History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm

History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm

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not vidit mundus. Cui certificate of merit sub calcem, C verum ita sincerum of Fraternitate R.C. judicium. Haec omnia nuper amici ejusdem subparagraphs responsa, ex mox sub India publico typo dictae Fraternitati devote dicata has Mich. Potter / New chemical Treaty of the true substance and the true manner of producing the philosopher's stone, such as the world never saw jusq' of it here more complete and more exact. To the end is added a judgement as veracious as sincere on Fraternity R.C. The whole in reply to letters recently published by a friend of at one time of the same Fraternity, and dedicated dévotement to this one by Michel Potter, Frankfurt, 1617. (43) Philosophia will pura, qua not solum will vera materia, verusque process Lapidis Philosophici, multo apertius, quam hactenus ab ullo Philosophorum proponitur, sed etiam viva totius Mysterii revelatio filiis sapientiae offertur, quod Typis, nunquam visum, quamdiu stetit mundus / pure Philosophie, by what are exposed much more openly than by any philosopher until now, not only the true matter and the true process of the philosopher's stone, but still is proposed with wire of wisdom the alive revelation of the Mystery in its totality, which was never printed since the world exists. Frankfurt (Jennes), 1617. (44) THOMAS VAUGHAN (EUGENIUS PHILALETHES): Introïtus apertus AD occlusum regis palatium / the open gate towards the closed palate of the king. (45) Turbo, sive moleste and frustrated per cuncta divagans ingenium, in theatrum productum, auctore Andreas de Valentia / the Swirl, or the spirit digressing painfully and vainly through all the subjects, in the form of play. Of Hélicon close to the Parnassus. (the Hélicon mount, in Béotie, devoted to the Muses). Helicone, juxta Parnassum, 1616. (46) Menippus, sive Dialogorum satyricum. Centuria, inanitatem nostratium speculum. In grammaticorum gratiam castigatum / Ménippe, or Centurie de Dialogues satirical showing the futility of our contemporaries. Corrected by regard for the grammairiens., Helicone, juxta Parnassum, 1617. (47) Mythologiae christianae, sive virtutum and vitiorum vitae humanae, imaginum libri III / Three books on Christian Mythology, namely the virtues and the defects of the human life, Strasbourg, 1619. (48) Turris Babel, sive Judiciorum de Fraternitate Rosaceae Crucis chaos. Auctore Joann. Are worth. Andrea / the Tower of Babel, or the Chaos of the judgements related to the Fraternity from the Rosicrucian brotherhood, Strasbourg, 1619. (49) FLORENTINUS OF VALENTIA: Invitatio AD Fraternitatem Christi Rosa Florescens / Invitation with the Fraternity of Christ (called) the flowering Rose, Strasbourg, 1617. (50) Reipublicae Christianopolitanae descriptio / Description of the Republic from Christianopolis., Strasbourg, 1619. (51) The natural History of Staffordshire / natural History of the county from Stafford., Oxford, printed At the Theater, 1686. (52) J G Toeltii, of Welt-beruehmten philosophi Coelum reseratum chymicum, oder Philosophischer Tractat worinne nicht allein die Materien und Handgriffe, woraus und wie DER lapis lazuli pbilosophorum in der Vorund Nacb Arbeit zu bereiten, sondern auch, wie aus allen vier Reichen der Natur, als astral-animal-vegetabil und mineralischen Reiche, vortreffliche und unschaetzbare Tincturen und Medicamenta, sowohl zu Erhaltung der Gesundheit und of Lebens, als auch Verbesser - und Transmutirung DER unvollkommenen Metallen zu verf offenhertzig gezeiget wird. MIT fig. denen Liebhabern DER wahren hermetischen Philosophy zu Liebe ausgefertiget. Von einem Kenner derselben / Of J G Toeltius, the philosopher with the world reputation, OPEN CHEMICAL SKY, i.e. philosophical Traité where is shown in any frankness not only the matter and the secrecy to prepare the philosopher Pierre in work as well preliminary as additional, but also to draw from the four reigns from nature, the reigns astral, animal, vegetable and mineral, of perfect and priceless dyeings and drugs as well for the conservation of health and the life as for the improvement and the transmutation of defective metals. Written and accompanied by figures, for the amateurs of the true hermetic Philosophy, by somebody who knows it. Frankfurt, Leipzig, Erfurt (Jungnicol), 1737. (53) Arcana totius naturae secretissima, nec hactenus unquam detecta, has Collegio Rosanio in lucem produntur, will opera $petri Mormii / the most secret mysteries of the whole nature, ever revealed up to now, and clarified by the College of the R.C., thanks to the care of Pierre Mormius., Leyde, 1630. (54) Aureum Vellus oder Goldenes Vlies / the Golden Fleece (in Latin and German)., 1747. (55) the Cloud on the Sanctuary or Something whose proud Philosophy of our

century does not suspect, Paris (Maradan), 1819. (56) Gruendlicher Bericht von dem Vorhaben, Gelegenheit und Inhalt DER loebl. Bruderschafft dess R.C. gestellet durch einen unbekannten, river mouth doch Furnemen derselbigen Bruderschafft Mitgenossen (E.D.F.O.C.R. SEN.) / fundamental Relation on the projects, the circumstances and the object of the famous Fraternity of the R.C., established by a companion anonymous, but notable, of the aforementioned Fraternity (ainé E.D.F.O.C.R.)., Frankfurt (Bringer), 1617. (57) M.A.O.T.W. Frater Rosatae Crucis, Rosen Creutz-Bruder, d.i. fernerer Bericht, was für Beschaffenheit be habe put den R.C. Bruedern, welcherley Leute sy seyn, sonderlich welcher unter ihrem Orden seyn koenne und welcher nicht, Sampt angehangten zwoeen Fragen u.s.w. Durch M.a.o.t.w. (T.S.) / M.A.O.T.W.: The Brother of the Rosicrucian brotherhood, i.e. later Relation of some species (of association) it acts with the Rosicrucian brotherhood, which kind of people they are, and especially which can form part, or not, of their Kind. With, in appendix, two questions, etc. By M.a.o.t.w. (T.S.), 1617. (58) Offenbarung Goettlicher Majestaet, darinnen angezeit wird, Wie Gott DER Kerr, Anfaenglich, sich allen seinen Geschoepffen, put Worten und Wercken geoffenbaret und wie er alle the Seine Werck, derselben Art, Eygenschafft, Krafft und Wirckung, in Kurtze Schrifft artlich verfasst, und solches alles dem Ersten Menschen, den er selbst nach seinem Bildnuss geschaffen, uberreycht, welches dann greyish-brown daher gelangt STI / Révélation of divine Majesté, where it is shown how God the Master appeared at the beginning with all his creatures by words and works, how it wrote in a kind of short writing all his work and its qualities, property, and all that it offered to the first man, which it created according to his own image, which was since then carried out, Frankfurt (J Wolff Dasch), 1619. (59) It is the title even of the work of this famous alchemist: Monas hieroglyphica, mathematice, magice, cabalistice and analogice explicata / hieroglyphic Monade explained by mathematics, the magic, the cabal and the analogy. Antwerp, 1564. (60) Fama remissa AD Fratres Roseae Crucis. Antwort auff die Famam und Confessionem DER loebl. Bruederschaft vom Rosen Creutz / the glory turned over to the Brothers of the Rosicrucian brotherhood. Response to the FAMA and the CONFESSIO of the famous Fraternity of Rosen Creutz., 1616. (61) Tractatus theologo-philosophicus, published by Michel Maïer (Oppenheim, 1617). New translation of Edgar Jégut. (62) Of incertitudine and vanitate scientiarum and atque artium excellentia verbi Dei declamatio / Exercise on uncertainty and vanity of sciences and arts and on the excellence of the Verb of God, 1530. of to their leaders and disciples / In the square of the temple of wisdom, contains the history of truths and of the Rosicruciens forgeries, with examples of their claims and their rights such as they are published in the writings of their heads and their disciples, London, 1891. SOME BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS Those which would like more closely to study the questions tackled in this volume will be able to refer, in particular, with the following works: Marc Haven and Sédir: BIBLIOGRAPHY Of WORKS RELATING TO the ROSICRUCIANS (INITIATION, Sept., Oct., Dec. 1905; févr., April, June 1906). August Wolfstieg: Bibliography DER Freimaurerischen Literatur, Burg B Mr. (A. Hopfer), 1911- 1913. Adolphe Peeters-Baertsoen: BIBLIOGRAPHY OCCULTISTE AND MAÇONNIQUE, published by Mgr. June and V Descreux, Paris (Emile-Paul), 1930. One will also consult with profit the HISTORY OF the HERMETIC PHILOPHIE, of the Abbot Nicolas Lenglet of Fresnoy, Paris (Coustellier), 1742, whose volume III is entirely devoted to the bibliography; Georg Kloss: Bibliography DER Freimaurerei Und DER MIT Ihr In Verbindung Gesetzten Geheimen Gesellschaften, Frankfurt (J D. Sauerländer), 1844; Albert L Caillet: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL HANDBOOK OF PSYCHIC OR OCCULT SCIENCES, 3 vol., Paris (Lucien Dorbon), 1913. - See also F L Gardner: A Catalogues Of Works One The Occult Sciences, London, 1903. nslate with Babel Fish Text Enter text for translation

not vidit mundus. Cui certificate of merit sub calcem, C verum ita sincerum of Fraternitate<br />

R.C. judicium. Haec omnia nuper amici ejusdem subparagraphs responsa, ex mox sub<br />

India publico typo dictae Fraternitati devote dicata has Mich. Potter / New chemical Treaty of<br />

the true substance and the true manner of producing the philosopher's stone, such as the<br />

world never saw jusq' of it here more complete and more exact. To the end is added a<br />

judgement as veracious as sincere on Fraternity R.C. <strong>The</strong> whole in reply to letters recently<br />

published by a friend of at one time of the same Fraternity, and dedicated dévotement to<br />

this one by Michel Potter, Frankfurt, 1617. (43) Philosophia will pura, qua not solum will vera<br />

materia, verusque process Lapidis Philosophici, multo apertius, quam hactenus ab ullo<br />

Philosophorum proponitur, sed etiam viva totius Mysterii revelatio filiis sapientiae offertur,<br />

quod Typis, nunquam visum, quamdiu stetit mundus / pure Philosophie, by what are<br />

exposed much more openly than by any philosopher until now, not only the true matter<br />

and the true process of the philosopher's stone, but still is proposed with wire of wisdom<br />

the alive revelation of the Mystery in its totality, which was never printed since the world<br />

exists. Frankfurt (Jennes), 1617. (44) THOMAS VAUGHAN (EUGENIUS<br />

PHILALETHES): Introïtus apertus AD occlusum regis palatium / the open gate towards the<br />

closed palate of the king. (45) Turbo, sive moleste and frustrated per cuncta divagans<br />

ingenium, in theatrum productum, auctore Andreas de Valentia / the Swirl, or the spirit<br />

digressing painfully and vainly through all the subjects, in the form of play. <strong>Of</strong> Hélicon close<br />

to the Parnassus. (the Hélicon mount, in Béotie, devoted to the Muses). Helicone, juxta<br />

Parnassum, 1616. (46) Menippus, sive Dialogorum satyricum. Centuria, inanitatem<br />

nostratium speculum. In grammaticorum gratiam castigatum / Ménippe, or Centurie de<br />

Dialogues satirical showing the futility of our contemporaries. Corrected by regard for the<br />

grammairiens., Helicone, juxta Parnassum, 1617. (47) Mythologiae christianae, sive virtutum<br />

and vitiorum vitae humanae, imaginum libri III / Three books on Christian Mythology,<br />

namely the virtues and the defects of the human life, Strasbourg, 1619. (48) Turris Babel,<br />

sive Judiciorum de Fraternitate Rosaceae Crucis chaos. Auctore Joann. Are worth. Andrea /<br />

the Tower of Babel, or the Chaos of the judgements related to the Fraternity from the<br />

Rosicrucian brotherhood, Strasbourg, 1619. (49) FLORENTINUS OF VALENTIA:<br />

Invitatio AD Fraternitatem Christi Rosa Florescens / Invitation with the Fraternity of Christ<br />

(called) the flowering <strong>Rose</strong>, Strasbourg, 1617. (50) Reipublicae Christianopolitanae<br />

descriptio / Description of the Republic from Christianopolis., Strasbourg, 1619. (51) <strong>The</strong><br />

natural <strong>History</strong> of Staffordshire / natural <strong>History</strong> of the county from Stafford., Oxford, printed<br />

At the <strong>The</strong>ater, 1686. (52) J G Toeltii, of Welt-beruehmten philosophi Coelum reseratum<br />

chymicum, oder Philosophischer Tractat worinne nicht allein die Materien und Handgriffe,<br />

woraus und wie DER lapis lazuli pbilosophorum in der Vorund Nacb Arbeit zu bereiten,<br />

sondern auch, wie aus allen vier Reichen der Natur, als astral-animal-vegetabil und<br />

mineralischen Reiche, vortreffliche und unschaetzbare Tincturen und Medicamenta, sowohl<br />

zu Erhaltung der Gesundheit und of Lebens, als auch Verbesser - und Transmutirung DER<br />

unvollkommenen Metallen zu verf offenhertzig gezeiget wird. MIT fig. denen Liebhabern<br />

DER wahren hermetischen Philosophy zu Liebe ausgefertiget. Von einem Kenner<br />

derselben / <strong>Of</strong> J G Toeltius, the philosopher with the world reputation, OPEN CHEMICAL<br />

SKY, i.e. philosophical Traité where is shown in any frankness not only the matter and the<br />

secrecy to prepare the philosopher Pierre in work as well preliminary as additional, but also<br />

to draw from the four reigns from nature, the reigns astral, animal, vegetable and mineral, of<br />

perfect and priceless dyeings and drugs as well for the conservation of health and the life as<br />

for the improvement and the transmutation of defective metals. Written and accompanied<br />

by figures, for the amateurs of the true hermetic Philosophy, by somebody who knows it.<br />

Frankfurt, Leipzig, Erfurt (Jungnicol), 1737. (53) Arcana totius naturae secretissima, nec<br />

hactenus unquam detecta, has Collegio Rosanio in lucem produntur, will opera $petri<br />

Mormii / the most secret mysteries of the whole nature, ever revealed up to now, and<br />

clarified by the College of the R.C., thanks to the care of Pierre Mormius., Leyde, 1630.<br />

(54) Aureum Vellus oder Goldenes Vlies / the Golden Fleece (in Latin and German).,<br />

1747. (55) the Cloud on the Sanctuary or Something whose proud Philosophy of our

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