The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


having before it more than 300 years of travel until it arrives in the confines of our solar system, . .. we shudder a little at the hint of Apocalypse. In other places this lunacy is more amiable, bordering often on wisdom, abounding in fine and witty observations, a bit like the harangues on the topic of the Golden Age that Don Quixote in the Sierra Morena addressed to the astonished goatherds." Charles Gide, Fourier precurseur de Ill, cooperation (Paris), p. 11.l9 [WID,I] " One could say, and he says it himself, that his observatory-or his laboratory, if you prefer-is the kitchen. It is his point of departure for radiating into all the domains of social life." Charles Gide, Fourier precurseur de la cooperation (Paris), p. 20. [WIO,2] On the theory of attraction: " Bernardin de Saint-Pierre denied the force of gravity . .. because it signified an infringement on the free exercise of providence; and the astronomer Laplace struggled . . . no less violently . . . against the fanciful generalizations of this force. But that did not prevent the doctrines of an Azai's and like-minded others ... from finding their imitators. Henri de Saint-Simon . .. was occupied for years with the elaboration of a system of 'universal gravitation,' and in 1810 he came out with the following credo: 'I believe in God. I believe that God created the universe. I believe that God made the universe subject to the law of gravitation.' Fourier likewise founded . .. his . .. system on the 'force of universal attraction,' of which sympathy between one man and another is said to be but a special case." Ernst Robert Curtius, Balzac (Bonn, 1923), p. 45 (Azai's, 1766- 1845, Des Compensations dans les destinees humaines). [WID,3] Relation of the Communist Manifesto to the draft by Engels: "The organization of labor (a concession to Louis Blanc) and the construction, on state-owned lands, of large communal palaces designed to bridge the gap between city and country (a concession to the Fourierists of the Democratie Pacifique) were items which derived from Engels' draft and which the final version of the manifesto left out." Gustav Mayer, Friedrich Engels, vol. cd. (Berlin

those of Paris, who, as workers in luxury trades, are strongly attached, without knowing it, to the old ruhhish." Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Ausgewiihlte Brief, ed. Adoratski (Moscow and Leningrad, 1934) . 21 [W10a,2] When property has been abolished throughout Germany, these ultra-clever Berliners will set up a Democratie Pacifique on the Hasenheide . ... Watch out! A new Messiah will presently arise in the Uckermark-a Messiah who will tailor Fourier to accord with Hegel, erect a phalanstery upon the eternal categories, and lay it down as an eternal law of the self-developing idea that capital, talent, and lahor all have a definite share in the product. This will he the New Testament of Hegelianism; old Hegel will be the Old Testament; the '-state,' the law, will be a taskmaster over Christ'; and the phalanstery, in which the privies are located in accordance with logical necessity, will he the 'new Heaven' and the '-new Earth,' the new Jerusalem descending from heaven decked out like a bride." Engels to Marx, Barmen, November 19, 1844, in Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Briefwechsel, vol. 1, 1844 .... .. . 1853, ed. Marx-Engels-Lenin Institut (Moscow and Leningrad, 1935), p. 11. 22 [W10a,3] Only in the summery middle of the nineteenth century, only under its sun, can one conceive of Fourier's fantasy materialized. [W10a,4] "Cultivate in children the sharp ears of a rhinoceros or a cossack." Ch. Fourier, Le Nou.veau Monde industriel et societaire, au Invention du procede d'industrie attrayante et naturelle distribltee en series passionnees (Paris, 1829), p. 207. [WIOa,S] One readily grasps the importance of the culinary in Fourier; happiness has its recipes like any pudding. It is realized on the basis of a precise measuring out of different ingredients. It is an effect. Landscape, for example, signifies nothing to Fourier. He has no feeling for its romantic aspect; the miserable huts of the peasantry arouse his indignation. But let "composite agriculture" move into the area, let the little "hordes" and the little "bands "2;1 spread out across it, let the noisy military marches of the industrial army play over its surface, and we have arrived at that proportion of elements needed for happiness to result. [Wll,l] The kinship between Fourier and Sade resides in the constmctive moment that is proper to all sadism. Fourier conjoins the play of colors of the imagination in a unique way with the play of numbers of his idiosyncrasy. It must be emphasized that Fourier's harmonies are not dependent on any of the traditional number­ mysticisms, like that of Pythagoras or of Kepler. 1ney are altogether his concep­ tion, and they give to the harmony something inaccessible and protected: they surround the hannoniens as though with barbed wire. The happiness of the phalanstery is a bonheur barbele. On the other hand, I

those of Paris, who, as workers in luxury trades, are strongly attached, without<br />

knowing it, to the old ruhhish." Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Ausgewiihlte<br />

Brief, ed. Adoratski (Moscow and Leningrad, 1934) . 21<br />

[W10a,2]<br />

When property has been abolished throughout Germany, these ultra-clever Berliners<br />

will set up a Democratie Pacifique on the Hasenheide . ... Watch out! A new<br />

Messiah will presently arise in the Uckermark-a Messiah who will tailor Fourier<br />

to accord with Hegel, erect a phalanstery upon the eternal categories, and lay it<br />

down as an eternal law of the self-developing idea that capital, talent, and lahor all<br />

have a definite share in the product. This will he the New Testament of Hegelianism;<br />

old Hegel will be the Old Testament; the '-state,' the law, will be a taskmaster<br />

over Christ'; and the phalanstery, in which the privies are located in accordance<br />

with logical necessity, will he the 'new Heaven' and the '-new Earth,' the new<br />

Jerusalem descending from heaven decked out like a bride." Engels to Marx,<br />

Barmen, November 19, 1844, in Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Briefwechsel,<br />

vol. 1, 1844 .... .. . 1853, ed. Marx-Engels-Lenin Institut (Moscow and Leningrad, 1935),<br />

p. 11. 22<br />

[W10a,3]<br />

Only in the summery middle of the nineteenth century, only under its sun, can<br />

one conceive of Fourier's fantasy materialized. [W10a,4]<br />

"Cultivate in children the sharp ears of a rhinoceros or a cossack." Ch. Fourier,<br />

Le Nou.veau Monde industriel et societaire, au Invention du procede d'industrie<br />

attrayante et naturelle distribltee en series passionnees (Paris, 1829), p. 207.<br />

[WIOa,S]<br />

One readily grasps the importance of the culinary in Fourier; happiness has its<br />

recipes like any pudding. It is realized on the basis of a precise measuring out of<br />

different ingredients. It is an effect. Landscape, for example, signifies nothing to<br />

Fourier. He has no feeling for its romantic aspect; the miserable huts of the<br />

peasantry arouse his indignation. But let "composite agriculture" move into the<br />

area, let the little "hordes" and the little "bands "2;1 spread out across it, let the<br />

noisy military marches of the industrial army play over its surface, and we have<br />

arrived at that proportion of elements needed for happiness to result. [Wll,l]<br />

<strong>The</strong> kinship between Fourier and Sade resides in the constmctive moment that is<br />

proper to all sadism. Fourier conjoins the play of colors of the imagination in a<br />

unique way with the play of numbers of his idiosyncrasy. It must be emphasized<br />

that Fourier's harmonies are not dependent on any of the traditional number­<br />

mysticisms, like that of Pythagoras or of Kepler. 1ney are altogether his concep­<br />

tion, and they give to the harmony something inaccessible and protected: they<br />

surround the hannoniens as though with barbed wire. <strong>The</strong> happiness of the<br />

phalanstery is a bonheur barbele. On the other hand, I

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