The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


'The American hoax,' he declares, 'proves, first, the anarchy of the press; second, the harrenness of storytellers concerned with the extraterrestrial; third, man's ignorance of the atmospheric shells; fourth, the need for a mcgatelescope. m Ferrari, !"Des Idees et de l'ecole de Fourier," Revue des deux mondes, 14, no. 3 (1845), p. 415. [W6a,4] Allegorical specimens from La Fausse Industrie: "'On earth Venus creates the mulberry hush, symhol of morality, and the raspherry filled with verse, symhol of the countermorality preached in the theaters." Ferrari, "'Des Idees et de l'ecole de Fourier," Revue des deux mondes, no. 3 (1845), p. 416. [W6a,5J "According to Fourier, the phalanstery should he ahle to earn, merely from spectators alone, 50 million francs in two years." Ferrari, "'Des Idees et de l'ecole de Fourier," Revue des deux mondes, no. 3 (1845), p. 412. [W6a,6] "The phalanstery, for Fourier, was a veritable hallucination. He saw it everywhere, hoth in civilization and in nature. Never was he lacking for a military parade; the drilling of soldiers was for him a representation of the all-powerful play of the group and of the series inverted for a work of destruction." Ferrari, " Des Idees et de l'ecole de Fourier," Revue des deux mondes. no. 3 (184.5), p. 4.09. [W6a,7] Fourier, in connection with a proposal for a miniature pedagogical eolony: "Fulton was supposed to have constructed or merely drawn up plans for a delicate little launch that would have demonstrated, on a miniature scale, the power of steam. This skiff was to have transported from Paris to Saint-Cloud-without sails or oars or horses-a half-dozen nymphs, who, on their return from Saint-Cloud, would have publicized the prodigy and put all the Parisian beau monde in a flutter." Ferrari, "Des Idees et de l'ecole de Fourier," Revue des deux mondes, no. 3 (1845), p. 414. [W7,1] "The plan to encircle Paris with fortifications would squander hundreds of millions of francs for reasons of defense, whereas this magician, with only a million, would root out forever the cause of all wars and all revolutions." Ferrari, "Des Idees et de l'ecole de Fourier," Revue des deux mondes, 14, no. 3 (1845), p. 413. [W7,2] Michelet on Fourier: "Singular contrast between his boast of materialism and his self-sacrificing, disinterested, and spiritual life!" J. Michelet, Le Peuple (Paris, 1846), p. 294,1" [W7,3] Fourier's conception of the propagation of the phalansteries through "explosions" may be compared to two articles of my "politics": the idea of revolution as an innervation of the technical organs of the collective (analogy with the child who leams to grasp by trying to get hold of the moon) , and the idea of the "cracking open of natural teleology:' [W7,4]

Fourier, Oeuvres, vol. , p. 260: " List of charges to he hrought against God, on the hypothesis of a gap in the divine social code." [W7,5] A take on the ideas of Fourier:

Fourier, Oeuvres, vol. , p. 260: " List of charges to he hrought against God, on<br />

the hypothesis of a gap in the divine social code." [W7,5]<br />

A take on the ideas of Fourier:

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