History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm

History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm

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mystics, it is not pressed on the ground, but its invisible, the exact history of its envoys, individual or collective fastenings, all that is and will remain hidden for very other that for the Brothers. Without claiming, in the continuation of this work, filling these gaps, we invite with authority, we call with an anxious friendship, we beg with a burning enthusiasm all those which want to know to be linked to call upon the spirit of Elias Artista or, better still, the spirit living of the universal Master Our Jesus, the Lord Christ. All will be given to the man. (1) Vacuum supra. p. 36. (2) One will find, in the second part of this book, some pages of this writer (3) French Translation with the Psyché Editions, 6, street of the Small Fields. Paris, 2°. (4) the Library of the " Spiritual Friendships ", 5, street of Savoy. Paris 6° in published a French translation. CHAPTER VIII INITIATION ROSICRUCIENNE Which was the nature of the admirable knowledge of Moïse and Elie? Which was this key of the true wisdom? Fludd said in Apologeticus (35). According to the kabbalistic mode, it showed this key like having been given (traditam) to the Son by the Father and also whom it had an all the more major effectiveness in the hearts of those to which it was given that these hearts were purer and more accomplished. Because these are the most accomplished hearts that ]' Esprit chooses for gate vault. This Fludd hour wonders whether this gift of God were completely forgotten by the men, if this key, either by the jealousy of the patriarchs, the prophets and the apostles, or rather because of the major silence kept by the men of all the nations, were not hidden and were buried in the lapse of memory of the entrails of the man, since it is known as that in the beginning God fills the ground with the Holy Spirit. Well better, it reduced Wisdom ici-bas, so that, as of his awakening, the man worked under his direction to know what would be pleasant to God. And so much was large the love of the Spirit of intelligence for the men that it made his dear children of them. " And then can one doubt that this Spirit remained Until today with some men chosen in the pure and enthusiastic heart? And can one think that those which enjoy this Spirit can be mistaken? Indeed, the Spirit, by its presence, the conduit in the way of the truth. **time-out** it be not some example that it there have have one century when, among the darkness general, it himself be not find some elected official which have see the light and have the knowledge " And, in all the age of Church, it himself find some man with which be give, to overcome, of this wood, which be in the paradise of God, or still the basket hide, or the star morning, or the domination on the people, or of white clothing to himself of equip, or this gift that them name be not stripe of Book of Life, or that they be the column " the Truth itself promised to us, moreover, that all that is hidden would be expressed, that all that is occult would be delivered to knowledge " It results from all that that the truth is kept by an elite, that this truth will be revealed before the cyclic revolution of the world (handle periodum mundi), by the permission and will of Our-Lord Jesus-Christ, as it announced the prophets and the apostles. Like Jean-Baptiste, who prepared and announced the arrival of Christ, thus the elite in which remains the Spirit prepares the advent of Sion all-powerful and the very bright Sun of Truth; they are the first paddle which precedes the dawn. But, good God, how much are hidden the virtues of these men, how much secret their retirements in which, for our century, the Spirit fixed its terrestrial residence! They enjoy divine richnesses and are poor and unknown for the world; because the world does not know wire of God, because the wire of God will not have wanted to know the world However " the will of God is that occults it is expressed. By its prophet it declared that before the revolution (or end) of the world any flesh would be penetrated by its Spirit. Royal is Psalmiste said that the sons of man of faith will be enivrés pleasures under the protective wings of God, who is the Source of the Life, and whom we will see the light in its Light " thus Let us see by which men, inspired by God of the virtue of the Spirit, the advertisement and the revelation of this light can be achieved " among the Fathers Doctors of Divinity, or even near the pope himself, which appears to have and assert on the ground the seat of Jesus-Christ? " I will prove that it is not among the latter that one can find the men in question who must fully have all the gifts of

science, which the latter have only little or not, because we know that they miss complete pleasure of the gifts of the Holy Spirit which is enumerated in the epistle in Corinthiens. It is not that they do not have any representation with the report/ratio of the image or the shade with the report/ratio of the body. But the effective and real gifts involve prophecy, the faculty of miracle, the possession of the languages, the cure of the diseases, and these are these gifts that it is necessary to discover in the indicator boards of the hidden truth. Is needed that these elected officials of God speaks the full truth, prophesies, has true visions, are expressed in new languages, interprets the Writing exactly, drives out the daemons, cures the patients, observes the divine precepts, is not opposed to the Verb of God. Such are the indices which can make us recognize the true disciples of the Spirit. And, if somebody of our wise is given to the vulgar world like owner of all or the majority of these gifts, it will lie, because the truth will not be in him, it will not be a servant of Jesus-Christ, but a slave of the world, whose characteristic is to hate the right ones. " From my meticulous search I concluded, ô very illuminated Frères, which you are really illuminated by the Spirit, the impulse and the warnings divine to which will be announced and revealed the things that the crowned texts mystically predicted to have to occur immediately before the end of the world. You, above the men of this age, you received from the Creator of the world a happiness, a spiritual virtue and a divine grace higher. **time-out** you see in its light, you be consolidate by the Spirit of Wisdom, you carry out a life happy, and it appear that you have receive all the gift of Holy Spirit " And, if your act be in conformity with your word, that of which I acknowledge that it me be more allow to doubt, I say that it be necessary that one add faith with your prophecy, and more especially as one them find in connection perfect with the source crown of truth " That hear you, indeed, by your Lion triumph, which must early come and which leave of tribe of Juda? " That do you want to say by your dawn emerging? " isn't this the eternal clearness announced in the Writing? " What to raise it sun, if not the Old one of the Days, if not the total appearance in the world of the true principle of the Verb and the Light, that the world did not know, which darkness did not include/understand, i.e. Jesus-Christ in the glory of her advent, i.e. the radiant star and matutinale? " isn't this by the mouth of the prophets and of the apostles whom you spoke, when while making known to you, you meant with all what infallibly and certainly God had laid out to offer to the world at the moment of his end, which will follow immediately, an expansion of light, about life, truth and glory, such as had it and lost it Adam? " Then, say you, will cease any falseness, any lie and all ténèbre which, little by little, with the revolution of the large world, slipped into the acts of the men and obscuré the majority of them. Psalm XXXV, 6, Joel II, Daniel II, VII, and I Corinthiens II, and an infinity of other passages of the Writings confirm it to us " This very essential search made, I will seek, Frères very sapients, with your licence, if the grace of the Spirit is in you so full, that it gives you the input of the paradise like it was given to Moïse and Elie, alive in the world " I see, by the attentive reading of your writings, that you act by no means by illusions or prestige diabolic, as were warned to say it ignoramuses, or rather the envieux ones, in their Not! you act by the true assistance of the Holy Spirit " And, indeed, the great mystery of the celestial reign cannot be indicated nor by wise world, magi, soothsayers, or haruspices: God alone in the Sky can of it be revealing " the My eyes opened, and I included/understood, by your short answer, which (on the warning of the Holy Spirit, as say it to you) you deliver to two elected officials, in your coterie. You have the science of the true mystery and the knowledge of the key which leads to the joy of the paradise, such as like it was it in Elie, which had received the divine warnings. And here your doctrines to be compared with the admirable ancient treasure: " You inform two selected men that there is a mountain, located at the medium of the ground and kept by the jealousy of the devil. The wild ones and powerful animals make from there the access difficult. You order to them, after they prepared by excessively pious women prayers with such an attempt, to go to the mountain, during one night quite long. You promise a guide to them, which will come to offer itself and to join them and which they do not know. " That one, say to them you, will lead you to the mountain. Have a virile heart, a heroic heart, do not fear anything of what can arrive to you, and do not move back. You

science, which the latter have only little or not, because we know that they miss complete<br />

pleasure of the gifts of the Holy Spirit which is enumerated in the epistle in Corinthiens. It is<br />

not that they do not have any representation with the report/ratio of the image or the shade<br />

with the report/ratio of the body. But the effective and real gifts involve prophecy, the<br />

faculty of miracle, the possession of the languages, the cure of the diseases, and these are<br />

these gifts that it is necessary to discover in the indicator boards of the hidden truth. Is<br />

needed that these elected officials of God speaks the full truth, prophesies, has true visions,<br />

are expressed in new languages, interprets the Writing exactly, drives out the daemons,<br />

cures the patients, observes the divine precepts, is not opposed to the Verb of God.<br />

Such are the indices which can make us recognize the true disciples of the Spirit. And, if<br />

somebody of our wise is given to the vulgar world like owner of all or the majority of these<br />

gifts, it will lie, because the truth will not be in him, it will not be a servant of Jesus-Christ, but<br />

a slave of the world, whose characteristic is to hate the right ones. " From my meticulous<br />

search I concluded, ô very illuminated Frères, which you are really illuminated by the Spirit,<br />

the impulse and the warnings divine to which will be announced and revealed the things that<br />

the crowned texts mystically predicted to have to occur immediately before the end of the<br />

world. You, above the men of this age, you received from the Creator of the world a<br />

happiness, a spiritual virtue and a divine grace higher. **time-out** you see in its light, you<br />

be consolidate by the Spirit of Wisdom, you carry out a life happy, and it appear that you<br />

have receive all the gift of Holy Spirit " And, if your act be in conformity with your word, that<br />

of which I acknowledge that it me be more allow to doubt, I say that it be necessary that<br />

one add faith with your prophecy, and more especially as one them find in connection<br />

perfect with the source crown of truth " That hear you, indeed, by your Lion triumph, which<br />

must early come and which leave of tribe of Juda? " That do you want to say by your dawn<br />

emerging? " isn't this the eternal clearness announced in the Writing? " What to raise it sun, if<br />

not the Old one of the Days, if not the total appearance in the world of the true principle of<br />

the Verb and the Light, that the world did not know, which darkness did not<br />

include/understand, i.e. Jesus-Christ in the glory of her advent, i.e. the radiant star and<br />

matutinale? " isn't this by the mouth of the prophets and of the apostles whom you spoke,<br />

when while making known to you, you meant with all what infallibly and certainly God had<br />

laid out to offer to the world at the moment of his end, which will follow immediately, an<br />

expansion of light, about life, truth and glory, such as had it and lost it Adam? " <strong>The</strong>n, say<br />

you, will cease any falseness, any lie and all ténèbre which, little by little, with the revolution<br />

of the large world, slipped into the acts of the men and obscuré the majority of them. Psalm<br />

XXXV, 6, Joel II, Daniel II, VII, and I Corinthiens II, and an infinity of other passages of the<br />

Writings confirm it to us " This very essential search made, I will seek, Frères very sapients,<br />

with your licence, if the grace of the Spirit is in you so full, that it gives you the input of the<br />

paradise like it was given to Moïse and Elie, alive in the world " I see, by the attentive<br />

reading of your writings, that you act by no means by illusions or prestige diabolic, as were<br />

warned to say it ignoramuses, or rather the envieux ones, in their Not! you act by the true<br />

assistance of the Holy Spirit " And, indeed, the great mystery of the celestial reign cannot<br />

be indicated nor by wise world, magi, soothsayers, or haruspices: God alone in the Sky can<br />

of it be revealing " the My eyes opened, and I included/understood, by your short answer,<br />

which (on the warning of the Holy Spirit, as say it to you) you deliver to two elected officials,<br />

in your coterie. You have the science of the true mystery and the knowledge of the key<br />

which leads to the joy of the paradise, such as like it was it in Elie, which had received the<br />

divine warnings. And here your doctrines to be compared with the admirable ancient<br />

treasure: " You inform two selected men that there is a mountain, located at the medium of<br />

the ground and kept by the jealousy of the devil. <strong>The</strong> wild ones and powerful animals make<br />

from there the access difficult. You order to them, after they prepared by excessively pious<br />

women prayers with such an attempt, to go to the mountain, during one night quite long.<br />

You promise a guide to them, which will come to offer itself and to join them and which they<br />

do not know. " That one, say to them you, will lead you to the mountain. Have a virile heart,<br />

a heroic heart, do not fear anything of what can arrive to you, and do not move back. You

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