The Arcades Project - Operi

The Arcades Project - Operi The Arcades Project - Operi


and young girls with no work would . .. squander . .. their ... health. Nearly all of these unfortunate women ... are forced to fall back on the fifth quarter of their day." Jean Journet, Poesies et chants hannoniens (Paris: Ala Lihrairie Universelle de Joubert, 2 Passage dn Sanmon, et chez l'anteur, June 1857), p. !xxi (Editor's preface). [010,6J "Le Trottoir de la Rue des Martyrs" cites many of Gavarni's captions but makes no mention at all of Guys, who nevertheless could have furnished the immediate model for the following description: "It is a pleasure to see them walking down this asphalt pavement, one side of their dress hitched up jauntily to the knee, so as to flash in the sun a leg fine and nervous as that of an Arabian horse, full of exquisite quivers and tremors, and temlinating in a half-boot of irreproachable elegance. Who cares about the morality of these legs ! . .. What one wants is to go where they go." Alfred Delvau, LeJ DeJJouJ de Paris (paris, 1860), pp. 143-44 ("Les Trottoirs parisiens"

strain of knowing that her life is ruined, and finally she returns to her family, a dying woman." S. Kracauer, Jacques Offe nbach uncl clas Paris seiner Zeit (Amsterdam, 1937), pp. 385-386. The comedy Les Filles de marbre was an answer to Dumas' La Dame aux camelias of t.he year before. 16 [010a,7J '-'-The gamhler is driven by essent.ially narcissistic and aggressive desires for omnipotence. These, insofar as they are not immediately linked to directly erotic desires, are characterized hy a greater temporal radius of extension. A direct desire for coitus may, through orgasm, he satisfied more rapidly than the narcissist-aggressive desire for omnipotel1te. The fact that genital sexuality, in even the most favorable cases, leaves a residue of dissatisfaction goes hack, in turn, to three facts: not all pregenital desires, such as later are subsidiary to genitality, can he aceommodated in coitus; and from the standpoint of the Oedipus complex, the object is always a surrogate. Together with these two ... considerations goes . .. the fact that the impossihility of acting out large-scale unconscious aggression contrihutes to the lack of satisfaction. The aggression abreacted in coitus is very much domesticated . . . . Thus it happens that the narcissistic and aggressive fiction of omnipotence becomes ahove all a cause of suffering: whoever on that account has experienced the mechanism of pleasure as abreacted in games of chance, and possessing, as it were, eternal value, succumhs the more readily to it in proportion as he is committed t.o the '-neurot.ic pleasure in duration' (Pfeifer); and, as a consequence of pregenital fixations , he is less able to assimilate such pleasure to normal sexuality . ... It should also be borne in mind that, according to Freud, the sexualit.y of human beings bears the stamp of a function that dwindles, whereas this cannot in any way be predicated of the aggressive and narcissistic tendencies." Edmund Bergler, '-'-Zur Psychologie des Hasardspielers," Imago, 22, no. 4 (1936), Pl'. 438-440. [011,1] "''The game of chance represents the only occasion on which the pleasure principle, Hnd the omnipotence of its thoughts and desires, need not be renoun(ed, and on which the reality principle offers no advantages over it. In this retention of the infantile fiction of omnipotence lies posthumous aggression against the . .. authority which has 'inculcated' the realit.y principle in the child. This unconscious aggression, together with the operHtion of the omnipotence of ideas and the experience of the socially viable repressed exhibition, conspires to form a triad of pleasures in gambling. This triad stands opposed to a triad of punishments constituted from out of the unconscious desire of loss, the unconscious homosexual desire for domination, and the defamation of society . ... At the deepest level, the game of chance is love's w.ill to be extorted by an unconscious masochistic design. This is why the gambler always loses in the long run." Edmund Bergler, '-'ZUl' Psychologic des Hasardspieiers," Imago, 22, no. 4 (1936), p. 440. [011,2] Brief account of Ernst Simmel's ideas on the psychology of the gamhler: ''-The insatiable greed that finds no rest within an unending vicious circle, where loss becomes gain and gain hecomes loss, is said to arise from the narcissistic compul-

strain of knowing that her life is ruined, and finally she returns to her family, a<br />

dying woman." S. Kracauer, Jacques Offe nbach uncl clas Paris seiner Zeit (Amsterdam,<br />

1937), pp. 385-386. <strong>The</strong> comedy Les Filles de marbre was an answer to<br />

Dumas' La Dame aux camelias of t.he year before. 16 [010a,7J<br />

'-'-<strong>The</strong> gamhler is driven by essent.ially narcissistic and aggressive desires for omnipotence.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se, insofar as they are not immediately linked to directly erotic<br />

desires, are characterized hy a greater temporal radius of extension. A direct<br />

desire for coitus may, through orgasm, he satisfied more rapidly than the narcissist-aggressive<br />

desire for omnipotel1te. <strong>The</strong> fact that genital sexuality, in even the<br />

most favorable cases, leaves a residue of dissatisfaction goes hack, in turn, to three<br />

facts: not all pregenital desires, such as later are subsidiary to genitality, can he<br />

aceommodated in coitus; and from the standpoint of the Oedipus complex, the<br />

object is always a surrogate. Together with these two ... considerations goes . ..<br />

the fact that the impossihility of acting out large-scale unconscious aggression<br />

contrihutes to the lack of satisfaction. <strong>The</strong> aggression abreacted in coitus is very<br />

much domesticated . . . . Thus it happens that the narcissistic and aggressive<br />

fiction of omnipotence becomes ahove all a cause of suffering: whoever on that<br />

account has experienced the mechanism of pleasure as abreacted in games of<br />

chance, and possessing, as it were, eternal value, succumhs the more readily to it<br />

in proportion as he is committed t.o the '-neurot.ic pleasure in duration' (Pfeifer);<br />

and, as a consequence of pregenital fixations , he is less able to assimilate such<br />

pleasure to normal sexuality . ... It should also be borne in mind that, according<br />

to Freud, the sexualit.y of human beings bears the stamp of a function that dwindles,<br />

whereas this cannot in any way be predicated of the aggressive and narcissistic<br />

tendencies." Edmund Bergler, '-'-Zur Psychologie des Hasardspielers," Imago,<br />

22, no. 4 (1936), Pl'. 438-440. [011,1]<br />

"''<strong>The</strong> game of chance represents the only occasion on which the pleasure principle,<br />

Hnd the omnipotence of its thoughts and desires, need not be renoun(ed, and on<br />

which the reality principle offers no advantages over it. In this retention of the<br />

infantile fiction of omnipotence lies posthumous aggression against the . .. authority<br />

which has 'inculcated' the realit.y principle in the child. This unconscious<br />

aggression, together with the operHtion of the omnipotence of ideas and the experience<br />

of the socially viable repressed exhibition, conspires to form a triad of pleasures<br />

in gambling. This triad stands opposed to a triad of punishments constituted<br />

from out of the unconscious desire of loss, the unconscious homosexual desire for<br />

domination, and the defamation of society . ... At the deepest level, the game of<br />

chance is love's w.ill to be extorted by an unconscious masochistic design. This is<br />

why the gambler always loses in the long run." Edmund Bergler, '-'ZUl' Psychologic<br />

des Hasardspieiers," Imago, 22, no. 4 (1936), p. 440. [011,2]<br />

Brief account of Ernst Simmel's ideas on the psychology of the gamhler: ''-<strong>The</strong><br />

insatiable greed that finds no rest within an unending vicious circle, where loss<br />

becomes gain and gain hecomes loss, is said to arise from the narcissistic compul-

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