The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


From Der Bazar, illustrated ladies' magazine published in Berlin (1857-) : pearl embroidery for boxes of Communion wafers or gambling chips, men's shoes, glove box, small bolster, penwipers, needlecase, pincushion, slippers. ChTistmas items: lamp stands, game bags, bell pulls, firescreens, folder for musical scores, basket for knives, canister for wax tapers, pudding cloths, gambling chips. TI,e type of ti,e flaneur gains in distinctness when one thinks, for a moment, of the good conscience that must have belonged to the type of Saint-Simon's "industrial;' who bore this title only as possessor of capital. Notable difference between Saint-Simon and Marx. 111C former conceives the class of exploited (the producers) as broadly as possible, reckoning among them even the entrepreneur because he pays interest to his creditors. Marx, on the other hand, includes all those who in any way exploit another-even though they themselves may be victims of exploitation-among the bourgeoisie. Exacerbation of class divisions: the social order as a ladder along which the distance from nmg to rung grows greater by the year. Infinite nmnber of gradations between wealth and poverty in the France of ti,e previous century. Byzantine mysticism at the Ecole Poly technique. See Pinet, "Ecole poly technique et les Saint-Simoniens," Revue de Paris (1894). Didn't Marx teach that the bourgeoisie, as class, can never arrive at a perfectly clear awareness of itself? And if this is the case, isn't one justified in annexing to Marx's thesis the idea of the dream collective (that is, the bourgeois collective)? vVouldn't it be possible, furthermore, to show how the whole set of issues with which this project is concerned is illuminated in the process of the proletariat's becoming conscious of itself? The first tremors of awakening serve to deepen sleep-(tremors Kla,9.> of awakening),

Concretion extinguishes thought; abstraction kindles it. Every antithesis is ab­ stract; every synthesis, concrete. (Synthesis extinguishes thought.) Formula: construction out of facts. Construction with the complete elimination of theory. What only Goethe in his morphological writings has attempted. On gambling. There is a certain structure of fate that can be recognized only in money, and a certain structure of money that can be recognized only in fate. The arcade as temple of Aesculapius. Medicinal spring. The course of a cure. Arcades (as resort spas) in ravines. At Schuls-Tarasp, at Ragaz. The gorge as landscape ideal in our parents' day. As with the impact of very distant memories, the sense of smell is awakened. To me, as I stood before a shop window in Saint-Moritz and looked on mother-of-pearl pocketknives as "memo­ ries;' it was as though at that moment I could smell them. The things sold in the arcades are souvenirs . The "souvenir" is the form of the commodity in the arcades. One always buys only mementos of the commodity and of the arcade. Rise of the souvenir industry. As the manufacturer knows it. The custom-house officer of industry. How visual memories emerge transformed after long years. The pocketknife that came to me as I chanced upon one in a shop window in Saint-Moritz (with the name of the place inscribed between sprigs of mother-of-pearl edelweiss) had a taste and odor. Rather than pass the time, one must invite it in. To pass the time (to kill time, expel it): to be drained. Ty pe: gambler, time spills from his every pore.-To store time like a battery: the type, flaneur. Finally, the synthetic type (takes in the energy "time" and passes it on in altered fonn): he who waits. "Primal history of the nineteenth century" -this would be of no interest if it were W1der stood to mean that forms of primal history are to be recovered among the inventory of the nineteenth century. Only where the nineteenth century would be presented as originary form of primal history-as a form, that is to say, in which the whole of primal history so renews itself that certain of its older traits would be recognized only as precursors of these recent ones-only there does this concept of a primal history of the nineteenth centmy have meaning. All categories of the philosophy of history must here be driven to the point of indifference. No historical category without its natural substance, no natural category without its historical filtration. Historical knowledge of the truth is possible only as overcoming the illusory appearance . Yet this overcoming should not siguify subli-

Concretion extinguishes thought; abstraction kindles it. Every antithesis is ab­<br />

stract; every synthesis, concrete. (Synthesis extinguishes thought.) <br />

Formula: construction out of facts. Construction with the complete elimination<br />

of theory. What only Goethe in his morphological writings has attempted.<br />

<br />

On gambling. <strong>The</strong>re is a certain structure of fate that can be recognized only in money,<br />

and a certain structure of money that can be recognized only in fate. <br />

<br />

<strong>The</strong> arcade as temple of Aesculapius. Medicinal spring. <strong>The</strong> course of a cure.<br />

<strong>Arcades</strong> (as resort spas) in ravines. At Schuls-Tarasp, at Ragaz. <strong>The</strong> gorge as<br />

landscape ideal in our parents' day. As with the impact of very distant<br />

memories, the sense of smell is awakened. To me, as I stood before a shop<br />

window in Saint-Moritz and looked on mother-of-pearl pocketknives as "memo­<br />

ries;' it was as though at that moment I could smell them. <br />

<strong>The</strong> things sold in the arcades are souvenirs . <strong>The</strong> "souvenir" is the<br />

form of the commodity in the arcades. One always buys only mementos of the<br />

commodity and of the arcade. Rise of the souvenir industry. As the manufacturer<br />

knows it. <strong>The</strong> custom-house officer of industry. <br />

How visual memories emerge transformed after long years. <strong>The</strong> pocketknife that<br />

came to me as I chanced upon one in a shop window in Saint-Moritz (with the<br />

name of the place inscribed between sprigs of mother-of-pearl edelweiss) had a<br />

taste and odor. <br />

Rather than pass the time, one must invite it in. To pass the time (to kill time, expel it): to<br />

be drained. Ty pe: gambler, time spills from his every pore.-To store time like a battery:<br />

the type, flaneur. Finally, the synthetic type (takes in the energy "time" and passes it on in<br />

altered fonn): he who waits. <br />

"Primal history of the nineteenth century" -this would be of no interest if it were W1der<br />

stood to mean that forms of primal history are to be recovered among the inventory of the<br />

nineteenth century. Only where the nineteenth century would be presented as originary<br />

form of primal history-as a form, that is to say, in which the whole of primal history so<br />

renews itself that certain of its older traits would be recognized only as precursors of these<br />

recent ones-only there does this concept of a primal history of the nineteenth centmy<br />

have meaning. <br />

All categories of the philosophy of history must here be driven to the point of<br />

indifference. No historical category without its natural substance, no natural<br />

category without its historical filtration. <br />

Historical knowledge of the truth is possible only as overcoming the illusory<br />

appearance . Yet this overcoming should not siguify subli-

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