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Camp et al. 1998 Macroinvertebrate Checklists T. H. Perkins—Polychaeta<br />

Lepidametria commensalis Webster, 1879<br />

Genus Lepidasthenia Malmgren, 1867<br />

Lepidasthenia varia Treadwell, 1917<br />

Lepidasthenia sp. A of Weston, 1984<br />

Genus Lepidonopsis Pettibone, 1977<br />

Lepidonopsis humilis (Augener, 1922)<br />

Genus Lepidonotus Leach, 1816<br />

Lepidonotus inquilinus Treadwell, 1917<br />

Lepidonotus sublevis Verrill, 1873<br />

Lepidonotus variabilis Webster, 1879<br />

Genus Malmgreniella Hartman, 1967<br />

Malmgreniella galetaensis Pettibone, 1993<br />

Malmgreniella maccraryae Pettibone, 1993<br />

Malmgreniella pierceae Pettibone, 1993<br />

Malmgreniella puntotorensis Pettibone, 1993<br />

Malmgreniella taylori Pettibone, 1993<br />

Malmgreniella variegata (Treadwell, 1917)<br />

Genus Phyllohartmania Pettibone, 1961<br />

Phyllohartmania taylori Pettibone, 1961<br />

Genus Thormora Baird, 1865<br />

Thormora johnstoni (Kinberg, 1855)<br />

Thormora taeniata (Ehlers, 1887)<br />

Polynoidae gen. A of Weston, 1984<br />

Undetermined sp. of Weston, 1984<br />

Polynoidae gen. C of Weston, 1984<br />

Undetermined sp. of Weston, 1984<br />

Polynoidae undetermined genus<br />

Polynoid sp. A of Taylor, 1971<br />

Family Acoetidae Kinberg, 1858<br />

Genus Acoetes Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1832<br />

Acoetes pleei Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1832<br />

Genus Euarche Ehlers, 1887<br />

Euarche tubifex Ehlers, 1887<br />

Genus Eupolyodontes Buchanan, 1894<br />

Eupolyodontes batabanoensis Ibarzabal, 1988<br />

Genus Panthalis Kinberg, 1856<br />

Panthalis pustulata Treadwell, 1924<br />

Genus Polyodontes Renieri, 1828<br />

Polyodontes lupinus (Stimpson, 1856)<br />

Polyodontes oculeus (Treadwell, 1900)<br />

Family Eulepethidae Chamberlin, 1919<br />

Genus Grubeulepis Pettibone, 1969<br />

Grubeulepis augeneri Pettibone, 1969<br />

Grubeulepis mexicana (Berkeley & Berkeley, 1939)<br />

Grubeulepis westoni Pettibone, 1986<br />

Genus Lamelleulepethus Pettibone, 1986<br />

Lamelleulepethus biminiensis Pettibone, 1986<br />

Genus Mexieulepis Rioja, 1961<br />

Mexieulepis weberi (Horst, 1922)<br />

Family Sigalionidae Kinberg, 1856<br />

Genus Dayipsammolyce Pettibone, 1997<br />

Dayipsammolyce ctenidophora (Day, 1973)<br />

Genus Fimbriosthenelais Pettibone, 1971<br />

Fimbriosthenelais hobbsi Pettibone, 1971<br />

Fimbriosthenelais minor (Pruvot & Racovitza,<br />

1895)<br />

Fimbriosthenelais sp. A of Wolf, 1984<br />

Genus Pelogenia Schmarda, 1861<br />

Pelogenia anoculata (Hartman, 1939)<br />

Pelogenia fimbriata (Hartman, 1939)<br />

Pelogenia kinbergi (Hansen, 1882)<br />

Genus Sigalion Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1832<br />

Sigalion arenicola Verrill, 1880<br />

Sigalion lewisi Berkeley & Berkeley, 1939<br />

Sigalion sp. A of Wolf, 1984<br />

Sigalion sp. B of Wolf, 1984<br />

(as Thalenessa sp. A)<br />

Genus Sthenelais Kinberg, 1856<br />

Sthenelais boa (Johnston, 1839)<br />

Sthenelais limicola (Ehlers, 1864)<br />

Sthenelais sp. A of Wolf, 1984<br />

Genus Sthenolepis Willey, 1905<br />

Sthenolepis cf. grubei of Wolf, 1984<br />

Family Pholoidae Kinberg, 1858<br />

Genus Taylorpholoe Pettibone, 1992<br />

Taylorpholoe hirsuta (Rullier & Amoureux, 1979)<br />

Family Chrysopetalidae Ehlers, 1864<br />

Genus Acanthopale San Martín, 1986<br />

FMRI Technical Report TR-3 85

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