Lecture Notes 7: Annelida

Lecture Notes 7: Annelida

Lecture Notes 7: Annelida


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Dorso-ventrally flattened; Ant. and post. suckers modified from sgm.s. Suckers used in inch-worming locomotion;<br />

elongate by contracting circ. muscles, reach out and attach. Fixed number of 34 sgm., though obscured by<br />

secondary annulations. As expected for such fixety, no asex. repr. or regeneration.<br />

Coelom-circ.: Well developed connective tissue and loss of distinct coelom; perhaps related to no need for it in<br />

locomotion; or swimming - undulations. Acanthobdella retains 5 prd. coeloms anteriorly (& these sgm.s bear<br />

chaetae); otherwise no septae, coelomic cavity reduced to interconnecting coelomic sinuses and channels -<br />

developed into a new BVS. Original oligochaete BVS retained in some (Rhynchobdellida), but lost in many.<br />

Coelomic fluid propelled by muscular contractions (unlike expected from Ruppert & Carle's division).<br />

Dig.: 1/4 of spp. predacious on invert.s (but frog w/ me) and swallow prey whole, or some suck host dry (literally),<br />

3/4 blood-sucking ectoparasites - mostly on vert.s, some on inverts; may associate w/ host temporarily or<br />

permanently. Have either an eversible, muscular, sucking proboscis (Rhynchobdellida) which is trust into host<br />

tissue; or a sucking pharynx w/ 3 jaws within the ant. sucker (Gnathobdellida) and a muscular pumping<br />

pharynx. Pharyngobdellida, as Gnathobdellida but muscular folds instead of jaws. Great gut bacterial flora to<br />

aid in digestion. Esophagus, stomach (=crop), intestine, rectum; stomach in most w/ 1-11 prs. of caeca;<br />

intestine may also have 4 caeca.<br />

Hirudo - still used in medicine, eats 2-5X body weight in blood infrequently, then piss blood-water out. hirudin =<br />

anticoagulant<br />

Nerv.: Brain, connectives, subesophageal ganglion + several segmental ganglia all en mass in sgm.s X-XII., prd. V.<br />

cords w/ fused sgm.'l ganglia posteriorad. Neurons large – neurophysiologist’s toy.<br />

Repr.: Sperm transfer by penis or hypodermic impregnation; internal fertilization - directly into female system<br />

(unlike earthworms). Clitellum forms cocoon & albumin into it.

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