The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


la boh?mw." Karl Marx Der achtzehnte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte, ed. Rjazanov (Vienna and Berlin Conspiracy fo r Equality, 60,000 copies sold in only a few days. In 1837, 15,000 people at Buonarroti's interment. Michelees father had a relation to the beginnings of Babettf; Michelet, to Buonarroti. See Andre Monglond, Le Preromantisme frant;ais. vol. 2, Le Maitre des an/,es sensibles (Grenoble, 1930), Pl" 154-155. [VIO,3]

w [Fourier] Seas they fathom! Skies they reveal! Each of these seekers after God Takes an infinity upon his wing: Fulton the green, Herschel the blue; Magellan sails, Fourier soars. The frivolous and ironical crowd Sees nothing of their dreams. -Victor Hugo, DAnnee terrible: Les PricUTJeuJ"S, Epigraph to the brochure by Pellarin, 104' anniversaire natal de Fourier (Paris, 1876), cited in A. Pinloche, Fo urier et Ie Jocialisme (Paris, 1933), supplement 'The words of Jean Paul which I put at the head of this biography of Fourier-'Of the fibers that vibrate in the human soul he cut away none, but rather harmonized all'-these words apply admirably to this socialist, and in their fullest rcsonanee apply only to him. One could not find a better way to characterize the phalanstedan philosophy." Ch. Pellarin, Notice bibliographique (1839), p. 60, cit.ed in A. Pinloche, Fourier et Ie socialisme (Paris, 1933), pp. 17-18. [WI,l] Fourier on his business career: "My hest. years were lost in the workshops of falsehood, where from all sides t.he sinister augury rang in my ears: 'A very honest boy! He will never be worth anything in business.' Indeed, I was duped and robbed in all that I undertook. But if I am wort.h nothing when it comes to pract.icing business, I am worth something when it comes to unmasking it." Charles Fourier, 1820, Publication des manuscrits, vol. 1, p. 17, cited in A. Pintoche, Fourier et Ie sociali$me (Paris, 1933), p. 15.' [WI,2] Fourier wanted '"'every woman to have, first of all, a husband with whom she could conceive two children; second, a breeder (geniteur) with whom she could have only one child; then, a lover (favorit) who has lived with her and retained this title; fourth and last, mere possessors (possesseurs), who are nothing in the eyes of the law . ... A man who expressly says that a girl of eighteen who has not yet found a man is entitled to prostitute herself; a man who directs that all girls he divided into two classes, the juveniles (under eighteen) and the emancipated (over eight-

la boh?mw." Karl Marx Der achtzehnte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte, ed.<br />

Rjazanov (Vienna and Berlin <br />

Conspiracy fo r Equality, 60,000 copies sold in only a few days. In 1837,<br />

15,000 people at Buonarroti's interment. Michelees father had a relation to the<br />

beginnings of Babettf; Michelet, to Buonarroti. See Andre Monglond, Le Preromantisme<br />

frant;ais. vol. 2, Le Maitre des an/,es sensibles (Grenoble, 1930),<br />

Pl" 154-155. [VIO,3]

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