History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm

History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm History Of The Rose-Croix Sedir - Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm

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Brother is held to follow the following rules 1 °) Utiliser work of the father; 2°) To pose a new base on the building of the Truth; 3°) Each one can be of it; 4°) To rest in the single truth, to light the sixth candelabrum; 5°) not to be concerned with poverty, hunger, a disease, old age; 6°) Vivre at any hour, as if one were there since the beginning of the world; 7°) to be held in a place; 8°) To read the Mundi Liber; 9°) To enchant the people, the spirits and the princes; 10°) God will increase in this time the number of our members. Here the reasons which they give to join them: 1 °) Flee the alchemical books and their sentences, and the blowers which seek your money; 2°) the Rosicrucian brotherhood seek to share their treasures; but those which want to conceal them fall under the power from Lion (4); 3°)Ils leads to the science of all the secrecies with simplicity and without mysterious sentences; 4°) They offer more than royal palates; 5°) They do it not by their own will, but pushed by the Spirit of God; 6°) To wake up the gifts which are in you by the experiment of the Verb of God and by a consideration applied of the imperfection of all arts; 7°) to be held as a Christ, to condemn the pope, to live chrétiennement; 8°) To call at our Company much others with which it light of God also appeared; 9°) All the treasures disseminated in nature will be shared between them; 10°) Saisir all that is obscure with entendement human. They declare that their panacea does not preserve fatal death. And, although they can make each one happy and decrease the misery of the world, they do not do it, because one can find them only after one great work and being sent per God. Their capacities: to cure and avoid the disease; the occult science, the embalming, the perpetual lamps, prophecy, the songs artificial, the transmutation, etc, constitute what they call a parergon. But their work reality is not indicated. Michel Maïer devoted his THEMIS aurea (18) to exposed plebiscitary laws adopted by the Rosicrucian brotherhood. As the senaire is a perfect number, neither too large to create confusion, nor lower than the harmony, and that that which follows nature must obey simple laws, the followers accepted six payments, namely 1°) That no one of them, if it is on a journey, states of other profession only that to look after free the patients; 2°) That no one should not be forced, because of its affiliation, to cover a special costume, but which it puts up with the practices of the country where it finds; 3°) That each Brother is held each year, at the Day C(5), to go to the Temple of the Holy Spirit, or to declare by letter the causes of its absence; 4°) That each Brother must choose carefully a person skilful and ready to succeed to him after his death; 5°) That this word R.C. their serf of seal, signature and password; 6°) That this Fraternity must be hidden hundred years. And it continues: " the fundamental rules of this Company are of révérer and to fear God over any thing; to make all the possible good with its next; to remain honest and moderate; to drive out the devil; to be satisfied with the least things in food and clothing and to be ashamed of vice... II is puerile to reproach them for not holding their promises, because it of called there much and few elected officials; the Masters of the Rosicrucian brotherhood show the Rose by far, but they present the Cross... They wish more the reform of sciences and the world that they do not await it; their principal study, the therapeutic one, with three objects: the body, the spirit and the heart ". According to Fludd, the Brothers were divided into two classes the first, entitled Aureae crucis fratres, included/understood the theosophists; the second was composed of Rosae crucis fratres, which limited their search with the sublunary things. Fludd would have belonged to the first category (12). With the head of Fraternity is Imperator, elected by the Brothers for ten years. Clypeum veritatis (29) fact of going up to Adam the command of the succession of Imperatores. The author adds, in own way of warning: " Much of our customers and our disciples then protested against us; we had in our Fraternity, we currently have and we protect from the popes, the cardinals, the bishops, the abbots, the emperors, the lords. Our peace is the testimony of our conscience, which gives us a joy similar to a first impression of the Paradise. (Tunis, February 21 1618) " (1) ARTHUR EDWARD WAITE: The real history of the Rosicrucians, founded one to their own Manifestoes and one Facts and Documents collected from the Writings of Initiated Brethren. London (Redway), 1887. (2) This translation of the Vulgate contains several errors. In the Hebrew text, it is Yahveh which declares: " I will be ketal for Israel ". But Tal means dew and not pink. The text of Dared known as: " I will be like a dew for Israel ". In addition, the name

of the flower mentioned in the text of Dared is hypothetical and is always translated by Narcisse or violet. The Semitic languages do not have a clean term to indicate the pink: the flower and its name are everywhere of importation, of Aegean importation to the statements of the linguists. Latin with rosa, the Greek with rhodon, the copte with ouert, Arabic with march, the Armenian with vard, etc, separately drew all with a same source and borrowed the symbolism of the flower to him: the secrecy of the adeptat. Apulée with of will remember when its hero, Lucius, magiquement transformed into ass, covers the human form and, simultaneously, reached with initiation to have grazed pinks with the temple of Isis. Thus, without prejudging their filiation, those which took the name of Rosicrucian brotherhood to appear in XVIIe century then chose a foreign floral symbol at the bottoms Semitic. (3) Der Christen Herz auf Rosen geht, Wenn' S mitten unterm Kreuze steht. (4) Symbol of the Prince of this world. (5) Day of the Cross (?). CHAPTER V FUNDAMENTAL DOCUMENTS The demonstration rosicrucian was made in particular by small lampoons, generally anonymous, distributed to the fairs of Leipzig and Frankfurt, true World Fairs this time, by posters, about which we will speak further, and in the following writings that we propose to analyze: The Reformation, Confessio, for which it is advisable to add the chemical Weddings of Christian Rosencreutz. In 1614 appeared in Cassel, with the printing works of Wilhelm Wessel, an anonymous writing of 147 pages in-8° heading: General Allgemeine and Reformation, DER gantzen weiten Welt.Beneben der Fama Fraternitatis, Dess Löblichen Ordens of Rosenkreutzes, year alle Gelehrte und Häupter Europea geschrieben: Auch einer kurtzen Responsion, von dem Herrn Haselmeyer gestellet, welcher desswegen von den Jesuitern STI gefänglich eingezogen, and auff eine Galleren geschmiedet: Itzo öffentlich in Druck verfertiget, and alien trewen Hertzen communiciret worden(1). This " general reformation " is a satirical history which is supposed to proceed at the time of the Justinien emperor. The seven wise ones of Greece, with Caton and Sénèque, are destined for Delphes by Apollon on the desire of the sovereign, to propose a remedy for the misery of the human ones. The reforming programs which had course at the end of XVIe century are run into ridiculous by the interlocutors. The principal piece of this Reformation, Fama Fraternitatis, is the original part of the writing. In the edition first of the Reformation, it includes/understands pages 91 to 128 and is entitled: Fama Fraternitatis, Oder Brüderschafft, of Hochlöblichen Ordens of the R.C. Year die Häupter, Stände and Gelehrten Europae. The title, more complete, of this document, which is in an edition of 111 pages in-8° also appeared in Cassel, at W Wessel, into 1615, is the following: Fama Fraternitatis R. C. Das STI Gerucht der Brüderschafft of HochlöblichenOrdens R. C. An alle Gelehrte and Heupter Europae. Beneben deroselben Lateinischen Confession, Welche vorhin in Druck noch denies ausgangen, nuhnmehr river mouth auff vielfältiges nachf ragen, zusampt deren beygefügten Teutschen Version zu freudtlichen Befallen, allen sittsamen guthertzigen Gemühtern wolgemeint im Druck gegeben and communiciret. Von einem of Liechts, Warheit, and Friedens Liebhabenden and begierigen Philomago (2). Fama starts as follows: " Us, the Brothers of the Fraternity of the Rosicrucian brotherhood, let us offer our safety and our prayers with all those which will read our Fama of Christian inspiration ". Then it declares that in the sight of a general reform was founded two hundred years before a secret Fraternity by the Father france R.C. (3) of which it tells the life. Of German nationality, born from a noble but impoverished family, Christian Rosencreutz became early orphan. It was high in a convent where it learned the Greek and Latin and which it left as of the sixteen years age to go, with an ecclesiastical brother, in Damas, then in Jerusalem, then in Damcar in Arabia, where there remained three years; then it went to Egypt, Libya and in Fez where it remained two years. It learned in these voyages, in the consultings of wise which it attended, a harmonic universal science, of which made fun the European scientists to which it wanted to communicate it. It drew this science in Liber Mr. (Book of World) that wise Arabic made known him, that he translated of Arabic into Latin, who contains the wisdom of Adam,

Brother is held to follow the following rules 1 °) Utiliser work of the father; 2°) To pose a new<br />

base on the building of the Truth; 3°) Each one can be of it; 4°) To rest in the single truth, to<br />

light the sixth candelabrum; 5°) not to be concerned with poverty, hunger, a disease, old<br />

age; 6°) Vivre at any hour, as if one were there since the beginning of the world; 7°) to be<br />

held in a place; 8°) To read the Mundi Liber; 9°) To enchant the people, the spirits and the<br />

princes; 10°) God will increase in this time the number of our members. Here the reasons<br />

which they give to join them: 1 °) Flee the alchemical books and their sentences, and the<br />

blowers which seek your money; 2°) the Rosicrucian brotherhood seek to share their<br />

treasures; but those which want to conceal them fall under the power from Lion (4); 3°)Ils<br />

leads to the science of all the secrecies with simplicity and without mysterious sentences;<br />

4°) <strong>The</strong>y offer more than royal palates; 5°) <strong>The</strong>y do it not by their own will, but pushed by<br />

the Spirit of God; 6°) To wake up the gifts which are in you by the experiment of the Verb<br />

of God and by a consideration applied of the imperfection of all arts; 7°) to be held as a<br />

Christ, to condemn the pope, to live chrétiennement; 8°) To call at our Company much<br />

others with which it light of God also appeared; 9°) All the treasures disseminated in nature<br />

will be shared between them; 10°) Saisir all that is obscure with entendement human. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

declare that their panacea does not preserve fatal death. And, although they can make each<br />

one happy and decrease the misery of the world, they do not do it, because one can find<br />

them only after one great work and being sent per God. <strong>The</strong>ir capacities: to cure and avoid<br />

the disease; the occult science, the embalming, the perpetual lamps, prophecy, the songs<br />

artificial, the transmutation, etc, constitute what they call a parergon. But their work reality is<br />

not indicated. Michel Maïer devoted his THEMIS aurea (18) to exposed plebiscitary laws<br />

adopted by the Rosicrucian brotherhood. As the senaire is a perfect number, neither too<br />

large to create confusion, nor lower than the harmony, and that that which follows nature must<br />

obey simple laws, the followers accepted six payments, namely 1°) That no one of them,<br />

if it is on a journey, states of other profession only that to look after free the patients; 2°) That<br />

no one should not be forced, because of its affiliation, to cover a special costume, but which<br />

it puts up with the practices of the country where it finds; 3°) That each Brother is held each<br />

year, at the Day C(5), to go to the Temple of the Holy Spirit, or to declare by letter the<br />

causes of its absence; 4°) That each Brother must choose carefully a person skilful and<br />

ready to succeed to him after his death; 5°) That this word R.C. their serf of seal, signature<br />

and password; 6°) That this Fraternity must be hidden hundred years. And it continues: " the<br />

fundamental rules of this Company are of révérer and to fear God over any thing; to make<br />

all the possible good with its next; to remain honest and moderate; to drive out the devil; to<br />

be satisfied with the least things in food and clothing and to be ashamed of vice... II is<br />

puerile to reproach them for not holding their promises, because it of called there much and<br />

few elected officials; the Masters of the Rosicrucian brotherhood show the <strong>Rose</strong> by far, but<br />

they present the Cross... <strong>The</strong>y wish more the reform of sciences and the world that they do<br />

not await it; their principal study, the therapeutic one, with three objects: the body, the spirit<br />

and the heart ". According to Fludd, the Brothers were divided into two classes the first,<br />

entitled Aureae crucis fratres, included/understood the theosophists; the second was<br />

composed of Rosae crucis fratres, which limited their search with the sublunary things. Fludd<br />

would have belonged to the first category (12). With the head of Fraternity is Imperator,<br />

elected by the Brothers for ten years. Clypeum veritatis (29) fact of going up to Adam the<br />

command of the succession of Imperatores. <strong>The</strong> author adds, in own way of warning: "<br />

Much of our customers and our disciples then protested against us; we had in our Fraternity,<br />

we currently have and we protect from the popes, the cardinals, the bishops, the abbots,<br />

the emperors, the lords. Our peace is the testimony of our conscience, which gives us a joy<br />

similar to a first impression of the Paradise. (Tunis, February 21 1618) " (1) ARTHUR<br />

EDWARD WAITE: <strong>The</strong> real history of the Rosicrucians, founded one to their own<br />

Manifestoes and one Facts and Documents collected from the Writings of Initiated Brethren.<br />

London (Redway), 1887. (2) This translation of the Vulgate contains several errors. In the<br />

Hebrew text, it is Yahveh which declares: " I will be ketal for Israel ". But Tal means dew and<br />

not pink. <strong>The</strong> text of Dared known as: " I will be like a dew for Israel ". In addition, the name

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