be complied with .<br />

I 1 7

v<br />

0<br />

4. It was reported that as from 1st July the price at<br />

which Gallaher would supply Senior Service for export would<br />

be increased to 17s . 6d. a mile .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Wednesday. 10th August 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Sargant, McAra and Ridley present.<br />

1 . Memorandum concerning Mr. G .H. Worrall, who was retiring<br />

at the end of the year, was read, recommending that in order to<br />

f' 9<br />

avoid his total retirement benefits on the agreed basis exceeding<br />

two-thirds of his final salary his Sun Life No .4 policy should<br />

be converted to paid-up as from 1st October 1955, and that his<br />

salary relinquishment under the No .4 Scheme should be reinstated<br />

as from that date until his retirement . This recommendation was<br />

agreed .<br />

2 . Particulars of retirements for which calculations have<br />

been made on the normal basis between 9th Zuly and 9th August<br />

1955 were submitted and approved .<br />


Thursday. 11th Acust 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Sargant, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1. It was reported that Imperial had received a request from<br />

the London Representative of the Japan Monopoly Corporation for<br />

a Mr. Bakajima, the head of their machine factory, to visit one<br />

of Imperial's factories when he comes to this country in<br />

September. It was agreed that there was no objection to the<br />

proposed visit.<br />

2. It was reported that Godfrey Phillips wished in futur e<br />

to receive part of their New Zealand branch profits in the form<br />

of royalties which would not be subject to tax in New Zealand .<br />

This 'would result in them having to pay more into the Pool as<br />

only New Zealand tax is taken into account for Pool purposes<br />

and U.K. tax is ignored. Godfrey Phillips had asked whether we<br />

would agree to their d<strong>edu</strong>cting the notional New Zealand ta x<br />

from the royalties in determining the amount that they should put<br />

into the Pool .<br />

In view of the fact that Carreras might claim that any<br />

variation of the strict terms of the Godfrey Phillips' Pool<br />

should be taken into account in the Carreras' Pool, it was<br />

agreed that we should agree to Godfrey Phillips' proposal but<br />

that we should tell them that the legal position regarding other<br />

interested parties requires further consideration, and that if<br />

we feel obliged to make additional payments to such other parties<br />

we would look to Godfrey Phillips to reimburse us .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Tuesday . 16th August 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Sargant, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1. Mr. Ridley informed the meeting of the latest position<br />

with regard to the proposed take-over by Ardath of the manu-<br />

facture of Benson & ''edges' brands for export .<br />

2. Mr . Ridley reported that the Imperial might be interested<br />

in acquiring the Forthbank Factory. Details of the factory<br />

were being given to them and, if they wished to pursue the matter,<br />

it was agreed that we should ask a price of £110,000.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

i<br />


Thursday. 18th August 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Sargant, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

It bras reported that the cost of Phase I of the Port<br />

r,~' / 122<br />

Harcourt Factory project had now been estimated at £565,000<br />

in place of the original estimate of £464,000, vhich had been<br />

approved by the Meeting on the 5th December 1951 . Details of<br />

the revised estimate Were submitted and approved .<br />

Friday, 19th August 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Sargant, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1. Copies of the circular which Benson & Sedges Ltd. sent<br />

to its stockholders on the 18th August, regarding the offer<br />

by Gallaher Ltd. to purchase the balance of the ordinary and<br />

preference capital, were submitted and read .<br />

2. It was agreed to recommend to the Board that, to assist<br />

Gallaher Ltd. in financing the purchase of leaf required for<br />

the manufacture of SENIOR SERVICE for export, B .A.T . should<br />

lend Gallaher a further £1,000,000 at one-half of 1 per cent<br />

over Bank Rate.<br />


0<br />

Wedneslay, 4th August 1955.<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

Additional expenditure of £15,278 by Nigerian<br />

Tobacco Company on the Zaria Redrying Plant was authorised .<br />

This additional expenditure, which is in respect of tees and<br />

machinery and plant, makes the total amount authorised £232,000.<br />

Thursday, 25th August 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra and Ridley<br />

present .<br />

With reference to Note No.1 of the 24th June,<br />

list of furniture which Malta Tobacco Company is proposing to<br />

purchase to complete the furnishing of the Manager's house in<br />

Malta was submitted and approved. The cost, including packing<br />

charges, is £570.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Tuesdays 30th Aupst . 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

1. The case of Mr. A.C . Hartley was considered. Mr.<br />

Hartley, who looked after Imperial's and B .A.T's interests in<br />

Molina, is retiring on the 31st August 1955 with an allowance<br />

at the rate of £750 p.a., to be borne inlp portions by B .A .T .,<br />

Imperial and Molina . Imperial has provided a policy of<br />

insurance to the value of £1750 on maturity and it was recommended<br />

that B .A.T. should grant Mr . Hartley a leaving gratuity of £1,000 .<br />

2. A letter was read from the Harrison Line, Liverpool,<br />

asking the Company to complete a revised form of indemnity in<br />

respect of injuries which the Company's employees might suffer<br />

on visiting Harrison Line ships or premises . The Company gave<br />

a similar indemnity in 1948 and it was agreed that the Company<br />

should sign the revised form of indemnity.<br />

3. It was agreed that, as the suggestion to form Gallaher<br />

Export Company, in which Gallaher would have a share in the<br />

equity, had now been abandoned, we should now proceed with the<br />

agreement revising the existing Gallaher Pool Agreement so as<br />

to provide that Gallaher would receive an additional £5,000 p .a .<br />

under that Agreement.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Wednesday. 31st August 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargant and McAra present .<br />

1. Letter was read from Mr. Norman Jones about the<br />

Judgment which Rothmans have obtained in the High Court of<br />

Australia, ordering that W .D . & H.O. Wills' PALL MALL registra-<br />

tion be removed from the Register of Trade Marks on the ground<br />

of non-user. It was agreed to suggest to Australia that they<br />

should appeal against this decision and that immediate steps<br />

should be taken to arrange for regular user sales of their other<br />

American brands, LUCKY STRIKE, RALEIGH, VICEROY, OLD GOLD and<br />

KOOL. Mr . Sargant will w rite to Mr. Foley about the possibility<br />

of arranging regular supplies from Singapore or Hong Kong for<br />

Australian Z. or other sterling currency.<br />

2. With reference to note No.2 of the 11th July, it was<br />

reported that the house which Mr. W.C . Harrison, Chauffeur, was<br />

proposing to purchase at Staines was not acceptable to the<br />

Building Society. Mr. Harrison now has the opportunity of<br />

purchasing a house at Addlestone for £1925, of which the Building<br />

Society would advance £1500. In order to assist Mr. Harrison<br />

in meeting the balance of the purchase price, it was recommended<br />

that the Company should make him a loan of £300 at 2j% interest,<br />

repayable over a period of twenty years .<br />


Tuesday . 6th September 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent and McAra present .<br />

1. With reference to note No .2 of the 28th March 1955,<br />

the Chairman reported that Mr. Schreiber had, for personal<br />

reasons, requested permission to retire on the 31st December<br />

1955 instead of on the 31st December 1956, as previously agreed .<br />

It was agreed to consent to Mr. Schreiber`s retirement on the<br />

31st December 1955 .<br />

2. Memorandum by Mr. Barnett was read, suggesting that<br />

the Old India Pension Fund might be liquidated and arrangements<br />

made for the Overseas Pension Fund to take over the liability<br />

for present and future pensions under the O.I .P.F., the appro-<br />

priate amount of assets being transferred from the O .I .P.P. to<br />

the O .P .F. Any balance of the assets in the O.I .P.F. would be<br />

returned to Imperial of India. It was felt that if this could<br />

be arranged it would be more satisfactory from all points of view,<br />

and the proposal was agreed in principle .<br />

3. A recommendation that Mr . C .R .W. Alford, who is at<br />

present serving with B .A .T . (Hong Kong), should be transferred<br />

to the service of M.I.C ., Saigon, as General Manager in place<br />

of Mr . Drummond-Forbes, was approved. The transfer would take<br />

effect from 1st November 1955 and the pension grading would be<br />

£2,500 p.a .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

I<br />


Thursday . 8th September 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent and MeAra present .<br />

1. Memorandum by Personnel Department dated 7th September was<br />

read, recommending that the under-mentioned persons should be<br />

offered employment with the Company in its Research and Development<br />

Centre at Southampton, at the following salaries:-<br />

Age Salary p .a .<br />

S. Trippett Organic Chemist 29 £1,300<br />

K. Durham Physicist 31 £1,350<br />

N.E . Willis Research Engineer 31 £1,350<br />

All the above have first class qualifications and it was agreed<br />

that they should be entitled to specialist adjustment and that<br />

the cost of their ultimate removal expenses to Southampton should<br />

be borne by the Company, since they will all be either at Liverpool<br />

or London for a period before final posting to Southampton .<br />

This recommendation was approved subject, in the case<br />

of Mr. K. Durham, to the matter being cleared by Lever Brothers,<br />

with whom he is at present employed.<br />

2 . Memorandum dated 5th September was read, requesting<br />

approval for an additional expenditure of Rs .28,00,000 by Vazir<br />

Sultan Tobacco Company in respect of the modernisation scheme o f<br />

its factories in Hyderabad . The expenditure, which is in addition<br />

to the sum of Re .11,60,624 already authorised, will be spread over<br />

three phases ending in 1958. This additional expenditure was<br />

approved .<br />

3. It was agreed as shareholders to approve a recommendation<br />

that Mr. J.K. Hill, who is at present on home leave, should on<br />

his return to India be appointed as Sales Director of Imperial of<br />

India. Mr. Hill's salary will be increased to Ra .5,800 per month ,<br />

with effect from let October 1955, and his pension grading will<br />

be increased to £3,750 p .a .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


40<br />

4. It was reported that an enquiry had been received from<br />

estate agents in East Grinstead as to whether the Company woul d<br />

be interested in selling the woodland surrounding Chelwood Vachery .<br />

It was agreed in principle that the Company should retain only<br />

that part of the grounds of Chelwood Vachery which is require d<br />

for its use as a training centre and that consideration should be<br />

given to disposing of that part of the woodland and farmland not<br />

required for this purpose .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Monday, 12th September 194;5 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent and McAra present .<br />

1. A recommendation that Mr. J.A. Stericker, who is at<br />

present serving with B.A.T . Co . (Hong Kong) Ltd., should be<br />

transferred to the service of East African Tobacco Co . Ltd.,<br />

to replace Mr . J.J.C . Hopkins, was approved. The transfer<br />

would take effect from 1st October 1955, Mr . Stericker's salary<br />

to be at the rate of EA£2,700 p.a . and his pension grading £2,258<br />

p. a .<br />

2. Particulars of additional capital expenditure amounting<br />

to £S951 by Sudan Tobacco Company, in respect of staff houses at<br />

Khartoum, were submitted and approved. This is in addition to<br />

the £E56 .222 already authorised .<br />

3. Mr. McAra referred to the _,<br />

.:.t on t: e ;.ctuerial valuation<br />

of the B .A.T . Overseas Pensions Fund as at 30th June, 1955. It<br />

was agreed to recommend to the Committee of the Fund that pensioners<br />

and retired contributors,and widows of those pensioners who had<br />

surrendered in accordance with Rule 14 of the Fund, should be<br />

granted an increase of 5% of their pensions with effect from let<br />

July, 1955. It was noted that this would involve the appropria-<br />

40 tion of £25,000 of the surplus of £45,000 shown in the Valuation<br />

Balance Sheet, the margin of £20,000 being carried forward to the<br />

next Valuation.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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0<br />

Thursday, 15th September 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargant and Clarke present ,<br />

1 . Reference was made to the preliminary discussions with<br />

Imperial about the possible sale to Imperial of our Forthbank<br />

Factory for their Player's Branch . The price we have asked for<br />

the property is £120,000 and Imperial have offered '100,000. It<br />

was agreed to suggest to Imperial that we should split the differ-<br />

ence at £110,000.<br />

2. Letter was read from the Vokes Cardwell Company, sub-<br />

mitting a proof of an advertisement which they would like to<br />

issue in "Tobacco" and in leaflet form. The proof contains a<br />

brief acknowledgment of the part played by B .A.T. in the develop-<br />

ment of the Vokee Cardwell equipment and also photographs of the<br />

Vokes Cardwell Cleaning and Classifying Plant taken at Liverpool<br />

Factory. It was agreed there was no objection to the acknowledg-<br />

ment to B .A.T . or to the photographs of the Cleaning and Classify-<br />

ing Plant, but that to avoid creating an undesirable precedent ,<br />

we should ask them not to say that the photographs were taken in<br />

one of B.A.T's factories.<br />


1<br />

Monday, 19th September, 1955.<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Ridley and Clarke present.<br />

The revised Rules of the Overseas Pensions Fund provid e<br />

that "salary" for a class C contributor shall mean the amount in<br />

sterling declared by his employing Company as his salary, subject<br />

to a maximum sum to be fixed from time to time by the Committee .<br />

It was agreed to recommend to the Committee that it should fix<br />

the maximum salary for the time being at £7,500, which is the<br />

highest target pension grading for any class C contributor a t<br />

the moment .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Tuesday, 20th September 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Ridley and Clarke present .<br />

1. With reference to note No.l of the 15th September,<br />

letter was read from the Imperial, confirming that they are<br />

prepared to purchase Forthbank Factory for £110,000 .<br />

2. Memorandum by Mr. Lewis on, dated 19th September, was<br />

read, recommending certain increases in the free weekly<br />

cigarette issues for male and female factory staff and payroll<br />

employees at the Company's factories . The proposals as set<br />

out in the memorandum were approved .<br />

Mr. Ridley referred to the Company's flat at Buckingham<br />

Mews which is at present occupied by Mr. Schreiber. It was<br />

agreed in principle that when Mr . Schreiber vacates the flat the<br />

Company should take over .from him the furniture and fittings,<br />

and for this purpose a valuation should be made .<br />

4. It was reported that the forthcoming issue by Pakistan<br />

Tobacco Company was likely to be postponed for about a month .<br />


Wednesday, 21st September 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Ridley an? Clarke present .<br />

1. Letter was read from Mr. Moore (M.T.D .) about the<br />

following two appeals which M.T .D . have received :-<br />

1. From the Lady Templer Tuberculosis Hospital, towards<br />

the cost of which M .T.D . originally gave %10,000 .<br />

3v<br />

The Hospital has now been opened and the larger companies<br />

are being asked to endow a bed, of which the cost is<br />

estimated to be 05,000 p .a. and which confers the right<br />

to put forward the name of a patient for admission in<br />

respect of the endowment. Mr . Moore recommends that<br />

M.T .D. should give $5,000 p .a . for five years .<br />

2 . From the Singapore Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the<br />

Singapore Youth Sports Centre, for which a fund has boeen<br />

inaugurated by Mr. Malcolm Macdonald . Members of the<br />

Chamber are asked to make donations up to $2,000 and Mr .<br />

Moore recommends that M .T .D. should give $2,000 to this<br />

appeal .<br />

As shareholders, it was agreed to approve both these recommenda-<br />

tions .<br />

2. Letter was read from the Librarian of the Council of<br />

Industrial Design, who already have photographs of our Board Room<br />

for their <strong>library</strong> files, asking permission to make a lantern slide<br />

of one of the general views of the Board Room to add to their<br />

slide collection for use by lecturers on design. It was agreed<br />

there was no objection to this .<br />


Friday, 23rd Seutember 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Ridley and Clarke present .<br />

C0 0, . , 3 T<br />

1. Memorandum of additional capital expenditure of £E26,000<br />

by Eastern Company on the No .2 Factory extension at Ghizeh was<br />

submitted and approved. This expenditure is in addition to the<br />

original estimated cost of £E111,050 and is mainly due to the<br />

higher labour and building costs .<br />

2 . Letter was read from the Indonesia Association asking<br />

Founder Members, of whom B .A.T. is one, to reinstate their<br />

subscription to 100 guineas for the year 1956. From 1951 to<br />

1953 Founder Members paid an annual subscription of 100 guineas<br />

but for 1954/55 this was r<strong>edu</strong>ced to 50 guineas in view of the<br />

then satisfactory financial position of the Association. The<br />

Association will need additional funds in 1956 and it was recom-<br />

mended that B .A.T. should reinstate its subscription at 100<br />

guineas for that year .<br />


Monday, 26th September 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Ridley and Clarke present .<br />

With reference to note No .6 of the 17th January, it was<br />

reported that the offer made through the Hongkong & Shanghai<br />

Bank (Malaya) Trustee Limited of Straits ,2,500 p .a . for the<br />

21 acres at the Seaport site, Kuala Lumpur, had not been<br />

accepted. It is known that land in the vicinity has changed<br />

hands at up to A4,000 p.a ., and it was agreed to authorise the<br />

Hongkong & Shanghai Bank to offer up to, $4,000 p .a. (approxi-<br />

mately £500) for this site .<br />

2. The case of Mr . P.C .D. Hanson, who lost his life in the<br />

recent air crash in TriDolitania, was considered . Mr . Hanson<br />

had been engaged by Nigerian Tobacco Company and was on his way<br />

out to join that Company in Lagos. At the time of his death<br />

his name had not been submitted to the Committee of the O .P.F .<br />

for approval . On the wording of the Rules of the O.F.F .<br />

it was felt that the Committee could not now be asked to anzrove<br />

Mr. Hanson's entry to the Fund with effect from the date of his<br />

joining the Company and it was therefore recommended that the<br />

appropriate widow's benefit should be provided by Nigerian<br />

Tobacco Company .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Tuesday. 27th September 1955 ,<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Ridley and Clarke present .<br />

1. Letter was read from Mr . Bond, South Africa,<br />

enclosing copies of letters and a memorandum dated 16th August<br />

received from Mr. Hockly, asking for reconsideration of his<br />

retirement benefits, with particular reference to "compensation" .<br />

After careful consideration, it was felt that the notice Mr .<br />

Hockly had received was reasonable and that his pension and other<br />

arrangements were fair and that we could not, therefore, recommend<br />

United (South) to make any further concession .<br />

2. At the request of Mr . Hare, it was agreed that Mr .<br />

3 .<br />

Kemaley should visit India for three weeks in October/November<br />

to advise Imperial of India on the organisation of its accounting<br />

set-up .<br />

It was agreed, as shareholders, to recommend the<br />

under-mentioned transfer s<br />

Mr. F.M.B. Bartlett from Nigerian Tobacco Co. Ltd .<br />

to Cie Congolaise des Tabacs, where he would take<br />

up the post of Accountant, with effect from the 31st<br />

October 1955, at the same pension grading of £2,000 p .a .<br />

Mr. G .R . Wildman from Cie Congolaise des Tabacs to<br />

Nigerian Tobacco Co . Ltd. as Accountant, with effect<br />

from the middle of November 1958, at the same pension<br />

grading of £2,062 p .a .<br />

4. Mr . Bristow was then asked to attend the meeting . He<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

explained the latest position resulting from his talks with<br />

Mr. Wix about the Maspero business in Israel .<br />

Mr . Bristow also raised the question of K.D . & S's<br />

Haifa premises, which are at present leased to Maspero at a<br />


ent of Israeli £40,000. The lease ex---Ares on the 31st lay<br />

1956, Maspero being statutory tenants under the law in Israel .<br />

It was agreed that fir . Hitchcock should be asked to<br />

look for other suitable premises for leaf manipulation and<br />

storage . It is not thought that, if Mr . Viix acquired the<br />

Maspero business, he would wish to r emain in occupation of the<br />

Haifa premises at this high r ent .<br />


Wednesday, 28th September 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Ridley and Clarke present .<br />

1. The Chairman read a memorandum by Air . Clarke summarising<br />

the latest position in respect of the proposed issue by Pakistan<br />

Tobacco Company . It is now clear that there is no likelihood<br />

of an early price Increase and, that being so, it is impossible<br />

for Pakistan to go ahead with the Jhelum project unless it can<br />

raise additional cash . Subject to any contrary advice Sir<br />

Jeremy Raisman may give, it was agreed to recommend to Pakistan<br />

that the amount of the proposed issue should be increased from<br />

100 Lakhs to 150 Lakhs and that the necessary application to this<br />

effect should be made to the Controller of Capital Issues .<br />

10 2. Mr . Ridley reported that tenders have now been received<br />

for the erection of the proposed new Ardath Factory at Welwyn<br />

Garden City. The lowest tender is from Humphreys, in the<br />

amount of £445,000 with completion within 24 months . On this<br />

basis it is expected that the Factory would be equipped and<br />

running In 1958 . It was agreed, subject to any comments<br />

Imperial might have, to recommend to Ardath that they should<br />

accept Humphreys' tender .<br />

1' 3<br />

. As shareholders, it was agreed to recommend to Nigerian<br />

Tobacco Company that Mr . T.A.H . Slack should be appointed a<br />

Director and Chairman of the Board, with effect from the 16th<br />

October 1955 and that as from that date his pension grading<br />

should be increased from £2,273 p.a. to £2,750 p .a. and that he<br />

should receive a salary of West African £3,025 p .a.<br />

4. Letter was read from the Union Polyglotte about their<br />

proposal to form a new group within their Association to study<br />

English plays and asking for permission to call this group<br />

"PLAYERS PLEASE" . It was consi .iered that this would be<br />

undesirable and that the Union Polyglotte should be requested<br />

not to use this slogan.<br />


9<br />

5 . Prints of suggested covers for the B .A.T. Accounts<br />

in respect of the year to 30th September 1955 were submitted<br />

and the blue cover was chosen .<br />

6 . Memorandum by Mr. Langford was read, concerning certain<br />

investments of the Pension Funds which had proved to be<br />

unauthorised in view of a decision in the Courts early this year .<br />

On the basis of this memorandum it was agreed to recommend that<br />

the Companies concerned should pay into the Pension Funds in<br />

question the amount by which the losses of such investments<br />

exceed the profits in each separate Fund .<br />

7. It was agreed that Mr. Lewison should inform Heads of<br />

Departments of the proposed adjust-erts in salaries to certain<br />

members of the staff, with effect from the 1st October 1955, and<br />

that he should inform Heads of Departments that Mr. Misselbrook<br />

will call a meeting of them on Monday, 3rd October, to explain<br />

why these adjustments do not apply to those in receipt of<br />

salaries of £2,000 p.a . and over .<br />


Friday, 30th September 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheirn, Ridley and Clarke present .<br />

1 . With reference to note No.1 of the 28th September, ?'r .<br />

Clarke reported that Sir Jeremy Raisman had agreed that the<br />

proposed issue by Pakistan Tobacco Company should be increased<br />

to 150 Lakhs, and a draft cable to Pakistan making this recom-<br />

mendation was approved .<br />

2. Following Mr. Bryant's recent visit to Spain, it was<br />

reported that Philip Morris have agreed to sell their brand on<br />

consignment terms to Tabacalera. It was recommended that our<br />

American brands, "Lucky Strike", "Pall Mall", "Y,ool" and<br />

"Viceroy", should also be offered to Tabacalera on consignment<br />

terms, subject to At satisfactory arrangements being made for<br />

stock control and insurance and to payment being made during<br />

the month following sale. In the foreseeable future it is<br />

not envisaged that this will mean having at risk more than<br />

,135,000 at any one time .<br />


0<br />

1 .<br />

Monday, Ord October 19F5 .<br />

Messrs. Opaenheim, Ridley and Clarke present .<br />

Mr . Ridley referred to the original estimate of the<br />

/(-L&<br />

cost of the Research and Development Centre, which was £510,000 .<br />

Detailed estimates have now been received which show that the<br />

estimated cost is approximately £549,000, theaaiditional cost<br />

being largely due to electrical work and heatinf- and ventilating .<br />

This expenditure was approved .<br />

2 . It was agreed to recommend the under-mentioned transfers<br />

and appointments to the associated companies concerned :-<br />

1. The transfer of Kr. S.F . Phillips from East African<br />

Tobacco Company Limited to Eastern Company and his<br />

appointment to the Board of Eastern Company, with<br />

effect from the 1st March 1956, at a salary at the rat e<br />

of £E3,600 p.a . and a pension grading of £3,000 p.a.<br />

2 . The appointment of Mr . J.H. Stericker and }ix . W.K.Foster<br />

to the Board of East African Tobacco Co . Ltd.<br />

3. The appointment of Mr . C.L. Hill and Mr. J.W. Nichols<br />

to the Boards of B .A.T. (Hong Kong) and British Cigarette<br />

Co. Ltd . in place of Mr. P.D. Hastings and Mr. J .H .<br />

Stericker .<br />

It was agreed to recommend to the Board that Mr . J.H .<br />

Maslen should be transferred to the service of B .A .T. with effect<br />

from the 14th October 1955 at a salary at the rate of £3,750 p .a.<br />

It was also agreed that Mr. Maslen should be invited to become a<br />

member of the Senior Mess as from .he date of his transfer .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Tuesday, 4th October 1955.<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Ridley and Clarke present .<br />

1 . Memorandum was read concerning retirement benefits for<br />

locally engaged staff in Hong Kong . For various reasons i t<br />

pal<br />

has not been possible to introduce a pensions scheme for locally<br />

engaged employees and they are granted on retirement leaving<br />

gratuities on the basis of one month's salary for each year of<br />

service. The Malaya Scheme for locally engaged employees has<br />

recently been improved by increasing the Company's contributions<br />

from 10% to 15% of salary, and a recommendation that leaving<br />

gratuities for locally engaged staff in Hong Kong should be<br />

increased by a similar proportion (that is, an increase from one<br />

month's to one and a half months' salary for each year of<br />

service) was approved .<br />

2 . Letter was read from the Swedish Tobacco Monopoly with<br />

reference to a Committee which has been established by the<br />

Swedish Government to review the legal provisions affectin g<br />

retail trade in tobacco products in Sweden. The Tobacco Monopoly<br />

will be asked to comment on the Committee's report when it is<br />

issued, and to enable them to do this they would like to have a<br />

wider knowledge of the retail tobacco trade in other countries .<br />

For this purpose they would like the Secretary of the Tobacco<br />

Monopoly to visit England and they ask for our assistance .<br />

It was agreed that the matter should be referred to<br />

Ardath and that, if Ardath are unable to provide all the<br />

information that is required, we would then consider referring<br />

the matter to Imperial .<br />

3. Particulars of temporary and permanent staff for the<br />

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period from 1st June to 30th September 1955 were submitted . The<br />

total staff strength at head office (excluding Directors and<br />

pupils) has increased during these three months from 705 to 72!4 .<br />

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Wednesday, 5th October 19 5<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim and Clarke present .<br />

1. Memorandum by Mr . Bristow dated 4th October was read,<br />

explaining that in view of the development of the Sudan Tobacco<br />

Company there was no advantage in Eastern Company continuing to<br />

supervise that territory . It was agreed that, with effect from<br />

the 1st January 1956, the advisory services to Sudan Tobacco<br />

Company should be rendered by B .A.T . instead of by Eastern<br />

Company .<br />

2. It was reported that additional finance amounting to<br />

3 .<br />

approximately £60,000 would be required by the Rift Valley<br />

Cigarette Company for the quarter ending 31st December 1955,<br />

mainly in respect of leaf purchases . It was agreed to provide<br />

this finance, which will bring the total amount advanced to<br />

Rift Valley Cigarette Company to £540,000 .<br />

Memorandum was read showin. the effect of the transfer<br />

of manufacture of ALBERT Blue from the V .K. to the Belgian Congo .<br />

It was agreed to give permission to go ahead with the planning<br />

of the transfer of manufacture of AL=_2T Blue to the Congo.<br />

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Friday, 7th October 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Ridley and Clarke present .<br />

1 . It was reported that the Company had been asked t o<br />

join the Joint East and Central African Board . This organisa-<br />

A-3<br />

tion was formed on the recommendation of the Secretary of State<br />

it ,~for<br />

the Colonies some years ago and/is thought 14-m44ld be useful<br />

in presenting through various M .P's who are on its Executive<br />

Council the views of East and Central Africa. E.A.T. is a<br />

member and it was recommended that B .A .T . should join at a<br />

subscription of 10 guineas per annum .<br />

2. Reference was made to the East and West Friendship<br />

Council to which B.A .T., together with Shell, U .A.C. and John<br />

Holt, made a subscription of £250 last year . The Con-)any has<br />

been asked to continue its support ani it was agreed to recommend<br />

to the Board that we should give £250 this year .<br />

3 . Memorandum by Mr . Barnett dated 16th September was read<br />

about a proposed Pensions Scheme for locally engaged employees<br />

of staff grade of East African Tobacco Company . The scheme,<br />

which is similar to that introduced in Malaya recently, provides<br />

pensions on retirement at age 55, the pension being guaranteed<br />

for five years, and also benefits on death in service . The<br />

employee contributes 10,,%' of basic salary and the Company 15%.<br />

It was agreed to recommend this scheme to E .A.T .<br />

4 . Reference was made to the request which B.A.T., in<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

common with other tobacco manufacturers, received from the<br />

French Embassy asking for certain statistical information abou t<br />

the tobacco business for the French Tobacco Regie . It was<br />

agreed that ?r . Bryant should write to Mr . Grimanelli, the<br />

Director-General of the French Regie, saying that any figures<br />

that we might give them would add little to those which have

9<br />

5 ..<br />

already been given by Imperial, particularly as our business is<br />

entirely for export . However, ss we should like to assist<br />

A-4-<br />

them, we should be pleased if they would like to arrange for one<br />

of their technical experts to visit one of our factories .<br />

b",r . Misselbrook and Ar . Barrett were than asked to<br />

attend the meeting and a memorandum from Louisville was con-<br />

sidered, suggesting certain alternations in the proposed revised<br />

pensions scheme for staff employees in the U .S.A. Under their<br />

new proposals pensionable service would be from age 25 to 6 3<br />

and Social Security benefits would be integrated in the scheme .<br />

It was felt that the reasons given for these proposals were not<br />

sufficiently compelling to justify so great a depa^ture from the<br />

principles adopted for our home and overseas pension funds and<br />

that B. & W. should be asked to adheres far as possible to theSt<br />

principles<br />

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Tuesday. 11th October 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Ridley and Clarke present .<br />

1. It was reported that Messrs . Green & Luxton, the makers<br />

of our soldering machines, had asked permission to supply<br />

electrically heated solder baths of a type developed at our<br />

Liverpool Factory. It was agreed that there was no objection<br />

to Messrs . Green & Luxton supplying baths of our design, subject<br />

to the payment to us of £5 for each bath .<br />

2. Mr. Bodda and Dr . Buch then attended the meeting and the<br />

following matters relating to Germany were discussed :-<br />

1 . A proposal to form a Company in West Berlin called<br />

Garbaty West, in partnership with Dr . Koerfer, to<br />

manufacture Garbaty brands under licence from the Hamburg<br />

Company, a subsidiary of B .A.T . (Deutschland) . The<br />

ultimate intention is that B .A .T . (Deutschland) through<br />

its subsidiaries, the Garbaty Company and Haus Bergmann,<br />

should hold a 70% interest in the new Company, although<br />

to get the Company formed in West Berlin and to obtain<br />

the benefits of the Municipal Credits, Dr . Koerfer will<br />

subscribe the majority of the initial capital . Once the<br />

Company has been formed, the capital will be increase d<br />

so that B.A.T. (Deutschland) will hold 70% of the capital .<br />

It was agreed that before a final decision was made<br />

a detailed plan should be submitted, showing the capital<br />

required for an initial manufacture of 30 million per<br />

month and the amount of the services fee to B .A .T .<br />

(Deutschland) based on profits . There should also be<br />

submitted a draft of the proposed agreement with Dr .<br />

Koerfer .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

2. A suggestion that the German Company should adopt a<br />

bonus scheme for factory employees based on a points<br />

system and involving the distribution of annroxinetely

9<br />

3% of the Company's taxable profits .<br />

It was agreed that details of this proposal should<br />

be examined by 11'r. Lewison, or some other person who has<br />

tp~, crw.~.~<br />

knowledge of `~ _ . ..'~ _ here, and that, if<br />

necessary, he should pay a visit to Germany for that<br />

purpose.<br />

A proposal that the German Company should adopt a Pensions<br />

Scheme for staff and factory employees (excluding .essrs .<br />

von Reitzenstein and Soering) which would provide a pension<br />

of approximately 405o of the average salary over the five<br />

years preceding retirement for a full period of 40 years'<br />

service, with a r<strong>edu</strong>ction of . for each year of service<br />

less than !+0, with a minimum pension of 20% of salary for<br />

30 years' service . The contributions would be provided<br />

wholly by the Company, which would set aside an appropriate<br />

sum each year by way of reserve for this purpose .<br />

It was agreed that this proposal should be submitted<br />

to Mr . Barnett for consideration .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Wednesday. 12th October 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Ridley and Clarke present .<br />

1 . Correspondence from India was read on the question of<br />

informing their covenanted staff about the provisions of the<br />

revised O .P.P . Rules .<br />

The Central Board of Revenue has now given a ruling<br />

that the Company's contributions will not be taxable in the<br />

hands of the individual and the Indian Company is optimistic tha t<br />

it will get permission to remit current contributions and the<br />

lump sum payments for back service, though a final decision may<br />

not be forthcoming from the Exchange Control Authorities before<br />

the end of the year. In the circumstances, it was recommended<br />

that the Indian Company should now issue copies of the revised<br />

O.P .P. Rules to each contributor, at the same time telling them<br />

that application is being made to the Authorities for permission<br />

to remit current contributions and the lump sum payments in<br />

respect of back service and that it is hoped such permission<br />

will be forthcoming, but, if not, the Company will communicate<br />

furthar with the staff . It is not recommended that, at thi s<br />

i stage, the Company should inform the staff that, if permission<br />

is not forthcoming, the Company itself will endeavour to deal<br />

with the matter by way of Rupee allowance.<br />

2 . Memorandum by Mr . Geldart, dated 11th October, was read,<br />

regarding the result of a conversation with Mr . J.O. Ramhro, of<br />

Hambros Bank. Mr . Hambro explained that Salzman's Rhodesian<br />

redrying and packing company was losing money and needed additional<br />

output and he enquired whether B .A.T . would be interested in<br />

purchasij,g shares in that Company and acquiring control of the<br />

redrying and packaging facilities . It was explained to Yr .<br />

Hambro that redrying was an ancillary business we would avoi d<br />

where we could and that we were already well served by Reid &<br />

Rowland and Mashonaland Tobacco Co . Ltd . in Rhodesia for redrying<br />

and th9t,therefore, B .A .T . woul 1 not he int~%.r--steel in Salzman's<br />

plant .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Thu^sda--, 13th October lei<br />

Wessrs . Oppenheim and Clarke present .<br />

1. It was reported that the British Red Cross had<br />

appealed to Player's Branch for cigarettes for their hurricane<br />

relief work in Grenada, 'Viest Indies, and that Player's had passed<br />

the appeal to us . A recommendation that we should give two cases<br />

(60,00c) Player's N/C Medium cigarettes in 50s A/T tins in res-<br />

ponse to this appeal was approved .<br />

2. It was reported that B.A.T. ('T'ong Kong) had received an<br />

enquiry for the purchase of some of t`eir surplus machinery by<br />

/Okinawa the Ryukyu Tobacco Company/and the Tobacco Monopoly in Formosa .<br />

As the prospects of our embarking successfully on manufacture in<br />

Okinawa are very poor and as shipments to Okinawa and to Formosa<br />

have dwindled almost to nothing, it was agreed there was no<br />

objection to B.A.T . ( .long Kong) o_fferirs their surplus machinery<br />

to the Ryukyu Tobacco Company and the Formosan Tobacco Monopoly<br />

subject to the retention of certain machines for possible use in<br />

Manila and to satisfactory prices being agreed for the machines<br />

sold.<br />

3. Memorandum was read concerning ? ..r. I .D. McOmish, Middle<br />

East Department. Mr. Prc0mish's present accommodation is unsuit-<br />

able and he has the opportunity of purchasing a suitable hous e<br />

at Virginia Water for .21,750, upon which he can raise an advance<br />

from the Council of £1,430. To assist Mr . McOmish in meeting<br />

the balance of the purchase price and expenses, it was recommended<br />

that the Company should grant him a loan up to £200 at 2j5 p .a.<br />

interest, the loan to be repayable over 25 years, secured on 2nd<br />

mortgage .<br />


Friday= 14th October 191;5 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim and Clarke present .<br />

1. A memorandum by Mr . Bodde was read concerning a<br />

proposal that B .A .T. (C.E .) should build a new leaf warehouse in<br />

Hamburg. This proposal was agreed in principle subject t o<br />

the appropriate project sheet being submitted to the Aufaichtarat .<br />

2. Letter from Mr . Tatum, Louisville, was read, suggesting<br />

that Mr. D.W. Kyle of Tobacco Leaf Development Company, and Mr .<br />

A.W. Sudbury of B. & J.B . Machado Tobacco Company, should now be<br />

transferred from the ELAS Scheme to the O .P .F ., as they are British<br />

and likely to retire in the sterling area . Such a transfer would<br />

be possible under the revised rules of the O .P .F. upon payment<br />

into the Fund of the following amounts, inclusive of the sums<br />

transferred from ELAS :-<br />

D . W. Kyle £3,200 (on the basis that he is a<br />

specialist)<br />

A.W. Sudbury Z4,800 .<br />

It was agreed there was no objection in principle to<br />

these proposed transfers but it was decided that further con-<br />

sideration should be given as to whether the payment of £3,200 in<br />

respect of Mr. Kyle should be borne by Tobacco Leaf Development<br />

Company or by B .A.T .<br />

It was also agreed to consider whether there were any<br />

other British employees in Louisville supervised territories who<br />

should be transferred to the G.P.F .<br />


0<br />

Monday, 17th October 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

Mr. MeAra reported to the meeting on his visit to<br />

Canada and the United States .<br />

Tuesday, 18th October 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

Letter was read from the South Eastern Electricity<br />

Board requesting permission to erect one pole and two stays<br />

and to lay 10 yards of underground cable on the Company's<br />

property at Chelwood Vachery for the purpose of supplying<br />

electricity to .an adjoining property. It was agreed ther e<br />

was no objection to this, and the appropriate wayleave agreement<br />

would be signed. I<br />


Wednesday, 19th October 1255 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, MeAra and)Ridley present .<br />

1. Mr. McAra referred to the interest which is at present<br />

paid on the sums deposited with B .A.T. by B .A .T . (Hong Kong) .<br />

It was agreed that the interest on these deposits should be<br />

increased to 3j% p.a. except on £2,000,000 which is held on<br />

long term deposit, on which the interest will remain at 21 ;9 p .a.<br />

It was also agreed to suggest to Imperial that the<br />

interest payable on B.A.T's loan to Imperial should be increased<br />

from 31% to 4% p.a.<br />

2. With reference to note No .4 of the 20th September, it<br />

was reported that an independent valuation had now been made of<br />

the furniture, fixtures and additions at the Company's flat No-4<br />

Buckingham Mews, which is at present occupied by Mr. Schreiber.<br />

The Company will take over these furnishings at the agreed valua-<br />

tion of £1226. 8. 0. and this sum will be paid to Mr . Schreiber<br />

when he vacates the flat at the beginning of next year .<br />

It is proposed that the Company should then let th e<br />

flat furnished to Mr. Hare on terms to be agreed, it being clearly<br />

understood that no garage goes with the flat .<br />

3 Memorandum by Mr . Ridley dated the 18th October was read,<br />

arising out of the report made by Mr . Stewart on his visit to<br />

Pakistan, and Mr . Stewart and Mr. Geldart were asked to a ttend the<br />

meeting. It was agreed that action as outlined in the memorandum<br />

to improve the quality of manufacture at Mauripur should be taken<br />

as soon as possible . It was further agreed to recommend to<br />

Pakistan that the services of Mr. Harbord should be terminated.<br />

The terms of settlement with Mr . Harbord will be the subject of<br />

further consideration .<br />

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h r da 20th-October 1995 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1 . Capital expenditure, amounting to Rs .7,09,000, by The<br />

Imperial Tobacco Company of India Ltd . on 'Welfare amenities at<br />

Monghyr, including workers' institute, hospital for workers and<br />

industrial housing, was submitted and approved .<br />

2. It was reported that Mr . H. Lowe, Liverpool Factory,<br />

was being pressed by his Bank to r<strong>edu</strong>ce his overdraft by £750 .<br />

To meet this demand, Mr. Lowe has endeavoured to arrange a loan<br />

from a building society of £750 on the security of his house,<br />

but has been unsuccessful in this and has now asked the Compan y<br />

10 whether it would be prepared to make him a loan of £750 on the<br />

security of his house . As it is the intention that Mr . Lowe<br />

should become Factory Manager at Liverpool in the near future and<br />

it is, therefore, undesirable that he should be forced to sell<br />

his house, and in view of the losses which he sustained in Chin a<br />

(for which he received relatively small compensation), it was<br />

agreed, in the special circumstances of this case, to recommend<br />

to the Board that the Company should make a loan to Mr . Lowe of<br />

40 £750 at 5% interest per annum, repayable over a period of six<br />

years, the loan to be made on the security of the deeds of his<br />

house .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Monday. 24th October 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim and McAra present.<br />

1. Memorandum dated 21st October was read, recommending the<br />

introduction of a special group yardstick for key staff of Eastern<br />

Company, in view of the expanding responsibility of certain posts<br />

held by local management staff. The new yardstick aims to procure<br />

for special group key staff approximately 75% of the total emolu-<br />

ments of married, group 2 covenanted staff, except that the maximum<br />

benefits will be reached at age 53 instead of at age 47, as is the<br />

case in respect of the group 2 covenanted staff . The new yardstick,<br />

which will apply only in the first instance to Orphey (Personnel<br />

Manager, Factory). and Awadallah (chief of Taxation Department) was<br />

approved.<br />

2. A proposal to introduce a pensions scheme for local staff<br />

(at present 3 in number) in Gibraltar with the Gresham Life<br />

Assurance Society Ltd . was approved in principle. The scheme will<br />

follow substantially our own scheme for home staff employees and<br />

provide a 2/3rds pension for a full period of service from age 1 8<br />

to 63.<br />

3. Memorandum by Mr. Barnett dated 19th October was read,<br />

setting out certain suggested modifications in the staff pension<br />

arrangements of Odon Warland Company in Belgium . These sugges-<br />

ted amendments were approved .<br />

4. Memorandum by Mr . Bryant was read concerning the export<br />

of EMBASSY cigarettes which Lorillard makes to certain countries<br />

and upon which they pay us a royalty of 20 cents per mille . Mr.<br />

Cramer has explained that Lorillard have now agreed to supply the<br />

Swedish Tobacco Monopoly with EMBASSY in 5s and 4s packings for<br />

sale in vending machines and kiosks at a price of A4.40 f.o .b .<br />

American port, which is slightly below cost . It was agreed until<br />

further notice that we should accept a royalty of one-half cent per<br />

mille on these special packings .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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40<br />

Tuesday. 25th October 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim and McAra present .<br />

I. Memorandum by Mr. Stewart was read about the proposed<br />

alterations on the ground floor of Liverpool Factory to<br />

accommodate all sections of Liverpool Personnel Department ,<br />

which are at present scattered about the building. The proposed<br />

alterations, which will cost £6,600 plus £985 in respect of<br />

furniture, were approved.<br />

2. A proposal that Pakistan should give Rs.20,000 to<br />

Flood Relief in Pakistan was approved . It was also agreed that<br />

Mr. Geldart should ask The Imperial Tobacco Company of India what<br />

contribution they propose to make to the Flood Relief Fund in India .<br />

Mr . D .R . Clarke was then asked to a ttend the meeting .<br />

3. Draft of the proposed new Overseas Agreement between<br />

B . & H. and B. & H. (Overseas) was considered. Under th e<br />

Agreement the Overseas Company will be appointed sole concessionaire<br />

and agent for the sale of B . & H's brands in the overseas market and<br />

on the execution of the Agreement the Overseas Company will pay an<br />

agreed lump sum, in consideration of which it will have the right<br />

to call for a transfer of the goodwill of the business in the<br />

overseas market at any time .<br />

The draft Agreement was approved for submission to<br />

Gallahers, subject to certain amendments .<br />

It was also agreed that B. & H. (Overseas) should make<br />

an interest free loan to Gallahers of £90,000 pending the payment<br />

of the capital sum under the above-mentioned Agreement .<br />

4. The question of the sale of our interest in Maspero<br />

(Israel) to Mr. Wix was considered and the following proposals<br />

were agreed in principle, subject to Mr . 'ix being able to make<br />

the necessary arrangements with the authorities in Israel :consideration<br />

1 . The purchase piriee for the sale of the shares in<br />

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Maspero and the assignment to Mr . Wix of the Maspero<br />

Loans to be £110,000 .<br />

2 . Of this sum £40,000 would be payable to us in<br />

sterling on completion.<br />

3 . The difference between the balance of £70,000 and<br />

any amounts that Mr. Wix may have to remit to Israel<br />

during the next 12 months will be paid to us In sterling<br />

at the end of that period.<br />

4. The balance of the purchase consideration to be<br />

paid to us as the sterling loans fall due for repayment ;<br />


if Mr. Wig[ should decide to close down at the end of<br />

12 months, we to receive the balance of the purchase<br />

consideration as funds could be remitted to the U.K.<br />

f" f<br />

If it should not be possible to repay the sterling loans,<br />

in these circumstances we would receive payment in Israeli<br />

currency.<br />

Mr. Clarke then X%Pt the meeting and Mr . GFeldart was asked to<br />

attend.<br />

5. A letter to Mr. Geldart from Mr . Fox, Ceylon, was read,<br />

recommending the appointment of a Ceylon national to t he Board<br />

of Ceylon Tobacco Company and suggesting Mr . Kadirgamar, a<br />

distinguished lawyer and former President of the Law Society i n<br />

Ceylon, as a possible appointee. It was agreed in principle to<br />

introduce a Ceylon national to the Board and Mr . Geldart will<br />

cable Mr. Hare (who is at present in Ceylon) asking for his<br />

suggestions.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

I<br />


Wednesday, 26th October 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim and McAra present .<br />

1. Mr. McAra referred to the proposal to convert the<br />

existing Provident Fund for staff and workpeople of the German<br />

Companies into a Pension Scheme . Under the new Scheme, which<br />

is non-contributory, the retiring age would be 65 and the<br />

pension fraction for existing employees would .be 459 of<br />

"breadline" salary for 20 years of service plus 1% of salary<br />

in excess of the breadline for each year . of .service. For<br />

future employees (including existing employees with less than<br />

20 years` service) the pension would be 1% of Salary for each<br />

year of service .<br />

The proposals were approved in principle, subject to<br />

further consideration about specialist adjustment and earlier<br />

retirement of employees with the Company's consent .<br />

2. With reference to note No .2_of the let September 1954,<br />

letter was read from Imperial reporting that they had made a<br />

further loan in respect of Kachalola, amounting to £2,929 .2. 6.<br />

It was agreed_,that B.A.T. should make a payment of £1,464 .11.3.<br />

to Imperial in respect of our one-half share of this further<br />

loan .<br />


Thursday, 27th October 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim and MoAra present .<br />

1 . The possibility of Ardath acquiring Dobbleman's shag<br />

and cigarette business in Holland was considered . On the basis<br />

of the reports which Mr . McAra submitted to the meeting, it was<br />

decided to advise Ardath not to purchase the business .<br />

2. Letter was read from Gallaher, suggesting an upward<br />

adjustment in the provisional prices they have been charging us<br />

since April 1955 for the manufacture of SENIOR SERVICE in 25s and<br />

50s packings for export . These adjustments, which in total<br />

involve a payment to Gallaher of approximately -03,960, were<br />

considered reasonable, and it was agreed that B .A.T . should take<br />

up this charge .<br />

The September prices, which are as set out below, will<br />

continue for the future subject to changes under the "escalator"<br />

clause :-<br />

25s boxes 21/-<br />

50s flat boxes 20/3d .<br />

50s flat tins 23/3d .<br />

50s A/T tins 21/6d.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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Mondry, 31st October 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim and McAra present .<br />

The outline of Ww 0 proposed Medical Scheme for the<br />

British staff of the leading Companies in the Sudan was considered<br />

and Mr. Bristow and Mr . Kneale were asked to attend the meeting .<br />

In view of the deterioration in the standards of the medical<br />

facilities provided by the Government in the Sudan following the<br />

Sudanisation of the Sudan Medical Service, the leading British .<br />

Companies are contemplating the formation of a non-profit making<br />

private company, which would rent suitable premises for use as a<br />

clinic and nursing home with appropriate medical staff, for use<br />

by the British employees of these Companies . The paid up<br />

capital of the Company would be £E .5,000, of which Sudan Tobacco<br />

Company's share would be £E .625 . The running expenses are<br />

estimated to be £E.12,000 p .a ., of which the Sudan Company's<br />

proportion on a per capita basis would be approximately £E .350<br />

p . a .<br />

The scheme was approved in principle, subject to the<br />

right to revise the annual scale in the light of experience ,<br />

it being considered desirable that the scale should provide only<br />

for the basic essentials and that items which could properly be<br />

charged to the patients (and recouped to them by the Company)<br />

should be so charged .<br />


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Tuesday, 1st November 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim and McAra present .<br />

1. Memorandum by Mr. Stewart was read, recommending the<br />

purchase of additional cars in view of the need for transport<br />

for Chelwood Vachery . The following recommendations were<br />

approved in principle :-<br />

1 . That the present Humber Super Snipe be allocated<br />

to Chelwood immediately .<br />

2. That a Morris Oxford 7-seater shooting brake be<br />

purchased for Chelwood in the New Year .<br />

That two Armstrong Siddeley Sapphires be purchased<br />

for use in London, the type of Sapphire to be the<br />

subject of further consideration .<br />

4. That the existing Ford Prefect be used entirely for<br />

Dock work, driven by ?r . Sharpe, of the Traffic<br />

Department .<br />

2. With reference to note No .2 of the 25th October, it was<br />

reported that The Imperial Tobacco Company of India were proposing<br />

to contribute Rs.10,000 to the Flood Relief Fund in India .<br />

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Thursday, 3rd 'November 1955 ,<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim and McAra present .<br />

Reference was made to an Agreement of the 15th<br />

November 1945 between J.A. Pattreiouex (Overseas) Ltd. and<br />

Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Ltd ., whereby Pattreiouex<br />

agreed to supply the Canadian Company with its requirements of<br />

SENIOR SERVICE cigarettes at cost plus 2/6d . per mille f.o.b.<br />

U.B. port, or such other price as might be agreed between the<br />

parties from time to time .<br />

This Agreement was terminated in 1953 but Canada would<br />

now like to revive it . It was agreed that there was no<br />

objection to t his and that Mr. Langford would send Mr . Wood<br />

draft of a suitable agreement .<br />

Particulars of retirements for which calculations have<br />

been made on the normal basis between 10th August and 31st<br />

October were submitted.<br />

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Friday, teth November 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim and McAra Present .<br />

1 . The Chairman read a letter from Moor Park College,<br />

appealing for funds to enable it to extend and equip the<br />

College so as to link up with the Oversee Service . The object<br />

of the Oversea Service is to provide for men and women who g o<br />

C` r<br />

out from this country, whether in Government or private employment,<br />

some understanding of the problems of the peoples among whom the y<br />

will work.<br />

It was agreed to recommend to the Board that the Compan y<br />

should give a "one-time" donation of £1,000 in response to this<br />

appeal .<br />

2. A circular letter which is being sent under Mr. Barnett's<br />

signature to all associated companies which have employees who are<br />

Class C contributors in the Q .P .F . was submitted and approved. A<br />

copy of the circular is attached to this note.<br />

3. With reference to note No . 5 of the 25th October, a<br />

cable from Mr . Hare to Mr. Geldart was read, confirming that,<br />

in pursuance of the policy of Ceylonisation, it would be an<br />

advantage if Mr . Kadirgamar were invited to join the Board of<br />

Ceylon Tobacco Company.<br />


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Monday, 7th November 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim and McAra present .<br />

To ensure that the presence at head office of<br />

visitors from overseas is known to all at head office wh o<br />

may want to see them, it was agreed that the person responsible<br />

for arranging the visit should notify Cable Department in<br />

advance and that Cable Department should publish each week in<br />

the cable list particulars of the dates and times of fcnthcoming<br />

visits . Where necessary, interim lists will be published by<br />

the Cable Department during the week.<br />

Tuesday, 8th November 1955 . C<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim and LicAra present .<br />

Letter from Mr . Yeanan was read about the proposed<br />

manufacture of RALEIGH cigarettes by Tabacalera Istmena in Panama .<br />

Louisville recommend that the usual royalty of 25 cents per 1,000<br />

cigarettes be r<strong>edu</strong>ced in this case,until further notice, to 10 centE<br />

per 1,000, as the present selling price of the brand will not<br />

support a royalty of 25 cents . This was agreed.<br />


Thursday, 10th November 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim and ?cAra present .<br />

1. Letter from Mr. Boerma to Mr. Bryant was read about a<br />

meeting of tobacco manufacturers in Holland, which had been<br />

called by the Ministry of Finance at The Hague to discuss the<br />

possible unification of excise duties between Holland and Belgium .<br />

Although no agreement has yet been reached between these two<br />

countries, it was agreed that Legal Department should consider<br />

what steps should be taken by our associated companies in<br />

Holland and Belgium to protect their trade marks in each other's<br />

countries, without deciding at this stage whether, in the event<br />

of unification, it should be our policy to encourage our Dutch<br />

and Belgian associated companies to trade in each other' s<br />

territories.<br />

2. Additional expenditure of £1,957 by Pioneer Tobacco Company<br />

in respect of the Takoradi Factory Project was submitted and<br />

approved . Thisbrings the total amount authorised to £110,000 .<br />

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Friday, 11th November 155 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim and ?,c-Ara present.<br />

1 . A summary of the proposed new Pension Scheme for<br />

2 .<br />

Dutch male and female staff of B.A.T. (Holland) was submitted<br />

and approved . The new Fund will be substantially in line iith<br />

our revised pension benefits .<br />

With reference to note No .3 of the 19th October,<br />

memorandum was read concerning Mr . H.S. Earbord, Pakistan .<br />

It was recommended that Pakistan Tobacco Company should pay<br />

br . karbord on the termination of his employment the sum of<br />

Rs.56,000.<br />

3. Additional expenditure by K.T .L. on the Singapore<br />

housing scheme at Dalvey Road, anounttng to S057,300 , wa s<br />

submitted and approved. This makes the total amount authorised<br />

59475 , occ.<br />

11,. Letter was read from the China American Tobacco<br />

Company about the amounts alleged to be due to that Company<br />

by Yee Tsoong Tobacco Company in respect of leaf purchased in<br />

Shanghai. It was agreed to reply that the directors of Y.T .T .<br />

who have now returned from China confirm that Y.T .T. discharged,<br />

in full,payments on account of this leaf in accordance with the<br />

law in China and that, accordingly, nothing further is due to the<br />

China American Tobacco Company from X .T .T.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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Monday, 14th November l95 ~<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim and ..c^'ra present .<br />

1. Further to note No .1 of 12th July 1955, memorandum was<br />

IL a<br />

read recommending that Mr . Candle s`,ould be granted an allowance<br />

to meet his living expenses while in this country of £ 12 a<br />

week for a period of one month or until he fin i a flat,<br />

whichever is the earlier . The recommendation was approved .<br />

2 . Memorandum was read concerning Mr. B.G . Albright, .vho<br />

is purchasing a house . He has asked whether the Company<br />

would lend him £2,500 which he vould repay out of the co- :suta-<br />

tion of part of his pension when he retires from The Imperial<br />

Tobacco Company of India Ltd . It was agreed that the Company<br />

should lend £2,500 to i~r. Albright at 2 7'5: interest on a second<br />

mortgage of his house, the whole sum to be repayable within<br />

twelve months .<br />

An appeal for the 'lest Indies Hurricane Relief Fund was<br />

considered . The local companies in Barbados, Trinidad,<br />

Jamaica and British Guiana were all making contributions and,<br />

in addition, B.A.T. had giver. 6,^,G00 Player's cigarettes to the<br />

Red Cross for relief in Grenada . It was agreed that the<br />

Company should make a contribution of £50 to the Relief Fund,<br />

explaining that its associated companies had made local contribu-<br />

tions .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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Tuesdays 22nd November 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1. It was agreed to examine the possibility of holding the<br />

B.A.T. Board Meeting in future at 10 a .m. each Tuesday instead<br />

of 11 a.m. as at present.<br />

2. A proposal that the set-up of Cope & Lloyd (Overseas) Ltd .<br />

r(4<br />

should be the same as that of Benson & Hedges (Overseas) Ltd. and<br />

Peter Jackson (Overseas) Ltd. was approved. This involve s<br />

B .A .T . selling its beneficial interest in the shares of Cope &<br />

Lloyd (Overseas) Ltd . to Oakland Tobacco Company Limited, the<br />

shares to be registered in the name of Lloyds Bank City Office<br />

Nominees, and the present directors, who are members of the Legal<br />

Department, being replaced by Messrs . Grose, Beavis, Ding and<br />

Albright .<br />

Wednesday . 23rd November 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

Memorandum showing the preliminary estimates of the<br />

cost of repairs, decorations and alterations at Chelwood Vachery<br />

was submitted and Mr. Stewart was asked to attend the meeting.<br />

After discussion, the preliminary estimates amounting to £59,500<br />

were approved.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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Monday, 28th November 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, }cAra and Ridley present .<br />

A proposal that the length of the smaller development<br />

hail at the R . & D. Centre, Southampton, should be extended<br />

from 120 feet to 180 feet in order to accommodate the Reformed<br />

Tobacco Sheet machine, at an additional cost of £28,800, was<br />

approved . It would be possible to extend the hail a furthe r<br />

80 feet in the future, should further expansion later be required .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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Tuesday, 29th November 1955.<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1. Further to note No.1 of the 14th November, it was<br />

reported that Mr. Condie had now obtained a flat at a rent of<br />

10 guineas a week and a proposal that the Company should crake him<br />

an allowance of £7.10.0. a creek, so long as his stay in this<br />

country is regarded as temporary, was approved .<br />

2 . It was agreed to recommend to the Board that in place of<br />

the Christmas Gift to the staff the Directors should make AGG~~ari e<br />

gratia gift to all members of the staff (other than Directors and<br />

Pupils), the maximum for which would, unless the Directors other-<br />

wise decided in exceptional cases, be calculated on the following<br />

basis<br />

I~ (A)<br />

!<br />

(B)<br />

(C )<br />

(D)<br />

Up to and including<br />

24 years' completed<br />

service<br />

25 years' completed<br />

service but less than<br />

30 years' completed<br />

service<br />

30 years' completed<br />

service but less than<br />

35 years' completed<br />

service<br />

35 years' completed<br />

service or more<br />

One quarter of a<br />

month's salaryrr 4u4to. r<br />

One half of a<br />

month's salary,rr~ .4 IV-4," f<br />

Three quarters of<br />

a month's salarynk1 1<br />

For those with less than one year's service the calculation<br />

would be on tfw following basis :-<br />

Over 9 months' completed Three quarters of<br />

service but under 12 (A) above .<br />

months' completed servic e<br />

Over 6 months' completed One half of (A)<br />

service but under 9 above .<br />

months' completed servic e<br />

Over 3 months' completed One quarter of<br />

service but under 6 (A) above .<br />

months' completed servic e<br />

Under 3 months' completed Nil .<br />

service<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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The maximum ex gratis gift on the above basis will only<br />

be paid if there is a satisfactory report from the individual's<br />

Head of Department .<br />

3. It was agreed to recommend to the Board that Christmas<br />

Gifts should be made to the male and female factory workpeople<br />

on the following basis :-<br />

10 to 20 years' service - 2/5ths of the national adult<br />

basic weekly wag e<br />

20 to 25 years' service - 3/5ths do .<br />

25 to 30 years' service - 4/5ths do.<br />

30 years' service and over - One week's pay at national<br />

adult basic wage.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

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Wedn2sday, 30th November 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley pre -sent .<br />

1. Mr . McAra reported that it now appeared that the Board<br />

of Westminster Nominees Limited could appoint additional<br />

Directors and it was agreed that Messrs . Ridley, Oeldart<br />

and Gelathorp should be appointed .<br />

2. Mr . McAra reported that he had asked Mr . Newcombe to<br />

prepare a memorandum on the work which the Statistical Depart-<br />

ment would deal with over the next twelve months. He hoped<br />

that this would enable Mr . Newcombe to be free to deal with<br />

leaf statistics.<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


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Thursday . lst December 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1. An appeal from the Council of Industrial Design for a<br />

donation towards the cost of setting up a Design Centre for British<br />

Industries in the Haymarket, London, was considered. The cost<br />

of the Centre would be £140,000, to which the Government had<br />

agreed to contribute substantially, and Trade and Industry were<br />

being asked to contribute £50,000 . It was agreed to recommend<br />

to the Board that the Company should make a donation of £100 .<br />

2. Memorandum concerning the late Mr . A. Heikkinen, of<br />

Suomen Tupakka 0/Y, who died on the 31st October 1955, was con-<br />

sidered. The Company in Finland has no Pension Scheme at present<br />

and there is no provision for widows' allowances . The memoran-<br />

dum recommended that Mrs . Heikkinen should be granted an allowance<br />

by the Finnish Company of F.Marks 12,600 a month, and this recom-<br />

mendation was approved .<br />


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Friday'. 2nd December 1955 .<br />

Messrs. 0ppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1. It was reported that Mr . K.A. Karlsson was retiring<br />

from the service of Suomen Tupakka 0/Y on 31st July 1956, when<br />

he would be 70 years old . As the Company had no pension scheme<br />

at present, it was recommended that fir . Karlsson should be<br />

granted, on retirement, an allowance of 605 of his final salary,<br />

which would amount to F .Mks.90,000 a month. It was further<br />

recommended that he should not be granted any leaving gratuity<br />

and that no mention should be made to him of any possible widow's<br />

allowance . These recommendations were approved.<br />

2. It was agreed that the fee paid to Sir Charles Ellis<br />

should be increased as from 1st January 1956 to at the rate of<br />

£5,000 a year . It was further agreed that when Sir Charles<br />

Ellis was travelling on the Company's business he should receive<br />

the same travelling allowance as a Director .<br />


Monday. 5th December 1955.<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, hcAra and Ridley present .<br />

Particulars of retirements, pension to widow of<br />

a deceased employee and allowance to widow of a deceased payroll<br />

pensioner, for which calculations have been made on the normal<br />

basis between let November and 30th November 1955, were submitte d<br />

and approved.<br />

Tugs y. 6th December 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

Further to note of the 7th October 1954 approving<br />

the expenditure of £58,749 on improving the kitchen and<br />

canteen at the Liverpool Branch, memorandum was read recommending<br />

that a false ceiling should be put in the proposed new kitchen<br />

and canteen (in which would be included flush lighting and a<br />

heating and ventilating installation) at an additional cost of<br />

£15,000. This additional expenditure was approved .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Wednesday, 7th December 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, UcAra and Ridley present .<br />

1 . Letter from Colonel Hartfield was read, stating that he<br />

had informed Messrs . Cullman and Heymans, of T .P.E .C . , of our<br />

offer of U.S .,$10 .00 a share for T.P .E.C's holding of shares in<br />

B.A.T. (Hong Kong) . Mr. Cullman said that he was prepared to<br />

accept U .S.$12.00 a share and that, if his counter offer were<br />

accepted, T.P .E.C . would be put into liouidation .<br />

Colonel Hartfield suggested that we might increase our<br />

offer by extending the calculation of the net asset value of the<br />

shares to take into account the profits of the Hong Kong Company<br />

for the year ended 30th September, 1955 . This worked out at<br />

U.S.Cts.70 a share and it was agreed that Colonel Martfield should<br />

be informed that we were prepared to increase our offer t o<br />

U. S.,$10. 70 a share provided T . P. E . C . accepted the offer not later<br />

than 20th December and that Liggett & Ayers agreed to accept the<br />

same price .<br />

2. It was reported that the F .B.I . had approached us as a<br />

holder of the debenture stock of the Federation to agree to their<br />

surrendering a small area of land at the back of their building<br />

in Tothill Street, on which the debenture was secured, to their<br />

around Landlords, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. It was<br />

agreed to raise no objection .<br />

3. It was reported that Air . Anspach had been approached t o<br />

40 find out whether B.A.T. would be prepared to join an International<br />

Secretariat for collaboration in scientific studies relating to<br />

tobacco, which had been proposed at the recent International<br />

Scientific Congreos on Tobacco which Dr. Evers had attended in<br />

September . It was agreed that B .A .T . should not join the<br />

proposed organisation and that the Secretary should inform Mr .<br />

Anspach accordingly .<br />


40<br />

Tuesday . 13th December 125.5_.<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley-present .<br />

1. It was reported that the two members representing the<br />

Tobacco Industry Panel on the Grand Council of the F.B .I.,<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim and Money-Coutts, were due to retire at the<br />

Annual General Meeting of the Federation to be held in the Spring<br />

of 1956, but were eligible for re-election for a further period<br />

of three years . Members of the Tobacco Industry Panel were<br />

entitled to nominate two members . It was agreed that this<br />

Company should nominate Mr. Oppenheim and, if Imperial so desired,<br />

Mr. Money-Coutts . We would consider nominating someone in<br />

place of Mr. Oppenheim when he came up for re-election again in<br />

1959 .<br />

2 . With reference to Note No.1 of the 1st November, it<br />

was agreed that one of the Armstrong Siddeley Sapphires should<br />

have a glass partition. The additional cost of this type of<br />

body would be £1,000.<br />


Ngdnesday, 14th December 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

~,~ r a:=t:~ ~~1 6<br />

1. Letter from Mr. R.J.E . Price was read, a sking whether<br />

there was any objection to the history which had beenprepared of<br />

the take-over of our associated companies' assets in China by<br />

the Peoples Government being shown, in confidence, to Jardines,<br />

who were in the course of preparing a similar history regarding<br />

the take-over of their interests. It was agreed that there was<br />

no objection but that Mr. Price should ask whether we might see<br />

Jardines' history when it was completed .<br />

2. Design Project Form for a 50 gramme Skruseal tin for<br />

3 .<br />

Capstan N/C Medium tobacco following the U .R. standard design<br />

which was shortly to be adopted by the Danish Company, together<br />

with samples of the tin, was submitted and noted .<br />

It was agreed that Messrs . Dobson and Misselbrook<br />

should become members of the Committee of Directors. Mr .<br />

Langford would continue to attend the Chairman's Committee and<br />

Mr. McCormick would continue to represent the Legal Department<br />

at meetings of the Committee of Directors .<br />


Friday . 16th December 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

1 . List of donations to local Liverpool Charities which<br />

the Branch Manager recommended he should be authorised to make<br />

during the period from 1st October 1955 to 30th September 1956,<br />

r? ?<br />

amounting in total to £487 .15. 0., was approved for submission to<br />

the Board.<br />

2. With reference to note No.2 of 5th October 1955, memorandum<br />

was submitted, recommending that Rift Valley Cigarette Company<br />

should be granted additional advances on current account of £30,000,<br />

making a total advance on current account of £570,000 . This<br />

recommendation was approved.<br />

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Tuesday, 20th December 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

It was reported that the pensions scheme for local staff<br />

in Mauritius with the Anglo-Mauritius Assurance Society had a<br />

salary limit which was fixed at Ra.19,200 p .a. when the scheme<br />

was inaugurated in 1953. Mr. Cripp s had suggested that, as<br />

the ceiling salary for Group 1 non-covenanted staff would be<br />

Re .26,400 as from let January 1956, the salary limit in the<br />

scheme should either be increased or removed entirely. It<br />

had been suggested that the salary limit might be increased to<br />

Rs.40,000 p .a., which was approximately equivalent to the O.P.F .<br />

limit of £3,000 p .s. As a limit of Rs .40,000 might lead the<br />

local staff to believe that top salaries might be increased to<br />

this amount (which was unlikely at present), it was agreed to<br />

recommend that the salary limit should be Rs .30,000 p .a. If<br />

top salaries increased above this amount in the future, the limit<br />

could be increased again at that time .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Thursday, 22nd December 1955 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

r?o<br />

It was agreed to purchase from Godfrey Phillips Ltd. 720,230 lbs<br />

of 1953/54 crop Virginia leaf at a total cost of £192,715 .19 .7.<br />

and that payment therefor should be made before the 10t h<br />

January 1956, which was the date on which Godfrey Phillips<br />

proposed to complete the purchase of the Dobie's business .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />


Wednesday, 28th December 1955 .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, McAra and Ridley present .<br />

Cable was read from Mr. Bruton saying that Mr. Lewis<br />

had been urged to accept a directorship of the Citizens Fidelity<br />

Bank. It was agreed there was no objection to Mr . Lewi s<br />

accepting this directorship on the understanding that it would<br />

not embarrass B . & W's banking arrangements .<br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>kve96a99</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

N)<br />

C.~<br />

tJ1<br />

CA<br />


Thursday, 19th December 1951.<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra and Bodde<br />

present .<br />

With reference to note No .2 of the 18th December,<br />

Mr. Sargent reported that a further meeting had been held<br />

yesterday to discuss the problem of "Player's", as a result<br />

of which it was recommended that in tourist areas we shoul d<br />

/2 2.<br />

make our "Player's" as nearly as possible a replica of Imperial's<br />

except in respect of the overlap and the 200s outers. This<br />

recommendation was approved .<br />

Friday, 20th December 1957 .<br />

Messrs. Sargent, McAra and Bodde present .<br />

Letter was read from the Imperial of G.B . & I .)<br />

expressing their thanks for the generous hospitality and help<br />

given by B. & W. and Imperial of Canada to members of Imperial's<br />

management who have visited the North American Continent during<br />

the year . It was agreed that a copy of Imperial's letter should<br />

be sent to Mr . Lewis and Mr . 'Hood.<br />

Tuesday, 24th December 1957. f C :. .<br />

Messrs . Oppenheim, tcAra, Ridley and 'godde<br />

present .<br />

Additional capital expenditure by East African Tobacco<br />

Company Limited of E.A.Shillings 685,580 in respect of the<br />

Nairobi Factory was authorised . This ma1ces the final<br />

estimated cost E .A. Shillings 17,880,000 .<br />

Tuesday, 31st December 1957 .<br />

Messrs. Oppenheim, Sargent, McAra, Ridley and<br />

Bodde present .<br />

Memorandum was real about ?r. J. MacKnight, who retire d<br />

from the service of B .A.T. (Hong Kong) on 31st July 1938 before N<br />

the surrender regulations came into force . Mr . :jacY_nipht bee O<br />

recently died, leaving a widow, and it was agreed to recommend to CD<br />

B .A .T . (Hong Kong) that they should grant the widow a free widow's (- n<br />

Cb<br />

allowance of £165 . 8 . 0. per annum . ; v<br />

CD<br />

110<br />



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