History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm

History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm

History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm


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Egypt and could give to Alexandre a stone to only overcome his enemies " <strong>The</strong>se are<br />

suited to our lessons that God indicated as of the beginning " (4). Fludd will explain us this: "<br />

Indeed, the Apocalypse says that in any age one found men with whom, for the price of<br />

their victory, it was promised: a) the wood of life which is in the paradise of God b) the<br />

occult basket and the white stone; c) the star matutinale; d) of white clothing to dress itself,<br />

and this gift which their names are not unobtrusive Book of life; e) that they will be the<br />

columns of the temple and will have the new name of the Lamb " Évangélistes understand<br />

that it is to such men that apply these words, by thus commenting on them " It will be given<br />

to all those which will be able to receive the light which illuminates any man arriving in this<br />

world, to become the wire of God. And they will be able to live the house of the Wisdom,<br />

strongly built on the mountain with the statement of the Saver himself: " Any man who<br />

receives follows my lesson and them, resembles the wise truth which builds its residence<br />

on the stone. <strong>The</strong> rains will fall, the rivers will flood, the winds furiously will blow against it, it<br />

will not be reversed by it, because it is founded on the stone ". " But, will you say, why the<br />

inhabitants of this metaphorical residence remain as hidden as their secret residence? If they<br />

have so many virtues and capacities, why don't they reveal their secrecies for the good of<br />

the country which they live (like wants it Mersenne)? What I will answer that they are rich<br />

divine richnesses, but that, in the world, they are poor and unknown. And there is nothing<br />

astonishing so that they scorn the richnesses and the pumps of the world, since Évangéliste<br />

said: Like the world, nor nothing of what is in the world, because all is only concupiscence of<br />

the flesh there, concupiscence of the eyes and reason for pride ". Schweighardt promises<br />

with that which, having read and having read again the so invaluable book of Thomas a.<br />

Kempis, conforms exactly his life to the first chapter, that a brother will write to him and come<br />

to him with Parergon. " Ergon, which is the purification of the Spirit, the glorification of God on<br />

the ground, is work not only Brothers of the Rosicrucian brotherhood, but still of all Christian<br />

truths. <strong>The</strong> human heart has two eyes: the right is the means of seeing in the Eternal, there is<br />

Ergon; the left looks at, in the time and the differences of the creatures, which is better or<br />

worse for the life of the body; there is Parergon. When the right eye looks at the Eternal, the<br />

other eye is like death, and reciprocally. Such is rhodostaurotic wisdom ". " We know the<br />

distant and foreign things, supernaturellement; we send messages to amuse us, without<br />

having need " the Book Mr. teaches us all from it; even what occurs in the consultings from<br />

the Indies; our science developed little by little; but nothing developed that we did not<br />

have of it the germ " Our founder restored science that Adam had at the time of the FIAT.<br />

Adam very did not lose with the fall. We carried this remainder to its perfection " Our<br />

residence is not visible; however often showed we it by compassion with the poor and the<br />

patients " (Irenaeus Agnostus). If one considers it from the scientific point of view, the<br />

initiation of the Rosicrucian brotherhood is indicated in the structure of the large pyramid of<br />

Egypt, in the Emerald Table, the Zodiac and the true Tarot. It will be understood that we,<br />

who are not Rosicrucian brotherhood and which will not be probably never worthy to be it,<br />

we restrict ourselves to indicate these sources, leaving with each one the care to go up<br />

there. MEA VICTORIA IN initiatory CRUCE ROSEA Process. WHAT CAN BE<br />

ACQUIRED. <strong>The</strong> vocation is general but rise is special. (Irenaeus Agnostus). We do not<br />

claim to write a treaty of initiation. We have, according to our practice, selected some<br />

suggestive extracts which will put the capable reader to get information visu, so to speak. "<br />

According to the old doctrines, to become all-powerful, it is necessary to overcome in<br />

oneself any passion, to forget any covetousness, to destroy any human trace, to fix by the<br />

detachment. Man, if you ceases to limit a thing in you, i.e. to wish it, if, by there, you<br />

withdraw yourself from it, it will arrive to you, female, as water comes to fill the place that one<br />

offers to him in the hollow of the hand. Because you have to be real for it of all things in your<br />

pure will, and you are the god who you can become. Yes, such is the dogma and the<br />

mystery first Savoir reality (5) ". However, " hardly in thousand years is born it only one<br />

being which can cross the formidable gates which lead to the worlds to beyond " (6). One<br />

first of all learns how to the disciple to hold his language; the able people are allowed in the<br />

secret ranks only after one continuous monitoring of at least five years. Even ignoramuses

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