Sophie Cat 56 - Sophie Dupre

Sophie Cat 56 - Sophie Dupre Sophie Cat 56 - Sophie Dupre
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75 BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, PHOTOGRAPHS &OTHER CURIOSITIES ON VOYAGES &TRAVEL SEAMAN’S PAPERS 665. BARTLETT (Thomas) A Collection of Papers belonging to Thomas Bartlett, Captains’ Steward on the “Duke of Gloucester” and other East Indiaman, relating to the Ships, his Chandlers Shop on the north side of the church of St. Mary le Strand, London, and an account of “Joanna” in the Comores, 10 items, folio, 4to. sm 8vo, as under 1773-79 [11133] £1,650 “Description of the Isle of Joanna [one of the Comores]... It is a very pleasant Isld & abounds with everything which can afford delight to a Ship after a long Voyage” commenting how inexpensive the meat and fruit is, “The bullocks are very small some not exceeding 2 cwt. Greatly inferior to our English ones, but to recompence for their smallness their flesh is exceedingly sweet we took with us 50 ones” he then sketches a humpbacked, horned cow. He lists the remarkable quantities of goods to be had for 1 dollar. “the people are all Blacks like the African Negroes and their Religion is Mahometan. They are Exceedingly Civil to the English but are of late grown Rather Roguish which I attribute to the our first being roguish to them - about 10 years ago they did not know the use of Money evry thing was sold for Cloth (to cover their nakedness for all the poorer sort go naked except a bag over those parts which nature bids them hide,” 2 pp. sm.4to, conjugate blank torn, c.1750 “Sundry Stores bought St. Helena” a small chit recording among other things “6 Conger eels, 5 casks fine flower, 4 Firkins Butter, 6 Potts mince meat, 40 Pumkins...”etc. 1 side 8vo, nd. “Second Mates Clearing Stores” on the verso “Clearing Stores for 3rd Mate & Doctor & Purser... Fourth & Fifth Mates”, the largest list is of the Second Mate which mainly consists of crockery but curiously “China Images 6”, “Clay Images 12”, “Paper prints” and “Fanns 24”, were presumably for sale, 2 sides 8vo, nd. Printed document, details filled in by hand, Thomas Bartlett giving his finacee, Alice Roberts “My True and Lawful Attorney”, royal crest flanked by a bust of the king and the Arms of the Merchant Service, folio, some wear along folds, Dec. 10th. 1769 Thomas Bartlett’s “Merchant Seaman’s Will”, printed with details filled in in manuscript “...belonging to the Duke of Gloucester East Indiaman, John Lauder Commander,” made in favour of his fiancee Alice Roberts “Whole and Sole”, vignette at head, folio, with conjugate blank leaf , 14th December, 1769. Attractive Printed Trade Handbill “Thomas Rutt, at ye Parrott facing Russell Court in Drury Lane London” a Cutler and Button Seller, with his bill to Thomas Bartlett for various quantities of buttons, links and pocket knives totalling “£4. 0 . 2”, fold marks, a little dust soiled, margin stain, Dec. 12, 1769. “An Inventory of Goods & Fixtures Belonging to Mr. Thos. Jones at his Dwelling House in Hollywell Street, Shoreditch & Sold by Appraisement to Mr. Thos. Bartlett”, this includes Stock in Trade and Goodwill at a massive £10 10s. The deductions show Water rates, Poor rates and tax for Window Lights, 1½ pp folio, March 25, 1773. AManuscript Memorandum of an agreement by Bartlett to let a tenement and shop “on the North side of the Church of St. Mary le Strand” for £30 a year, 1 pp. sq.8vo, 23 July, 1773 AMemorandum for the sale of fixtures of Bartlett’s two houses in Holywell Lane, Shoreditch, 1 pp. sq.8vo, 1775. Aprinted H.E.I.C request form with details filled in by hand, by Bartlett describing himself as “Capn. Steward in the ship Mount Stuart” an East Indiaman, to pay part of his wages to his wife, 1 pp.folio,on the verso she appears to have claimed a total of £6, £2 every six months between July 1778, and July 1779.79 666. BARR (Pat) ACurious Life for a Lady, The Story of Isabella Bird, 6 maps, plates, 1970 [11421] £35 667. BARR (William ed.) Searching for Franklin: The Land Searching Expedition, James Anderson’s and James Stewart’s Expedition via the Back River, 9 maps, 4illusts. roy 8vo, dw, Hakluyt Society Third Series, Vol 1, 1999 [11441] £45 668. BARR (William) & Glyndwr Williams eds. Voyages in Search of the Northwest Passage 1741- 1747, The Voyage of Christopher Middleton 1741- 1742 [and] The Voyage of William Moor and Francis Smith, numerous maps and plates, 2 vols dws, Hakluyt Society Second Series, vols 177 & 181, 1994-1995 [10912] £60 669. BARRATT (P.J.H.) Grand Bahama, folding map, plates, 1972 [CF4542] £25 670. BATE (H. Maclear) Report from Formosa, map, 1952 [CF8111] £20 671. BAXTER (G.) [“Australia, News from Home” with “News from the Diggings”] also known as “The Hundred Pound Note”, 2 Baxter Colour Prints, 4¼ x 6 ins. each, mounted on paper without blindstamped titles, both with a faint crease down the center, 1853 [10771] £150 In 1851 gold was discovered at Summerhill Breek near Bathurst. One of the prospectors in “News from Home”, is reading a newspaper with an illustration of the Crystal Palace that houses the Great Exhibition which opened in the same year, 672. BEALE (J.H.) Picturesque Sketches of American Progress. Comprising Descriptions of Great American Cities prepared under the Supervision of the Authorities of the Respective Cities, showing their Origin, Development, Present Condition, Commerce and Manufactures. Illustrated Sketches of American Scenery, and Celebrated Resorts. With Historical Sketches of the Wonderful Achievements of Our Country, under the Various Administrations frontis. and numerous text illusts. thk.8vo, New York, 1889 [CF7309] £50

Clive Farahar & Sophie Dupré, XV The Green, Calne, Wilts, SN1 8DQ, Tel: (01249) 821121 76 673. BEASLEY (W.G.) The Basis of Japanese Foreign Policy In the Nineteenth Century, 26 pp. original printed wrappers, SOAS, 1955 [CF5283] £15 674. BECHTOLD (Fritz) Nanga Parbat Adventure A Himalayan Adventure, trans. from the german by H.E.G. Tyndale, 3 maps, numerous plates, roy.8vo, 1935 [CF7310] £40 The quality and composition of the photographs is on a par with any of Pontings work on Scotts Last Expedition. 675. BECKINGHAM (C.F.) & G.W.B. Huntingford trans. & eds. Some Records of Ethiopia 1593-1646, Being Extracts from the History of High Ethiopia or Abassia by Manoel de Almeida Together with Bahrey’s History of the Galla, numerous maps, some folding, frontis, Hakluyt Society, Second Series CVII, 1954 [CF4231] £80 676. BELINOS (Mrs.S.C.) Twenty Four Plates Illustrative of Hindoo and European Manners in Bengal, [with a new introduction by Nisith Ranjan Ray,] 24 coloured plates, folio, dw. 1832, REPRINT Calcutta, 1979 [10989] £50 Reprint of one of the rarer Indian Colourplate Books. 677. BELL (Sir Gawain) An Imperial Twilight, maps, plates, Presentation Copy from the Author to “Tish” Young 1989 [10525] £20 The author was the last Governor of Northern Nigeria, and in his later years spent time in the Middle East, Aden, Oman and Southern Arabia, and South Pacific. 678. BELLO (Alhaji Sir Ahmadu) My Life, folding map, plates, dw. Cambridge, 1962 [11129] £25 The author became the Premier of the Northern Region of Nigeria. Having lived through the whole period of British Occupation and finally into Independence and Self Government. 679. BENGAL. Bay of Bengal Pilot, Comprising the Southern and Eastern Coasts of Ceylon, the Eastern Coast of India, the Coast of East Pakistan, the Coast of Burma, and the Western Coast of Thailand from Pakchan River to Ko Phuket; also the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, ninth edition, folding map, plates, HMSO, 1966 [CF7656] £30 680. BERNAL (Juan Llabrés) Breve Noticia de la Labor Científica del Capitán de Navío Don Felipe Bauzá y de sus Papeles sobre América 1764-1834 Publicada con motivo del centenario de su muerte, portrait, 76 + 1 pp. sm.8vo, wrapper with printed label, edges frayed, on upper cover, Presentation Copy Inscribed from the Author on fep, Palma, Majorca, 1934 [11386] £50 Bauza was a native of Palma, but spent most of his life abroad. His Library, mostly Americana listed here, appears to have been given to the British Library. He died in London. 681. BERNATZIK (Hugo Adolph) Gari-Gari, The Call of the African Wilderness, folding map, plates, pictorial cloth, faint stain at base of spine, 1936 [CF7616] £50 AJourney down the Nile to Khartoum, and from there onward to the Kenyan border, the Nuer country. 682. BESSON (Maurice) The Scourge of the Indies, Buccaneers, Corsairs, & Filibusters, from Original Texts and Contemporary Engravings, numerous maps and plates, some coloured by hand, 4to, Limited to960 copies, 1929 [CF4853] £75 Portraits of Montbars, Peter Legrand, Montauban, Chevalier de Grammont, Nau l’Orlonnais, Ravenuau de Lussan, Ducasse, Cassard, Dulaien, Thurot, d’Albarade. 683. BIBLE. Ko Te Kawenata Hou O To Tatou Ariki O Te Kai Whakaora O Ihu Karaiti. He Mea Whakamaori I Te Reo Kariki, [Maori New Testament], small marginal worm holes on title and 3pages, not affecting text, hf calf, Rana, 1852 [10762] £120 684. BISHOP. Roe (Michael ed.) The Journal and Letters of Captain Charles Bishop on the North- West Coast of America, in the Pacific and in New South Wales, large folding map, 5 other, frontis. of a page from the Journal, Hakluyt Society Series 2, vol CXXI, 1966 [CF3980] £75 685. BISSOONDOYAL (U.) & S.B.C. Servansing eds. Slavery in South West Indian Ocean, Moka, Mauritius, 1989 [10795] £30 686. BLAKE . Powell (J.R. ed.) The Letters Of Robert Blake, together with Supplementary Documents, portrait, some slight soiling, Navy Records Society, [CF7539] £45 687. BLAND (J.O.P.) & E. Backhouse. China Under the Empress Dowager, Being the History of the Life and Times of Tzu Hsi, Compiled from State Papers and the Private Diary of the Comptroller of Her Household, map, numerous plates, thk.roy.8vo, spine faded, slight wear 1910 [CF7385] £75 688. BLOFELD (John) King Maha Mongkut of Siam, portrait frontis. plates, The Siam Society, Bangkok, 1987 [CF6800] £20 689. BOASE (T.S.R. ed.) A.W. Lawrence et al. The Cilician Kingdom of Armenia, ep. maps, numerous plates, Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, 1978 [CF4517] £20 690. BOLTON (Melvin) Ethiopian Wildlands, map, plates, some coloured, dw, 1976 [CF8224] £20 691. BRANDT (Conrad) Stalin’s Failure in China, 1824-1927, 1958 [CF4148] £25

Clive Farahar & <strong>Sophie</strong> Dupré, XV The Green, Calne, Wilts, SN1 8DQ, Tel: (01249) 821121 76<br />

673. BEASLEY (W.G.) The Basis of Japanese Foreign<br />

Policy In the Nineteenth Century, 26 pp. original<br />

printed wrappers, SOAS, 1955 [CF5283] £15<br />

674. BECHTOLD (Fritz) Nanga Parbat Adventure A<br />

Himalayan Adventure, trans. from the german by<br />

H.E.G. Tyndale, 3 maps, numerous plates, roy.8vo,<br />

1935 [CF7310] £40<br />

The quality and composition of the photographs is on a<br />

par with any of Pontings work on Scotts Last Expedition.<br />

675. BECKINGHAM (C.F.) & G.W.B. Huntingford<br />

trans. & eds. Some Records of Ethiopia 1593-1646,<br />

Being Extracts from the History of High Ethiopia or<br />

Abassia by Manoel de Almeida Together with<br />

Bahrey’s History of the Galla, numerous maps, some<br />

folding, frontis, Hakluyt Society, Second Series<br />

CVII, 1954 [CF4231] £80<br />

676. BELINOS (Mrs.S.C.) Twenty Four Plates<br />

Illustrative of Hindoo and European Manners in<br />

Bengal, [with a new introduction by Nisith Ranjan<br />

Ray,] 24 coloured plates, folio, dw. 1832, REPRINT<br />

Calcutta, 1979 [10989] £50<br />

Reprint of one of the rarer Indian Colourplate Books.<br />

677. BELL (Sir Gawain) An Imperial Twilight, maps,<br />

plates, Presentation Copy from the Author to “Tish”<br />

Young 1989 [10525] £20<br />

The author was the last Governor of Northern Nigeria,<br />

and in his later years spent time in the Middle East, Aden,<br />

Oman and Southern Arabia, and South Pacific.<br />

678. BELLO (Alhaji Sir Ahmadu) My Life, folding<br />

map, plates, dw. Cambridge, 1962 [11129] £25<br />

The author became the Premier of the Northern Region of<br />

Nigeria. Having lived through the whole period of British<br />

Occupation and finally into Independence and Self<br />

Government.<br />

679. BENGAL. Bay of Bengal Pilot, Comprising the<br />

Southern and Eastern Coasts of Ceylon, the Eastern<br />

Coast of India, the Coast of East Pakistan, the Coast<br />

of Burma, and the Western Coast of Thailand from<br />

Pakchan River to Ko Phuket; also the Andaman and<br />

Nicobar Islands, ninth edition, folding map, plates,<br />

HMSO, 1966 [CF76<strong>56</strong>] £30<br />

680. BERNAL (Juan Llabrés) Breve Noticia de la<br />

Labor Científica del Capitán de Navío Don Felipe<br />

Bauzá y de sus Papeles sobre América 1764-1834<br />

Publicada con motivo del centenario de su muerte,<br />

portrait, 76 + 1 pp. sm.8vo, wrapper with printed<br />

label, edges frayed, on upper cover, Presentation<br />

Copy Inscribed from the Author on fep, Palma,<br />

Majorca, 1934 [11386] £50<br />

Bauza was a native of Palma, but spent most of his life<br />

abroad. His Library, mostly Americana listed here,<br />

appears to have been given to the British Library. He<br />

died in London.<br />

681. BERNATZIK (Hugo Adolph) Gari-Gari, The Call<br />

of the African Wilderness, folding map, plates,<br />

pictorial cloth, faint stain at base of spine, 1936<br />

[CF7616] £50<br />

AJourney down the Nile to Khartoum, and from there<br />

onward to the Kenyan border, the Nuer country.<br />

682. BESSON (Maurice) The Scourge of the Indies,<br />

Buccaneers, Corsairs, & Filibusters, from Original<br />

Texts and Contemporary Engravings, numerous<br />

maps and plates, some coloured by hand, 4to,<br />

Limited to960 copies, 1929 [CF4853] £75<br />

Portraits of Montbars, Peter Legrand, Montauban,<br />

Chevalier de Grammont, Nau l’Orlonnais, Ravenuau de<br />

Lussan, Ducasse, Cassard, Dulaien, Thurot, d’Albarade.<br />

683. BIBLE. Ko Te Kawenata Hou O To Tatou Ariki O<br />

Te Kai Whakaora O Ihu Karaiti. He Mea<br />

Whakamaori I Te Reo Kariki, [Maori New<br />

Testament], small marginal worm holes on title and<br />

3pages, not affecting text, hf calf, Rana, 1852<br />

[10762] £120<br />

684. BISHOP. Roe (Michael ed.) The Journal and<br />

Letters of Captain Charles Bishop on the North-<br />

West Coast of America, in the Pacific and in New<br />

South Wales, large folding map, 5 other, frontis. of a<br />

page from the Journal, Hakluyt Society Series 2, vol<br />

CXXI, 1966 [CF3980] £75<br />

685. BISSOONDOYAL (U.) & S.B.C. Servansing eds.<br />

Slavery in South West Indian Ocean, Moka,<br />

Mauritius, 1989 [10795] £30<br />

686. BLAKE . Powell (J.R. ed.) The Letters Of Robert<br />

Blake, together with Supplementary Documents,<br />

portrait, some slight soiling, Navy Records Society,<br />

[CF7539] £45<br />

687. BLAND (J.O.P.) & E. Backhouse. China Under<br />

the Empress Dowager, Being the History of the Life<br />

and Times of Tzu Hsi, Compiled from State Papers<br />

and the Private Diary of the Comptroller of Her<br />

Household, map, numerous plates, thk.roy.8vo,<br />

spine faded, slight wear 1910 [CF7385] £75<br />

688. BLOFELD (John) King Maha Mongkut of Siam,<br />

portrait frontis. plates, The Siam Society, Bangkok,<br />

1987 [CF6800] £20<br />

689. BOASE (T.S.R. ed.) A.W. Lawrence et al. The<br />

Cilician Kingdom of Armenia, ep. maps, numerous<br />

plates, Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, 1978<br />

[CF4517] £20<br />

690. BOLTON (Melvin) Ethiopian Wildlands, map,<br />

plates, some coloured, dw, 1976 [CF8224] £20<br />

691. BRANDT (Conrad) Stalin’s Failure in China,<br />

1824-1927, 1958 [CF4148] £25

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