peter langgartner harald herzl - associazione mozart italia sede di terni

peter langgartner harald herzl - associazione mozart italia sede di terni

peter langgartner harald herzl - associazione mozart italia sede di terni


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VIOLIN<br />

Harald Herzl ha preso le sue prime lezioni <strong>di</strong> violino dal padre all’età <strong>di</strong> 5 anni. Più tar<strong>di</strong><br />

è stato ammesso al Mozarteum dove si è perfezionato con Sandor Vègh nel 1973. Nel<br />

1980, completati gli stu<strong>di</strong>, ha ricevuto un Ment Award dal Ministero Federale Austriaco<br />

delle Arti e delle Scienze. Dietro consiglio <strong>di</strong> Sandor Vègh ha fondato il Pro Arte Quartet,<br />

con il quale ha ricevuto importanti premi alle competizioni che si sono svolte a Helsinki<br />

(1978) e ad Hannover (1981). Il Pro Arte Quartet si è formato con l’Amadeus Quartet<br />

all‘Accademia Musicale <strong>di</strong> Colonia intraprendendo poi una brillante carriera internazionale.<br />

Tour <strong>di</strong> successo lo hanno portato nei principali centri e festival musicali, tra i quali<br />

Vienna, Budapest, Parigi, Londra, Berlino ed Atene, e nel 1989 anche in Israele. Il grande<br />

debutto al Festival <strong>di</strong> Salisburgo nel 1991 è stato seguito da numerose altre performance<br />

presso lo stesso Festival. Di particolare interesse il concerto alla Musikverein <strong>di</strong> Vienna nel<br />

1991. Il grande <strong>di</strong>rettore e compositore Raphael Kubelik ha de<strong>di</strong>cato il suo „Quartetto per<br />

archi n. 5“ al Pro Arte Quartet. Harald Herzl ha fatto numerose registrazioni ra<strong>di</strong>ofoniche<br />

e televisive al Festival <strong>di</strong> Salisburgo. Ha un contratto esclusivo con la BMG/RCA Victor,<br />

per la quale ha registrato l’integrale dei Quartetti <strong>di</strong> Mozart. Dal 1981 insegna presso<br />

l’Accademia Mozarteum, dove dal marzo del 2000 è <strong>di</strong>ventato professore titolare. Dal<br />

2004 è Preside del Dipartimento Archi.<br />

VIOLA<br />

Patronage of :<br />

HARALD<br />

HERZL<br />

PETER<br />


Nato in Steyr (Alta Austria), è stato allievo <strong>di</strong> Jürgen Geise e Peter Schidlof dell’Amadeus<br />

Quartett. Prima viola solista nell’Orchestra del Teatro La Fenice <strong>di</strong> Venezia (1982/83) e poi<br />

nella Camerata Salzburg <strong>di</strong> Sandor Vegh (fino al 1999), è attualmente Professore <strong>di</strong> viola<br />

alla Università Mozarteum <strong>di</strong> Salisburgo. Con il Quartetto Pro Arte ha tenuto concerti nei<br />

principali centri musicali della scena internazionale, ed ha partecipato ad una incisione<br />

integrale delle opere <strong>di</strong> Mozart (BMG). Come solista ha eseguito i Concerti per viola <strong>di</strong><br />

Telemann, Mozart, Paganini, Hindemith e Feldman in Austria, Germania, Italia, Spagna,<br />

Stati Uniti, Canada, Giappone. Come camerista ha tenuto concerti con Thomas Zehetmair,<br />

Benjamin Schmid, Vla<strong>di</strong>mir Mendelssohn, Alois Brandhofer, Wolfgang Meyer, con l’ Hyperion<br />

Ensemble e l’ Okoun Ensemble. Peter Langgartner si de<strong>di</strong>ca anche a musica <strong>di</strong> generi<br />

<strong>di</strong>versi, spettacoli <strong>di</strong> cabaret musicale, musica latina (membro <strong>di</strong> Tango 59), e progetti<br />

cross over. Ha inciso i Concerti per Viola e Fiati <strong>di</strong> Zaininger, Eder e Hindemith, musica<br />

<strong>di</strong> Bach (Fantasia Cromatica, le Suite BWV 995 e 1012), l’integrale dei Quartetti <strong>di</strong> Mozart<br />

(RCA Red Seal), il Concerto per viola <strong>di</strong> Telemann (Arte Nova). E’ autore del libro <strong>di</strong> satira<br />

musicale “Ein Menü für Herrn Brahms”.<br />



Detailed teacher information on the site:<br />

www.<strong>mozart</strong><strong>italia</strong><strong>terni</strong>.org<br />

Harald Herzl received his first violin lessons from his father at the age of five. Later he was<br />

accepted into the Mozarteum Academy of Music in Salzburg, Austria, where he entered in<br />

Sandor Vègh`s master class in 1973. In 1980 he completed his stu<strong>di</strong>es at the Mozarteum,<br />

and received a Ment Award from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts and Sciences. On<br />

the advice of Sandor Vègh, he founded the Pro Arte Quartet, which gained prizes at competitions<br />

in Helsinki (1978) and Hanover (1981). The quartet trained under the Amadeus<br />

Quartet at the Academy of Music in Cologne, and embarked on a <strong>di</strong>stinguished international<br />

career. Successful concert tours took them to the principal European music centres<br />

and festivals, inclu<strong>di</strong>ng Vienna, Budapest, Paris, London, Berlin and Athens, and in 1989<br />

also through Israel. Their noteworthy debut at the 1991 Salzburg Festival was followed by<br />

numerous performances in the Salzburg Mozart Festival. In 1991 they gave performances<br />

in the hall of the Musikverein in Vienna. The conductor Raphael Kubelik de<strong>di</strong>cated his 5th<br />

String Quartet to the Pro Arte Quartet. Harald Herzl has made numerous ra<strong>di</strong>o and television<br />

recor<strong>di</strong>ngs in the Salzburg Mozart Festival. He has an exclusive contract with BMG/<br />

RCA Victor, for whom the quartet has recorded the complete quartets of Mozart. Since<br />

1981 he has held a teaching post at the Mozarteum Academy, where he is to become<br />

a professor in March 2000. Since 2004 chairman of the department for string stu<strong>di</strong>es.<br />

Detailed teacher information on the site:<br />

www.<strong>mozart</strong><strong>italia</strong><strong>terni</strong>.org<br />

He was born in northern Austria and <strong>di</strong>d his musical stu<strong>di</strong>es with Jürgen Geise (Mozarteum),<br />

Peter Schidlof (Amadeus Quartet) and William Primrose, Subsequently he was Viola<br />

Soloist at the Opera in Venice, Italy and with the Camerata Salzburg with Sandor Vegh and<br />

Roger Norrington. As a soloist he has played Concerts for the Viola by Telemann, Mozart,<br />

Paganini, Hindemith and Feldman in Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain, USA, Canada and<br />

Japan. He has also appeared with numerous chamber music ensembles with musicians<br />

such as Thomas Zehetmair, Benjamin Schmid, Vla<strong>di</strong>mir Mendelssohn, Alois Brandhofer<br />

and Wolfgang Meyer and with the Hyperion Ensemble and the Okoun Ensemble. Since<br />

1985 he has been a member of the Pro Arte Quartet. In ad<strong>di</strong>tion, Peter Langgartner has an<br />

interest in various music genres, from cabaret music shows and Latin-American music<br />

(he is a Tango 59 member) to cross over projects. He has recorded Concerts for Viola<br />

and Wind Instruments by Zainiger, Eder and Hindemith, the Fantasia Cromatica, Suite<br />

BWV 995 and Suite BWV 1012 by Bach, the complete quartets of Mozart (RCA Red Seal),<br />

as well as Telemann’s Concert for Viola (Arte Nova). He is presently viola instructor at the<br />

Mozarteum Unversity, Salzburg. He is also the author of the book of musical satire “Ein<br />

Menü für Herrn Brahms”.


Send by July 31th, 2011 to Associazione Mozart Italia <strong>sede</strong> <strong>di</strong> Terni, Casella Postale 111, Terni Centro, 05100 Terni (Tr), Italy<br />

Via Email: anais.lirica@gmail.com<br />

Name and surname...........................................................................................................<br />

Place and date of birth ......................................................................................................<br />

Fiscal code.........................................................................................................................<br />

Nationality and address.....................................................................................................<br />

Phone...................................................................................................................................<br />

Mobile...................................................................................................................................<br />

E-mail....................................................................................................................................<br />


Course.................................................................................................................................<br />

Teacher................................................................................................................................<br />

Effective Au<strong>di</strong>tor<br />

The undersigned declares that he/she has read and accepts without reserve the<br />

regulations of the Music Masterclasses in Narni, 2011.<br />

Date.....................................................................................................................................<br />

Signature..............................................................................................................................<br />

1 - The Associazione Mozart Italia, Terni branch in collaboration with the City of Narni institutes Masterclasses in Voice-Opera, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, French Horn, Trumpet,<br />

Trombone, Percussion, Violin, Viola, Cello and Contrabbass. The courses will be held in suitable spaces in the me<strong>di</strong>eval quarter of the city of Narni from August 16th to 22nd, accor<strong>di</strong>ng<br />

to a schedule to be determined by each in<strong>di</strong>vidual teacher.<br />

2 - The courses are open to all musicians without <strong>di</strong>stinction of age or nationality, who will be classified as effective or au<strong>di</strong>tor. At the <strong>di</strong>scretion of the teacher an admission exam may<br />

be requested for the effectives.<br />

3 - Exclu<strong>di</strong>ng exceptions that may be accorded by the Directors, each course will start only when a minimum of 8 effective participants has been reached. The maximum number of<br />

participants in a course will be determined by each in<strong>di</strong>vidual teacher.<br />

4 - The registration form which must be compiled by all effective students is found together with this list of regulations or can be downloaded from the site of the Associazione Mozart<br />

Italia <strong>sede</strong> <strong>di</strong> Terni. The form must be sent via registered mail, postmarked on or before July 31th, 2011, to the administration office of Associazione Mozart Italia <strong>sede</strong> <strong>di</strong> Terni, Casella<br />

Postale 111, 05100 Terni Centro. In certain limited cases the Directors may decide, at their <strong>di</strong>scretion, to accept applications made after the deadline of July 31 nd.<br />

Applicants must include with their registration form:<br />

A) Copy of the bank transfer in the amount of 100.00 Euros made out to<br />

Associazione Mozart Italia <strong>sede</strong> <strong>di</strong> Terni - Cassa <strong>di</strong> Risparmio <strong>di</strong> Lucca Pisa Livorno, agenzia <strong>di</strong> Terni IBAN IT38V0620014400000000000717 - Cod. SWIFT: BPALITL 1538.<br />

This sum includes the course registration fee together with a compulsory membership fee for Associazione Mozart Italia <strong>sede</strong> <strong>di</strong> Terni<br />

B) 2 passport-sized photos C) Copy of a photo ID D) Curriculum E) List of the music proposed for the course F) Copy of the piano arrangement of the music chosen, for the accompanying<br />

pianists (optional) G) In the case of a minor, authorization of a parent or guar<strong>di</strong>an<br />

5 - The registration form which must be compiled by all au<strong>di</strong>ting students is found together with these regulations or can be downloaded from the site Associazione Mozart Italia <strong>sede</strong> <strong>di</strong><br />

Terni. The form must be sent via registered mail, postmarked on or before July 31th, 2011, to the administration office of Associazione Mozart Italia <strong>sede</strong> <strong>di</strong> Terni, Casella Postale 111,<br />

05100 Terni Centro. In certain limited cases the Directors may decide, at their <strong>di</strong>scretion, to accept applications made after the deadline of July 31th.<br />

Applicants must include with their registration form:<br />

A) Copy of the single payment of 120.00 Euros (without any ad<strong>di</strong>tional fees at the beginning of the courses) via a bank transfer made out to<br />

Associazione Mozart Italia <strong>sede</strong> <strong>di</strong> Terni - Cassa <strong>di</strong> Risparmio <strong>di</strong> Lucca Pisa Livorno, <strong>sede</strong> <strong>di</strong> Terni - IBAN IT38V0620014400000000000717 - Cod. SWIFT: BPALITL 1538.<br />

The payment includes registration, membership fee and the right to au<strong>di</strong>t the courses. B) 2 passport-sized photos C) Copy of a photo ID D) In the case of a minor, authorization of a<br />

parent or guar<strong>di</strong>an<br />

6 - Tuition for effective students must be paid <strong>di</strong>rectly at the Administration Office of the Association before lessons, on the day the course begins.<br />

A) VOICE: 285.00 Euros B) ALL INSTRUMENTS (exclu<strong>di</strong>ng percussion): 250.00 Euros C) PERCUSSION: 285.00 Euros<br />

7 - In the case of withdrawal from a course, the registration fee will not be reimbursed. A reimbursement will be made in the sole case that the organization is forced to annul the course<br />

for reasons independent of the will of the participants. Tuition for the courses will not be reimbursed for any reason once the courses have begun.<br />

8 - The organization is not responsible for eventual damage to persons or effects which might occur during the period of the courses.<br />

9 - Participants must bring two copies of the music they propose, with the relative piano sheet music, and a music stand.<br />

10 - An official certificate of attendance will be issued to each student at the end of the courses.<br />

11 - Final concerts are planned for the most proficient students. These will be held in Narni, at the City Theater, at the San Domenico Au<strong>di</strong>torium and in outdoor spaces. A final concert<br />

will also be held in the town of San Gemini,in the cloister of the church of San Francesco. This may consist of solo recitals or Ensemble performances (with relative rehearsals) in which<br />

students are expected to participate, if their teacher feels it is opportune.<br />

12 - Accompanying pianists will be available, on request from the teacher, for all students.<br />

13 - The Directors may choose one or more particularly deserving musicians among the students who perform in the final concerts and invite them to give a concert in Terni during the<br />

2012 season. In this, the decision of the Directors is final.<br />

14 - A Special Scholarship of 500.00 Euros is hereby instituted by the Directors for the best soloist interpretation of a work of Mozart performed during the final concerts. The Scholarship<br />

may remain unassigned in the case that no performance is deemed suitable.<br />

For detailed information regar<strong>di</strong>ng the hotels with which we have stipulated an agreement and relative costs for the duration of the Courses, consult the site: www.<strong>mozart</strong><strong>italia</strong><strong>terni</strong>.org.<br />

For information and reservations call (or text)+39 393 1612838 or send an email to anais.lirica@gmail.com. Prospective students are advised to book<br />

far in advance to ensure fin<strong>di</strong>ng accomodations in the center of Narni.

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