Sophie Cat 56 - Sophie Dupre

Sophie Cat 56 - Sophie Dupre Sophie Cat 56 - Sophie Dupre
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45 AUTOGRAPH LETTERS,MANUSCRIPTS &SIGNED PHOTOS 333. [NICHOLAS II (1868-1918, Emperor of Russia) and his wife ALEXANDRA (1872-1918)] Official Printed Volume, in French, of the Orders of Ceremonies at their Coronation and Sacring, issued by the Master of the Household, Count Voronzov-Dashkov, in splendid and at times touching detail, the largest sections are of the immense Procession from the Petrovsky Palace to the Kremlin, stopping at Churches on the way, and the Coronation ceremony itself in the Throne Room, finally Nicholas places the crown on his own head, removes it and touches the Empress’ forehead with it, before replacing it, then himself performs Alexandra’s own coronation, no detail is omitted, bound in olive-green velvet, the front cover with brass onlays of a crowned cipher, and four elegant corner pieces of a double lily ,together 72 sides folio, Moscow, for 14th May 1896, afewbrown spots on top cover and light impressions in the velvet [SD50203]£1,500 Thevolume contains: 1. The Foreign Sovereigns and Princes, (48 in all). 2. Their Suites. 3. The visiting Diplomatic Corps. 4. The Ambassadors Extraordinary. 5. The Order of the Procession of the Diplomatic Corps. 6. The Solemn Entry into Moscow. 7. The Translation of the Imperial Emblems. 8. The Coronation and Sacring. 9. The Solemn Proclamation of the Day of the Coronation. 334. NICHOLAS II (1868-1918, from 1894 Emperor of Russia) Finely written Letter Signed, in Russian with translation, to Umberto I of Italy, saying that “it has pleased the Almighty to visit Our House with profound grief. The beloved cousin of my father, His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Alexei Michaelovich, son of Our Beloved Great-Uncle ... Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich, passed away after a protracted and grave illness at San Remo, on the 18th February last, in the 20th year of his age”, and that he is convinced that the King “shares sincerely in the grief that has overtaken Us ... Your Majesty’s Good Brother and Friend”, with original envelope and papered seal, 2 sides folio black-edged, St. Petersburg, 9th March “in the 1st year of Our reign” 1895, short split in one fold without loss, two small holes in envelope including seal, corresponding holes in document carefully mended but with miscorrection to last four letters of one word in titlesl [SD50229]£1,500 Signed also by Prince Lobánov-Rostovski (1824-1896), the new Minister for Foreign Affairs. With a long list of over 50 of the Emperor’s titles. The heading (in capitals, varied each line) and the titles are lithographed. The letter then continues in an almost indistinguishable ‘copperplate’ hand. THE PRINCE IMPERIAL 335. NAPOLEON (Louis Eugene Jean Joseph, 1856- 1879, Prince Imperial, killed while out with a reconnoitring party at Ulundi, Zululand) Exceptionally rare carte de visite photo by Downey, signed “Louis Napoleon” with the place and dated, showing the boy half length, seated, 4¼” x 2½”, Chislehurst, August 1871 [SD26596]£975 336. NEGRETE (Pedro R., Guatemalan Ambassador in London) Part Bill of Exchange, drawn by Benito & Co. against Baring Brothers of London’s letter of credit to C. Adolphe Low&Co. ofSan Francisco (dated New York 15th January 1877), for £800 to Manuel Enriquez, receiver of taxes for the republic, endorsed by him to Martin Barrundia, Minister of War, and by him to Negrete, with the latter’s signature, Guatemala, 19th March 1877 [SD20144]£45 337. NICHOLAS (Grand Duke, 1859-1919, Historian, Son of Grand Duke Michael, Grandson of Tsar Nicholas I, executed in 1919) Fantastic original cabinet photo by Ch. Bergamasco in St Petersbourg, signed and dated, showing him head and shoulders, in original Imperial presentation frame , in an opulent design of pillars and arches, made out of an ivory style material, 10” x 7½”, 1893 [SD22216]£1,500 The Grand Duke’s family nickname was ‘Bimbo’! Maxim Gorky, friend of Lenin, tried to prevent his execution, but Lenin said that “The Revolution doesn’t need Historians”. These magnificent presentation frames superceded the ivory ones used 50 years before, when Alexander III came to the throne and decided that presentation frames should not be as expensive as they had been before. These are very early examples. 338. NIKOLAI NIKOLAEVICH (1831-1891, 3rd son of Emperor Nicholas I, Russian Field Marshal) Exceptional imperial cabinet photograph by Messy, signed, showing him full length in military uniform, 8¼” x 5¼”, Nice, n.d., c. 1890 [SD50259]£325 Grand Duke Nikolai was a General of Engineers, and at Sebastopol under Todleben directed the fortifications to the North and East. In 1877, as the Tsar’s brother, he commanded the Army of the South, facing the Turkish Army across the Danube. 339. NOVARRO (Ramón, b.1899 at Durango, Mexico, stage name of Ramon Gil Samanriegos) TLS ‘Ramón Novarro’ to James Coneys, thanking him warmly “for your remembrance of me at Christmas and New Year”, with three photographs of Novarro, one on a postcard showing him in Durango market, the letter 1 side 8vo., n.p., 19th March 1955 [SD13031]£75 Novarro starred inthe films ‘Rupert of Hentzau’ (1923), ‘Ben Hur’ (1926), ‘The Student Prince’ (1928), and many others. LEG KONSTANTINOVICH (Grand Duke, 1892-1914, great-grandson of Nicholas I) Photograph, by P. Zhukov of St. Petersburg, showing him three-quarter length in military uniform with decorations, inscribed in French and signed by his mother Grand Duchess Elizaveta Mavrikievna (1865-1924, née Princess of Saxe-Altenburg), “In memory of my Oleg”, 6” x 3¼” on mount 8¾” x 6½”, n.p., n.d., c. 1914, mount trimmed touching end of signature [SD50230]£375 Grand Duke Oleg died of wounds received in action on 12th October 1914. 341. OLIVIER (Lord Laurence, 1907-1989, Actor) Black & White photo signed showing him head and shoulders in “A Little Romance”, 6½” x 4½”, n.p., 1978 [SD15909]£85

Clive Farahar & Sophie Dupré, XV The Green, Calne, Wilts, SN1 8DQ, Tel: (01249) 821121 46 342. ONSLOW (Arthur, 1691-1768, Speaker 1728-1761), and WALTON (Sir George, 1665-1739, Admiral) DS to Charles Lockyer, Accountant to the South Sea Company, praying him to pay “Ph. Booth £6 p. Ct principal mony on the Sum of £500 being all the Stock standing in our joint names ... which wee acknowledge to be in ... annihilation of so much of our said Stock”, with an engraved portait of Onslow, head and shoulders in Speaker’s wig and gown, by Ravenet, 4¼” x 4” in margins 6½” x 4¾”, c. 1780, the document 1 side 6¾” x 6”, n.p., 31st August 1730, laid down by margin of verso [SD50091]£225 Signed also by John Jacob and J. Wainwright. Sir George is credited with the laconic phrase, “the number as per margin”, in reporting the Spanish squadron he captured off Sicily. 343. OTRANTE (Theresa Catherine, d. 1901, née Stedint, Lady of the Bedchamber to Alexandra Princess of Wales, wife of the Duc d’Otrante) ALS toMrs. Williams, who has sent a card saying that her sister Mrs. G. Jones, nanny with the Princess of Wales, has died, “next to yourself I don’t think anybody can feel her death deeper than we do here ... I feel I have lost a real true friend ever since I knew her first in 67 ... Poor Fina is in despair ... pray give us every detail you possibly can”, 4 sides 8vo., Elghammar, Björnlunda, Sweden, 27th July 1881 [SD18662]£35 The writer, daughter of a Swedish Major-General, was formerly the wife of the Hon. William George Grey, 1819-1865, 8th son of the Prime Minister. Dr Greane attended the Princess’ children, and Mrs Walkley was also in the household. 344. OTTO I (1848-1916, from 1886-1913 King of Bavaria) ALS, in French with translation, to ‘My dear Count’, Count Boleslas Potocki (Pototski), thanking him for his letter about his recent tour of the East, Otto recalls his own tour, and the feeling “when for the first time one is able to say one’s prayers at all these places made sacred by the story of Our Lord Jesus Christ !”, he talks of Bethlehem and Jerusalem where the Bishop “made me a knight of the order founded by Godfrey of Bouillon”, and of Egypt, “You have chosen a very interesting moment for your stay in Rome; how itwould interest me ... to be present at the ceremonial acts of the Council !”, he has just met at family dinner the Queen of Württemberg (Olga, 1822-1892, daughter of Nicholas I), hopes any reports of the Tsar’s illness are exaggerated, and says that the King and he are looking forward to Potocki’s visit, blue and white crowned monogram, 4 sides 8vo., Munich, 26th December 1869, a trifle marked, three short marginal tears without loss [SD50231]£275 Otto, like his brother Ludwig II, became mentally deranged and ruled entirely under the regencies of his uncle Prince Luitpold and his cousin Prince Ludwig (III). The Vatican Council of 1869-1870 was hotly debated in Bavaria. In Munich Professor Döllinger opposed the doctrine of Papal Infallibility, and became the leader of the Old Catholics, to whom the King gave moral and practical support. From a group of letters addressed to Potocki. 345. ORFORD (Edward Russell, 1652-1727, Admiral, victor of La Hougue, 1st Earl) Portrait engraved by S. Boyce, showing him head and shoulders in full wig and cravat, with a naval battle below the oval frame, 14¾” x 8¾”, n.d., c. 1775, laid down by side margins [SD50167]£110 Russell was one of the seven who in June 1688 signed the invitation to the Prince of Orange to become King. For the Battle of Barfleur and St. Vaast-la-Hougue (1692), in which Russell defeated the last great fleet to attempt an invasion of England, to replace James II on the throne, see e.g. Nigel Calder, ‘The English Channel’, pp. 102-105. 346. OUIDA (Louise de la Ramee, 1839-1908, Author) ALS toVera telling her that her “friend has begun making the drawings of my villa, he is an accomplished draughtsman & a good master of perspective used to drawing for engravers ...”, 4 sides 8vo, n.p., 3rd October 1883, repaired on central fold, dustmarked [SD2483]£25 ‘Ouida’ was born at Bury St. Edmunds of an English mother and French father, who encouraged her in reading history, liberal politics, Balzac and Stendhal. She wrote ‘Held in Bondage’, 1863, ‘Under Two Flags’, 1867, melodramatic tales of love and intrigue, and novels such as ‘Moths’, 1880, and ‘A Village Commune’, 1881, on social questions. From 1871 she lived in her beloved Florence. ANDIT (Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi, 1900-1990, President of the UN Assembly 1953-1954, sister of Jawaharlal Nehru (Prime Minster of India 1947- 1964) ALS to Domini, Lady Crosfield (née Elliadi, d. 1963), thanking her for “a most enjoyable evening” and for sending “the address of the Oriental Stores in such a nice way”, 1side 8vo., 9 Kensington Palace Gardens, W.8., 8th April 1955, pin holes in blank corner [SD19478]£55 348. PARKINSON (John Allen, 1870-1941, M.P.) Fine portrait photograph by Swaine of Bond Street, signed, showing him half length seated, oblong 4½” x 7¾” on mount 6” x 9¼”, n.p., dated on verso 18th March 1924 [SD15180]£25 Parkinson was a Lord Commissioner of the Treasury, 1929-1931, and Private Secretary to the Minister of Transport, 1931. 349. PAUER (Ernst, 1825-1905, Austrian Pianist, Teacher and Composer) ALS, in German with translation, to Edward Dannreuther, (1844-1905, pianist), requesting his “Place, year and date of birth, name of teacher and place of study, a short, concise description of artistic career, titles of works for piano and any thing that you have written directly about the piano. Also ... any marks of honour”, 2 sides 8vo., 3 Onslow Houses, S.W., 25th April 1893 [SD16775]£50 Pauer wrote ‘Musical Form’ for Novello, 1878, and ‘Dictionary of Pianists and Composers for the Piano’, 1895. He studied as a young man with Mozart’s son, F. X. W. Mozart. From 1876 he taught at the National Training School of Music, which became the Royal College in 1883, till his retirement in 1896. Before the age ofrecordings he made many valuable piano transcriptions of orchestral works for students. Dannreuther introduced the piano concertos of Liszt, Grieg and Tchaikovsky to London and founded the London Wagner Society in 1872.


333. [NICHOLAS II (1868-1918, Emperor of Russia) and<br />

his wife ALEXANDRA (1872-1918)]<br />

Official Printed Volume, in French, of the Orders of<br />

Ceremonies at their Coronation and Sacring, issued by<br />

the Master of the Household, Count Voronzov-Dashkov, in<br />

splendid and at times touching detail, the largest sections<br />

are of the immense Procession from the Petrovsky Palace to<br />

the Kremlin, stopping at Churches on the way, and the<br />

Coronation ceremony itself in the Throne Room, finally<br />

Nicholas places the crown on his own head, removes it and<br />

touches the Empress’ forehead with it, before replacing it,<br />

then himself performs Alexandra’s own coronation, no<br />

detail is omitted, bound in olive-green velvet, the front<br />

cover with brass onlays of a crowned cipher, and four<br />

elegant corner pieces of a double lily ,together 72 sides<br />

folio, Moscow, for 14th May 1896, afewbrown spots on<br />

top cover and light impressions in the velvet<br />

[SD50203]£1,500<br />

Thevolume contains:<br />

1. The Foreign Sovereigns and Princes, (48 in all).<br />

2. Their Suites.<br />

3. The visiting Diplomatic Corps.<br />

4. The Ambassadors Extraordinary.<br />

5. The Order of the Procession of the Diplomatic Corps.<br />

6. The Solemn Entry into Moscow.<br />

7. The Translation of the Imperial Emblems.<br />

8. The Coronation and Sacring.<br />

9. The Solemn Proclamation of the Day of the Coronation.<br />

334. NICHOLAS II (1868-1918, from 1894 Emperor of<br />

Russia)<br />

Finely written Letter Signed, in Russian with translation, to<br />

Umberto I of Italy, saying that “it has pleased the Almighty<br />

to visit Our House with profound grief. The beloved cousin<br />

of my father, His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Alexei<br />

Michaelovich, son of Our Beloved Great-Uncle ... Grand<br />

Duke Michael Nikolaevich, passed away after a protracted<br />

and grave illness at San Remo, on the 18th February last, in<br />

the 20th year of his age”, and that he is convinced that the<br />

King “shares sincerely in the grief that has overtaken Us ...<br />

Your Majesty’s Good Brother and Friend”, with original<br />

envelope and papered seal, 2 sides folio black-edged, St.<br />

Petersburg, 9th March “in the 1st year of Our reign” 1895,<br />

short split in one fold without loss, two small holes in<br />

envelope including seal, corresponding holes in document<br />

carefully mended but with miscorrection to last four letters<br />

of one word in titlesl [SD50229]£1,500<br />

Signed also by Prince Lobánov-Rostovski (1824-1896), the<br />

new Minister for Foreign Affairs. With a long list of over 50 of<br />

the Emperor’s titles. The heading (in capitals, varied each line)<br />

and the titles are lithographed. The letter then continues in an<br />

almost indistinguishable ‘copperplate’ hand.<br />


335. NAPOLEON (Louis Eugene Jean Joseph, 18<strong>56</strong>-<br />

1879, Prince Imperial, killed while out with a reconnoitring<br />

party at Ulundi, Zululand)<br />

Exceptionally rare carte de visite photo by Downey, signed<br />

“Louis Napoleon” with the place and dated, showing the<br />

boy half length, seated, 4¼” x 2½”, Chislehurst, August<br />

1871 [SD26596]£975<br />

336. NEGRETE (Pedro R., Guatemalan Ambassador in<br />

London)<br />

Part Bill of Exchange, drawn by Benito & Co. against<br />

Baring Brothers of London’s letter of credit to C. Adolphe<br />

Low&Co. ofSan Francisco (dated New York 15th January<br />

1877), for £800 to Manuel Enriquez, receiver of taxes for<br />

the republic, endorsed by him to Martin Barrundia, Minister<br />

of War, and by him to Negrete, with the latter’s signature,<br />

Guatemala, 19th March 1877 [SD20144]£45<br />

337. NICHOLAS (Grand Duke, 1859-1919, Historian,<br />

Son of Grand Duke Michael, Grandson of Tsar Nicholas I,<br />

executed in 1919)<br />

Fantastic original cabinet photo by Ch. Bergamasco in St<br />

Petersbourg, signed and dated, showing him head and<br />

shoulders, in original Imperial presentation frame , in an<br />

opulent design of pillars and arches, made out of an ivory<br />

style material, 10” x 7½”, 1893 [SD22216]£1,500<br />

The Grand Duke’s family nickname was ‘Bimbo’! Maxim Gorky,<br />

friend of Lenin, tried to prevent his execution, but Lenin said that<br />

“The Revolution doesn’t need Historians”.<br />

These magnificent presentation frames superceded the ivory ones<br />

used 50 years before, when Alexander III came to the throne and<br />

decided that presentation frames should not be as expensive as<br />

they had been before. These are very early examples.<br />

338. NIKOLAI NIKOLAEVICH (1831-1891, 3rd son of<br />

Emperor Nicholas I, Russian Field Marshal)<br />

Exceptional imperial cabinet photograph by Messy, signed,<br />

showing him full length in military uniform, 8¼” x 5¼”,<br />

Nice, n.d., c. 1890 [SD50259]£325<br />

Grand Duke Nikolai was a General of Engineers, and at<br />

Sebastopol under Todleben directed the fortifications to the North<br />

and East. In 1877, as the Tsar’s brother, he commanded the Army<br />

of the South, facing the Turkish Army across the Danube.<br />

339. NOVARRO (Ramón, b.1899 at Durango, Mexico,<br />

stage name of Ramon Gil Samanriegos)<br />

TLS ‘Ramón Novarro’ to James Coneys, thanking him<br />

warmly “for your remembrance of me at Christmas and<br />

New Year”, with three photographs of Novarro, one on a<br />

postcard showing him in Durango market, the letter 1 side<br />

8vo., n.p., 19th March 1955 [SD13031]£75<br />

Novarro starred inthe films ‘Rupert of Hentzau’ (1923), ‘Ben<br />

Hur’ (1926), ‘The Student Prince’ (1928), and many others.<br />


1892-1914, great-grandson of Nicholas I)<br />

Photograph, by P. Zhukov of St. Petersburg,<br />

showing him three-quarter length in military uniform with<br />

decorations, inscribed in French and signed by his mother<br />

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Mavrikievna (1865-1924, née<br />

Princess of Saxe-Altenburg), “In memory of my Oleg”, 6” x<br />

3¼” on mount 8¾” x 6½”, n.p., n.d., c. 1914, mount<br />

trimmed touching end of signature [SD50230]£375<br />

Grand Duke Oleg died of wounds received in action on 12th<br />

October 1914.<br />

341. OLIVIER (Lord Laurence, 1907-1989, Actor)<br />

Black & White photo signed showing him head and<br />

shoulders in “A Little Romance”, 6½” x 4½”, n.p., 1978<br />


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