1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us

1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us 1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us


816 DULUTH AND ST. LOUIS COUNTY citizenship. He served many times as a member of local juries and was affiliated with the Grand Army of the Republic and a member of the Swedish Lutheran Church. His first wife was Eva Johanson, and of her three children, one is Frank, an employe at the St. James Mine at Aurora. Brita Lind, the second wife of Carl Halstrom, is still living at the old homestead near Rush City, now past seventy years of age. She became the mother of ten children, and one of her daughters is Mrs. Minna Carlson, a resident of Aurora. Otto F. Halstrom secured his early education in a typical "old red schoolhouse" in the rural locality where he was reared. At school he excelled in mathematics, which stimulated his ambition to become a clerk. At the age of twenty he started his business career in a rural store. Later he worked in a clothing store at Duluth, and then in another farm store at Isanti, Minnesota. With this experience he came to the Range country and for five years was with the Carlson Mercantile Company at Hibbing, and then came to Aurora to take charge of the dry goods^ department of the Aurora Mercantile Company. He continued with the same establishment after it was taken over by Mr. Talboys until 1918. Mr. Halstrom has been township clerk since 1917 with the exception of the year 1919. He has been a member of the School Board for a similar length of time and is now chairman of the board and devotes much time and study to the improvement of the schools. At Duluth Mr. Halstrom married Tina Fredin. They were schoolmates at Rush City. Mrs. Halstrom died leaving two daughters, Gladys and Grace. Gladys is a graduate of the high school at Aurora and is now attending the State Normal School at Winona. Mr. Halstrom married for his present wife. Theresa Johnson, of Two Harbors, Minnesota. Fraternally he is affiliated with Biwabik Lodge of Masons, and with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Woodmen of the World, Elks and Moose. Politically he casts an independent vote. P. George Hanson is one of Duluth's older busmess men. Between thirty and forty years he has been identified with the city, formerly in banking, and for the most part with the real estate and insurance busi- ness. Mr. Hanson was born in Norway March 23, 1858, and came to Amer- ica and located at Duluth in 1882. His first employment was as clerk in a general store. Later for five years he was on duty with the St. Louis County Bank, beginning as messenger boy, was promoted to bookkeeper, and on severing his connections from this bank engaged in the real estate and insurance business and for several years one of his sons, now deceased, was associated with him under the name P. George Hanson & Son. That title is still retained, but another son, Frederick C, is now with him. The firm maintains offices at 1915 West Superior street, and does an extensive business in loans and insurance, in building management and in the handling of bonds and other securities. Mr. Hanson has been closely identified with the development of the West End of Duluth, and the citizens of that portion of the city regard him as one of their ablest and most substantial leaders and co-workers. Mr. Hanson served as a city alderman from 1892 to 1899. He is a Republican in politics. November 25, 1882, at Duluth, he married Miss Johanne Erickson. They reared a family of seven children; namely: Hartwick O. and Anna M., both deceased; Joseph R., a building contractor of Duluth ; Oscar, an electrical contractor of Duluth ; Frederick C, an attorney and associated with his father ; Ruby B., bookkeeper for her father, and Muriel A., attending High School.

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