1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us

1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us

1921 Duluth & St Louis County MN, Van Brunt.pdf - Garon.us


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lution was passed at the first town meeting: "That no saloon license<br />

be granted in this town."<br />

A resolution was adopted by the covmty commissioners, on<br />

December 7 , 1917, legalizing the consolidation of the townships of<br />

Bassett and <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Louis</strong>, under the name of the former (see Bassett,<br />

this chapter).<br />

Sandy.—The Township of Sandy, 60-17, was set off as such on<br />

September 8. 1916, the county commissioners then approving a petition,<br />

signed by twenty-nine of the freeholders of unorganized township<br />

sixty north of range seventeen west. The petition was sworn to<br />

on July 12th of that year, and asserted that cens<strong>us</strong> taken at time of<br />

circulation of petition showed that there were then forty-seven freeholders<br />

living in the township. The petitioners wished to have township<br />

organization and privileges, under the name of "Sandy," but<br />

suggested alternative names of "Britt" and "Perho."<br />

The first town meeting was held "at the Christian Association<br />

Hall," situated in the northeast quarter of southwest quarter of section<br />

twenty-two, on September 23, 1916, as ordered by the county<br />

commissioners.<br />

Big Rice Lake is in Sandy Township, and Lake Junction is a<br />

stopping place for trains of the Canadian Pacific Railway, which<br />

passes through the western end of the township. Unorganized territory<br />

is to the north and west, and Sandy is bounded by Pike Township<br />

on the east, and Wouri on the south. It is becoming good farming<br />

territory, although its assessed valuation is now about one-fourth<br />

less than in 1916. The township is in what is termed the Unorganized<br />

School District, an adequate system of rural schools directly<br />

supervised by the county school administration.<br />

The present township officials are: Alex. Pursi (chairman).<br />

Nestor Wolun and Wm. Jacobson, supervisors; Otmar Jarvinen.<br />

clerk; Lars Koski. assessor; Ed Janhola, treasurer.<br />

Congressional township 60-17, which now is Sandy, is shown<br />

in federal statistics to have had a population of sixteen in 1900, one<br />

hundred and ninety-nine in 1910, and one hundred and thirty-six<br />

in 1920.<br />

Solway.—The Township of Solway, which is one of those of<br />

the southernmost tier of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Louis</strong> <strong>County</strong>, was organized in 1897.<br />

prior to which it was part of the Township of Hermann.<br />

A petition, sworn to by George J. Guerson, on April 6. 1897,<br />

and signed by twenty-eight freeholders of congressional township<br />

fifty north of range sixteen west, was presented to the county commissioners<br />

on that day. Petitioners sought separation of their township<br />

from the Township of tiermann. stating, as a j<strong>us</strong>tifiable reason.<br />

"the lack of roads and other facilities for traveling." which condition<br />

made it almost impossible for residents in township 50-16 to attend<br />

town meetings.<br />

The petition was considered by the commissioners on April 6.<br />

1897, and they set a date ui)on which they would hear objections to<br />

the proposed separation. The date set was May 4th, but the hearing<br />

was postponed until May 7th, and on that day the commissioners<br />

granted the petition, and organized the 'l\)wnshii) of Solway. calling<br />

upon voters in that district to assemble for the first town meeting<br />

on Wednesday, May 26th of that year, designating the schoolho<strong>us</strong>e<br />

which stood m>on the northeast (|uarter of northwest quarter<br />

of section 22, of lowiishi]) 50-U), as the ])oling place.

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