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Camp et al. 1998 Macroinvertebrate Checklists T. H. Perkins—Polychaeta<br />

GRANADOS-BARBA, A., and V. SOLÍS-WEISS. 1997.<br />

The polychaetous annelids from oil platforms areas in<br />

the southern Gulf of Mexico: Phyllodocidae, Glyceridae,<br />

Goniadidae, Hesionidae, and Pilargidae, with description<br />

of Ophioglycera lyra, a new species, and comments<br />

on Goniada distorta Moore and Scoloplos texana<br />

Maciolek and Holland. Proceedings of the Biological<br />

Society of Washington 110(3): 457–470.<br />

GRANADOS-BARBA, A., and V. SOLÍS-WEISS. 1997.<br />

Polychaetous annelids of the oil platform areas from<br />

the southeastern Gulf of Mexico: Orbiniidae and Cossuridae.<br />

Bulletin of Marine Science 61(3): 549-557.<br />

HALL, J. R., and C. H. SALOMAN. 1975. Distribution<br />

and abundance of macroinvertebrate species of six<br />

phyla in Tampa Bay, Florida, 1963–64 and 1969. National<br />

Marine Fisheries Service Data Report 100: 1–505.<br />

HANLEY, J. R. 1987.Taxonomic status of some species<br />

formerly referred to Malmgrenia Macintosh 1874, with<br />

the description of a new genus Lobopelma (Polychaeta:<br />

Polynoidae).The Beagle, Records of the Northern Territory<br />

Museum of Arts and Sciences 4(1): 147–163.<br />

HARPER, D. E., JR. 1969. The occurrence of Sternaspis<br />

scutata (Polychaeta: Sternaspidae) on the Texas coast.<br />

Texas Journal of Science 21: 229.<br />

HARPER, D. E., JR. 1979. Nereis (Neanthes) micromma n.<br />

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Contributions in Marine Science 22: 91–103.<br />

HARPER, D. E., JR. 1986. Nephtys cryptomma, new<br />

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III, and K. W. JOHNSON. 1979. The occurrence of Pisionidens<br />

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HARTMAN, O. 1938a. Annotated list of the types of<br />

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HARTMAN, O. 1938b. The types of the polychaete<br />

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of a new genus. Proceedings of the United<br />

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HARTMAN, O. 1939. Polychaetous annelids. Part I.<br />

Aphroditidae to Pisionidae. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions<br />

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HARTMAN, O. 1940. Polychaetous annelids. Part II.<br />

Chrysopetalidae to Goniadidae. Allan Hancock Pacific<br />

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HARTMAN, O. 1941. Polychaetous annelids. Part IV.<br />

Pectinariidae. With a review of all species from the<br />

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HARTMAN, O. 1942a. The identity of some marine<br />

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HARTMAN, O. 1942b. Report on the Scientific Results<br />

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HARTMAN, O. 1942c. A review of the types of polychaetous<br />

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HARTMAN, O. 1943. Description of Polydora websteri.<br />

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HARTMAN, O. 1944a. New England Annelida. Part 2.<br />

Including the unpublished plates by Verrill with reconstructed<br />

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of Natural History 82(7): 331–343.<br />

HARTMAN, O. 1944b. Polychaetous annelids. Allan<br />

Hancock Atlantic Expedition Report No. 3: 3–33.<br />

HARTMAN, O. 1944c. Polychaetous annelids. Part V. Eunicea.<br />

Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 10(1): 1–237.<br />

HARTMAN, O. 1944d. Polychaetous annelids. Part VI.<br />

Paraonidae, Magelonidae, Longosomidae, Ctenodrilidae,<br />

and Sabellariidae. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions<br />

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HARTMAN, O. 1945. The marine annelids of North<br />

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