Sophie Cat 56 - Sophie Dupre

Sophie Cat 56 - Sophie Dupre Sophie Cat 56 - Sophie Dupre
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77 BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, PHOTOGRAPHS &OTHER CURIOSITIES ON VOYAGES &TRAVEL PIRATED FRENCH EDITION OF COOK’S FIRST VOYAGE. 692. [BOUGAINVILLE] Voyage autour du monde, par la Fregate du Roi La Boudeuse, et La Flute L’Etoile; en 1766-1769, [with] [Magra] Supplément Au Voyage de M. de Bougainville; ou Journal d’un Voyage Autour du Mond, fait par MM. Banks & Solander, Anglois, en 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771. Traduit de l’Anglois, par M. de Fréville, Second Enlarged Edition, 20 folding maps, 3 plates, [viii] + xliii + 336 pp. lacking hf title [ii] + 453 + [iii] pp. hf title + xvi + 362 + iii pp. full contemporary calf, gilt spine, some slight wear, some occasional spotting, together 3 vols, uniform contemporary speckled calf, spines gilt, some slight wear, Paris 1772 [10465] £1,500 Beddie 697. Toussaint D.96. This Supplement to Bougainville, is the first French account of Cooks first voyage, was pirated from the unofficial account published by Becket in London a year earlier. However this edition does contain two additions not in the English editions. The first pp. 251-86, a letter by Philibert Commerson who had accompanied Bougainville. He was the naturalist who had collected a colourful unkown plant and introduced it into Mauritius and named it in honor of his Commander, Bougainvillaea. He has been called the Father of Mauritian Botany. This letter is about Madagscar, Réunion & Mauritius and appears never to have been reprinted. The other by “M. le B. de G. Au sujet de la possibilité d’un passage de la mer duNord ou Océan atlantique, dans la mer du Sud ou pacifique, par les mers septentrionales” pp. 287-362. Beaglehole in his Textual Introduction to Cook’s First Voyage presents from the handful of people who could have written this Journal a remarkably tight case for James Magra. Of the texts connected with this famous first voyage, it is the only one that shows any animosity towards Cook. It was recorded by Cook that he suspected Magra of being behind an ugly prank on Richard Orton the captain’s clerk, who one night in a blind stupor had his clothes cut off him and parts of his ears amputated. Cook dismissed Magra the Quarter deck “to show my immediate resentment against the person on whome the suspicion fell least they should not have stopped there.” He later reinstated him. Another pointer to the authorship is in the text referring to New Zealand, mentions that there are “sweet potatoes, like those of Carolina.” Magra was an American, born in New York. The first Becket and de Hondt edition was published in London within two months of the return of the Endeavour containing a flattering dedication to Banks and Solander, but after protests this was withdrawn. The Dublin edition, issued a year later, contains this surpressed dedication. 693. BOYAJIAN (Zabelle C.) In Greece with Pen and Palette, ep maps, 15 coloured plates, 1938 [10788] £25 694. BOYD (Julia) Hannah Riddell An Englishwoman in Japan, With a Foreword by HRH The Princess of Wales, maps, plates, dw, Tokyo, 1996 [10870] £15 Riddell was a missionary to lepers in the first half of the 20th century 695. BRADNUM (Frederick) The Long Walks, Journeys to the sources of the White Nile, ep. maps, dw. 1969 [CF8223] £20 Burton, Speke, Grant and the Bakers. 696. BRIDGES (R.C.) & P.E.H. Hair. Compassing the Vaste Globe of the Earth Studies in the History of the Hakluyt Society 1846-1996 With a complete list of the Society’s Publications, 30 plates, dw, Hakluyt Society Second Series 183, 1996 [11432] £30 697. BRIDGES (R.C.) & P.E.H. Hair eds. Compassing the Vaste Globe of the Earth Studies in the History of the Hakluyt Society 1846-1996 with a complete List of the Society’s Publications, maps and plates, dw, Hakluyt Society Second Series vol 183, 1996 [10913] £24 698. BROADLEY (A.M.) The Last Punic War, Tunis, Past and Present, with a Narrative of the French Conquest of the Regency, map, 2 plans, portriat, & 16 plates, 2 vols hf. red morocco, upper joints a little tender, slight wear, 1882 [CF8222] £95 699. BROOMHALL (Marshall) Our Seal Being The Witness of the China Inland Mission to the Faithfulness of God plates, slight wear, 1933 [10654] £40 700. BROTHERS (A.) Photography: Its History, Processes, Apparatus, and Materials. Comprising Working Details of all the more important methods, 24 plates, title spotted, stain on spine, 1892 [10840] £225 Brothers, the well known Manchester Photographer, was one of the pioneers in travel photography. 701. BROWNE (James Stark) Through South Africa with the British Association, numerous plates, some faint spotting, spine faded, 1906 [CF7917] £35 702. BRYANS (Robin) The Azores, map, plates, dw. 1963 [CF8225] £25 703. BULLEN (Frank T.) The Men of the Merchant Service being the Polity of the Mercantile Marine for Longshore Readers, FIRST EDITION, 1900 [10547] £65 704. BULLEN (Frank T.) Deep Sea Plunderings A Collection of Stories of the Sea, third impression, 8 plates, 1901 [10548] £35 705. BUNBURY (Selina) Russia After the War. The Narrative of a Visit to that Country in 1856, 2 vols, small snick on the spine of vol 2, 1857 [3769] £145 Selina Bunbury was one of the intrepid women to follow their husbands to the War in the Crimea. This visit to the country of a former enemy came about as her husband was escorting a band of Russian prisoners back home.

Clive Farahar & Sophie Dupré, XV The Green, Calne, Wilts, SN1 8DQ, Tel: (01249) 821121 78 706. BURLAND (Cottie) Eskimo Art, ep maps, numerous illusts, many in colour, name on hf. title, 4to, 1973 [CF6835] £50 707. BURTON (Capt. R.F. trans.) The Lands of Cazembe, Lacerda’s Journey to Cazembe in 1798... also Journey of the Pombeiros P.J. Baptista and Amaro José, across Africa from Angola to Tette on the Zambeze, trans by A Beadle; and a Résumé of the Journey of MM. Monteiro and Gamitto by Dr. C.T. Beke, folding coloured map and title spotted, original cloth, spine laid down, 1873 [11165] £220 708. BURTON (Capt. Sir R.F.) On Lake Tanganyika, Ptolemy’s Western Lake-Reservoir of the Nile, 15 pp. article in Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, vol 35, original printed wrappers dust soiled, papered spine worn and cracked, 12 maps including a photographically reproduced “Stereoscopic Map”, illustrating other articles, 1865 [10848] £350 This volume also contains John Hanning Speke’s Obituary 3 pp. Richard Thornton’s Notes on a Journey to Kilima-ndjairo 6 pp. John Kirk’s Notes of two Expeditions up the River Rovuma, East Africa, 13 pp. Lewis Pelly’s A Visit to the Wahabee Capital, Central Arabia, 22 pp. James Martin’s Exploration in North-Western Australia, 52 pp. & J. Petherick’s Land Journey westward of the White Nile 12 pp. 709. BURTON. Casada (James A.) Sir Richard F. Burton A Bibliographical Study, portrait frontis. 1990 [11402] £45 710. BURTON (Sir R.F.) & F.F. Arbuthnot, trans. The Kama Sutra of Vastayana, Edited with a Preface by W.G. Archer, introduction by K.M. Panikkar, dw, 1963 [CF4633] £20 THE ROXBURGH BURTON 711. BURTON & SPEKE. The Search for the Source of the Nile: Correspondence between Captain Richard Burton, Captain John Speke and others, from Burton’s unpublished East African Letter Book; together with other related letters and papers in the collection of Quentin Keynes, Esq. now printed for the first time. Edited, with a Biographical Commentary, by Donald Young; and with a Preface by Quentin Keynes, folding map, tipped in portait frontis, tipped in 4 pp. facsimile letter, title in red and black, original blind stamped pictorial cloth, The Roxburgh Club, 1999 [10971] £125 712. BUSH (Lewis) Land of the Dragonfly, [Japan] maps, plates, 1959 [10498] £15 An analysis of Japan during the first half of the century. 713. BUTLER (David Allen) Unsinkable The Full Story of RMS Titanic, ep maps, plates, dw, 1998 [10873] £15 714. BUTOW (Robert J.C.) Japan’s Decision to Surrender, Foreword by Edwin O. Reischauer, xi + 259 pp. Advance Review Copy, original printed wrappers, Stanford University Press, 1954 [CF3754] £25 715. BUXTON (C.) Memoirs of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Baronet, with selections from his correspondence, third edition, portrait frontis. spotted, calf, spine a little worn, upper joint cracked, 1851 [CF3755] £55 Toussaint D255. 716. BYRON’S Journal of his Circumnavigation 1764- 1766, edited by Robert E. Gallagher, folding maps, plates, spine a little sunned, Hakluyt Society Second Series, CXXII, 1964 [CF3757] £25 717. CABATON (A.) Java, Sumatra, and Other Islands of the Dutch East Indies, translated with a preface by Bernard Miall large folding map, numerous plates, some occasional faint spotting, thk.8vo, 1911 [10634] £155 718. CADAMOSTO. The Voyages of Cadamosto and other documents on Western Africa in thesecond half of the Fifteenth Century translated and edited by G.R. Crone, 3 folding maps, some occasional spotting, spine a little soiled, Hakluyt Society Second Series, LXXX, 1937 [10978] £125 719. CAMPBELL (Lord George) Log Letters from “The Challenger”, folding coloured map, modern hf. calf, 1876 [CF4733] £150 Inscribed to J.New from the Duchess of Argyll “E. Argyll”, mother of the author. 720. CAMPBELL (R.J.) The Discovery of the South Shetland Islands, The Voyage of the Brig Williams, 1819-1820 and the Journal of Midshipman C.W. Poynter, 9 maps, 16 coloured and 6 other plates, roy 8vo, dw, Hakluyt Society Third Series, Vol 4, 2000 [11444] £45 721. CARNOCHAN (F.G.) & H.C. Adamson. Out of Africa, plates, 1937 [10786] £30 The Tanganyikan story of Kalola head of the powerful Snake Guild, who was present at the meeting between Stanley and Livingstone a Ujiji in 1871. He died in 1933 722. CARRINGTON (Charles ed.) Untrodden Fields of Anthropology Observations on the Esoteric Manners and Customs of Semi-Civilized Peoples; being a record of Thirty Years’ Experience in Asia, Africa, America and Oceania by a French Army-Surgeon, Second Edition, 2 vols, original cloth, wrappers bound in, Limited to 1000 numbered copies, Paris, 1898 [10758] £250 An extraordinary work concerning sexual practises across the globe. The bibliography includes many references to Sir Richard Burton




692. [BOUGAINVILLE] Voyage autour du monde, par<br />

la Fregate du Roi La Boudeuse, et La Flute L’Etoile;<br />

en 1766-1769, [with] [Magra] Supplément Au<br />

Voyage de M. de Bougainville; ou Journal d’un<br />

Voyage Autour du Mond, fait par MM. Banks &<br />

Solander, Anglois, en 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771.<br />

Traduit de l’Anglois, par M. de Fréville, Second<br />

Enlarged Edition, 20 folding maps, 3 plates, [viii] +<br />

xliii + 336 pp. lacking hf title [ii] + 453 + [iii] pp. hf<br />

title + xvi + 362 + iii pp. full contemporary calf, gilt<br />

spine, some slight wear, some occasional spotting,<br />

together 3 vols, uniform contemporary speckled calf,<br />

spines gilt, some slight wear, Paris 1772<br />

[10465] £1,500<br />

Beddie 697. Toussaint D.96.<br />

This Supplement to Bougainville, is the first French<br />

account of Cooks first voyage, was pirated from the<br />

unofficial account published by Becket in London a year<br />

earlier. However this edition does contain two additions<br />

not in the English editions. The first pp. 251-86, a letter<br />

by Philibert Commerson who had accompanied<br />

Bougainville. He was the naturalist who had collected a<br />

colourful unkown plant and introduced it into Mauritius<br />

and named it in honor of his Commander, Bougainvillaea.<br />

He has been called the Father of Mauritian Botany. This<br />

letter is about Madagscar, Réunion & Mauritius and<br />

appears never to have been reprinted. The other by “M.<br />

le B. de G. Au sujet de la possibilité d’un passage de la<br />

mer duNord ou Océan atlantique, dans la mer du Sud ou<br />

pacifique, par les mers septentrionales” pp. 287-362.<br />

Beaglehole in his Textual Introduction to Cook’s First<br />

Voyage presents from the handful of people who could<br />

have written this Journal a remarkably tight case for<br />

James Magra. Of the texts connected with this famous<br />

first voyage, it is the only one that shows any animosity<br />

towards Cook. It was recorded by Cook that he suspected<br />

Magra of being behind an ugly prank on Richard Orton<br />

the captain’s clerk, who one night in a blind stupor had<br />

his clothes cut off him and parts of his ears amputated.<br />

Cook dismissed Magra the Quarter deck “to show my<br />

immediate resentment against the person on whome the<br />

suspicion fell least they should not have stopped there.”<br />

He later reinstated him.<br />

Another pointer to the authorship is in the text referring to<br />

New Zealand, mentions that there are “sweet potatoes,<br />

like those of Carolina.” Magra was an American, born in<br />

New York.<br />

The first Becket and de Hondt edition was published in<br />

London within two months of the return of the Endeavour<br />

containing a flattering dedication to Banks and Solander,<br />

but after protests this was withdrawn. The Dublin edition,<br />

issued a year later, contains this surpressed dedication.<br />

693. BOYAJIAN (Zabelle C.) In Greece with Pen and<br />

Palette, ep maps, 15 coloured plates, 1938<br />

[10788] £25<br />

694. BOYD (Julia) Hannah Riddell An Englishwoman in<br />

Japan, With a Foreword by HRH The Princess of<br />

Wales, maps, plates, dw, Tokyo, 1996 [10870] £15<br />

Riddell was a missionary to lepers in the first half of the<br />

20th century<br />

695. BRADNUM (Frederick) The Long Walks,<br />

Journeys to the sources of the White Nile, ep. maps,<br />

dw. 1969 [CF8223] £20<br />

Burton, Speke, Grant and the Bakers.<br />

696. BRIDGES (R.C.) & P.E.H. Hair. Compassing the<br />

Vaste Globe of the Earth Studies in the History of<br />

the Hakluyt Society 1846-1996 With a complete list<br />

of the Society’s Publications, 30 plates, dw, Hakluyt<br />

Society Second Series 183, 1996 [11432] £30<br />

697. BRIDGES (R.C.) & P.E.H. Hair eds. Compassing<br />

the Vaste Globe of the Earth Studies in the History<br />

of the Hakluyt Society 1846-1996 with a complete<br />

List of the Society’s Publications, maps and plates,<br />

dw, Hakluyt Society Second Series vol 183, 1996<br />

[10913] £24<br />

698. BROADLEY (A.M.) The Last Punic War, Tunis,<br />

Past and Present, with a Narrative of the French<br />

Conquest of the Regency, map, 2 plans, portriat, &<br />

16 plates, 2 vols hf. red morocco, upper joints a little<br />

tender, slight wear, 1882 [CF8222] £95<br />

699. BROOMHALL (Marshall) Our Seal Being The<br />

Witness of the China Inland Mission to the<br />

Faithfulness of God plates, slight wear, 1933<br />

[10654] £40<br />

700. BROTHERS (A.) Photography: Its History,<br />

Processes, Apparatus, and Materials. Comprising<br />

Working Details of all the more important methods,<br />

24 plates, title spotted, stain on spine, 1892<br />

[10840] £225<br />

Brothers, the well known Manchester Photographer, was<br />

one of the pioneers in travel photography.<br />

701. BROWNE (James Stark) Through South Africa<br />

with the British Association, numerous plates, some<br />

faint spotting, spine faded, 1906 [CF7917]<br />

£35<br />

702. BRYANS (Robin) The Azores, map, plates, dw.<br />

1963 [CF8225] £25<br />

703. BULLEN (Frank T.) The Men of the Merchant<br />

Service being the Polity of the Mercantile Marine for<br />

Longshore Readers, FIRST EDITION, 1900<br />

[10547] £65<br />

704. BULLEN (Frank T.) Deep Sea Plunderings A<br />

Collection of Stories of the Sea, third impression, 8<br />

plates, 1901 [10548] £35<br />

705. BUNBURY (Selina) Russia After the War. The<br />

Narrative of a Visit to that Country in 18<strong>56</strong>, 2 vols,<br />

small snick on the spine of vol 2, 1857 [3769] £145<br />

Selina Bunbury was one of the intrepid women to follow<br />

their husbands to the War in the Crimea. This visit to the<br />

country of a former enemy came about as her husband<br />

was escorting a band of Russian prisoners back home.

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