The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


Religion jusionienne) ou Doctrine de l'universalisation reaiisant ie vrai catholicisme (Paris, 1902). [p5a,2] "Me: Is there some particular facet of your religious cult that you could comment on? M. de Tonreil: We pray often, and our prayers ordinarily begin with the words: '0 Map supreme and eternal.' Me: What is the meaning of this sound 'Map'? M. de Toureil: It is a sacred sound which combines the m signifying mere (mother), the p signifying perc (father), and the a signifying amour (love) . ... These three letters designate the great eternal God." Alexandre Erdan [A. A. Jacob], La France mistique, 2 vols. (Paris, 1855), vol. 2, p. 632 [continuous pagination J. [p6,1] Fusionisrne aims not at a syncretism but at the fusion of human beings with one another and with God. [p6,2] " There will he no happiness for humanity until the day the republic sends the son of God back to the carpenter's shop of Monsieur his father." This sentence is put into the mouth of Com'bet, in a pamphlet that presents the heroes of the February Revolution to the public. [p6,3]

[Ecole Poly technique ] On commerce: "'If competition between merchants, ... or any other matter, pre­ vents them from sclling their wares in timely fashio11, then the individual merchant is forced . . . to suspend business and east the problem back ont.o the pro- ducers . ... This is why we cannot distinguish between commercial and industrial crises, so dependent is industry on intermediaries . ... A fearsome audit is conducted on all assets in circulation, and an enormous quantity of them are declared worthless . ... The times when commercial assets are subjected to audit arc called crises." Eugene Buret, De ia Misere des classes France (Paris , 1840), vol. 2, pp. 211, 213. laborieuses en Angleterre et en [r 1,1 J "'In 1860, having long slumbered in the arms of protectionism, France abruptly awakened 'on the pillow of free trade.' Exercising the right conferred on him by the constitution of 1852, Napoleon III had bypassed parliament and negotiated to open our borders to products from other nations, at the same time opening several foreign markets to our entrepreneurs . ... Long years of prosperity had made it possible for our industrial forces ... to wage a global struggle." Henry 'Fougere, Les DeUigations ouvrieres (Montlu\,on, 1905), p. 28. altx expositions nniverselles SOltS Ie Second Empire [rl,2] FOUlHling of the Ecole Polyte(hnique:l ("The Terror within, invaders at the bordel's . .. ; the country in ruins, disorganized, able neither to acquire the saltpeter needed [or gunpowder nor to run the factories needed for manufacturing arms (since nearly all these factories were in the hands of insurgents)-such were the circumstances in which deliberations were held to found the new institution . ... 'Everything that genius, lahor, and concerted action were capable of,' as Biot. had put it, 'was now called up, so that France alone could sustain itself against all of' Europe . .. for the duration of the war, however long and. t.errible it might prove to be' . . . . Characteristic of the Ecole Polytedmique . . . was the coexistence of purely t . heoretic st.udies with a series of vocational courses geared to civil engineering, architecture, fortifications, mining, and even naval constructi.ons . ... Napoleon . .. made residence in the barracks obligatory for students . ... Then came the events of . .. 1815, aftcr which .. , one no longer conccaled the hope of seeing the Ecole recruit more students from aristoeratie families . ... The institution t . hus

Religion jusionienne) ou Doctrine de l'universalisation reaiisant ie vrai catholicisme<br />

(Paris, 1902). [p5a,2]<br />

"Me: Is there some particular facet of your religious cult that you could comment<br />

on? M. de Tonreil: We pray often, and our prayers ordinarily begin with the<br />

words: '0 Map supreme and eternal.' Me: What is the meaning of this sound<br />

'Map'? M. de Toureil: It is a sacred sound which combines the m signifying mere<br />

(mother), the p signifying perc (father), and the a signifying amour (love) . ...<br />

<strong>The</strong>se three letters designate the great eternal God." Alexandre Erdan [A. A.<br />

Jacob], La France mistique, 2 vols. (Paris, 1855), vol. 2, p. 632 [continuous pagination<br />

J. [p6,1]<br />

Fusionisrne aims not at a syncretism but at the fusion of human beings with one<br />

another and with God. [p6,2]<br />

" <strong>The</strong>re will he no happiness for humanity until the day the republic sends the son<br />

of God back to the carpenter's shop of Monsieur his father." This sentence is put<br />

into the mouth of Com'bet, in a pamphlet that presents the heroes of the February<br />

Revolution to the public. [p6,3]

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