1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us

1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us 1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us


748 DULUTH AND ST. LOUIS COUNTY where he Hvcd a retired life until his death. He was, the father of ten children, eight of whom reached mature years and seven are living. Ernest A. Schulze, next to the oldest of the living children, acquired his early education in the public schools of northern Wisconsin and Minnesota and left school to become an apprentice to the tanner's trade at the age of sixteen. He was an apprentice three years, and gained a thorough knowledge of all that constitutes the tanning industry. Following that for one year he was employed as a clerk in the Wieland shoe store, and then after a course in business college at St. Paul returned to Duluth in 1888 and with his brother Charles, engaged in the leather business under the firm name of Schulze Brothers. Later they incorporated as the Schulze Brothers Company, and the business was continued under this title until 1915. Since then Mr. Schulze has been the active head of the Schulze Leather & Findings Company, a wholesale establishment at 10 West First street. Mr. Schulze has been devoted to business, has never sought the honors of politics nor its cares and responsibilities, is a Republican voter and an active member of the Pilgrim Congregational Church. In June, 1896. he married Miss Emma Kohagen, daughter of Frederick Kohagen, of Duluth and of German ancestry. Mrs. Schulze was educated in the public schools of Pennsylvania and of Duluth. They have three children Dorothy, born in 1903 ; Clarence, born in 1907 ; and Eleanor, born in 1911. Marshall-Wells Company. The history of the Marshall-Wells Company has a place of importance in this publication because it frequently throws significant light upon the history of Duluth itself and involves in a peculiarly interesting manner the fortunes and careers of a number of prominent local business men, chief among them being the veteran founder of the business, Albert Morley Marshall. In 1882, when Duluth had less than 5,000 population and was only a small and unimproved town around a lake port, with the lumbering industry behind, a retail hardware business under the name G. C. Greenwood & Company was established in the depot corner of Superior street. About two years later the first iron ore was shipped from the Vermillion Range, and with the completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad Duluth grew so rapidly that it became a city of 18,000 population. Needing larger capital for his business, Mr. Greenwood interested his uncle, A. B. Chapin, a Saginaw^ lumberman, and in 1886 the firm was changed to A. B. Chapin & Comi)any, wnth Mr. Chapin in personal charge. A three-story frame building w^as erected on South Lake avenue that year. Another important firm of Duluth at that time was Wells-Stone & Company, wholesale grocers and hardware men, who soon afterward merged the hardware department with that of A. B. Chapin & Company, resulting in the Chapin-Wells Hardware Company. In 1891 this firm moved into a new six-story and basement brick building on lower Fifth avenue. West, which was the hdme of the company for nine years. In 1892, when it became apparent that large additions of capital were necessary, there occurred the great crisis in the business. This was due partly to the industrial depression which culminated the following year, and also to the fact that some of those interested in the Chapin-Wells organization were desirous of withdrawing. At that time negotiations Avere entered with Albert M. Marshall of Saginaw, Michigan. Albert Morley Marshall was born December 25, 1851. His father, Seth Marshall, was born near Hartford in Colebrook, Connecticut, but spent his active life at Painesville, Ohio, where he was a hardware :

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