History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm

History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm

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exist) in any manner Joug of the law Liberté of the Gospel the glory of God is unattackable. (9) Is five books; just as the Chinese have five Kings, the Hindus, four Vedas and Manava-Dharma, Shastra; Israélites, Pentateuque; Christians, Gospels and Apocalypse. (10) From God we are born, as a Jesus we die, by the Holy Spirit we live again. (11) Vacuum supra, p. 31. (12) In the shade of your wings, ô Jéhovah! (13) Of this Adam Haselmayer we do not know anything. (14) Confession of the Fraternity of the R. C. To the scientists of Europe. (15) It is already the symbol of the Rosicrucian brotherhood. (16) Reference to Méné-Téqet-Oupharsin (count-weigh-divided) of Daniel V 25-28. (17) the Golden Fleece is the reference symbol of the philosopher's stone. (18) Summa scientia nihil scire. CHAPTER VI DEMONSTRATION ROSICRUCIENNE IN XVIIe CENTURY The protesting character of the demonstration rosicrucian of 1614 does not have escaped with anybody. Protagonists of the movement rosicrucian in XVIIe century: Valentine Andrea, Michel Maïer, Robert Fludd were Protestant. But this external character should not make illusion. It covers a strictly doctrinal attitude by no means. The authors of the first proclamations rosicrucians - just as Dante (1) - protested against the papacy only for reasons of a political nature and of a moral nature. *** PRINCIPAL WRITERS ROSICRUCIENS We lengthily spoke about Jean-Valentine Andreae. Younger a few years than him, Michel Maïer in Germany and Robert Fludd in England were the characters most representative of the movement rosicrucian in XVIIe century. Michel Maïer (1568- 1622) was an alchemist of reputation. II became particular doctor of the emperor Rodolphe II, who gave him the title of Count Palatine and advising imperial. In 1617, it published in Frankfurt Silentium post clamores (25), where it rents the Rosicrucian brotherhood to have answered by silence the lampoons of any kind launched for or against them; that besides the adversaries of the Rosicrucian brotherhood are " bawlers who would have liked to be received in Fraternity but from of did not obtain an answer ". It states that, from time immemorial and among all people, there are colleges of philosophy where the medicine and the secrecies of nature are studied. These secrecies were transmitted from generation to generation by way of initiation. Maïer specifies that these colleges were instituted for the teaching of the secrecies of nature and not for the propagation of esoteric doctrines. The Rosicrucian brotherhood was right to reveal its existence by Fama and Confessio, which say well what they have to say without running up against of anything the reason, nature and the experiment. And it declares that Rosicrucian brotherhood truths are apart from space and of time: that they read in deepest hearts; that, consequently, no one does not have to be concerned with a possible affiliation which can be decided only apart from him. Furthermore, Fraternity is right to strictly observe the silence, which only can defend it against the profanation of the vulgar one. Maïer affirms that: " on six thousand candidates Fraternity chooses of them hardly one ". And it adds: " Much are called, but little are elected. The Masters of the Rosicrucian brotherhood show the pink, but they offer the cross. They test even the best candidates by a five years silence for the domination of their passions and of their word ". In the THEMIS aurea (18), Maïer proclaims that very vice is intolerable in the doctors and that the Rosicrucian brotherhood are free from all the defects. Most curious about its works is Atalanta fugiens (33) where it is treated, by means of emblèmes, of the secrecies of nature. Buhle reports that in 1620, Maïer went to England where it made an active propaganda for the Fraternity of the Rosicrucian brotherhood. It is possible that it met Robert Fludd there. After its death, its Ulysses treaty (34) was published by one of his/her personal friends. This one stated to be unaware of if Maïer, which with so much of heat and satisfying had defended the cause of the Rosicrucian brotherhood, were ever accepted among them, but it ensures that he was a Brother of the Christian Religion, i.e. without any doubt of the Fraternity of the Christ founded by J.-V. Andreae. *** Robert Fludd (1574- 1637) was one of the most singular scientists of his time. It studied in Oxford the literature, philosophy, mathematics, theology and medicine. Then it travelled to France, Italy and

Germany. It obtained in Oxford the rank of doctor of medicine. It had an encyclopaedic science; it was famous in all Europe at the same time like philosopher, doctor, anatomist, physicist, chemist, astrologer, mathematician and mechanic. All in showing in favour of the doctrines of the Cabal, of which it had probed the mysteries, it liked the exact sciences and it made proof, in all the fields where was exerted its vast activity, of a rare spirit of observation. II was the inventor of the barometer and built machines which made the admiration of its contemporaries. Its philosophy is primarily chocolate éclair. God is the principle, the end, the sum of all that exists. The entire universe came out of him, it is made of its substance and will turn over to him. God, passing eternally by the world prototype where it appears with itself by the macrocosm (nature) and by the microcosm (the man) offers, according to the expression of Trismégiste, the image of " a sphere whose center is everywhere and the circumference nowhere ". God revealed paramount Wisdom with the first man and this one was transmitted then, by the patriarchs, the prophets, the wise ones and, lastly, by the Brothers of the Rosicrucian brotherhood. Christ revealed with her apostles, particularly with Jean saint and saint Paul, the mysteries of supreme science. The philosopher Pierre, it is Fire, the Life, the Light resulting from Christ. Alchemy consists in bringing back the follower to the state of perfection whose Adam was deposed. (2) the philosopher and Gassendi physicist claimed to refute Fludd in his Exercitatio in Fluddanam Philosophiam, Paris, 1630. The P. Marin Mersenne, the friend of Descartes, had tried it in its Quaestiones celeberrimae in Genesim, Paris, 1623. The Képler astronomer also wrote to fight his theories. However the experimental method employed by Fludd recalls, by its mathematical rigour, the principles of the natural philosophy of Newton. Fludd wrote several vehement works for the defense of the Rosicrucian brotherhood, in particular the apologetic Treaty (1617) (35) and, under the name of Joachim Frizzio, the Bien sovereign (1628). (19) As Maïer Fludd declares that it is not Rosicrucian brotherhood. *** Theophilus Schweighardt, of Constancy, is one of the large apostles of the Rosicrucian brotherhood. Its Mirror of Wisdom rosicrucian (27) is of capital importance. II expresses there as well as possible the true character of the company rosicrucian: " See here represented all the art of the world, all its science and all its know-how: however seeks initially the kingdom of God ". " Ora and will labora ". " If you do not include/understand my sincere lessons, you will not include/understand any book ". " Much of people, pertaining to all the classes of the company, enquièrent themselves with authority of this Fraternity. It is not passed from days to Frankfurt, in Leipzig, in other places, but especially in Prague, where ten, twelve and even twenty people do not meet to discuss these objects, without counting the authorized people who work together with perseverance. They were betrayed however by false friends; this is why the author decided to put at the great day the spirit and the payments of this College. It is necessary that the public knows that, although the assembly of the Brothers are not held yet nowhere, a noble-hearted man, piles and honest, can easily and without much sorrow to be able to speak to them ". In the same work one reads: " Reenters in yourself, pushes back the things of this world, considers the two old written treaties of Thomas a. Kempis a hundred and fifty years ago, observes their directions. If you do that, you will be already with Rosicrucian brotherhood half... and a Brother will present himself soon in person ". Under the pseudonym of Florentinus de Valentia, it answered an attack of F G Menapius of June 3 1617 and gave, in his Rose flowering (36) of significant details on the spirit which animates the Brothers. They make, says it, the opposite of the scientists who dispute on logic and not on the thing. " Menapius says that the Rosicrucian brotherhood are of the wizards, the black magicians, the incarnés devils. That is false, because they help tous.les.jours without interruption the world, but anonymously " They have, in mechanics, the mirrors of Archimedes. **time-out** " Of structure, the seven wonder, the automat of Archytas, of Bacon, of Albert, the mirror, the fire perpetual, the perpetual motion perpétuel. " In arithmetic, the rythmomachie, the use and the composition of wheel of Pythagore, its method to give a number with any thing to God " In music, that of nature and of harmony of thing " In geometry, the quadrature of the circle du cercle. " The Rosicrucian brotherhood seek the Kingdom of God, the regeneration in Jesus-Christ in read

exist) in any manner Joug of the law Liberté of the Gospel the glory of God<br />

is unattackable. (9) Is five books; just as the Chinese have five Kings, the Hindus, four<br />

Vedas and Manava-Dharma, Shastra; Israélites, Pentateuque; Christians, Gospels and<br />

Apocalypse. (10) From God we are born, as a Jesus we die, by the Holy Spirit we live<br />

again. (11) Vacuum supra, p. 31. (12) In the shade of your wings, ô Jéhovah! (13) <strong>Of</strong> this<br />

Adam Haselmayer we do not know anything. (14) Confession of the Fraternity of the R. C.<br />

To the scientists of Europe. (15) It is already the symbol of the Rosicrucian brotherhood.<br />

(16) Reference to Méné-Téqet-Oupharsin (count-weigh-divided) of Daniel V 25-28. (17)<br />

the Golden Fleece is the reference symbol of the philosopher's stone. (18) Summa<br />

scientia nihil scire.<br />


<strong>The</strong> protesting character of the demonstration rosicrucian of 1614 does not have escaped<br />

with anybody. Protagonists of the movement rosicrucian in XVIIe century: Valentine<br />

Andrea, Michel Maïer, Robert Fludd were Protestant. But this external character should not<br />

make illusion. It covers a strictly doctrinal attitude by no means. <strong>The</strong> authors of the first<br />

proclamations rosicrucians - just as Dante (1) - protested against the papacy only for<br />

reasons of a political nature and of a moral nature. *** PRINCIPAL WRITERS<br />

ROSICRUCIENS We lengthily spoke about Jean-Valentine Andreae. Younger a few<br />

years than him, Michel Maïer in Germany and Robert Fludd in England were the characters<br />

most representative of the movement rosicrucian in XVIIe century. Michel Maïer (1568-<br />

1622) was an alchemist of reputation. II became particular doctor of the emperor Rodolphe<br />

II, who gave him the title of Count Palatine and advising imperial. In 1617, it published in<br />

Frankfurt Silentium post clamores (25), where it rents the Rosicrucian brotherhood to have<br />

answered by silence the lampoons of any kind launched for or against them; that besides<br />

the adversaries of the Rosicrucian brotherhood are " bawlers who would have liked to be<br />

received in Fraternity but from of did not obtain an answer ". It states that, from time<br />

immemorial and among all people, there are colleges of philosophy where the medicine<br />

and the secrecies of nature are studied. <strong>The</strong>se secrecies were transmitted from generation<br />

to generation by way of initiation. Maïer specifies that these colleges were instituted for the<br />

teaching of the secrecies of nature and not for the propagation of esoteric doctrines. <strong>The</strong><br />

Rosicrucian brotherhood was right to reveal its existence by Fama and Confessio, which<br />

say well what they have to say without running up against of anything the reason, nature and<br />

the experiment. And it declares that Rosicrucian brotherhood truths are apart from space<br />

and of time: that they read in deepest hearts; that, consequently, no one does not have to<br />

be concerned with a possible affiliation which can be decided only apart from him.<br />

Furthermore, Fraternity is right to strictly observe the silence, which only can defend it against<br />

the profanation of the vulgar one. Maïer affirms that: " on six thousand candidates Fraternity<br />

chooses of them hardly one ". And it adds: " Much are called, but little are elected. <strong>The</strong><br />

Masters of the Rosicrucian brotherhood show the pink, but they offer the cross. <strong>The</strong>y test<br />

even the best candidates by a five years silence for the domination of their passions and of<br />

their word ". In the THEMIS aurea (18), Maïer proclaims that very vice is intolerable in the<br />

doctors and that the Rosicrucian brotherhood are free from all the defects. Most curious<br />

about its works is Atalanta fugiens (33) where it is treated, by means of emblèmes, of the<br />

secrecies of nature. Buhle reports that in 1620, Maïer went to England where it made an<br />

active propaganda for the Fraternity of the Rosicrucian brotherhood. It is possible that it met<br />

Robert Fludd there. After its death, its Ulysses treaty (34) was published by one of his/her<br />

personal friends. This one stated to be unaware of if Maïer, which with so much of heat and<br />

satisfying had defended the cause of the Rosicrucian brotherhood, were ever accepted<br />

among them, but it ensures that he was a Brother of the Christian Religion, i.e. without any<br />

doubt of the Fraternity of the Christ founded by J.-V. Andreae. *** Robert Fludd (1574-<br />

1637) was one of the most singular scientists of his time. It studied in Oxford the literature,<br />

philosophy, mathematics, theology and medicine. <strong>The</strong>n it travelled to France, Italy and

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