1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us

1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us 1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us


832 DULUTH AND ST. LOUIS COUNTY loyal service as a member of the Medical Corps of the United States Army in the period of the W^orld war. He was enrolled as a member of the medical corps on the 18th of October, 1918, was assigned to duty at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, with the rank of first lieutenant, and there he remained until December 24, 1918. when he received his honorable discharge. From 1914 to 1918 Doctor Empie served on the staflf of the Lemont Hospital at Virginia, and he has been official physician to the public schools of this city since 1917. He holds membership in the American Medical Association, the Minnesota State Medical Society and the Range Medical Society, besides being affiliated with the Phi Alpha Sigma medical-college fraternity. The doctor's personal popularity in his home community needs no further voucher than the statement that when elected mayor of Virginia in 1920 he received the largest majority ever given to a candidate for this office in this thriving and vigorous municipality. He is affiliated with the Knights of the IMaccabees, the Modern \\'oodmen, the Loyal Order of Moose, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the American Legion. October 5, 1914, recorded the marriage of Doctor Empie to Miss Lucy Sterne, of Ishpeming. Michigan, she having been born at Humboldt, that state. Doctor and jMrs. Empie have a fine little son. Robert J. John Grandy. Either as a journeyman carpenter or as a general contractor and builder. John Grandy has been in close touch with the building situation at Duluth for nearly forty years. Much of the expert skill required for the building program of the city has been supplied by him, and he is one of the oldest contractors in the city and has always taken justifiable pride in the realibility of his performance of all obligations assumed by him. Mr. Grandy was born in Norway. June 3. 1855, and as a young man acquired a common school education and served a thorough apprenticeship at the carpenter's trade. He came alone to America in 1881. and located at Duluth. where he was employed as a journeyman carpenter for about nine years. Since 1889 he has been taking general contracts for building work, and his name as a contractor has been identified with the lists of independent business men for thirty years. During that time he has handled contracts for many important buildings. Some of the schools he has put up are the Irving, Jackson, and Cleveland, and his organization built the McKay Hotel, the Frederick Hotel, the Clarendon Hotel, the Astoria Apartment Hotel, the Metropolitan Hotel, besides a large number of the finer residences of the city. He was contractor for a portion of the First National Bank. Mr. Grandy is a stockholder in the First National Bank and the Northern National Bank, and a stockholder and director in the Minnesota National Bank. He is a member of the Norwegian Lutheran Church and of the Sons of Norway and a Republican in politics. At Duluth thirty-two years ago he married Miss Louisa Johnson. Six children were born to their marriage, and the three now living are Carl J., born in 1889 ; Frederick W., born in 1894; and Walter Leo, born in 1899. George W. Welles. Of the men whose collective energies and enter- prise have built up the fortunes of Duluth as a great market and dis- tributing center of the northwest an important place must be assigned to George W. Welles, a resident of the city for nearly thirty years and with progressive responsibilities in some of the city's largest mercantile establishments.

DULUTH AND ST. LOUIS COUNTY 833 Mr. Welles was born in Michigan and came to Diiluth in April, 1892. His first business service here was as auditor in the old Chapin-Welles Company, now the Marshall-Welles Company. In 1895 he and associates bought the old J. J. Costello Hardware Company, which in June, 1896, became the Kelley Hardware Company and is now the Kelley Duluth Company. In 1902 the Kelley-How-Thomson Company was organized, Mr. \\^elles participating in that organization, and he is now secretary and manager of this corporation, one of the largest wholesale houses in the northwest. Mr. Welles was born at Hortonville, Michigan, July 17, 1872, and had a public school education, coming to Duluth shortly before his twentieth birthday. He is a son of Nelson and Achsah (Graves) Welles, the former a native of New York and the latter of Connecticut. George W. Welles was left an orphan at the age of five, and from that time until he was seventeen lived with his mother's sister. Mrs. Edward Sleeger. His 0])portimities have been largely of his own making, and good natural abilities, combined with continuous hard work, have been responsible for the gratifying measure of success he has achieved. Through many years Mr. Welles has had a part in the civic development of modern Duluth. He is a member of a number of local clubs and organizations and is a Republican in politics. During the World war he was chief of metals and heavy hardware procurement. Branch No. 1, General Supplies Division of the Purchase, Storage and Traffic Department of the \\'ar Department. As an expert in his line he rendered valuable service in this work from June, 1918, until February, 1919. September 4, 1901, Mr. W'elles married Jane M. McLennan, a native of Duluth, where her i)arents, W. L. and Julia (McLeod) McLennan, were pioneers. The two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Welles are George W., Jr., and Donald R. John Costin. The name of John Costin recpiires but little introduction to the people of Virginia, where he has been residing for about twenty-eight years, and throughout that ])eriod has been prominently identified with the industrial development of the city and surrounding district. He is the largest stockholder of the Chandler Mining Company. Virginia, the Chandler Mine being located at Ely. Air. Costin was born at Hancock, Michigan, December 25, 1866. His parents, John and Catherine (Ronan) Costin, were natives of Ireland and each came to the United States in early childhood, grew up in this country and here married. The father was an iron ore miner and was one of the early miners on the Marquette, Menominee, Gogebic and other ranges in Michigan, and in this occuj)ation he spent all his active life. Mrs. Costin died about 1874, and her husband survived her for manv years, his death taking place in 1918, he having then reached a good round age. Some time after the death of his mother John Costin, the subject of this sketch, began working on his own account. He completed his school course at the Northern Indiana Normal School. Vali)araiso, Indiana, from which he emerged well ecpiipped with all the recpiirements of a first-class training. In January. 1893, Mr. Costin moved to \'irginia ami established himself in the fire insurance and real estate business, finally building up a splendid connection along that line, and here he has been residing ever since. In 1897-98, along with his insurance business, he began exploring for iron ore, and gradually this enterprise began to absorb the greater part of his attention. During this period, in conjunction with others, he discovered the Holman Mine near Colerain ; the Hobert Mine near Gilbert, and other smaller properties. In November, 1909, he took an option


Mr. Welles was born in Michigan and came to Diiluth in April, 1892.<br />

His first b<strong>us</strong>iness service here was as auditor in the old Chapin-Welles<br />

Company, now the Marshall-Welles Company. In 1895 he and associates<br />

bought the old J. J. Costello Hardware Company, which in June, 1896,<br />

became the Kelley Hardware Company and is now the Kelley <strong>Duluth</strong><br />

Company. In 1902 the Kelley-How-Thomson Company was organized,<br />

Mr. \\^elles participating in that organization, and he is now secretary and<br />

manager of this corporation, one of the largest wholesale ho<strong>us</strong>es in the<br />

northwest.<br />

Mr. Welles was born at Hortonville, Michigan, July 17, 1872, and had<br />

a public school education, coming to <strong>Duluth</strong> shortly before his twentieth<br />

birthday. He is a son of Nelson and Achsah (Graves) Welles, the former<br />

a native of New York and the latter of Connecticut. George W. Welles<br />

was left an orphan at the age of five, and from that time until he was<br />

seventeen lived with his mother's sister. Mrs. Edward Sleeger. His<br />

0])portimities have been largely of his own making, and good natural<br />

abilities, combined with continuo<strong>us</strong> hard work, have been responsible for<br />

the gratifying measure of success he has achieved.<br />

Through many years Mr. Welles has had a part in the civic development<br />

of modern <strong>Duluth</strong>. He is a member of a number of local clubs and<br />

organizations and is a Republican in politics. During the World war he<br />

was chief of metals and heavy hardware procurement. Branch No. 1,<br />

General Supplies Division of the Purchase, <strong>St</strong>orage and Traffic Department<br />

of the \\'ar Department. As an expert in his line he rendered valuable<br />

service in this work from June, 1918, until February, 1919.<br />

September 4, 1901, Mr. W'elles married Jane M. McLennan, a native<br />

of <strong>Duluth</strong>, where her i)arents, W. L. and Julia (McLeod) McLennan,<br />

were pioneers. The two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Welles are George W., Jr.,<br />

and Donald R.<br />

John Costin. The name of John Costin recpiires but little introduction<br />

to the people of Virginia, where he has been residing for about<br />

twenty-eight years, and throughout that ])eriod has been prominently<br />

identified with the ind<strong>us</strong>trial development of the city and surrounding<br />

district. He is the largest stockholder of the Chandler Mining Company.<br />

Virginia, the Chandler Mine being located at Ely.<br />

Air. Costin was born at Hancock, Michigan, December 25, 1866. His<br />

parents, John and Catherine (Ronan) Costin, were natives of Ireland and<br />

each came to the United <strong>St</strong>ates in early childhood, grew up in this country<br />

and here married. The father was an iron ore miner and was one of the<br />

early miners on the Marquette, Menominee, Gogebic and other ranges in<br />

Michigan, and in this occuj)ation he spent all his active life. Mrs. Costin<br />

died about 1874, and her h<strong>us</strong>band survived her for manv years, his death<br />

taking place in 1918, he having then reached a good round age.<br />

Some time after the death of his mother John Costin, the subject of<br />

this sketch, began working on his own account. He completed his school<br />

course at the Northern Indiana Normal School. Vali)araiso, Indiana, from<br />

which he emerged well ecpiipped with all the recpiirements of a first-class<br />

training. In January. 1893, Mr. Costin moved to \'irginia ami established<br />

himself in the fire insurance and real estate b<strong>us</strong>iness, finally building up a<br />

splendid connection along that line, and here he has been residing ever<br />

since. In 1897-98, along with his insurance b<strong>us</strong>iness, he began exploring<br />

for iron ore, and gradually this enterprise began to absorb the greater<br />

part of his attention. During this period, in conjunction with others, he<br />

discovered the Holman Mine near Colerain ; the Hobert Mine near Gilbert,<br />

and other smaller properties. In November, 1909, he took an option

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