Trends in Long-Term Care - U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging

Trends in Long-Term Care - U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging Trends in Long-Term Care - U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging
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2984 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - mongrel of tbe mniteb states To Benlamong>inong>.Farber, O^erator, Willoughby Nursong>inong>g.Hme 949 Willoughby Av~enues Brooklyn New York 11221. .*~~~~~~~~~~~~~4rtetong>inong>g: pursuant to lawful authority, YOU .4RE THEREBY COMAI4KgDED to appear before>Specialong>.. ong>Committeeong> on.Agong>inong>g of the ong>Senateong> of the United States, on Jsnuary 21st Ad19- at.. . o'clock. a m., at i aoocb nzx 27 i:- E{ew Yo7k.. New..York. -Boom l6gO .. I ------------------------------------ ,thek29 nI----------------t to testify what you may know relative to the subject matters wSader con- sideration by said comm ttee. oThe SCnaQittee oreqnuest d Syour appearance. along with all-- record- ;elsatong>inong>g to the operation of the above named facility from 1969 to the present ong>inong>cludong>inong>g but-.not limited to .general ledgers..f or. aul corporationso..partnershipas-Andsole proprietorships ong>inong>cludong>inong>g any subsidiary companies; all subsidiary ledgers; &enerxal 4aurnals;. all..supportong>inong>g..v-ouchers and ong>inong>voices;-.all.Leases, conttrarcts and mortgages; all records maong>inong>taong>inong>ed by your Certified Public Accountong>inong>g firm -And all-Gther- fiscal and anconuntong>inong> erecords Tereof fail 110t, as you will answer your default under the paong>inong>s and pen- alties ong>inong> such cases made and provided. To Thomas E.---Fre r-r-a-n---d-i--a----U-n-i-t-e-d- -StatesM-rsha- to serve and return. gibtn under my hand, by order of the committee, this l9th day of .ecemRber ,, ong>inong> the year of our Lord one thousand nong>inong>e hundred and seventy-four.--. Chairmany qgVVZ(RXKp S -ub-compittee Qon_ ong>Longong>-ong>Termong> ong>Careong>, U.S. ong>Senateong> ong>Specialong> ong>Committeeong> on Agong>inong>g

2985 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Congres of tbe mniteb Otateo To.-enpra aI.-ounasl. or..other..officer, Fix t Ntional. Bank of Bay Harbor . IBladBay --HarbAr --Islanda.-.lorida ---- 331.5A-.--------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------.-------------- .reetong>inong>g: Vureuant to lawful authority, YOU ARE HEREBY CONJXfV4DED to appear before the .pecagl ong>Committeeong> on ..Agong>inong>Sg. of the ong>Senateong> of the United States, on ---.Eebruary 4 .- 1975., at 10M--QO - o'clock a- .n., at Iw YQrk .ounty Lawyer-'s.A . ati... l4Seseystree.4-.-York----yXrk. . then and there to testify what you may know relative to the subject matters under con- sideration by said committee. The.' S.Kerqveete ta you pQyide cpesof all monthlY statements and copies of all cancelled checks ong>inong> the Bankb possession or control with .-- accopwt (o. a1Qnte1 of jr, Rocco Scarfoneor Mrs Anna H. Scarfone, either separate or joong>inong>t, coverong>inong>g the period January 1, 1970, to the Rese ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------- Ibrect fail not, as you will answer your default under the paong>inong>s and pen- alties ong>inong> such cases made and provided. To ------onald--- .--- raz----Dnitgd.-St-ateas---ar-hall. to serve and return. gibmn under my hand, by order of the committee, this -- laz.... day of_ -Fzebmar. . , ong>inong> the year of our Lord one thousand nir ghundred and Seyejty-.fiy&- Chairrnon, X~s7bZE AM Subcommittee on ong>Longong>7-aerm ong>Careong>, U.S. ong>Senateong> ong>Specialong> ong>Committeeong> on Agong>inong>g.

2985<br />


C<strong>on</strong>gres of tbe mniteb Otateo<br />

To.-enpra aI.-ounasl. or..other..officer, Fix t Nti<strong>on</strong>al. Bank of Bay Harbor<br />

. IBladBay --HarbAr --Islanda.-.lorida ---- 331.5A-.---------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------.--------------<br />

.reet<str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g>g:<br />

Vureuant to lawful authority, YOU ARE HEREBY CONJXfV4DED to<br />

appear before the .pecagl <str<strong>on</strong>g>Committee</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> ..Ag<str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g>Sg.<br />

of the <str<strong>on</strong>g>Senate</str<strong>on</strong>g> of the United States, <strong>on</strong> ---.Eebruary 4 .- 1975.,<br />

at 10M--QO - o'clock a- .n., at Iw YQrk .ounty<br />

Lawyer-'s.A . ati... l4Seseystree.4-.-York----yXrk. . then and there<br />

to testify what you may know relative to the subject matters under c<strong>on</strong>-<br />

siderati<strong>on</strong> by said committee.<br />

The.' S.Kerqveete ta you pQyide cpesof all m<strong>on</strong>thlY statements<br />

and copies of all cancelled checks <str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g> the Bankb possessi<strong>on</strong> or c<strong>on</strong>trol with<br />

.-- accopwt (o. a1Qnte1 of jr, Rocco Scarf<strong>on</strong>eor Mrs Anna H.<br />

Scarf<strong>on</strong>e, either separate or jo<str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g>t, cover<str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g>g the period January 1, 1970,<br />

to the Rese ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ -------------------------------------<br />

Ibrect fail not, as you will answer your default under the pa<str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g>s and pen-<br />

alties <str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g> such cases made and provided.<br />

To ------<strong>on</strong>ald--- .--- raz----Dnitgd.-St-ateas---ar-hall.<br />

to serve and return.<br />

gibmn under my hand, by order of the committee, this<br />

-- laz.... day of_ -Fzebmar. . , <str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g> the year of our<br />

Lord <strong>on</strong>e thousand nir ghundred and Seyejty-.fiy&-<br />

Chairrn<strong>on</strong>, X~s7bZE AM Subcommittee <strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>L<strong>on</strong>g</str<strong>on</strong>g>7-aerm<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Care</str<strong>on</strong>g>, U.S. <str<strong>on</strong>g>Senate</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Special</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Committee</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> Ag<str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g>g.

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