The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


advantages to boot especially where photographing faces is concerned although the portraits which one makes with them are doubtless much poorer than before. With the older less light-sensitive apparatus multiple expressions would appear on the plate which was exposed for rather long periods of time; hence on the final image there would be a livelier and more universal expression, and this had its function as well. Nevertheless, it would most certainly be false to regard the new devices as worse than the older ones. Perhaps something is missing from them which tomorrow will be found, and one can always do other things with them besides photographing faces. Yet what of the faces? The newer devices no longer work to compose the faces-but must 'faces be composed? Perhaps for these devices there is a photographic method which would decompose faces. But we can be quite sure of never finding this possibility realized . .. without first having a new function for such photography." Brecht, Versuche

an image in the atmosphere, that all existing objects have there a kind of specter which can be captured and pereeived, he would have consigned him to Charenton as a lunatic . ... Yet that is what Daguerre's discovery proved." Honore de Balzac, Le Cousin Pons, in Oeuvres compl(tes, vol. 18, La Comedie humaine: Scenes de la vie parisienne, 6 (Paris, 1914), pp. 129-130. \Just as physical objects in fact project themselves onto the atmosphere, so that it retains this specter which the daguerreotype can fix and capture, in the same way ideas . .. imprint themselves on what we must call the atmosphere of the spiritual world, . .. and live on in it spectrally (one must coin words in order to express unnamed phenomena). If that be granted, certain creatures endowed with rare faculties are perfectly capahle of discerning these forms or these traces of'ideas" (ibid., p. 132).5 [Y8a,l] "Degas was the first to attempt, in his pictures, the representation of rapid movement such as we get in instantaneous photography." Wladimir Weidle, Les Abeilles d'Aristee (Paris

an image in the atmosphere, that all existing objects have there a kind of specter<br />

which can be captured and pereeived, he would have consigned him to Charenton<br />

as a lunatic . ... Yet that is what Daguerre's discovery proved." Honore de Balzac,<br />

Le Cousin Pons, in Oeuvres compl(tes, vol. 18, La Comedie humaine: Scenes de la<br />

vie parisienne, 6 (Paris, 1914), pp. 129-130. \Just as physical objects in fact<br />

project themselves onto the atmosphere, so that it retains this specter which the<br />

daguerreotype can fix and capture, in the same way ideas . .. imprint themselves<br />

on what we must call the atmosphere of the spiritual world, . .. and live on in it<br />

spectrally (one must coin words in order to express unnamed phenomena). If that<br />

be granted, certain creatures endowed with rare faculties are perfectly capahle of<br />

discerning these forms or these traces of'ideas" (ibid., p. 132).5 [Y8a,l]<br />

"Degas was the first to attempt, in his pictures, the representation of rapid movement<br />

such as we get in instantaneous photography." Wladimir Weidle, Les Abeilles<br />

d'Aristee (Paris

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