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1996 McGUIRE-SYSTEMATICS OF CROTAPHYTID LIZARDS 7 was not evident in the characters in question. Unless otherwise stated, scale terminology follows Smith (1946), skull terminology follows Oelrich (1 956), and postcranial skeletal terminology follows Eth- eridge (1964, 1965, 1967), Hofstetter and Gasc (1969), and de Queiroz (1987). Museum numbers of crotaphytid specimens examined and their lo- calities are listed in Appendix 1, along with museum numbers of iguanian outgroup taxa examined. Hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships were es- timated using cladistic analysis (e.g., Hennig, 1966; Wiley, 198 1). Character states were polarized using outgroup analysis (Watrous and Wheeler, 198 1 ; Maddison et al., 1984), a procedure that was com- plicated by the lack ofinterfamilial resolution within Iguania (see discussion of outgoup taxa below). Many characters could not be polarized unequivo- cally and these were described as "unpolarized" or "not polarized" in the character descriptions. Once character polarities were obtained, a hypothetical ancestor was constructed summarizing the hypoth- esized ancestral states for each character. The hy- pothetical ancestor was included in the analysis in order to root the tree. The phylogenetic software employed here was a test version of PAUP (version 4.0.0d26, Swofford, 1995). Because the number of taxa is relatively small, the branch-and-bound al- gorithm of Hendy and Penny (1 982) was employed, guaranteeing that all most parsimonious trees would be discovered. Logical incongruencies (e.g., trans- formations of the collar pattern in species that have no collar) were coded as missing or unknown data ("?"). Following the recovery of the most parsi- monious tree, tree stability and phylogenetic infor- mation content were tested using the nonparametric bootstrap (Felsenstein, 1985; 2000 bootstrap rep- licates), as well as analyses of tree length distribution skewness (g, statistic; Hillis, 199 1 ; Huelsenbeck, 199 1; Hillis and Huelsenbeck, 1992) and the decay index (Donoghue et al., 1992). Simulations indicate that a strongly lefi-skewed distribution of tree lengths (described by a negative g, value) is an indicator of phylogenetic information content of the data (Hillis, 199 1 ; Huelsenbeck, 199 1 ; Hillis and Huelsenbeck, 1992). Hillis and Huelsenbeck (1 992) provided crit- ical g, values for data matrices composed of various numbers of binary and four state characters. Because this data set differs from the simulated data sets generated by Hillis and Huelsenbeck (1 992) both in number of characters and in the numbers of states per character, new g, critical values were calculated that are specific to this data set using a computer Table I .- Recalculared g, critical values expected for randont data for rhe nrorpho1og)t-onlj~, a1lo:j~me-onlji, and morphology + allozyme (alloz~~~nes coded using Manhattan distance frequency approach) data sers and the obsen?ed g, value for each. Nwnber.of informauve Number characten of P - 0.05 P - 0.01 Obrmd Morphology only: 88 13 -0.15 -0.16 - 1.49 Allozymes: 10 7 -0.43 -0.45 -0.50 Morphology -t Allozymes: 98 13 -0.15 -0.15 -1.45 program written by J. Huelsenbeck (Table 1 ). These values were generated by randomly reshuffling char- acter states among taxa in the original data set 100 times and recalculating the g, for each reshuffled matrix. Critical values at both 95 percent and 99 percent confidence intervals were then calculated from the distribution of g, values generated. FREQUENCY CODING The character coding scheme applied to morpho- logical data in this analysis is a frequency approach developed by Wiens (19936, 1995). An approach wherein polymorphic characters are excluded from the analysis is rejected because it is clear that many characters will be found to be polymorphic given a sufficient sample site. This was especially evident in this analysis as large sample sizes were available for both preserved (up to 87 specimens per taxon) and osteological (as many as 55 specimens per tax- on) material. Under the frequency approach, each binary character is partitioned into 25 bins (a-y), each representing 4 percent of the total range of possible frequencies that may be observed in a poly- morphic or monomorphic character (i.e., bin a = 0-3%, bin b = 4-7%, and so on; Table 2). Note that it is necessary for one of the bins to have a range of 5 percent rather than 4 percent in order to encom- pass the entire range of possible frequencies (O- 100%); this bin was arbitrarily chosen as bin y (96- 100%). Twenty-five frequency bins were used be- cause this was the maximum number of whole num- ber bins (i.e., 4 percent vs. 3.26 percent per bin, etc.) that PAUP is able to include (although PAUP will allow up to 3 1 bins; Swofford, 1995). Those char- acters that were analyzed using frequency coding were treated as ordered, following the assumption that any character state transformation must pass through a polymorphic state, no matter how tran- sitory, before reaching fixation (Wiens, 1993b, 1995). Frequency coding was not applied to the three mul-

8 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 32 Table 2.-Frequency valttesjbr the 25 ordered bins employed in thejirequency coding analyses (Wiens, 1995). tistate characters that also showed intraspecific polymorphism (characters 75, 84, and 85) because the raw frequency data were not obtained for these characters. For these three characters, the polymor- phic OTUs were assigned more than one character state and PAUP's "interpret multiple states as un- certainty" option was invoked. Two additional mul- tistate characters were included (characters 28 and 68), but in these cases each terminal taxon was fixed for a particular character state. The frequency cod- ing approach is unnecessary with respect to these characters (or fixed binary characters) because fre- quency coding only behaves differently from stan- dard binary coding when at least one OTU exhibits more than one character state. For example, if taxa A, B, and C are fixed for the ancestral state and taxa D, E, and F are fixed for the derived state, then under frequency coding A, B, and C will be assigned state "a" (&3.99%) and D, E, and F will be assigned state "y" (96-100%). The ordered transformation from "a" to "y" takes one step, the same number of steps that would be assigned to this transforma- tion using standard binary coding. As a result, a clade composed of taxa D, E, and F would be re- covered and it would be supported by a single corn- plete character state transformation (= one step). All six multistate characters were treated as unor- dered because no a priori information was available that would suggest a particular sequence through which these character states most likely evolved. An allozyme data set taken from Montanucci et al. (1975) was incorporated into this analysis. These data were analyzed using a modified version of the Mabee and Humphries (1 993) coding approach. Step matrices were again used, but frequency information was incorporated using Manhattan distances (Wiens, 1995). This approach allowed polymorphic allo- zyme data to be analyzed in a manner analogous to the frequency coding approach used for the mor- phology data. Alternatives to the Manhattan dis- tance frequency approach employed in the analyses of the allozyme data include the use of polymorphic coding (terminology taken from Wiens, 1999, wherein the locus is the character and the allele is the character state, and the step matrix approach recommended by Mabee and Humphries (1993). Wiens (1995) found that the Manhattan distance frequency approach performed better than either of these alternatives (plus a number of additional al- ternative approaches as well). Nevertheless, com- bined analyses were also undertaken in which the allozyme data were analyzed using polymorphic coding and the Mabee and Humphries (1993) ap- proaches. The allozyme data were analyzed sepa- rately in order to test for phylogenetic signal (using the bootstrap and skewness statistic). These data were then analyzed together with the morphological data generated in this study in order to determine whether together they could provide additional res- olution or modify the topology produced by the morphological data alone. In the combined analy- ses, the multistate morphological characters were assigned a weight of 100 in order that they be weight- ed equally with the allozyme characters (because the Manhattan distance approach effectively weights characters 100 times more strongly than standard binary characters). For the same reason, the fre- quency bin characters were assigned weights of four because the frequency bin approach effectively weights characters by 24. Therefore, all of the char- acters were given approximately equal weight. INGROUP MONOPHYLY The rnonophyly of crotaphytid lizards has never been questioned and, as Etheridge and de Queiroz (1988) pointed out, the most persistent taxonomic


was not evident in the characters in question. Unless<br />

otherwise stated, scale terminology follows Smith<br />

(1946), skull terminology follows Oelrich (1 956),<br />

and postcranial skeletal terminology follows Eth-<br />

eridge (1964, 1965, 1967), Hofstetter and Gasc<br />

(1969), and de Queiroz (1987). Museum numbers<br />

of crotaphytid specimens examined and their lo-<br />

calities are listed in Appendix 1, along with museum<br />

numbers of iguanian outgroup taxa examined.<br />

Hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships were es-<br />

timated using cladistic analysis (e.g., Hennig, 1966;<br />

Wiley, 198 1). Character states were polarized using<br />

outgroup analysis (Watrous and Wheeler, 198 1 ;<br />

Maddison et al., 1984), a procedure that was com-<br />

plicated by the lack ofinterfamilial resolution within<br />

Iguania (see discussion of outgoup taxa below).<br />

Many characters could not be polarized unequivo-<br />

cally and these were described as "unpolarized" or<br />

"not polarized" in the character descriptions. Once<br />

character polarities were obtained, a hypothetical<br />

ancestor was constructed summarizing the hypoth-<br />

esized ancestral states for each character. The hy-<br />

pothetical ancestor was included in the analysis in<br />

order to root the tree. The phylogenetic software<br />

employed here was a test version of PAUP (version<br />

4.0.0d26, Swofford, 1995). Because the number of<br />

taxa is relatively small, the branch-and-bound al-<br />

gorithm of Hendy and Penny (1 982) was employed,<br />

guaranteeing that all most parsimonious trees would<br />

be discovered. Logical incongruencies (e.g., trans-<br />

formations of the collar pattern in species that have<br />

no collar) were coded as missing or unknown data<br />

("?"). Following the recovery of the most parsi-<br />

monious tree, tree stability and phylogenetic infor-<br />

mation content were tested using the nonparametric<br />

bootstrap (Felsenstein, 1985; 2000 bootstrap rep-<br />

licates), as well as analyses of tree length distribution<br />

skewness (g, statistic; Hillis, 199 1 ; Huelsenbeck,<br />

199 1; Hillis and Huelsenbeck, 1992) and the decay<br />

index (Donoghue et al., 1992). Simulations indicate<br />

that a strongly lefi-skewed distribution of tree lengths<br />

(described by a negative g, value) is an indicator of<br />

phylogenetic information content of the data (Hillis,<br />

199 1 ; Huelsenbeck, 199 1 ; Hillis and Huelsenbeck,<br />

1992). Hillis and Huelsenbeck (1 992) provided crit-<br />

ical g, values for data matrices composed of various<br />

numbers of binary and four state characters. Because<br />

this data set differs from the simulated data sets<br />

generated by Hillis and Huelsenbeck (1 992) both in<br />

number of characters and in the numbers of states<br />

per character, new g, critical values were calculated<br />

that are specific to this data set using a computer<br />

Table I .- Recalculared g, critical values expected for randont data<br />

for rhe nrorpho1og)t-onlj~, a1lo:j~me-onlji, and morphology + allozyme<br />

(alloz~~~nes coded using Manhattan distance frequency approach)<br />

data sers and the obsen?ed g, value for each.<br />

Nwnber.of<br />

informauve Number<br />

characten of P - 0.05 P - 0.01 Obrmd<br />

Morphology only: 88 13 -0.15 -0.16 - 1.49<br />

Allozymes: 10 7 -0.43 -0.45 -0.50<br />

Morphology -t<br />

Allozymes: 98 13 -0.15 -0.15 -1.45<br />

program written by J. Huelsenbeck (Table 1 ). These<br />

values were generated by randomly reshuffling char-<br />

acter states among taxa in the original data set 100<br />

times and recalculating the g, for each reshuffled<br />

matrix. Critical values at both 95 percent and 99<br />

percent confidence intervals were then calculated<br />

from the distribution of g, values generated.<br />


CODING<br />

The character coding scheme applied to morpho-<br />

logical data in this analysis is a frequency approach<br />

developed by Wiens (19936, 1995). An approach<br />

wherein polymorphic characters are excluded from<br />

the analysis is rejected because it is clear that many<br />

characters will be found to be polymorphic given a<br />

sufficient sample site. This was especially evident<br />

in this analysis as large sample sizes were available<br />

for both preserved (up to 87 specimens per taxon)<br />

and osteological (as many as 55 specimens per tax-<br />

on) material. Under the frequency approach, each<br />

binary character is partitioned into 25 bins (a-y),<br />

each representing 4 percent of the total range of<br />

possible frequencies that may be observed in a poly-<br />

morphic or monomorphic character (i.e., bin a =<br />

0-3%, bin b = 4-7%, and so on; Table 2). Note that<br />

it is necessary for one of the bins to have a range of<br />

5 percent rather than 4 percent in order to encom-<br />

pass the entire range of possible frequencies (O-<br />

100%); this bin was arbitrarily chosen as bin y (96-<br />

100%). Twenty-five frequency bins were used be-<br />

cause this was the maximum number of whole num-<br />

ber bins (i.e., 4 percent vs. 3.26 percent per bin, etc.)<br />

that PAUP is able to include (although PAUP will<br />

allow up to 3 1 bins; Swofford, 1995). Those char-<br />

acters that were analyzed using frequency coding<br />

were treated as ordered, following the assumption<br />

that any character state transformation must pass<br />

through a polymorphic state, no matter how tran-<br />

sitory, before reaching fixation (Wiens, 1993b, 1995).<br />

Frequency coding was not applied to the three mul-

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