1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us

1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us 1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us


858 DULUTH AND ST. LOUIS COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Hayes have three children: Curtis L., born March 21, 1903; Irene L., born July 25, 1904; and Helen, who was born September 7, 1907 and died in 1909. During the World war Mr. Hayes was a member of the local Motor Corps. He belongs to the Rotary Club, North Bend Lodge No. 346, A. F. & A. M., and Virginia Lodge No. 1003, B. P. O. E. In political matters he supports the candidates and principles of the Republican party. He is a Protestant in his religious faith. John Carl Brozich, who was born in northern Michigan and has spent his conscious years in the environment of the great mining dis- trict of northern Michigan and Minnesota, is one of the leading citizens of Aurora, where he is local superintendent of the Miller Mine. He was born at Dollar Bay, Michigan, December 24, 1890, son of George and Catherine (Kobe) Brozich. His parents were both natives of Austria, where they were married. George Brozich came to America m 1885, his wife following him in 1888. He had worked in copper mills in Austria, and his familiarity with the copper industry led him to locate in northern Michigan, at Calumet, and later at Dollar Bay. For a number of years he followed the trade of carpenter, in 1892 moved to the Vermillion Range at Tower, and in 1893 went to Biwabik and later to Virginia, then spent another period at Biwabik, and in 1904 moved to Aurora. In 1906 he homesteaded land in Koochiching County and lived there, working his farm until his death in April, 1916, at the age of seventy-four. His widow survives him and spends part of her time at Ely and also with her son at Aurora. George Brozich did a great deal of work as a carpenter at the mines in northern Minnesota. "He located at Tower before a railroad had been built to that point. His family consisted of three sons and two daughters, three of whom are still living. The son George is now connected with the Ely State Bank. The only living daughter is Marie, wife of Jacob Jaksha, of Aurora. John Carl Brozich spent his boyhood in the several localities of Minnesota above named and acquired most of his education in the grade schools at Biwabik and the high school at Ely. At the age of fifteen he began earning his living at work in one of the camps of the St. Croix Lumber Company. After about a year, in 1907, he took up a service which has been continuous, beginning as timekeeper for the Miller Mine at Aurora. His abilities secured his advancement to other responsibilities, and since 1910 he has been superintendent of that mine. Always public spirited and active in his community, he served as village trustee in 1912-13. During the World war he was a top sergeant in the Home Guards organization and also a factor in promoting the success of the Red Cross and in securing the quota for the Liberty Loans. July 27, 1916, Mr. Brozich married Gladys Shriver, daughter of Charles W. Shriver. They are the parents of one daughter, Charlene. Edward N. Nelson is the senior member in the firm of Nelson & Peterson, a partnership of long and successful standing as elevator men and manufacturers and jobbers in grain and stock feed. They have developed one of the largest businesses of the kind in the Duluth district. Mr. Nelson, who has been in Duluth for nearly forty years, was born in Sweden November 17, 1859. In the old country he acquired a substantial education, and was twenty-three years of age when he came to America alone and located in Duluth in 1883. For seven years


Mr. and Mrs. Hayes have three children: Curtis L., born March 21,<br />

1903; Irene L., born July 25, 1904; and Helen, who was born September<br />

7, 1907 and died in 1909. During the World war Mr. Hayes was<br />

a member of the local Motor Corps. He belongs to the Rotary Club,<br />

North Bend Lodge No. 346, A. F. & A. M., and Virginia Lodge No.<br />

1003, B. P. O. E. In political matters he supports the candidates and<br />

principles of the Republican party. He is a Protestant in his religio<strong>us</strong><br />

faith.<br />

John Carl Brozich, who was born in northern Michigan and has<br />

spent his conscio<strong>us</strong> years in the environment of the great mining dis-<br />

trict of northern Michigan and Minnesota, is one of the leading citizens<br />

of Aurora, where he is local superintendent of the Miller Mine.<br />

He was born at Dollar Bay, Michigan, December 24, 1890, son of<br />

George and Catherine (Kobe) Brozich. His parents were both natives<br />

of A<strong>us</strong>tria, where they were married. George Brozich came to America<br />

m 1885, his wife following him in 1888. He had worked in copper mills<br />

in A<strong>us</strong>tria, and his familiarity with the copper ind<strong>us</strong>try led him to locate<br />

in northern Michigan, at Calumet, and later at Dollar Bay. For a number<br />

of years he followed the trade of carpenter, in 1892 moved to the<br />

Vermillion Range at Tower, and in 1893 went to Biwabik and later<br />

to Virginia, then spent another period at Biwabik, and in 1904 moved<br />

to Aurora. In 1906 he homesteaded land in Koochiching <strong>County</strong> and<br />

lived there, working his farm until his death in April, 1916, at the<br />

age of seventy-four. His widow survives him and spends part<br />

of her time at Ely and also with her son at Aurora. George Brozich<br />

did a great deal of work as a carpenter at the mines in northern<br />

Minnesota. "He located at Tower before a railroad had been built to<br />

that point. His family consisted of three sons and two daughters, three<br />

of whom are still living. The son George is now connected with the<br />

Ely <strong>St</strong>ate Bank. The only living daughter is Marie, wife of Jacob<br />

Jaksha, of Aurora.<br />

John Carl Brozich spent his boyhood in the several localities of Minnesota<br />

above named and acquired most of his education in the grade<br />

schools at Biwabik and the high school at Ely. At the age of fifteen<br />

he began earning his living at work in one of the camps of the <strong>St</strong>. Croix<br />

Lumber Company. After about a year, in 1907, he took up a service<br />

which has been continuo<strong>us</strong>, beginning as timekeeper for the Miller Mine<br />

at Aurora. His abilities secured his advancement to other responsibilities,<br />

and since 1910 he has been superintendent of that mine.<br />

Always public spirited and active in his community, he served as<br />

village tr<strong>us</strong>tee in 1912-13. During the World war he was a top sergeant<br />

in the Home Guards organization and also a factor in promoting<br />

the success of the Red Cross and in securing the quota for the Liberty<br />

Loans. July 27, 1916, Mr. Brozich married Gladys Shriver, daughter<br />

of Charles W. Shriver. They are the parents of one daughter, Charlene.<br />

Edward N. Nelson is the senior member in the firm of Nelson &<br />

Peterson, a partnership of long and successful standing as elevator men<br />

and manufacturers and jobbers in grain and stock feed. They have<br />

developed one of the largest b<strong>us</strong>inesses of the kind in the <strong>Duluth</strong><br />

district.<br />

Mr. Nelson, who has been in <strong>Duluth</strong> for nearly forty years, was<br />

born in Sweden November 17, 1859. In the old country he acquired<br />

a substantial education, and was twenty-three years of age when he<br />

came to America alone and located in <strong>Duluth</strong> in 1883. For seven years

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