1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us

1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us 1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us


902 DULUTH AND ST. LOUIS COUNTY war. Mr. Bayha by his second marriage has five children : WiUiam H., Lois, Robert L./ Dorothy and M. F. John H. Jeffrey is a prominent citizen of Tower and is chief clerk of the Soudan Mine of the Oliver Mining Company. He has ^he distinction of having been continuously in the service of this greatest iron ore mining corporation of the world since 1888. This service makes him a pioneer of the Iron Range country and he is widely known all over northern Minnesota. Mr. Jeffrey was born in the county of Cumberland, England, September 1, 1864, son of John H. and Frances (Simpson) Jeffrey. When he was about thirteen years of age the family came to America. John H. Jeffrey was also a practical mining man and for a time was employed in the Central Mine of Keweenaw County, Mic^higan, later moved to Ishpeming in that state, and died when about fifty-five years of age. His wife passed away in 1900, at the age of seventy-three. John H. Jeffrey was affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and was a member of the Methodist Church. Of his three children John H. Jeffrey, Jr., is the only survivor. He attended school before coming to America and finished his education in an excellent grade school conducted at the Central Mine in Michigan. When he was sixteen he accepted employment in the mine office at Ishpeming, being a bookkeeper for several years. Mr. Jeffrey came to Tower in 1888, and had successive service with the Oliver Mining Company as timekeeper, warehouseman, surface boss and since 1901 has been chief clerk of the Soudan Mine, he was aoout thirteen years of age the family came to America. Joihn While he has given close and faithful attention to his business duties for many years, Mr. Jeffrey has aided at every possible point the welfare and progress of his community. He was a member of the School Board for twenty years and was chairman when the new school house was built. He is independent in politics, is a member of the Episcopal Church, for twenty years has been secretary of Vermillion Lodge of thirty years and is present mayor of Ely, practically grew up in the cop- Masons, and is also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. In 1891 Mr. Jeffrey married Matilda Brown, daughter of John Brown, of Ontonagon, Michigan. They have three children: Roy F., an employe of the Duluth and Iron Range Railroad ; Edith, a teacher in the Gilbert schools, and Owen T.. who is employed at the Fayal Mine at Eveleth. Henry Chinn, who has been a resident of northern Minnesota for thirty years and is present mayor of Ely, practically grew up in the copper mining district of northern Michigan, and has been identified with some phase of mining operations in Michigan and Minnesota since early boyhood. Mr. Chinn, who is widely known over the Iron Ranges, was born in the town of Central in the copper district of Michigan November 25, 1866. His parents, James and Mary (Carter) Chinn, came from Cornwall, England, to America in 1864. James Chinn had been employed in the tin mines of southwestern England, and after coming to America he lived out his life at Central, Michigan, where he was identified with the copper mines. He died in February, 1914, at the age of seventy-two, and his wife passed away in 1910, at the same age. They were active Methodists, and James Chinn was a Republican and a Knight of Pythias. Of the eight children of his parents Henry Chinn was the seventh in age. The public schools of his native town of Central gave him his early advantages, but at the age of fourteen he was doing regular duty as

DULUTH AND ST. LOUIS COUNTY 903 waterboy to the gangs who manned the drilling machines in the mines. For some seven or eight years he was employed in underground work at the mines and acquired a practical and technical familiarity with all phases of mining operations. He finally left the mines to get an education that would equip him for further advancement and progress, and during 1889-90 he attended the Cleary Business College at Ypsilanti, Jvlichigan. Mr. Chinn came to the Minnesota Ranges and has been a citizen of Ely since August, 1890. During the first seven years he was supply clerk and then chief clerk for seven years for the Chandler Mining Company. With the organization of the United States Steel Corporation Mr. Chinn was assigned important duties in charge of Fee owners' interests, and in that capacity has been connected with the Iron Range country ever since. His record as a good citizen is hardly less important than his progressive achievements in business. For two terms he was alderman of Ely and in 1920 was elected mayor. His administration has been characterized by a careful and economic handling of municipal affairs, and by special efforts to raise the standard of public morals through tlie elimination of questionable resorts. Mr. Chinn for the past six years has also been an active and interested member of the Ely School Board. He is a member of the Old Settlers' Association, is an independent Republican, is a trustee of the Methodist Church, and fraternally is affiliated with the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen. In 1892 he married Miss Kate Ivey, daughter of WiUiam Ivey. They have two sons, Clarence and Harold. Harold was registered and in readiness for soldier duty when the armistice was signed. R. R.AY Kreis. Without the efforts of the real estate men of any community it would be impossible for it to attain to any prominence, for its growth and development are largely dependent upon their exertions. Without their energy, vim and progressive ideas no locality will move out of the conventional routine ; outside money will not be attracted to it, and property will be worth little more year by year. With the advent of an enterprising, experienced man well versed in the realty business comes a growth that is remarkable, and so it is that the work of the realtor is counted as being among the most important factors in the life of any city. Hibbing is no exception to this general rule, and its progress has been greatly enhanced through the operations and publicspirit of the realty firm of Wring & Kreis, of whom R. Ray Kreis is the junior member, and a man of prominence in St. Louis County. R. Ray Kreis is a native of Minnesota, having been born at Monticello February 28, 1878, a son of Robert and Sadie (Wellcome) Kreis. They were born in Maryland and Wisconsin, respectively, and Robert Kreis was a son of Henry Kreis, who was one of the pioneers of Min- nesota, having come to the state and settled at the trading post of St. Anthony, since developed into the city of Minneapolis. From that point Henry Kreis went to what is now Monticello, but his arrival in that locality antedated the birth of the now flourishing little city. He followed farming until Monticello began its existence, and he then moved witii the progress of ihc times and became a merchant, opening a hardware store and conducting it for twenty years. Later he moved to California, but returned to Monticello, which continued to be his home the remainder of his life. Robert Kreis was but a small boy when his parents came to Minnesota, so he was reared in this state. The greater


war. Mr. Bayha by his second marriage has five children : WiUiam<br />

H., Lois, Robert L./ Dorothy and M. F.<br />

John H. Jeffrey is a prominent citizen of Tower and is chief clerk<br />

of the Soudan Mine of the Oliver Mining Company. He has ^he<br />

distinction of having been continuo<strong>us</strong>ly in the service of this greatest<br />

iron ore mining corporation of the world since 1888. This service<br />

makes him a pioneer of the Iron Range country and he is widely<br />

known all over northern Minnesota.<br />

Mr. Jeffrey was born in the county of Cumberland, England, September<br />

1, 1864, son of John H. and Frances (Simpson) Jeffrey. When<br />

he was about thirteen years of age the family came to America. John<br />

H. Jeffrey was also a practical mining man and for a time was employed<br />

in the Central Mine of Keweenaw <strong>County</strong>, Mic^higan, later moved<br />

to Ishpeming in that state, and died when about fifty-five years of age.<br />

His wife passed away in 1900, at the age of seventy-three. John H.<br />

Jeffrey was affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and<br />

was a member of the Methodist Church.<br />

Of his three children John H. Jeffrey, Jr., is the only survivor. He<br />

attended school before coming to America and finished his education in<br />

an excellent grade school conducted at the Central Mine in Michigan.<br />

When he was sixteen he accepted employment in the mine office at<br />

Ishpeming, being a bookkeeper for several years. Mr. Jeffrey came to<br />

Tower in 1888, and had successive service with the Oliver Mining Company<br />

as timekeeper, wareho<strong>us</strong>eman, surface boss and since 1901 has<br />

been chief clerk of the Soudan Mine,<br />

he was aoout thirteen years of age the family came to America. Joihn<br />

While he has given close and faithful attention to his b<strong>us</strong>iness duties<br />

for many years, Mr. Jeffrey has aided at every possible point the<br />

welfare and progress of his community. He was a member of the School<br />

Board for twenty years and was chairman when the new school ho<strong>us</strong>e<br />

was built. He is independent in politics, is a member of the Episcopal<br />

Church, for twenty years has been secretary of Vermillion Lodge of<br />

thirty years and is present mayor of Ely, practically grew up in the cop-<br />

Masons, and is also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.<br />

In 1891 Mr. Jeffrey married Matilda Brown, daughter of John Brown,<br />

of Ontonagon, Michigan. They have three children: Roy F., an employe<br />

of the <strong>Duluth</strong> and Iron Range Railroad ; Edith, a teacher in the Gilbert<br />

schools, and Owen T.. who is employed at the Fayal Mine at Eveleth.<br />

Henry Chinn, who has been a resident of northern Minnesota for<br />

thirty years and is present mayor of Ely, practically grew up in the copper<br />

mining district of northern Michigan, and has been identified with<br />

some phase of mining operations in Michigan and Minnesota since early<br />

boyhood.<br />

Mr. Chinn, who is widely known over the Iron Ranges, was born<br />

in the town of Central in the copper district of Michigan November<br />

25, 1866. His parents, James and Mary (Carter) Chinn, came from<br />

Cornwall, England, to America in 1864. James Chinn had been employed<br />

in the tin mines of southwestern England, and after coming to<br />

America he lived out his life at Central, Michigan, where he was identified<br />

with the copper mines. He died in February, 1914, at the age of<br />

seventy-two, and his wife passed away in 1910, at the same age. They<br />

were active Methodists, and James Chinn was a Republican and a Knight<br />

of Pythias.<br />

Of the eight children of his parents Henry Chinn was the seventh in<br />

age. The public schools of his native town of Central gave him his<br />

early advantages, but at the age of fourteen he was doing regular duty as

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