History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm

History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm

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templière (2). In addition there is an unquestionable relationship between Dante and the Moslem tradition, to which, we will see it, the tradition rosicrucian was related. Miguel Asin Palacios (10) underlined very interesting bringings together between the Divine Comedy and the theses of one of the Moslem great writers, Mohyiddin ibn Arabi. The year even (1265) where was born Dante, Jean Clopinel says Jean de Meung continued the Novel of the Rose which had begun Guillaume de Lorris forty years before. Under its feather, beautiful and delicate " Art to like " imitated of Ovide which had sung its predecessor became an encyclopaedia where follow one another of the considerations on all kinds of subjects, since the origins of the world, the love, fortune, nature, art, astronomy, alchemy, until the religion and morals. With a truculent liveliness Jean de Meung pourfend superstitions, hypocrisies, known as their fact with the commands beggars, the nobility, even with the royalty. It wants that one follows the natural laws; to the practices of the monks it opposes the laic virtue, the very simple Christian life. But, if Jean de Meung is incontestably a powerful poet, if it handles the satire with beautiful and frightening control, iI is not an artist. Between Dante and him there is an abyss, However it occupies a honourable place in the phalange of those, which fought against the hypocrisy and excesses and which recommended a honest and healthy life. Eliphas Lévi, seeking the terrestrial, human roots of the Rosicrucian brotherhood, is expressed as follows: " the pink, which was, from time immemorial, emblème of the beauty, the life, the love and the pleasure, mystically expressed the secret opinion of all the protests expressed with the Rebirth. It was the flesh revolted against the oppression of the spirit; it was nature declaring girl of God, like the grace; it was the life which did not want to be sterile any more; it was humanity aspiring to a natural religion, very of reason and love, founded on the revelation of the harmonies to be it, whose pink was for the initiates the alive and flowered symbol. " the pink, indeed, is a pentacle... The conquest of the pink was the problem arising from initiation with science, while the religion travailIait to prepare and establish the universal triumph, exclusive and final of the cross... " To join together the pink with the cross, such was the problem arising from high initiation... The religion is the revelation and the satisfaction of a need for the hearts. Nobody invented it; it was formed by the needs for the moral life; it is fatal at the same time and divine. Therefore the true natural religion, it is the revealed religion. " It is on the basis of this rigorously rational principle that the Rosicrucian brotherhood arrived at the respect of the dominant, hierarchical and revealed religion. They could not, consequently, be the enemies of papacy more that legitimate monarchy and, if they conspired against popes and kings, it is that they personally regarded them as apostates of the duty and supreme instigators of anarchy " (9). Stanislas de Guaita insists on this point from which the importance will never escape nobody " the Rosicrucian brotherhood did not disavow Catholicism... They (so attached to the Christian symbols that they named their supreme college Chapelle of the Holy Spirit and Liberté of the Gospel one of their more occult handbooks) did not have guard of méconnaitre in sovereign pontiff the incarné principle of the alive unit... But the abuses papacy found them pitiless... In the pope the Rosicrucian brotherhood distinguished two powers, incarnées in only one flesh: Jesus, César, and, when, describing as Antichrist the successor of Pierre, they threatened to break its triple crown, they aimed only the temporal despot of the Vatican " (7). One generally does not know up to which point the world and the Church laymen were worked by occult currents. The catharism had penetrated very front in the clergy of the Middle Ages. Albert the Large one, his holy pupil Thomas d' Aquin, Pierre Lombard, Richard de Saint-Victor, saint.françois.d'.assise, holy Claire, the third entire command professed gnostic doctrines " the Third Command still lasts; but it had to lose - and, indeed, it lost its first character completely. At the origin, such as holy François organized it, such as the emperors of Germany fought it, it was not only one pious brotherhood intended to join together in the same prayer some hearts of elite, it was a gigantic association, which embraced all Italy, then soon all Christendom, and in which the members, in demanding on some rare religious practices, asserted themselves before all the obligation to work vigorously and joint with work politique (3). And, indeed, one can say to many regards that in fact the Third Command overcame feudality, that it is of the Third

Command that came out the State Third ". The tales of chivalry are an unexplored mine of information on the mysterious history of our country; and Rene Guénon (4) thinks that " the real origin of Rosicrucianisme, in fact the Orders of knighthood formed with the Middle Ages the true intellectual link between ]' Orient and the Occident ". But the true precursors of the Rosicrucian brotherhood is those which created spiritual environment where the Rosicrucian brotherhood could appear. We can mention only some of them among the principal ones. Works mystical the love which is the reflection of God and by the extase which absorbs it in the transforming unit. This love for God appears ici-bas by the love which the creatures must have the ones for the others. Joachim de Flore (1132-1202) preached the reform of the clergy, affirming that it is not by knowledge that the man will never arrive to God, but by the purity of the life and the love. Basing itself on two words of saint Jean (5), Joachim de Flore divided the history of the world into three periods: the reign of the Father, who goes from Adam to Ozias, king de Juda; the reign of the Son, who goes from Ozias at the time where lived Joachim; then must come the reign from the Holy Spirit, preceded by a revolution in the hearts which will purify the Church of its stains and with the threshold of which will reappear the Elie prophet. This third age is the " fourth monarchy " of which Fama, we will see it, declares that the Brothers of the Rosicrucian brotherhood " recognize it like their head and that of Christendom ". This fourth kingdom is announced by the prophet Daniel (II, 40). It will have the hardness of iron, but it will be divided and a kingdom will succèdera to him which will dominate over all the others and will never be destroyed (v. 44) A the same time seraphic François d' Assise (1182-1226), the husband of Our-Lady Poverty, to be it overflowing of love, carried out with his/her brothers the ideal of the Gospel in the monastic existence simplest, humblest which is. Maître Eckhart (1260-1328) sign that God is single reality; " nobody can say what it is, if it is not the heart where it is itself ". The thought of God, it is the Verb which is God because God expresses only Itself. God is reality, the Verb is the truth. Creation is contained ideally in the Son. The reciprocal love of the Son and the Father, God and the world is the Holy Spirit. The true knowledge of God is ]' union with him. This union is thus the highest function of the spirit. **time-out** Jean Ruysbroeck the Admirable (1293-1381), the disciple of Master Eckhart, the author illuminate inter alia some Ornament of Wedding Spiritual and some Kingdom of lover of God, carry the heart until God by the fight for the perfection " You know how the iron be so much penetrate by the fire that under its action it make ]' work even some fire, burn and illuminant like him. However each element keeps its own nature, and fire does not become iron, not more than iron does not become fire. But the union is done without intermediary since iron is internally in fire and fire in iron ". With one of its monks who pointed out to him that by writing such deep things it will attract itself many envieux and of the detractors, it answered: " In truth, I never wrote anything of my books, if not in the presence of the Very Holy Trinity ". - At his place inspired never eclipses the ascetic; he repeats constantly that only the preparation of the virtues leads to knowledge. Especially he knew the joy. Michelet, in a famous page, thus characterized the Middle Ages: " Faith, hope, charity, they are well three divine virtues. But it is necessary to add this rare and sublime very pure hearts, rare virtue even in the saints. For lack of a better name, I call it the joy. The judgment of all the average age, of all its large mystics, is this one: Not one did not have the joy. How would they have had it? They groaned, languished and waited, they died in waiting... They liked much, but they remained sad and anxious ". Ruysbroeck had the joy. **time-out** but this joy supernatural, it estimate that the disciple of Christ can it carry with its roof in be ready to with give up by love for its brother " If you be delighted in extase, say it, also high than holy Pierre or holy Paul or who you want, and if you learn that a patient have need of a bubble hot, I you advise to you awake some your extase and to make heat the bubble. Leave God for God; find it, serve it in its members; you will not lose with the exchange ". Mention finally only the mystical organon of the sign infaillible. (6) ORIGINS We reproduce the documents which follow by a preoccupation with an objectivity; but we do not think that they bring anything of useful for the knowledge of the demonstration rosicrucian. Buhle affirms that the Therapeutists and Esséniens were the true ancestors of the Rosicrucian

Command that came out the State Third ". <strong>The</strong> tales of chivalry are an unexplored mine of<br />

information on the mysterious history of our country; and Rene Guénon (4) thinks that " the<br />

real origin of Rosicrucianisme, in fact the Orders of knighthood formed with the Middle Ages<br />

the true intellectual link between ]' Orient and the Occident ". But the true precursors of the<br />

Rosicrucian brotherhood is those which created spiritual environment where the Rosicrucian<br />

brotherhood could appear. We can mention only some of them among the principal ones.<br />

Works mystical the love which is the reflection of God and by the extase which absorbs it in<br />

the transforming unit. This love for God appears ici-bas by the love which the creatures<br />

must have the ones for the others. Joachim de Flore (1132-1202) preached the reform of<br />

the clergy, affirming that it is not by knowledge that the man will never arrive to God, but by<br />

the purity of the life and the love. Basing itself on two words of saint Jean (5), Joachim de<br />

Flore divided the history of the world into three periods: the reign of the Father, who goes<br />

from Adam to Ozias, king de Juda; the reign of the Son, who goes from Ozias at the time<br />

where lived Joachim; then must come the reign from the Holy Spirit, preceded by a<br />

revolution in the hearts which will purify the Church of its stains and with the threshold of<br />

which will reappear the Elie prophet. This third age is the " fourth monarchy " of which Fama,<br />

we will see it, declares that the Brothers of the Rosicrucian brotherhood " recognize it like<br />

their head and that of Christendom ". This fourth kingdom is announced by the prophet<br />

Daniel (II, 40). It will have the hardness of iron, but it will be divided and a kingdom will<br />

succèdera to him which will dominate over all the others and will never be destroyed (v. 44)<br />

A the same time seraphic François d' Assise (1182-1226), the husband of Our-Lady<br />

Poverty, to be it overflowing of love, carried out with his/her brothers the ideal of the<br />

Gospel in the monastic existence simplest, humblest which is. Maître Eckhart (1260-1328)<br />

sign that God is single reality; " nobody can say what it is, if it is not the heart where it is itself<br />

". <strong>The</strong> thought of God, it is the Verb which is God because God expresses only Itself. God<br />

is reality, the Verb is the truth. Creation is contained ideally in the Son. <strong>The</strong> reciprocal love of<br />

the Son and the Father, God and the world is the Holy Spirit. <strong>The</strong> true knowledge of God is<br />

]' union with him. This union is thus the highest function of the spirit. **time-out** Jean<br />

Ruysbroeck the Admirable (1293-1381), the disciple of Master Eckhart, the author<br />

illuminate inter alia some Ornament of Wedding Spiritual and some Kingdom of lover of<br />

God, carry the heart until God by the fight for the perfection " You know how the iron be so<br />

much penetrate by the fire that under its action it make ]' work even some fire, burn and<br />

illuminant like him. However each element keeps its own nature, and fire does not become<br />

iron, not more than iron does not become fire. But the union is done without intermediary<br />

since iron is internally in fire and fire in iron ". With one of its monks who pointed out to him<br />

that by writing such deep things it will attract itself many envieux and of the detractors, it<br />

answered: " In truth, I never wrote anything of my books, if not in the presence of the Very<br />

Holy Trinity ". - At his place inspired never eclipses the ascetic; he repeats constantly that<br />

only the preparation of the virtues leads to knowledge. Especially he knew the joy.<br />

Michelet, in a famous page, thus characterized the Middle Ages: " Faith, hope, charity, they<br />

are well three divine virtues. But it is necessary to add this rare and sublime very pure<br />

hearts, rare virtue even in the saints. For lack of a better name, I call it the joy. <strong>The</strong> judgment<br />

of all the average age, of all its large mystics, is this one: Not one did not have the joy. How<br />

would they have had it? <strong>The</strong>y groaned, languished and waited, they died in waiting... <strong>The</strong>y<br />

liked much, but they remained sad and anxious ". Ruysbroeck had the joy. **time-out** but<br />

this joy supernatural, it estimate that the disciple of Christ can it carry with its roof in be ready<br />

to with give up by love for its brother " If you be delighted in extase, say it, also high than<br />

holy Pierre or holy Paul or who you want, and if you learn that a patient have need of a<br />

bubble hot, I you advise to you awake some your extase and to make heat the bubble.<br />

Leave God for God; find it, serve it in its members; you will not lose with the exchange ".<br />

Mention finally only the mystical organon of the sign infaillible. (6) ORIGINS We reproduce<br />

the documents which follow by a preoccupation with an objectivity; but we do not think that<br />

they bring anything of useful for the knowledge of the demonstration rosicrucian. Buhle<br />

affirms that the <strong>The</strong>rapeutists and Esséniens were the true ancestors of the Rosicrucian

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