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254 The Disguised Ruler in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries © Copyrighted Material Poetaster, 75, 159–60, 203 the Lady (Lady’s/Second Maiden’s The Staple of News, 202 Tragedy), 139–40 Volpone, 156 Lady Elizabeth’s Men, 199, 202 Workes, 10, 11, 12, 201 Lady Elizabeth’s Players, 202 Jowett, John D., 4, 19, 127 The Lady’s Tragedy (attributed Middleton), Julia, Duchess of Florence (Turk) 194 139–40. See also The Second Juliet (Measure), 217, 221 Maiden’s Tragedy Julio (Law Tricks), 176, 177 Lake, David J., 95 Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 135 Lampatho Doria (What You Will), 76 Lantern/Leatherhead (Bartholomew Fair), Kamps, Ivo, 26, 140–141, 146 198–9, 200, 202–3, 216 Kastan, David Scott, 49–50 Larmore, Charles, 170 Katherine (Jack Drum’s), 87 Lascelles, Mary, 125 Kendal, Earl of (George a Greene) 35 Latronello (Phoenix), 156 Kett’s Rebellion, 74, 199 law, 143, 166, 167, 174–8 Keyes, Robert, 184 Lawrence, Jacob, 67, 68 ‘king and subject’ theme, 27–8, 36, 42, Law Tricks or, Who Would Have Thought It 56, 60 (Day), 22, 162, 174–8 King Edward III (Shakespeare dating of, 174 collaboration), 26 disguises in, 174–8 King James I of England (Critz), 114 ownership of, 174 King John (Shakespeare), 26, 55 prodigal child in, 174–8 King Lear (Shakespeare), 87 sexuality in, 177 King of Cyprus (Dumb Knight), 193 ‘ship of fools’ in, 177 kingship. See monarchy leatherhead. See lantern/leatherhead King’s Men, 8, 63, 64, 70, 94, 99, 105, Lee, Maurice Jr, 126–7 139, 163, 181, 216, 218. See also Leir, 36–7 Chamberlain’s men Lelio (Knack to Know and Honest Kinsale, Battle of, 48 Man), 155 ‘Kinsayder, W.’, 74–5, 76, 77, 80, 82. See ‘Leon the Usurer’/Cleanthes (Blind Beggar also Marston, John of Alexandria), 38 The Metamorphosis of Pigmalions ‘let the Bird of lowdest lay’ Image, 74, 85 (Shakespeare), 145. See also ‘The The Scourge of Villanie, 74 phoenix and the Turtle’ Kirkham, Edward, 65, 162, 163 Lever, J.W., 126 Kirkman, Francis, 142 Levin, Richard, 116–17, 126 A Knack to Know a Knave (anonymous), Il libro del cortegiano (Castiglione). 15–16, 43–4, 154–5, 157, 172, 173 See The Courtyer (Il libro del Knack to Know an Honest Man cortegiano) (Castiglione) (anonymous), 154–5 Like Will to Like (Fulwell), 86, 87–8 Knight, Charles, 123, 133 Lionell/Theagine (May Day), 195 Studies of Shakspere, 123 Lipsius, Justus, De Constantia (‘On Knutson, Roslyn L., 8 Constancy’), 74 kyd, Thomas, The Spanish Tragedy literary freedom, Golden Age, 75 (Hieronimo Is Mad Again), 64–5, 72 lloyd, Bernard, 161 Lluellen (Edward I), 34, 44 Lacy, Earl of Lincoln (Friar Bacon), 32, Locher, Jacob, 167, 169 43, 109, 172 Lodovico (White Devil), 87 Lacy, Rowland (Shoemaker’s Holiday), 43 Lodowick, Prince 103, 104 www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com © Copyrighted Material

Index © Copyrighted Material 255 The Fatal Marriage or A Second guarini’s Il pastor fido and, 66–71, Lucretia (anonymous), 217 84–93, 94 London, 96–7, 143, 147, 158, 178, 184–5, as Jacobean disguised ruler play, 61, 71 185, 187, 190, 192, 211–12 marston’s The Fawn and, 162 London Prodigal (anonymous), 176, 188 middleton’s The Phoenix and, 156, Look About You (anonymous/Wadeson), 28 157, 158 Lorenzo (Merchant of Venice), 154 performances of, 70–71, 218 Lorenzo (May Day), 195–7 periodization and, 62 Love’s Labour’s Lost (Shakespeare), 105 Qa Malcontent, 62–3, 67, 69, 70–71, Love’s Martyr (Chester), 145 74–84, 93, 94–101, 136, 141–2, Lowin, John, 63, 70–71, 57 156, 159, 163 Lubeck (Fair Em), 109 QB Malcontent, 62–3, 67, 69–71, Lucio (Antonio and Mellida), 72 74–9, 79–84, 93, 94–101, 136, Lucio (Measure), 103, 179 141–2, 156, 159, 163 Lucio (Woman Hater), 179 QC Malcontent, 62–3, 65, 67, 70–71, ‘Lucretia’/Lucretio (May Day), 195 57, 74, 79, 84, 93–101, 136, 139– Lurdo (Law Tricks), 175 41, 143, 206, 216 Lussurioso (Phoenix), 142, 156 revenge in, 79 Lussurioso (Revenger’s Tragedy), 156 shakespeare’s As You Like It and, 98 Lyly, John, Euphues and his England, 87 success of, 216 Lysander (Deserving Favourite), 217 as tragicomedy, 62, 71, 93–101 Lysimichus (Pericles), 193 versions of, 62–4, 162 A Lytell Geste of Robyn Hode, 27 ‘Malevole’/Altofronto, 71, 74, 76–86, 88, 93–100, 139, 218 Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 133 Malone, Edmond, 108, 122, 123, 133 History of England, 117, 123–4 Mamon (Jack Drum’s), 87, 87, 114 Macbeth (Shakespeare), 192 Manville (Fair Em), 110 machiavelli, Il Principe, 159 Maquerelle (Malcontent), 68, 90, 91, 93, 97 Machiavellianism, 81, 99, 100, 143, 148, Marcus, Leah, 127 151, 152, 190 Margaret (Friar Bacon), 172 machin, lewis Mariana (Fair Em), 109, 110 The Dumb Knight, 193 Mariana (Measure), 110, 152 The Insatiate Countess, 194 Marion, Maid (George a Greene), 35 MacLean, Sally-Beth, 40 markham, gervase, The Dumb Knight, 193 ‘mad Arthur’ (Bartholomew Fair), 204–13, marlowe, Christopher 207–8, 207 Edward II, 26 madness, 77–8, 166–71, 168, 169. See also Tamburlaine the Great, Parts 1 and folly 2, 39 The Malcontent (Marston), 3, 12–16, 18–19, Marston, John, 15–16, 65, 143, 178. See 21, 25, 37, 61–101, 105, 146, 154, also ‘Kinsayder, W.’; Marston, 157, 158, 163, 188, 203–4, 219 John, works of censorship of, 100 Admiral’s Men and, 76 children’s version, 151–2 Blackfriars and, 82, 84, 142, 162 as city tragicomedy, 93–101 censorship and, 79–84 divine right controversy and, 93–101 early career as playwright, 75–6 editions of, 79, 142 experimentation of, 153 first public performances of, 70 idealism of, 74–5 generic identity of, 9, 12–13, 14, 93, ‘Kinsayder’ persona, 74–5, 76, 77, 80, 82 93–101 linguistic skill of, 67–8 www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com www.ashgate.com © Copyrighted Material

254 The Disguised Ruler in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries<br />

<strong>©</strong> <strong>Copyrighted</strong> <strong>Material</strong><br />

Poetaster, 75, 159–60, 203<br />

the Lady (Lady’s/Second Maiden’s<br />

The Staple of News, 202<br />

Tragedy), 139–40<br />

Volpone, 156<br />

Lady Elizabeth’s Men, 199, 202<br />

Workes, 10, 11, 12, 201<br />

Lady Elizabeth’s Players, 202<br />

Jowett, John D., 4, 19, 127<br />

The Lady’s Tragedy (attributed Middleton),<br />

Julia, Duchess of Florence (Turk) 194<br />

139–40. See also The Second<br />

Juliet (Measure), 217, 221<br />

Maiden’s Tragedy<br />

Julio (Law Tricks), 176, 177<br />

Lake, David J., 95<br />

Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 135<br />

Lampatho Doria (What You Will), 76<br />

Lantern/Leatherhead (Bartholomew Fair),<br />

Kamps, Ivo, 26, 140–141, 146<br />

198–9, 200, 202–3, 216<br />

Kastan, David Scott, 49–50<br />

Larmore, Charles, 170<br />

Katherine (Jack Drum’s), 87<br />

Lascelles, Mary, 125<br />

Kendal, Earl of (George a Greene) 35 Latronello (Phoenix), 156<br />

Kett’s Rebellion, 74, 199<br />

law, 143, 166, 167, 174–8<br />

Keyes, Robert, 184<br />

Lawrence, Jacob, 67, 68<br />

‘king and subject’ theme, 27–8, 36, 42, Law Tricks or, Who Would Have Thought It<br />

56, 60<br />

(Day), 22, 162, 174–8<br />

King Edward III (Shakespeare<br />

dating of, 174<br />

collaboration), 26<br />

disguises in, 174–8<br />

King James I of England (Critz), 114<br />

ownership of, 174<br />

King John (Shakespeare), 26, 55<br />

prodigal child in, 174–8<br />

King Lear (Shakespeare), 87<br />

sexuality in, 177<br />

King of Cyprus (Dumb Knight), 193<br />

‘ship of fools’ in, 177<br />

kingship. See monarchy<br />

leatherhead. See lantern/leatherhead<br />

King’s Men, 8, 63, 64, 70, 94, 99, 105, Lee, Maurice Jr, 126–7<br />

139, 163, 181, 216, 218. See also Leir, 36–7<br />

Chamberlain’s men<br />

Lelio (Knack to Know and Honest<br />

Kinsale, Battle of, 48<br />

Man), 155<br />

‘Kinsayder, W.’, 74–5, 76, 77, 80, 82. See ‘Leon the Usurer’/Cleanthes (Blind Beggar<br />

also Marston, John<br />

of Alexandria), 38<br />

The Metamorphosis of Pigmalions ‘let the Bird of lowdest lay’<br />

Image, 74, 85<br />

(Shakespeare), 145. See also ‘The<br />

The Scourge of Villanie, 74<br />

phoenix and the Turtle’<br />

Kirkham, Edward, 65, 162, 163<br />

Lever, J.W., 126<br />

Kirkman, Francis, 142<br />

Levin, Richard, 116–17, 126<br />

A Knack to Know a Knave (anonymous), Il libro del cortegiano (Castiglione).<br />

15–16, 43–4, 154–5, 157, 172, 173 See The Courtyer (Il libro del<br />

Knack to Know an Honest Man<br />

cortegiano) (Castiglione)<br />

(anonymous), 154–5<br />

Like Will to Like (Fulwell), 86, 87–8<br />

Knight, Charles, 123, 133<br />

Lionell/Theagine (May Day), 195<br />

Studies of Shakspere, 123<br />

Lipsius, Justus, De Constantia (‘On<br />

Knutson, Roslyn L., 8<br />

Constancy’), 74<br />

kyd, Thomas, The Spanish Tragedy<br />

literary freedom, Golden Age, 75<br />

(Hieronimo Is Mad Again), 64–5, 72 lloyd, Bernard, 161<br />

Lluellen (Edward I), 34, 44<br />

Lacy, Earl of Lincoln (Friar Bacon), 32, Locher, Jacob, 167, 169<br />

43, 109, 172<br />

Lodovico (White Devil), 87<br />

Lacy, Rowland (Shoemaker’s Holiday), 43 Lodowick, Prince 103, 104<br />

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