The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


How a first-class restaurant comes into being. Aperitif, place, time, varieties Fa ir. How I drive my car in Paris Theater with fiwer than 5 00 seats. (Purveyors of pleasure) Fashionable teas. Tavern with musical entertainment. 1, 000 metm of modern art (Rue de la Bodie) Great and small labyrinth of Paris Paris translated . Underground newspapers Parisian rnirrors)jro11l the bistro to Versailles. Catacombs and Paris. Types of cocottes: streeiwalken, milmes, call girls (deluxe) social relations tarts lionesses girlfriend liaison sweetheart artiste Artiste serieuse. TOyshop saddlers harness makers hardware store Things of yesteryear and the like; Sacre Ferme 1.N. A walk with the secret agent. S1(Iall side alley in the Passage des Panoramas: service passage with iron ladders on the walls. Visitors' cards are made immediately; boots immediately cleaned Mosaic thresholds, in the style of the old restaurants in the Palais-Royal, lead to a diner de Paris atfivefrancs-so broad and empty are they, that one cannot believe there is really a restaurant up there. The same is true 9f the entrance to the Petit Casino. 7ftere you indeed see a ticket booth and prices ofseats; but you have the fieling that, once through the glass dam; you would wind up on the street again instead of in a theater. Many institutes of hygiene For the biceps, hip reducer, gladiators with orthopedic belts Bandages round the white bellies of mannequins In old hairdressing salons, the last women with lang hair, undulating "permanent wave," petrified coiffims. If these latter are petrified, the stonework (!f the arcades, by contrast, often has the effict of crumbling jJapier-miichi. Ridiculous "souvenirs " and bibelots-quite hideous Odalisques stretched out next to inkwell; priestesses raise aloft ashtrays like patens.

(fA fa Capricieuse/' lingerie de tout genre. Doll mender. Fan flctory under the arch Bookshop on the mezzanine: Etreintes secretes, Art d'aimer, AjJolantes Illusions, Les Insatiables, School afLove, Mimoires d'une bonne Ii toutji:tire. In their midst, Images d'Epinal. Harlequin betroths his daughter. Images of·Napoleon. Artilloy. Wily to heaven and hell, with caption in French and German (in devotional shop on the Rue du Val de Grace English the broad and the narrow way) . Typographies. Visitors ' cards while you wait Evoywhere, as addition to the program, as guest star: stockings. Now lying next to some photos, now in a tavern, watched over by a girl (we t.Illnk of the theater in Montrouge, where, during the day, they hang on the ticket booth that oj)ens only at evening) Stairway to the Arabic restaurant, Kebab Fi-equently, handbags (petits sacs) in open cardboard boxes, wrapped in tissue paper. In the building next door, where there is a gateway, ahnost an arcade: Mme. de Consolis, Maitresse de Ballet-Let;ons, Cours, Numeros. Mme . .:(ahna, Cartomanciere. {Narrow alley} behind Hotel de Boulogne, with one window above hairdresser. The girl waiting below and the one looking out afthe window. TY,e wlwlejimned by the enbyway. This in front of me (as seen from the cafe) and, to the right, the Gate of [Saint­ Oems dedicated to] Louis the Great, with couchant lions, weapons, and vague trophies on pyramids. In the arcades, bolder colors are possible. TY,ere are red and green combs. Preserved in the arcades are types af collar studsji!r which we no longer know the corresponding collars or shids. Should a shoemaker's shop be neighbor to a canftctioner's, his display afshoelaces will start to resemble licorice. {TY,ere are many stamp shops (zuhich, with their South American hummingbird stamps on paper stained by damp, remind the vl:.itor jrom Berlin af childhood and cuckoos). } One could imagine an ideal shop in an ideal arcade-a shop which brings together all mitiers, which is doll clinic and orthopedic institute in one, which sells trumpets and shells, birdseed injixative pansji·01n a photographer's, ocar;nas as umbrella handles.

(fA fa Capricieuse/' lingerie de tout genre.<br />

Doll mender.<br />

Fan flctory under the arch<br />

Bookshop on the mezzanine: Etreintes secretes, Art d'aimer, AjJolantes Illusions, Les<br />

Insatiables, School afLove, Mimoires d'une bonne Ii toutji:tire. In their midst,<br />

Images d'Epinal. Harlequin betroths his daughter. Images of·Napoleon. Artilloy.<br />

Wily to heaven and hell, with caption in French and German (in devotional<br />

shop on the Rue du Val de Grace English the broad and the narrow way) .<br />

Typographies.<br />

Visitors ' cards while you wait<br />

Evoywhere, as addition to the program, as guest star: stockings. Now lying next to<br />

some photos, now in a tavern, watched over by a girl (we t.Illnk of the theater in<br />

Montrouge, where, during the day, they hang on the ticket booth that oj)ens only<br />

at evening)<br />

Stairway to the Arabic restaurant, Kebab<br />

Fi-equently, handbags (petits sacs) in open cardboard boxes, wrapped in tissue paper.<br />

In the building next door, where there is a gateway, ahnost an arcade: Mme.<br />

de Consolis, Maitresse de Ballet-Let;ons, Cours, Numeros. Mme . .:(ahna, Cartomanciere.<br />

{Narrow alley} behind Hotel de Boulogne, with one window above hairdresser. <strong>The</strong><br />

girl waiting below and the one looking out afthe window. TY,e wlwlejimned by<br />

the enbyway.<br />

<br />

This in front of me (as seen from the cafe) and, to the right, the Gate of [Saint­<br />

Oems dedicated to] Louis the Great, with couchant lions, weapons, and<br />

vague trophies on pyramids.<br />

In the arcades, bolder colors are possible. TY,ere are red and green combs.<br />

Preserved in the arcades are types af collar studsji!r which we no longer know the<br />

corresponding collars or shids.<br />

Should a shoemaker's shop be neighbor to a canftctioner's, his display afshoelaces<br />

will start to resemble licorice.<br />

{TY,ere are many stamp shops (zuhich, with their South American hummingbird<br />

stamps on paper stained by damp, remind the vl:.itor jrom Berlin af childhood<br />

and cuckoos). }<br />

One could imagine an ideal shop in an ideal arcade-a shop which brings together<br />

all mitiers, which is doll clinic and orthopedic institute in one, which sells trumpets<br />

and shells, birdseed injixative pansji·01n a photographer's, ocar;nas<br />

as umbrella handles.

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