CITES Appendices I, II and III valid from 3 April 2012

CITES Appendices I, II and III valid from 3 April 2012

CITES Appendices I, II and III valid from 3 April 2012


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I<br />

<strong>Appendices</strong><br />

<strong>II</strong><br />

Ursus arctos isabellinus<br />

Ursus thibetanus<br />

Viverridae Binturong, civets, linsangs, otter-civet, palm civets<br />

Prionodon pardicolor<br />

Cynogale bennettii<br />

Hemigalus derbyanus<br />

Prionodon linsang<br />

CETACEA Dolphins, porpoises, whales<br />

CETACEA spp. (Except the<br />

species included in Appendix I. A<br />

zero annual export quota has<br />

been established for live<br />

specimens <strong>from</strong> the Black Sea<br />

population of Tursiops truncatus<br />

removed <strong>from</strong> the wild <strong>and</strong> traded<br />

for primarily commercial purposes)<br />

Balaenidae Bowhead whale, right whales<br />

Balaena mysticetus<br />

Eubalaena spp.<br />

Balaenopteridae Humpback whale, rorquals<br />

Balaenoptera acutorostrata<br />

(Except the population of West<br />

Greenl<strong>and</strong>, which is included in<br />

Appendix <strong>II</strong>)<br />

Balaenoptera bonaerensis<br />

Balaenoptera borealis<br />

Balaenoptera edeni<br />

Balaenoptera musculus<br />

Balaenoptera omurai<br />

Balaenoptera physalus<br />

Megaptera novaeangliae<br />

Delphinidae Dolphins<br />

Orcaella brevirostris<br />

Orcaella heinsohni<br />

Sotalia spp.<br />

Sousa spp.<br />

Eschrichtiidae Grey whale<br />

Eschrichtius robustus<br />

Iniidae River dolphins<br />

Lipotes vexillifer<br />

Neobalaenidae Pygmy right whale<br />

Caperea marginata<br />

Phocoenidae Porpoises<br />

Neophocaena phocaenoides<br />

Phocoena sinus<br />

Physeteridae Sperm whales<br />

Physeter macrocephalus<br />

<strong>Appendices</strong> I, <strong>II</strong> & <strong>II</strong>I (03/04/<strong>2012</strong>) – p. 8<br />

<strong>II</strong>I<br />

Arctictis binturong (India)<br />

Civettictis civetta (Botswana)<br />

Paguma larvata (India)<br />

Paradoxurus hermaphroditus<br />

(India)<br />

Paradoxurus jerdoni (India)<br />

Viverra civettina (India)<br />

Viverra zibetha (India)<br />

Viverricula indica (India)

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