1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us

1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us 1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us


770 DULUTH AND ST. LOUJS COUNTY age ability. In 1880 his son Charles came to this country and obtained employment on the Mesaba, largely as a mechanic with boilers and engines. A daughter, Bridget, came over in 1892, and she later became the wife of J. H. Carlson of Hibbing. In February, 1888, Gust Carlson joined the family in this country, being at that time nineteen years of age, with a practical experience of five years as a machinist. While at that time he could not speak a word of English, he found compatriots at Hurley, Wisconsin, and being very intelligent and anxious to learn it was not long before he had an excellent working knowledge of the new language. At the time he was a resident of Hurley that city was in its "wild and wooly" days, and he remembers those frontier experiences very well. Leaving Hurley Mr. Carlson worked in various mines, and in the fall of 1890 went to Seattle, Washington, thence to California, and on April 1, 1893, landed on the Mesaba Range, coming by rail as far as Mountain Iron, from whence he went to the present site of the Pillsbury Mine, as an explorer in the employ of Barnes & Upton of Duluth, who had an option on what is now the Clark Mine. While making his explorations Mr. Carlson lived principally at Hibbing. While he followed mining and exploring, he gradually drifted into other avenues of endeavor. He worked as a test digger, mined in the Sellers Mine for a time, and then embarked in business as a driller contractor. For five years he continued in this line, and then organized the Carlson Exploration Company at Hibbing, of which he is yet president, although G. A. Wellner is now the active head. For years he was vice president of the Miners & Merchants State Bank of Hibbing, and for the past two years has been its president. Mr. Carlson is also president of the First National Bank of Chisholm. He is a part owner of the Morton Mine, and is financially interested in the concentrating plant at Old Mesaba, which is for the purpose of utilizing the low grade magnetic ores of the Eastern Mesaba Range. This bids fair to become one of the great industries of the ore business. In 1911, Mr. Carlson moved to Duluth, which has since been his home. He belongs to the Duluth Commercial Club and the Northland Country Club. At present he is activelv interested in the development of the Cuyuna Range, and owns a one-third interest of the ore body which has been under lease located on the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 17-46-29 on the Cuyuna Range, containing about 1.500.000 tons of good average grade of Cuyuna Range ore. This has admirable conditions for open pit working. Mr. Carlson also owns a third interest of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 17-46-29, consisting of large deposits, some 3.000.000 tons, of merchantable ore. Another holding of his is the Brainerd-Cuyuna mine fee of that range, which is equipped and developed to ship. In 1896 Mr. Carlson was married to Hannah Forsman, and they have five children, namely : Oregon Catherine. Lars M., Virginia. Gustav, and William. Lars M. at the age of nineteen years was a student at the Minnesota State LTniversity, to which he had gone after being- graduated from Culver Military Academy, and was in the Students Reserve Corps, prepared to go abroad for service during the World war. when the signing of the Armistice made such action unnecessary. Mr. Carlson is one of the interesting figures of Duluth, and his influence in the development of the. great ore industries cannot be overestimated. His knowledge of drilling and mining is practical and thorouo-h. and combined with it has been a firm and abiding faith in the possibilities of the Mesaba Range, which has enabled him to undertake

DULUTH AND ST. LOUIS COUNTY 7/1 large enterprises and carry them through to successful completion. His connection with an undertaking today means its ultimate success, and his name gives added strength to any concern, for it is admittedly a fact that he will not go into anything until he is certain that it and the people backing it are thoroughly dependable. Having played so important a part in the progress of the Northwest, he naturally takes great pride in it and the results which have come through his practical application of his knowledge and abilities. Edwin D. Field. It is not an easy task to describe adequately a man who led an eminently active and useful Ufe and attained a position of relative distinction in the community with which his interests were allied. But biography finds its most perfect justification, nevertheless, in the tracing and recording of such a life history. It is, then, with a full appreciation of all that is demanded and of the painstaking scrutiny that must be accorded each statement, and yet with a feeling of satisfaction, that the writer essays the task of touching briefly upon the details of such a record as was that of Edwin D. Field, who passed from this life on the 16th of February, 1921. Edwin D. Field was born June 25, 1858, at Montpelier, Vermont, a son of Cornelius A. and Maria (Dewey) Field, both of whom were also natives of Vermont. Cornelius A. Field was born February 4, 1825, and died on iVIay 21, 1907. He was the scion of an old New England family, the progenitors of which settled in that locality about 1730. Mr. Field became a man of considerable prominence in his native community, and as earlv as 1859 he was the organizer and the first president of a local organization known as the Young Men's Christian Association of Montpelier. In 1865 he removed with his family to Hanover, New Hampshire, where also he took a leading part in public affairs, having served as postmaster for twenty years and also as a member of the school board. In the fall of 1886, Mr. Field came to Duluth and engaged in the real estate and insurance business with his son. Edwin D. He and his wife were members of the Pilgrim Congregational Church of Duluth, of which he served as deacon from 1890 to 1897. Mrs. Field also was descended from an old New England family, the Deweys having settled in Connecticut in 1630. She was a first cousin of Dr. Julius Dewey, of Montpelier, Vermont, the father of Admiral Dewey. By her union with C. A. Field she became the mother of six children, five daughters and a son. Two of the daughters are deceased and the son was the second in order of birth.. Edwin D. Field after completing the common school course entered Dartmouth college, where he was graduated with the class of 1880. with the degree of Bachelor of Science. In 1881 he entered the employ of John Morrill 8: Company. Ltd., packers, at Ottumwa, Iowa, and Can- ton, Illinois, hut the following year he removed to Rock ford. Illinois, where he was employed as bookkeeper and teller in the Rock ford National Bank. In 1885 he came to Duluth and engaged in the real estate and insurance business, first as the E. D. Field Companv and later under the stvle of Field-Frey Company. Incorporated, which was organized in 1913. Of the latter coni])any Mr. Field became and continued as j>resident. and August J. Frey became vice president and secretarv. Mr. Frey and his wife were among the ill-fated persons who lo^^t thi-ir lives in the great forest fire of October 12. 1^18. In the real estate and insurance field Mr. Field attained a high place, handling a large and constantly increasijig volume of business and gained an enviable reputation as an able and reliable business man. He was one of the organizers and for


age ability. In 1880 his son Charles came to this country and obtained<br />

employment on the Mesaba, largely as a mechanic with boilers and engines.<br />

A daughter, Bridget, came over in 1892, and she later became<br />

the wife of J. H. Carlson of Hibbing.<br />

In February, 1888, G<strong>us</strong>t Carlson joined the family in this country,<br />

being at that time nineteen years of age, with a practical experience of<br />

five years as a machinist. While at that time he could not speak a word<br />

of English, he found compatriots at Hurley, Wisconsin, and being very<br />

intelligent and anxio<strong>us</strong> to learn it was not long before he had an excellent<br />

working knowledge of the new language. At the time he was<br />

a resident of Hurley that city was in its "wild and wooly" days, and<br />

he remembers those frontier experiences very well. Leaving Hurley<br />

Mr. Carlson worked in vario<strong>us</strong> mines, and in the fall of 1890 went to<br />

Seattle, Washington, thence to California, and on April 1, 1893, landed<br />

on the Mesaba Range, coming by rail as far as Mountain Iron, from<br />

whence he went to the present site of the Pillsbury Mine, as an explorer<br />

in the employ of Barnes & Upton of <strong>Duluth</strong>, who had an option<br />

on what is now the Clark Mine. While making his explorations Mr.<br />

Carlson lived principally at Hibbing. While he followed mining and exploring,<br />

he gradually drifted into other avenues of endeavor. He worked<br />

as a test digger, mined in the Sellers Mine for a time, and then embarked<br />

in b<strong>us</strong>iness as a driller contractor. For five years he continued in this<br />

line, and then organized the Carlson Exploration Company at Hibbing,<br />

of which he is yet president, although G. A. Wellner is now the active<br />

head. For years he was vice president of the Miners & Merchants<br />

<strong>St</strong>ate Bank of Hibbing, and for the past two years has been its president.<br />

Mr. Carlson is also president of the First National Bank of<br />

Chisholm. He is a part owner of the Morton Mine, and is financially<br />

interested in the concentrating plant at Old Mesaba, which is for the<br />

purpose of utilizing the low grade magnetic ores of the Eastern Mesaba<br />

Range. This bids fair to become one of the great ind<strong>us</strong>tries of the<br />

ore b<strong>us</strong>iness. In 1911, Mr. Carlson moved to <strong>Duluth</strong>, which has since<br />

been his home. He belongs to the <strong>Duluth</strong> Commercial Club and the<br />

Northland Country Club. At present he is activelv interested in the<br />

development of the Cuyuna Range, and owns a one-third interest of the<br />

ore body which has been under lease located on the southwest quarter<br />

of the northwest quarter, and the northwest quarter of the southwest<br />

quarter of section 17-46-29 on the Cuyuna Range, containing about<br />

1.500.000 tons of good average grade of Cuyuna Range ore. This has<br />

admirable conditions for open pit working. Mr. Carlson also owns a<br />

third interest of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section<br />

17-46-29, consisting of large deposits, some 3.000.000 tons, of merchantable<br />

ore. Another holding of his is the Brainerd-Cuyuna mine fee<br />

of that range, which is equipped and developed to ship.<br />

In 1896 Mr. Carlson was married to Hannah Forsman, and they<br />

have five children, namely : Oregon<br />

Catherine. Lars M., Virginia. G<strong>us</strong>tav,<br />

and William. Lars M. at the age of nineteen years was a student at<br />

the Minnesota <strong>St</strong>ate LTniversity, to which he had gone after being- graduated<br />

from Culver Military Academy, and was in the <strong>St</strong>udents Reserve<br />

Corps, prepared to go abroad for service during the World war. when<br />

the signing of the Armistice made such action unnecessary.<br />

Mr. Carlson is one of the interesting figures of <strong>Duluth</strong>, and his influence<br />

in the development of the. great ore ind<strong>us</strong>tries cannot be overestimated.<br />

His knowledge of drilling and mining is practical and<br />

thorouo-h. and combined with it has been a firm and abiding faith in the<br />

possibilities of the Mesaba Range, which has enabled him to undertake

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