Sophie Cat 56 - Sophie Dupre

Sophie Cat 56 - Sophie Dupre Sophie Cat 56 - Sophie Dupre
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73 BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, PHOTOGRAPHS &OTHER CURIOSITIES ON VOYAGES &TRAVEL BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, PHOTOGRAPHS &OTHER CURIOSITIES ON VOYAGES & TRAVELS 641. ABORIGINES. Report from the Select Committee on Aborigines (British Settlements), with the Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index 5th August 1836, thk. folio, slight wear, REPRINT, 1968 [CF7537] £50 The aborigines are not just those of Australia but the indigenous population of all the British Settlements. ALABAMA WILL 642. ALABAMA. M’GRAW (Charles) AManuscript Will Signed together with Witnesses and notes that it has been upheld by the Court, 3 pp. 4to. remains of seal, 21 February, 1842 [11156] £150 M’Graw of Wilcox County Alabama writes a fairly simple will, to his sons John & David, to his daughter Eliza and to the heirs of his dead daughter Mary, he leaves them $10. However to his son Alexander he leaves “the resadue of my intire Estate (after payment of all my just depts for him tohave and hold for ever - to wit - all my land and my negroes, my horse and mule, all my stock of every decription myintire crop of cotton, corn and fodder, all my household and kitchen funiture, all my farming utensals and all money monies owing to me now due or to becom due.” 643. ALEXANDER (Michael) Omai ‘Noble Savage’, plates, dw. 1977 [CF10223] £30 644. ALLENBY. ABrief Record of The Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force under the Command of General Sir Edmund H.H. Allenby July 1917 to October 1918 Compiled from Official Sources, Second Edition, 55 coloured maps, portrait, key plate, sm.4to, printed boards, cloth spine, some slight wear, HMSO, 1919 [11159] £130 The first edition was published by “The Palestine News”. Allenby was the last Great British Leader of Cavalry. His successful Palestine Campaign during the First World War, recorded here, saw the end of the Ottoman domination of the Middle East, and the liberation of the Holy Land. 645. ALLIN. Anderson (R.C. ed.) The Journals of Sir Thomas Allin, 1600-1678, Vol I 1660-66, Vol II 1666-78, 2 vols, a little soiled, spines a little faded, Navy Records Society, 1939 & 40 [CF7541] £75 He engaged against the Barbary Pirates, defeated the Dutch off the Isle of Wight, and the French of Dungeness. He became comptroller of the Navy and was Commander in chief of the Narrow Seas against the French. 646. AMERICANA. Review of the Speech of Harrison Gray Otis, Mayor of the City of Boston, deliviered at aPublic Meeting of the Friends of the Protecting System, in that City, in the support of the Nomination of a Friend of that system of a Member of Congress, 40 pp. binders cloth, Boston, 1831 Sabin 70271. [CF4895] £30 VENETIAN AMBASSADOR TO PERSIA 647. ALLESSANDRI (Vincenzo degli) Relatione di m’Vincenzo degli Alessandri al Principe et Ecc. mi Signori di Venetia delle cose da sui osservate nel Regno di Persia, manuscript in neat scribal hand, 27 pp. some occasional foxing, watermark of a lion bearing a fleur de lys, folio, modern boards, late sixteenth century [CF8208] £3,500 Allessandri was an envoy from Venice to the court of Shah Tahmasp, the rather weak ruler, from 1571-73. He begins his account “I have now undertaken to give an account to your most illustrious Government of the regions and kingdoms which are in Persia, of the produce, of the character of the people, of the person of the king, and qualities of his mind, the government of the Court, the manner and custom of determining the affairs of state, of things of importance in the administration of justice, of the revenue and expenditure, of the number and quality of the Sultans, who are nothing but commanders of the soldiery, and in fine of all that may appear to me to be worthy of your greatness.” Knolles in his History of the Turks, 1603, mentions Allessandri and that he was sent to Persia to try to persuade the Shah to take up arms against the Turks to divert their attention from the lands of the Republic. The Hakluyt Society edition of Allessandri in 1873 by Charles Grey, appears deficient. Our manuscript contains two lengthy passages, one of three pages, not to mention several shorter pieces, omitted from Grey’s edition. They concern accounts of crimes against foreign merchants which went unpunished or were just ignored. “As I have said, the King takes no care or thought, and from this it comes that throughout the Kingdom the roads are unsafe, and great dangers are incurred even in the houses, and almost all the judges allow themselves to be conquered by the power of money.” 648. AMIRANASHVILI (Sh.) Gruzinskaya Miniatura [Georgian Miniatures], numerous plates, some coloured, text in Russian with an English translation, slip case Moscow, 1966 [11413] £40 649. AMUNDSEN. Typescript Poem written in Norwegian in the Antarctic [Isbarrieren] on the “Fram” headed notepaper, 1 pp. 4to, folded, 2 filing holes, February, 1911 [11122] £750 This is a curious relic of Amundsen’s successful Expedition [1910-12] to find the South Pole. The poem is evidently addressed to a supply party who had provided some luxuries of alcohol and tobacco. Roughly translated it reads - “To The 14 Of the presents that you gave us we openly admit theaveccen is our favourite, so we ask to drink when we see fit ? And the Havaneserroken our noble 14 friends which you were kind to give we thankyou sincerely for the memories that we can now relive. Finally a big hurrah we send you with the epigram to thankyou for a wonderful day from all of us on board the “Fram”

Clive Farahar & Sophie Dupré, XV The Green, Calne, Wilts, SN1 8DQ, Tel: (01249) 821121 74 650. ANSON. George (Williams Glyndwr ed.) Document’s Relating To Anson’s Voyage Round The World, 1740-44, folding maps, frontispiece, plates, Navy Records Society, Vol. 109, 1967 [CF7253] £75 651. ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Statistical, Sanitary, and Medical Reports for the Year 1860, viii + 488 pp. folding map “North Coast of China Gulf of Pecheli Talienwan Bay”, folding plan, disbound, 1862 [11157] £125 Apart from fairly basic reports from the United Kingdom and all the colonies, there is a substantial report from Dr. Rutherford “A Few Remarks upon the Expedition to the North of China in 1860, in reference chiefly to the Sanitary Condition of the Troops employed.” 652. ARNOT (F.S.) Garenganze: West and East, map, illusts. sm.8vo, 1902 [11130] £35 The first edition of this work came out in 1889, however this edition has been edited and revised up to date. 653. AUBERTIN (J.J.) Six Months in Cape Colony and Natal, and One Month in Tenerife and Madeira, map, 6 plates, cr.8vo, spine faded, 1886 [CF8076] £55 654. AUSTRALIA. The Statutes of Western Australia, [1831-1882] 2 vols, thk.4to, library buckram, library stamps, Melbourne, 1883 [10811] £180 655. BAGOT (L.Brown) Association of Surveyors of H.M. Service, established April, 1899, Foreign Station Papers, Mauritius, 1 folding map & 1 folding plate, 31 pp. some pencil underlinings and annotations, some occasional foxing original printed wrappers, creased, spotted and spine strengthened, 1901 [10602] £75 Not inToussaint and Adolphe. This pamphlet is written with all the Victorian gusto of a British Colonialist and is an attempt to warn new Surveyors of conditions in the colony. It encompasses everything from clothing and servants, to social functions and allowances. “The ‘white french’ with a few exceptions are notoriously disloyal, and there can be no question that so long as the French language is generally spoken this disloyalty will continue. The coloured creoles are not disloyal at heart, but as their lives are spent aping the French, they are slow to take any initiative. The Indians are very loyal. Several of the daily newspapers ought to be surpressed. They preach in French the doctrines of disloyalty, and adopt the tone of the most scurrilous of the French gutter press.” 656. BAILLIE-GROHMAN (W.A.) Fifteen Years’ Sport and Life in the Hunting Grounds of Western America and British Colombia, with a Chapter by Mrs Baillie-Grohman, Second Edition, 3 folding maps in end-pocket, plates, text illusts, roy. 8vo, 1907 [10595] £185 The final chapter by his wife “Yellow and white agony” deals with the servant problem on the west coast. 657. BAIN (J. Arthur) Life of Fridjof Nansen: Scientist and Explorer. Including an Account of the 1893- 1896 Expedition, Second Edition, map, plates, original pictorial cloth, gilt, 1897 [11065] £85 “The only cure for Arctic fever is the discovery of the North Pole...” intro. 658. BAKER (Dwight Condo) T’ai Shan An Account of the Sacred Eastern Peak of China, ep folding map, frontis. 8 plates, numerous text illusts. Shanghai, 1925 [11268] £45 659. BALL (Samuel) An Account of the Cultivation and Manufacture of Tea in China: Derived from Personal Observation during an Official Residence in that Country from 1804 to 1826; and illustrated by the best Authorities, Chinese as well as European: with Remarks on the Experiments now making for the Introduction of the Culture of the Tea Tree in other parts of the world, frontis, 2 other plates, small blindstamp on title, original spine laid down, 1848 [11309] £275 The author describes himself as “Late Inspector of Teas to the Hon. United East India Company in China”. 660. BALLANTINE (Mr Serjeant) The Old World and the New being a continuation of his ‘Experiences’, woodburytype frontis. 1884 [CF4122] £60 The majority of the book is taken up with the author’s travels in the States, his most interesting critique of Charles Dickens Performances there, his meeting with the President etc. 661. BARBADOS. Contemporary Manuscript Copy of the Will of Henry Frere of the Parish of Christ Church, Barbados, 2 pp. large folio, 30th May, 1792 [11154] £125 In Barbados pounds Frere bequeaths to his brother £50, to his niece £ 3000 with an extra £1000 if her husband predeceases her. To her daughter £2000, but to her other daughter, his other grandniece the remains of his estate including “ for ever together with the future issue and increase of all and every one of my female slaves” meanwhile the executors have power “from time to time as they judge proper to purchase Negroes or other Slaves or Lands or Houses or Cattle and stock of every kind.” 662. BARGRAVE (Robert) The Travel Diary of Robert Bargrave, Levant Merchant (1647-1656), edited by Michael G.Brennan, 17 illusts, roy 8vo, dw, Hakluyt Society Third Series, Vol 3, 1999 [11443] £45 663. BARLOW (Roger) ABrief Summe of Geographie Edited with an Introduction and Notes by E.G.R. Taylor, folding map, 3 plates, cloth on upper cover a little rubbed, Hakluyt Society Second Series, LXIX 1932 [10980] £125 664. BARNS (T. Alexander) An African Eldorado The Belgian Congo, 4 maps, 3 folding, numerous plates, some occasional faint spotting, 1926 [11384] £45





641. ABORIGINES. Report from the Select Committee<br />

on Aborigines (British Settlements), with the<br />

Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index 5th<br />

August 1836, thk. folio, slight wear, REPRINT,<br />

1968 [CF7537] £50<br />

The aborigines are not just those of Australia but the<br />

indigenous population of all the British Settlements.<br />


642. ALABAMA. M’GRAW (Charles) AManuscript<br />

Will Signed together with Witnesses and notes that it<br />

has been upheld by the Court, 3 pp. 4to. remains of<br />

seal, 21 February, 1842 [111<strong>56</strong>] £150<br />

M’Graw of Wilcox County Alabama writes a fairly simple<br />

will, to his sons John & David, to his daughter Eliza and<br />

to the heirs of his dead daughter Mary, he leaves them<br />

$10. However to his son Alexander he leaves “the<br />

resadue of my intire Estate (after payment of all my just<br />

depts for him tohave and hold for ever - to wit - all my<br />

land and my negroes, my horse and mule, all my stock of<br />

every decription myintire crop of cotton, corn and fodder,<br />

all my household and kitchen funiture, all my farming<br />

utensals and all money monies owing to me now due or to<br />

becom due.”<br />

643. ALEXANDER (Michael) Omai ‘Noble Savage’,<br />

plates, dw. 1977 [CF10223] £30<br />

644. ALLENBY. ABrief Record of The Advance of the<br />

Egyptian Expeditionary Force under the Command<br />

of General Sir Edmund H.H. Allenby July 1917 to<br />

October 1918 Compiled from Official Sources,<br />

Second Edition, 55 coloured maps, portrait, key<br />

plate, sm.4to, printed boards, cloth spine, some<br />

slight wear, HMSO, 1919 [11159] £130<br />

The first edition was published by “The Palestine News”.<br />

Allenby was the last Great British Leader of Cavalry. His<br />

successful Palestine Campaign during the First World<br />

War, recorded here, saw the end of the Ottoman<br />

domination of the Middle East, and the liberation of the<br />

Holy Land.<br />

645. ALLIN. Anderson (R.C. ed.) The Journals of Sir<br />

Thomas Allin, 1600-1678, Vol I 1660-66, Vol II<br />

1666-78, 2 vols, a little soiled, spines a little faded,<br />

Navy Records Society, 1939 & 40 [CF7541] £75<br />

He engaged against the Barbary Pirates, defeated the<br />

Dutch off the Isle of Wight, and the French of Dungeness.<br />

He became comptroller of the Navy and was Commander<br />

in chief of the Narrow Seas against the French.<br />

646. AMERICANA. Review of the Speech of Harrison<br />

Gray Otis, Mayor of the City of Boston, deliviered at<br />

aPublic Meeting of the Friends of the Protecting<br />

System, in that City, in the support of the<br />

Nomination of a Friend of that system of a Member<br />

of Congress, 40 pp. binders cloth, Boston, 1831<br />

Sabin 70271. [CF4895] £30<br />


647. ALLESSANDRI (Vincenzo degli) Relatione di<br />

m’Vincenzo degli Alessandri al Principe et<br />

Ecc. mi Signori di Venetia delle cose da sui<br />

osservate nel Regno di Persia, manuscript in neat<br />

scribal hand, 27 pp. some occasional foxing,<br />

watermark of a lion bearing a fleur de lys, folio,<br />

modern boards, late sixteenth century<br />

[CF8208] £3,500<br />

Allessandri was an envoy from Venice to the court of Shah<br />

Tahmasp, the rather weak ruler, from 1571-73. He begins<br />

his account “I have now undertaken to give an account to<br />

your most illustrious Government of the regions and<br />

kingdoms which are in Persia, of the produce, of the<br />

character of the people, of the person of the king, and<br />

qualities of his mind, the government of the Court, the<br />

manner and custom of determining the affairs of state, of<br />

things of importance in the administration of justice, of<br />

the revenue and expenditure, of the number and quality of<br />

the Sultans, who are nothing but commanders of the<br />

soldiery, and in fine of all that may appear to me to be<br />

worthy of your greatness.”<br />

Knolles in his History of the Turks, 1603, mentions<br />

Allessandri and that he was sent to Persia to try to<br />

persuade the Shah to take up arms against the Turks to<br />

divert their attention from the lands of the Republic.<br />

The Hakluyt Society edition of Allessandri in 1873 by<br />

Charles Grey, appears deficient. Our manuscript<br />

contains two lengthy passages, one of three pages, not to<br />

mention several shorter pieces, omitted from Grey’s<br />

edition. They concern accounts of crimes against foreign<br />

merchants which went unpunished or were just ignored.<br />

“As I have said, the King takes no care or thought, and<br />

from this it comes that throughout the Kingdom the roads<br />

are unsafe, and great dangers are incurred even in the<br />

houses, and almost all the judges allow themselves to be<br />

conquered by the power of money.”<br />

648. AMIRANASHVILI (Sh.) Gruzinskaya Miniatura<br />

[Georgian Miniatures], numerous plates, some<br />

coloured, text in Russian with an English translation,<br />

slip case Moscow, 1966 [11413] £40<br />

649. AMUNDSEN. Typescript Poem written in<br />

Norwegian in the Antarctic [Isbarrieren] on the<br />

“Fram” headed notepaper, 1 pp. 4to, folded, 2 filing<br />

holes, February, 1911 [11122] £750<br />

This is a curious relic of Amundsen’s successful<br />

Expedition [1910-12] to find the South Pole. The poem is<br />

evidently addressed to a supply party who had provided<br />

some luxuries of alcohol and tobacco. Roughly translated<br />

it reads -<br />

“To The 14<br />

Of the presents that you gave us we openly admit<br />

theaveccen is our favourite, so we ask<br />

to drink when we see fit ?<br />

And the Havaneserroken<br />

our noble 14 friends<br />

which you were kind to give<br />

we thankyou sincerely for the memories<br />

that we can now relive.<br />

Finally a big hurrah<br />

we send you with the epigram<br />

to thankyou for a wonderful day<br />

from all of us on board the “Fram”

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