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African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol. 6. 53-57<br />

Printed in Uganda. All rights reserved<br />

ISSN 1023-070X $ 4.00<br />

© 2005, African Crop Science Society<br />

Competitive impact of Amaranthus spinosus in Celosia argentia and Corchorus<br />

olitorius production in Southwestern Nigeria<br />


Department of Crop Protection and Environmental Biology, University of Ibadan, NIGERIA.<br />

Abstract Amaranthus spinosus, a pantropic noxious weed, became a major weed of vegetable farms in the University of Ibadan practical year<br />

farm after several years of annual fadama (wetland) cropping. Field and pot experiments conducted to ascertain its effects on the growth and<br />

yield of Celosia argentea and Corchorus olitorius showed that the weed induced significant reductions in yield components of both<br />

vegetables. Weed association for four weeks after planting resulted in significant (P

54<br />

1:0, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4 of C. argentea to A. spinosus. A distance<br />

of 6 cm was maintained between and among stands of combining<br />

species. In the field trial, the same treatment combinations<br />

were established but in a randomized complete block design<br />

with three replicates. Each block was 2 x 1 m 2 . The plots were<br />

bed-raised with hoes. The plots were 0.5m apart. Seeds of C.<br />

argentea were drilled at 15cm spacing between rows and later<br />

thinned to 15cm within rows to have a plant density of 444,444<br />

plants per hectare.. Seeds of A. spinosus were ring-broadcast<br />

at 6cm intervals and later thinned to the required density ratios<br />

at 2 WAP. The performance of both C. argentea and A. spinosus<br />

was monitored in terms of plant height, stem diameter, number<br />

of leaves/plant, leaf area and plant biomass at harvest.<br />

S. OGUNYEMI et al.<br />

Experiment II. Corchorus olitorius versus Amaranthus<br />

spinosus: The design of the experiment followed the two<br />

component model as described by Hall et al. (1992). The 1 st<br />

component is the maximum length of time weeds emerging<br />

with the crop can remain before they reduce yield (weedy and<br />

subsequently weedfree, wd-wf) and the 2 nd component is the<br />

length of time that a crop must be kept weed-free after planting<br />

so that weeds emerging later do not reduce yield (weedfree<br />

and subsequently weedy, wf-wd). A. spinosus was allowed to<br />

associate with C. olitorius for varying periods of time (as<br />

indicated in Table 1). The same treatments were established in<br />

pots and in the field. In the pots, two seeds of C. olitorius and<br />

4 of A. spinosus were sown in each pot to give a ratio of 1:2 crop<br />

to weed. Weed-crop distance was 8cm in all pots. The pot trial<br />

was a completely randomized design while the field was a<br />

randomized complete block design with 3 replicates. Each block<br />

was (12 x 2) m 2 and each plot was 2 x 1 m 2 . C. olitorious was<br />

planted in rows with 30cm inter-row spacing and later thinned<br />

to the required population densities. Seeds of A. spinosus were<br />

planted in rows 8cm from C. olitorious and a crop to weed ratio<br />

of 1:2 was also maintained. Data recorded for C. olitorius at 12<br />

weeks after planting (WAP) were plant height, stem diameter,<br />

number of leaves per plant and plant dry weight at harvest. All<br />

dry weights were obtained by oven drying harvested materials<br />

for 48 hours at 70 0 C before weighing. All data collected were<br />

subjected to ANOVA and mean differences were compared<br />

using DMRT at 5% level of probability (Gomez and Gomez,<br />

1983).<br />

Results<br />

Density and Duration of Interaction between A. spinosus and<br />

C. argentea. In the presentation of results the four control<br />

treatments were pooled into one treatment (D0). Different<br />

densities of A. spinosus growing in association with Celosia<br />

argentea exerted significant pressure on the performance of<br />

the potherb. In the pot trial, regardless of duration of weed<br />

association, density presssure caused significant reduction in<br />

the stem height and the number of leaves per plant of Celosia<br />

argentea (Table 2). However, the treatments were not<br />

significantly different with regards to stem diameter. In the field<br />

trial, A. spinosus induced significant reduction in stem height,<br />

stem diameter and number of leaves per plant of Celosia<br />

argentea (Table 2). Dry matter production was also<br />

significantly reduced by increasing weed density regardless<br />

of duration of competition especially in the field trial, although<br />

fresh weight of Celosia a rgentea was not significantly affected<br />

by interference from A. spinosus (Table 3). It was informative<br />

that dry weight suffered as high as 50% reduction when four A.<br />

spinosus competed with one Celosia argentea for eight weeks.<br />

Critical period of interference of A. spinosus with Corchorus<br />

olitorius. In the two trials at 12 WAP the C. olitorius exposed<br />

to weedy treatment (Treatment 7) had significantly reduced<br />

height (Table 4). They were similar to plants that were weedy<br />

for at least four weeks (Treatments 3, 4, 5 & 6). The weedfree<br />

plants (Treatment 1) and those that were weedy in the first<br />

two weeks and subsequently weedfree (Treatment 2) had<br />

good height growth and were similar to those plants that<br />

were weedfree for at least two weeks (Treatments 8, 9, 10, 11<br />

& 12). The treatments followed the same trend in terms of all<br />

growth parameters considered. With regards to dry matter<br />

accumulation in the field trial, plants that were weedy for at<br />

least the first 2 weeks (Treatments 1 & 2) and those that<br />

were weedfree for at least the first four weeks (Treatments 9,<br />

10, 11 & 12) were similar and had significantly (P

Competitive impact of Amaranthus spinosus and Corchorus olitorius in Nigeria. 55

56<br />

S. OGUNYEMI et al.

Competitive impact of Amaranthus spinosus and Corchorus olitorius in Nigeria. 57<br />

Amaranthus spinosus and Celosia argentea are members<br />

of the same family. They probably have similar growth<br />

requirements, hence the keen competition between the two<br />

species for nutrients and probably moisture. The duration<br />

of competition probably contributed to the competitive<br />

effects as weed density and duration of association induced<br />

significant reduction in the stem diameter. In the field, stem<br />

diameter was significantly reduced beyond three weeds/<br />

plant and four weeks of competitive interaction. Ogunyemi<br />

et al.(2001) showed similar reduction in crop performance<br />

when Solanum nigrum grew in association with Amaranthus<br />

cruentus. Ogunyemi et al (2000) also obtained similar results<br />

in the study of the competitive interaction between<br />

Amaranthus spinosus and Glycine max.<br />

The performance of Corchorus olitorius was adversely<br />

affected by competition from Amaranthus spinosus.<br />

It is clear from the study that the critical period of interference<br />

of A. spinosus with C. olitorius lies between the first 2-4<br />

weeks of growth. This agrees with Biswas (1986) who<br />

reported 2WAP as the critical period of weed competition<br />

for Corchorus olitorius. Smith (1974) reported similar results<br />

for rice in competition with Echinochloa crus-galli. Abamu<br />

(1995) also reported that reduction in rice grain dry weight<br />

resulted from increase in the time of crop-weed association.<br />

In both potherbs, the parameters plant height, stem diameter<br />

and number of leaves are of great value in the<br />

marketability of the vegetables. Any weed interaction that<br />

causes significant reductions in these parameters deserves<br />

serious attention. Vegetable growers do not normally sell<br />

by dry weight or even fresh weight in Nigeria, but by size as<br />

indicated by height and leafiness. The subsequent presence<br />

of weed after weedfree period (wf-wd) from four weeks<br />

onward probably enhanced the yield of C. olitorius by<br />

ameliorating crop environment, especially if moisture is not<br />

limiting. Awodoyin (2000) reported that at 1600 hours in 5<br />

cm soil depth the presence of weed on soil surface compared<br />

to weedfree plot had 8.8% reduction on soil temperature.<br />

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