The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


debunked, debunked, / Had Had he he worn worn a a peruke, peruke, he'd he'd not not be be defunct.' defunct.' Another Another . ... .. picture, picture, representing representing a a village village maiden maiden as as she she kneels kneels to to receive receive a a garland garland of of roses-token roses-token of of her her virtue-from virtue-from the the hands hands of of a a chevalier, chevalier, ornaments ornaments the the door door of of a a milliner's milliner's shop." shop." Ludwig Borne, Schilderungen aus Paris (1822 und 1823), ch. 6 ("Die Laden" Laden"

B B [Fashion] Fashion: Madam Death! Madam Death! -Giacomo -Giacomo Leopardi, "Dialogue between Fashion and Death"l Nothing dies; all is transformed. -Honore de Balzac, Pensees) sujets)fragments (paris, (paris, 1910), 1910), p. 46 46 And boredom IS the grating before which the courtesan teases o Ennui 0 0 death. [Bl,l] Similarity of the arcades to the indoor arenas in which one learned to ride a bicycle. In In these halls the figure of the woman assumed its most seductive aspect: as cyclist. That is how she appears on contemporary posters. Cheret the painter of this feminine pulchritude. The costume of the cyclist, as an early and unconscious prefiguration of sportswear, corresponds to the dream prototypes that, a litde before or a litde later, are at work in the factory or the automobile. Just as the first factory buildings cling to the traditional form of the residential dwelling, and just as the first automobile chassis imitate carriages, so in the clothing of the cyclist the sporting expression still wresdes with the inherited pattern of of elegance, and the fruit of this struggle is the grim sadistic touch whicb made this ideal image of elegance so incomparably provocative to the male world in those days. o Dream Houses 0 0 [Bl,21 '"In these years [around 1880], not only does the Renaissance fashion begin to do mischief, but but on the the other side a new new interest in in sports-above all, in equestrian sports-arises among among women, women, and and together together these these two two tendencies tendencies exert exert an an influence influence on on fashion fashion from from quite quite different different directions. directions. The The attempt attempt to to reconcile reconcile these these sentisentiments dividing the female soul yields results that, in the years 1882-1885, are original if not always beautiful. To improve matters, dress designers simplify and take in the waist as much as possible, while allowing the skirt an amplitude all the more more rococo." rococo." 70 70 Jahre deutsche Mode (1925), pp. 84-87. [Bl,3] Here fashion has opened the business of dialectical exchange between woman and ware-between carnal pleasure and the corpse. The clerk, death, tall and and ware-between carnal pleasure and the corpse. The clerk, death, tall and

B<br />

B<br />

[Fashion]<br />

Fashion: Madam Death! Madam Death!<br />

-Giacomo -Giacomo Leopardi, "Dialogue between Fashion and Death"l<br />

Nothing dies; all is transformed.<br />

-Honore de Balzac, Pensees) sujets)fragments (paris, (paris, 1910), 1910), p. 46 46<br />

And boredom IS the grating before which the courtesan teases<br />

o Ennui 0 0<br />

death.<br />

[Bl,l]<br />

Similarity of the arcades to the indoor arenas in which one learned to ride a<br />

bicycle. In In these halls the figure of the woman assumed its most seductive aspect:<br />

as cyclist. That is how she appears on contemporary posters. Cheret the painter<br />

of this feminine pulchritude. <strong>The</strong> costume of the cyclist, as an early and unconscious<br />

prefiguration of sportswear, corresponds to the dream prototypes that, a<br />

litde before or a litde later, are at work in the factory or the automobile. Just as<br />

the first factory buildings cling to the traditional form of the residential dwelling,<br />

and just as the first automobile chassis imitate carriages, so in the clothing of the<br />

cyclist the sporting expression still wresdes with the inherited pattern of of elegance,<br />

and the fruit of this struggle is the grim sadistic touch whicb made this ideal<br />

image of elegance so incomparably provocative to the male world in those days.<br />

o Dream Houses 0 0 [Bl,21<br />

'"In these years [around 1880], not only does the Renaissance fashion begin to do<br />

mischief, but but on the the other side a new new interest in in sports-above all, in equestrian<br />

sports-arises among among women, women, and and together together these these two two tendencies tendencies exert exert an an influence influence<br />

on on fashion fashion from from quite quite different different directions. directions. <strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong> attempt attempt to to reconcile reconcile these these sentisentiments dividing the female soul yields results that, in the years 1882-1885, are<br />

original if not always beautiful. To improve matters, dress designers simplify and<br />

take in the waist as much as possible, while allowing the skirt an amplitude all the<br />

more more rococo." rococo." 70 70 Jahre deutsche Mode (1925), pp. 84-87. [Bl,3]<br />

Here fashion has opened the business of dialectical exchange between woman<br />

and ware-between carnal pleasure and the corpse. <strong>The</strong> clerk, death, tall and<br />

and ware-between carnal pleasure and the corpse. <strong>The</strong> clerk, death, tall and

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