chapter 10 the monism of darkness and the dualism of limit and ...

chapter 10 the monism of darkness and the dualism of limit and ... chapter 10 the monism of darkness and the dualism of limit and ...
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52 CHAPTER 10 natural existence within the World. In this manner, one finds both radiance of light and fragrance of spirit thrown and remaining diffuse inside the physical Universe. The precise mode of the principles’ confluence is as follows: the process gets started with the beginning of Tempest, a dreadful, furious, impetuous Wind, a boisterous Blast. The Wind, however, that is here agitating the primaeval Water of Abyss and causes the worldly formations is not the Spirit as a first principle (as with the Nicolaitae), nor as the humid effulgence of the third hypostasis of the First Principle (as with the Ophitae), nor even as the second principle: the vehement and stormy Wind that raises the Water into a pregnant undulation fertilized by the luminous spirit (by the fragrance of a radiant breeze) is the First-Born of the Water, the very first and most powerful son of the Third Principle. Hippolytus is undoubtedly preserving authentic and moving Sethianic imagery of ur-cosmogonic events. Because of the opposition between the two co-present principles, namely between the bright spirit (or life-generating breath) on the one hand, and the awesome water on the other, the Spirit’s Breath stirs lust and arousal, hence sexual desire for copulation, to the water, and this longing blows as raging Wind and makes the water swell raising it in this way to a passionate undulation: Á¤ÁÔÓÂÓ ÔsÓ âÎ ÙÔÜ ≠Y‰·ÙÔ˜ appleÚˆÙfiÁÔÓÔ˜ àÚ¯c òAÓÂÌÔ˜ ÛÊÔ‰Úe˜ ηd Ï¿‚ÚÔ˜ ηd apple¿Û˘ ÁÂÓ¤Ûˆ˜ ·úÙÈÔ˜. ‚Ú·ÛÌeÓ Á¿Ú ÙÈÓ· âÌappleÔÈáÓ ÙÔÖ˜ ≈‰·ÛÈÓ àapplee ÙáÓ ñ‰¿ÙˆÓ ‰ÈÂÁ›ÚÂÈ Î‡Ì·Ù·Ø ì ‰b ÙáÓ Î˘Ì¿ÙˆÓ Á¤ÓÂÛȘ, ÔîÔ- Ó› ÙȘ ÔsÛ· ïÚÌc 12 âÁ·ÌÔÓ· ÁÂÁÔÓ¤Ó·È ÙÔÜ àÓıÚÒappleÔ˘ j ÙÔÜ ÓÔÜ, ïapplefiÙ·Ó ñapplee Ùɘ ÙÔÜ Ó‡̷ÙÔ˜ ïÚÌɘ çÚÁ‹Û·Û· âapple›ÁËÙ·È. âappleaÓ ‰b ÙÔÜÙÔ Ùe ñapplee ÙÔÜ àÓ¤ÌÔ˘ ÎÜÌ· âÎ ÙÔÜ ≈‰·ÙÔ˜ âÁÂÚıbÓ Î·d âÁ·ÌÔÓ· âÚÁ·Û¿ÌÂÓÔÓ ÙcÓ Ê‡ÛÈÓ Á¤Ó- ÓËÌ· ıËÏ›·˜ ÂåÏ‹ÊË âÓ ë·˘Ùˇá, η٤¯ÂÈ Ùe ηÙÂÛapple·Ṳ́ÓÔÓ ÊᘠôÓˆıÂÓ ÌÂÙa Ùɘ ÙÔÜ appleÓ‡̷ÙÔ˜ Â鈉›·˜, ÙÔ˘Ù¤ÛÙÈ ÓÔÜÓ ÌÂÙ·ÌÔÚ- ʈ̤ÓÔÓ âÓ ÙÔÖ˜ ‰È·ÊfiÚÔȘ Âú‰ÂÛÈÓ, ¬ âÛÙÈ Ù¤ÏÂÈÔ˜ £Âfi˜, âÍ àÁÂÓÓ‹- ÙÔ˘ ºˆÙe˜ ôÓˆıÂÓ Î·d Ó‡̷ÙÔ˜ ηÙÂÓËÓÂÁ̤ÓÔ˜ Âå˜ àÓıÚˆapple›ÓËÓ Ê‡ÛÈÓ œÛappleÂÚ Âå˜ Ó·fiÓ, ÊÔÚ÷Ä Ê‡Ûˆ˜ ηd àÓ¤ÌÔ˘ ÎÈÓ‹Ì·ÙÈ ÁÂÓÓËıÂd˜ âÍ ≈‰·ÙÔ˜, Û˘ÁÎÂÎڷ̤ÓÔ˜ ηd ηٷÌÂÌÈÁ̤ÓÔ˜ ÙÔÖ˜ ÛÒÌ·ÛÈÓ, ÔîÔ- ÓÂd ±Ï·˜ ÙáÓ ÁÂÓÔÌ¤ÓˆÓ ñapple¿Ú¯ˆÓ ηd ÊᘠÙÔÜ ÛÎfiÙÔ˘˜, àapplee ÙáÓ ÛˆÌ¿ÙˆÓ Ûapple‡‰ˆÓ Ï˘ıÉÓ·È Î·d Ìc ‰˘Ó¿ÌÂÓÔ˜ ÙcÓ Ï‡ÛÈÓ ÂñÚÂÖÓ Î·d ÙcÓ ‰È¤ÍÔ‰ÔÓ ë·˘ÙÔÜ. The Wind of darkness, the Mighty Primogenitus of the Waters is, therefore, the Father below, the

MONISM OF DARKNESS - DUALISM OF LIMIT AND INDETERMINACY 53 Generator of the Physical Universe and its partial species and beings. He firstly begets as his Son the perfect Intellect, the intellectual Heaven, ultimate Boundary and binding Fastener of the World, the Cosmic Intelligence. The Son is not in essence the same (homoousios) with the Father: the Son is captivated inside the aroused undulation, and this is according to the Sethians the Spirit that is suspended over the Waters in Genesis I, 2. Hippolytus’ text 19 §§16-17 should be read as follows: appleÄÛ· ÔsÓ ÊÚÔÓÙd˜ ηd âappleÈ̤ÏÂÈ· ÙÔÜ ºˆÙe˜ ôÓˆıÂÓ (sc. Ùɘ appleÚÒÙ˘ àگɘ) âÛÙÈ, appleᘠηd Ù›Ó· ÙÚfiappleÔÓ àapplee ÙÔÜ ı·Ó¿ÙÔ˘ ÙÔÜ appleÔÓËÚÔÜ Î·› ÛÎÔÙÂÈÓÔÜ ÛÒÌ·ÙÔ˜ àappleÔÏ˘ıÂ›Ë ï NÔܘ àapplee ÙÔÜ ·ÙÚe˜ ÙÔÜ Î¿ÙˆıÂÓ, ¬ âÛÙÈÓ ï òAÓÂÌÔ˜, âÓ ‚ÚfiÌˇˆ ηd Ù·Ú¿¯ˇˆ âappleÂ- Á›ڷ˜ ·̷ٷ ηd ÁÂÓÓ‹Û·˜ ÓÔÜÓ Ù¤ÏÂÈÔÓ YîeÓ ë·˘ÙÔÜ, ÔéÎ ùÓÙ· ú‰ÈÔÓ ë·˘ÙÔÜ Î·Ù’ ÔéÛ›·Ó (ôÓˆıÂÓ ÁaÚ qÓ àÎÙd˜ àapplee ÙÔÜ ÙÂÏ›Ԣ ºˆÙe˜ âΛÓÔ˘) âÓ Ùˇá ÛÎÔÙÂÈÓˇá ηd ÊÔ‚ÂÚˇá ηd appleÈÎÚˇá ηd ÌÈ·Úˇá ≈‰·ÙÈ ÎÂÎÚ·ÙË̤ÓÔÓ [sc. ÙeÓ NÔÜÓ ―not ÎÂÎÚ·ÙË̤ÓÔ˜ which is a wrong ‘emendation’ of the right manuscript reading], ¬appleÂÚ âÛÙd appleÓÂÜÌ· ʈÙÂÈÓeÓ âappleÈÊÂÚfiÌÂÓÔÓ âapple¿Óˆ ÙÔÜ ≈‰·ÙÔ˜. With the generation of the world a radiance of the First Light and a fragrance of the Spirit are captured therein so that the multiple intermixtures of the principles’ powers with the powers of the third principle and substance, namely water, create the entire cosmic phantasmagoria. Moreover, what is at stake here is not only the imposition of a specific type of characterising seal on a material configuration that would concretise a particular thing, but also specifically the confinement in the particular created thing of pure bright spirit, i.e. of intellect, as happens in the world at large as a whole. Not only does bright spirit as radiant fragrance penetrate the remotest edges of the world as it is sown everywhere, it also gets concentrated, in its fully fledged peculiar essentiality, thereby constituting Man, as perfect God (v. 19 §15 supra). The Intelligence of the World, the heavenly intellects and the human Mind are the light-bearing and light-transferring spirit: they are immortal gods because they possess perfect and absolute Knowledge. The Luminous Spirit that moves over the Waters is also the universal, Cosmic Intellect. This is born from the Wind in the first phase of creation. The formation of the World consists in the creation of the Cosmic Womb against which the particular animal wombs are modelled (19 §11-12). In the second phase, the Wind as (Phallic)

52 CHAPTER <strong>10</strong><br />

natural existence within <strong>the</strong> World. In this manner, one finds both<br />

radiance <strong>of</strong> light <strong>and</strong> fragrance <strong>of</strong> spirit thrown <strong>and</strong> remaining diffuse<br />

inside <strong>the</strong> physical Universe.<br />

The precise mode <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> principles’ confluence is as follows: <strong>the</strong><br />

process gets started with <strong>the</strong> beginning <strong>of</strong> Tempest, a dreadful, furious,<br />

impetuous Wind, a boisterous Blast. The Wind, however, that is here<br />

agitating <strong>the</strong> primaeval Water <strong>of</strong> Abyss <strong>and</strong> causes <strong>the</strong> worldly<br />

formations is not <strong>the</strong> Spirit as a first principle (as with <strong>the</strong> Nicolaitae),<br />

nor as <strong>the</strong> humid effulgence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> third hypostasis <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> First<br />

Principle (as with <strong>the</strong> Ophitae), nor even as <strong>the</strong> second principle: <strong>the</strong><br />

vehement <strong>and</strong> stormy Wind that raises <strong>the</strong> Water into a pregnant<br />

undulation fertilized by <strong>the</strong> luminous spirit (by <strong>the</strong> fragrance <strong>of</strong> a<br />

radiant breeze) is <strong>the</strong> First-Born <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Water, <strong>the</strong> very first <strong>and</strong> most<br />

powerful son <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Third Principle. Hippolytus is undoubtedly<br />

preserving au<strong>the</strong>ntic <strong>and</strong> moving Sethianic imagery <strong>of</strong> ur-cosmogonic<br />

events. Because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> opposition between <strong>the</strong> two co-present<br />

principles, namely between <strong>the</strong> bright spirit (or life-generating breath)<br />

on <strong>the</strong> one h<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> awesome water on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong> Spirit’s<br />

Breath stirs lust <strong>and</strong> arousal, hence sexual desire for copulation, to <strong>the</strong><br />

water, <strong>and</strong> this longing blows as raging Wind <strong>and</strong> makes <strong>the</strong> water<br />

swell raising it in this way to a passionate undulation: Á¤ÁÔÓÂÓ ÔsÓ âÎ<br />

ÙÔÜ ≠Y‰·ÙÔ˜ appleÚˆÙfiÁÔÓÔ˜ àÚ¯c òAÓÂÌÔ˜ ÛÊÔ‰Úe˜ ηd Ï¿‚ÚÔ˜ ηd<br />

apple¿Û˘ ÁÂÓ¤Ûˆ˜ ·úÙÈÔ˜. ‚Ú·ÛÌeÓ Á¿Ú ÙÈÓ· âÌappleÔÈáÓ ÙÔÖ˜ ≈‰·ÛÈÓ<br />

àapplee ÙáÓ ñ‰¿ÙˆÓ ‰ÈÂÁ›ÚÂÈ Î‡Ì·Ù·Ø ì ‰b ÙáÓ Î˘Ì¿ÙˆÓ Á¤ÓÂÛȘ, ÔîÔ-<br />

Ó› ÙȘ ÔsÛ· ïÚÌc 12 âÁ·ÌÔÓ·<br />

ÁÂÁÔÓ¤Ó·È ÙÔÜ àÓıÚÒappleÔ˘ j ÙÔÜ ÓÔÜ, ïapplefiÙ·Ó ñapplee Ùɘ ÙÔÜ Ó‡̷ÙÔ˜<br />

ïÚÌɘ çÚÁ‹Û·Û· âapple›ÁËÙ·È. âappleaÓ ‰b ÙÔÜÙÔ Ùe ñapplee ÙÔÜ àÓ¤ÌÔ˘ ÎÜÌ·<br />

âÎ ÙÔÜ ≈‰·ÙÔ˜ âÁÂÚıbÓ Î·d âÁ·ÌÔÓ· âÚÁ·Û¿ÌÂÓÔÓ ÙcÓ Ê‡ÛÈÓ Á¤Ó-<br />

ÓËÌ· ıËÏ›·˜ ÂåÏ‹ÊË âÓ ë·˘Ùˇá, η٤¯ÂÈ Ùe ηÙÂÛapple·Ṳ́ÓÔÓ Êá˜<br />

ôÓˆıÂÓ ÌÂÙa Ùɘ ÙÔÜ appleÓ‡̷ÙÔ˜ Â鈉›·˜, ÙÔ˘Ù¤ÛÙÈ ÓÔÜÓ ÌÂÙ·ÌÔÚ-<br />

ʈ̤ÓÔÓ âÓ ÙÔÖ˜ ‰È·ÊfiÚÔȘ Âú‰ÂÛÈÓ, ¬ âÛÙÈ Ù¤ÏÂÈÔ˜ £Âfi˜, âÍ àÁÂÓÓ‹-<br />

ÙÔ˘ ºˆÙe˜ ôÓˆıÂÓ Î·d Ó‡̷ÙÔ˜ ηÙÂÓËÓÂÁ̤ÓÔ˜ Âå˜ àÓıÚˆapple›ÓËÓ<br />

ʇÛÈÓ œÛappleÂÚ Âå˜ Ó·fiÓ, ÊÔÚ÷Ä Ê‡Ûˆ˜ ηd àÓ¤ÌÔ˘ ÎÈÓ‹Ì·ÙÈ ÁÂÓÓËıÂd˜<br />

âÍ ≈‰·ÙÔ˜, Û˘ÁÎÂÎڷ̤ÓÔ˜ ηd ηٷÌÂÌÈÁ̤ÓÔ˜ ÙÔÖ˜ ÛÒÌ·ÛÈÓ, ÔîÔ-<br />

ÓÂd ±Ï·˜ ÙáÓ ÁÂÓÔÌ¤ÓˆÓ ñapple¿Ú¯ˆÓ ηd ÊᘠÙÔÜ ÛÎfiÙÔ˘˜, àapplee ÙáÓ<br />

ÛˆÌ¿ÙˆÓ Ûapple‡‰ˆÓ Ï˘ıÉÓ·È Î·d Ìc ‰˘Ó¿ÌÂÓÔ˜ ÙcÓ Ï‡ÛÈÓ ÂñÚÂÖÓ Î·d<br />

ÙcÓ ‰È¤ÍÔ‰ÔÓ ë·˘ÙÔÜ. The Wind <strong>of</strong> <strong>darkness</strong>, <strong>the</strong> Mighty<br />

Primogenitus <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Waters is, <strong>the</strong>refore, <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r below, <strong>the</strong>

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