2012 Summer School Bulletin - Emory College - Emory University

2012 Summer School Bulletin - Emory College - Emory University

2012 Summer School Bulletin - Emory College - Emory University


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other texts: the martial tradition and the utopian tradition, that is, what these Taoist texts<br />

have to say about war and violence and about the ideal peaceful society.<br />



2:30–4:45 p .m . MTTh . 1st session . Credit, 4 hrs . Diakite<br />

What exactly is magical thought? What are magical practices? How do such activities<br />

relate to religious thought, and religious practices? How do such activities relate to the<br />

larger cultures in which they exist? Historically, when, where, and how did magical<br />

teachings first come to America? What is their relationship to African peoples forcibly<br />

brought to the New World, Europeans who colonized it, and the Native American peoples<br />

who lived here for tens of thousands of years? If magical teachings and practices were<br />

common to colonial America, what was their relationship to the kinds of Christianity<br />

colonists practiced, and what does this suggest about contemporary arguments about<br />

America as a “Christian nation?” By reading, discussing together, and writing about<br />

a number of historical, anthropological, and sociological sources that approach these<br />

questions from quite different academic disciplines and methodological starting points,<br />

students will have the opportunity to grapple with precisely these, and still other related,<br />

questions. Throughout the course special emphasis will be placed upon students’ ability to<br />

grasp the analyses and theories various thinkers have put forth, as well as articulating and<br />

critically refining their own perspectives.<br />

Sociology<br />


2:30–4:45 p .m . MTW . 2nd session . Credit, 4 hrs . Gordon<br />

Study of human social behavior. Social and cultural aspects of the emergence,<br />

maintenance, modification, and adjustment of human groups.<br />

Course Number Key and Dates<br />

00A: First session May 21 – June 29 00F: Miscellaneous Varies<br />

00B: Entire summer May 21 – August 10 0PA, 0PB, 0PC Permission required<br />

00C: Second Session July 2 – August 10<br />

MAY: Maymester May 15–June 1<br />


2:30–4:45 p .m . TWTh . 2nd session . Credit, 4 hrs . Nalkur<br />

Introduction to the sociological study of culture. Examines relationships between values,<br />

beliefs, and expressive symbols, on the one hand, and the institutional structure of society<br />

on the other. Attention to art, media, religion, and ideology.<br />


1:00–2:20 p .m . Daily . 1st session . Credit, 4 hrs . Alexander<br />

Cross-listed as African American Studies 247. Relations between and within groups, and<br />

conflict and cooperation in light of a number of models of social interaction. Application<br />

of principles to racial, religious, and ethnic minorities.<br />

325-00A. SOCIOLOGY OF FILM<br />

2:30–4:45 p .m . MTTh . 1st session . Film viewing, W 2:30–4:45 p .m .<br />

Credit, 4 hrs . Hicks<br />

Introduction to the social origins and dimensions of the production, distribution,<br />

contents, form, and reception of film.<br />

355-00A. SOCIAL RESEARCH I<br />

2:30–4:45 p .m . MTW . 1st session . Credit, 4 hrs . Mullis<br />

Introduction to research design and data analysis, including logic of research, methods of<br />

data collection, elementary statistics, and computer analysis.<br />

497R-00A, -00B, -00C. DIRECTED STUDY<br />

TBA . Three sessions . Credit, 1–4 hrs . Scott<br />

Prerequisite: one sociology course. Supervised work on a faculty member’s research<br />

project, normally for students who have demonstrated superior performance in sociology.<br />

Written permission required from director of undergraduate studies prior to registration.<br />

498R-00A, -00B, -00C. SUPERVISED READINGS<br />

TBA . Three sessions . Credit, 1–4 hrs . Scott<br />

Supervised reading, normally for students majoring in sociology. Written permission<br />

required from director of undergraduate studies prior to registration.<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> Courses | 35 www.college.emory.edu/summer

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